Tempat/Venue : LANGKAWI, KEDAH
Tarikh/Date : 28/10/95
SHOW 1995
The Langkawi International Motor Show (LIMS) is yet
another event and attraction for Langkawi as a major
destination for visitors to Malaysia. This follows upon the
success of the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace
Exhibition (LIMA) which in 1995 will be held from 5th - 10th
December. After LIMA this Motor Show is the biggest event
for Langkawi, and will surely put Langkawi on the world map
of Motor Shows.
2. The Motor Show will fill a gap in the itinerary of
events that are being planned for Langkawi as part of the
Governments effort to make Langkawi a major conference,
convention and exhibition centre in the region. This will
certainly enhance Langkawi's already established status as
one of the most popular tourist destinations in the region.
3. Exhibitions are among the most effective ways of
promoting products or events. They bring together
exhibitors and the potential buyers in a most intimate
atmosphere, so that exhibitors and their prospective clients
will get the maximum exposure to each other and to the
products. Indeed exhibitions are now an essential component
of trade and commerce. LIMA shows have done this and the
Langkawi International Motor Show will certainly do the same
for the automotive industry.
4. The Langkawi International Motor Show '95 will
hopefully create waves in the automotive industry as
exhibitors showcase their best available products and
services. Automotive manufacturers, being at the core of
the automotive industry, will exhibit their latest models,
-- including concept vehicles. Then we have the supporting
industries which are spin-offs of the main industry
consisting of the tyre manufacturers, accessories like rims,
seats, car hi-fi and manufacturers of certain components and
many others.
5. The Malaysian automotive industry which, despite its
rapid growth, is still new compared to those of Europe,
America and North East Asia, can certainly benefit from all
the exhibits brought together at this exhibition. In
addition, LIMS provide the Malaysian Auto Industry an
opportunity to display the tremendous progress that it has
6. Malaysia has become known for its steady economic
growth which compares very well with the several Asian Newly
Industrialising countries. From being a commodity producer,
Malaysia is now a fairly highly industrialised country.
Where once almost all its exports were made up of rubber and
tin, today 79 percent of its total exports, amounting to
nearly US60 billion dollars, is made up of manufactured
goods. Of this, a fair amount in value terms is made up of
passenger cars. It is expected that both the proportion
and the value will grow in the years ahead.
7. Malaysia's success can be attributed to a number of
factors. Without doubt, the steady economic growth of more
than 8 percent for the last 7 years is due to a deliberate
policy of industrialisation for export. A business-friendly
Government has been able to attract investors, foreign and
local to use the country as a manufacturing base and "profit
centre". This policy is helped by the fact that Malaysia is
one of the most stable countries, politically. The cost of
living and the rate of inflation are also very low in
Malaysia, making it possible for wages to be kept relatively
low without undermining the standard of living of the
8. Due to the robust economic growth, the overall motor
vehicle sales in Malaysia is expected to increase by
5.6 percent annually. Additionally despite stringent
specifications, Proton cars have managed to secure a niche
in the U.K. and Singapore market. Now Proton is exporting
to 28 foreign countries, including those of continental
Europe. There have been enquiries from many countries keen
to import the Proton cars which now comes in a number of
models. The 660 c.c. Kancil will also be exported when
local demand is satisfied.
9. The automobile industry in Malaysia is obviously in its
infancy and can expect to grow rapidly in the future. Apart
from Proton and the Kancil minicar, Malaysia looks ready to
become a centre for production of cars for the rapidly
growing Asian market. It is true that most Asian countries
would want to produce their own cars. Even so the demand
for components, accessories and specialised cars and
vehicles would need to be catered to.
10. Manufacturers exhibiting at this show may find a place
for themselves in the Malaysian or South East Asian
automobile industry. They are welcome to look into the
potential, even if it is just to market their special makes
in the rich markets of South East Asia. You will discover
that in Malaysia, despite high taxes, every make and model
are to be seen on the road. Makers of high priced cars have
often express surprise that despite local prices being
almost three times the prices in Europe, these luxury cars
are quite common on the streets of Malaysia. That is the
measure of Malaysians love of cars and their willingness to
pay for what they like.
11. I am confident that this Motor Show, like LIMA, will
grow in strength from time to time.
12. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate
exhibitors and participants at this Langkawi International
Motor Show '95. To Le Proton Exhibition Services Sdn. Bhd.,
I wish them success and hope this event will take Malaysia
into the next millennium with more confidence and pride.
13. With that note, I declare the "Langkawi International
Motor Show 1995", open.