Tempat/Venue 	: 	BANGKOK 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	14/12/95 

           It was in Thailand that ASEAN  was formed in 1967. The
    century  of  ASEAN'S birth is now drawing to a close.  It is
    very symbolic therefore that as we  start  charting  ASEAN'S
    course  in the new century, we meet again in this delightful
    city of Bangkok, where it all began.

    2.    Let me say how happy I am to be here  amongst friends.
    I  am  especially delighted to note that all Southeast Asian
    countries are represented  in  this  gathering.    This  was
    exactly  the vision that the founders of ASEAN had when they
    signed the Bangkok Declaration of 1967.

    3.    I wish to  extend my warm  welcome  to the leaders  of
    Cambodia,  Laos  and  Myanmar  in our  midst. Malaysia would
    also welcome them to take steps to become  full  members  of
    ASEAN as soon as possible.

    4.   My congratulations and thanks to you, Mr. Chairman, and
    to  the  Government  and  people  of Thailand for the timely
    hosting  of  this  Fifth  Meeting  of  the  ASEAN  Heads  of

    5.    In  the  new  century,the  ASEAN  countries  hopefully
    numbering ten by then, should rightfully claim and play  its
    role in the management of Asia Pacific regional affairs.  We
    have every reason to do so.

    6.    Even now, the  combined total of the ASEAN  population
    is in excess of 411 million. The ASEAN share of global trade
    is  in  excess  of  498  billion   dollars,  comparing  very
    favourably  with  the respective  shares of China, Japan and
    Korea. The GDP of ASEAN  member countries exceed 448 billion
    dollars, again reflecting a very credible figure compared to
    the other major Asian nations.

    7.    We  do have  the  necessary clout as a group and if we
    remain strongly  united, we should be a credible force which
    others would need to reckon with.

    8.    In  the  name of open  regionalism, others outside the
    region are attempting to dictate the pace and  direction  of
    Asia  Pacific  affairs - be it in the  ASEAN  Regional Forum
    (ARF), or in the APEC process, or even in the meeting  which
    Asians  are planning to hold with the Europeans.  ASEAN must
    not permit this.

    9.    The   Asia   Pacific  is   ASEAN's   immediate   outer
    environment.  We  must  therefore  insist on our appropriate
    share in the management of its affairs.

    10.    First and foremost, ASEAN must take a common stand to
    prevent  outside powers from dividing the Asian countries of
    the Pacific.

    11.   We on the  Asian  side of the  Pacific  are  permanent
    neighbours. Surely  the  neighbours themselves  should  have
    more right than others to determine how they wish to  relate
    to  each  other in economic, security and political matters,
    for now and for the future.

    12.  We should therefore be on guard against becoming a pawn
    in global politics ostensibly in the  interest  of  regional

    13.   We should not be listening to outside advice about our
    security needs.   In any  case,  I  believe  it  is  counter
    productive to discuss regional security based on a conscious
    or  subconscious  attitude of wanting to contain or restrain
    potential enemies.  It would lead us into believing  in  the
    need  for  counter-threats  to  meet  the perceived threats.
    That would be the surest way of turning the enemies we dream
    up into real ones.

    14.   I am very confident that the  Asian  countries of  the
    Pacific,   knowing   the  permanency  of  their  neighbourly
    existence,  will  find  accommodation  with  each  other  if
    external factors do not come into play.

    15.   The ARF should  genuinely be a forum which enables the
    Asian countries of the Pacific to establish  confidence  and
    cooperation  between  themselves  in  political and security
    matters.  Other   interested    parties    can    contribute
    constructively  to  the process but they must not be allowed
    to use it to further their own schemes at the expense of the
    Asian participants.

    16.   ASEAN  created the ASEAN Regional  Forum.  ASEAN  must
    stay  the  course  to  ensure  that  the  ARF process is not
    steered into directions which ASEAN does not wish to pursue.
    17.   Similarly, in economic  relations  and  on  issues  of
    international  trade,  ASEAN  should  not  allow others from
    outside the region to set the pace for  cooperation  in  the
    context  of APEC.  This is not just for reasons of sovereign
    right.  We even have the economic rationale.

    18.   For example,  a  recent  International  Monetary  Fund
    report  concludes that the developing countries of Asia will
    remain the most important engine  of  growth  through  1996.
    And, recent figures produced by the Organisation of Economic
    Cooperation  and  Development  (OECD)  show  ASEAN countries
    significantly increasing their share of  OECD's  imports  of

    19.  It is an established fact that some of the most dynamic
    economies  in the world today are those in the ASEAN region.
    To sustain this dynamism,  ASEAN  countries  would  need  to
    create  continuing  opportunities  for trade and investment.
    Where else can we best do this than in our own ASEAN region?
    That is why we should not deviate from our commitment to put
    AFTA in place by the agreed target dates.

    20.   His Majesty the Sultan of  Brunei  Darussalam,  at the
    Foreign  Ministers Meeting in July this year, even suggested
    that the target date be brought forward to the year 2000.

    21.   That is also why ASEAN countries should  not miss  the
    opportunity  to be in the lead to upgrade economic relations
    with  the  three  other   countries   in   Southeast   Asia.
    Intensification of trade and investment relations with these
    immediate neighbours of ours cannot but bring mutual benefit
    for all in our sub-region.

    22.  The political and economic potentials which ASEAN would
    have,  as  an  enlarged  grouping,  to determine ASEAN's own
    destiny, and to influence the pace  and  direction  of  Asia
    Pacific  affairs, is really quite enormous.  That is why the
    ASEAN Ten should become a reality quickly, not slowly.

    23.   I do believe that, with  sufficient determination  and
    convergence  of views, we can exert influence to protect and
    promote our own interests.    The  decisions  taken  at  the
    recent  APEC  Leaders  Meeting  in  Osaka was a good example
    where Asian countries of the  Pacific  spoke  unitedly,  and
    succeeded  in  establishing  the  desired pace for trade and
    investment liberalisations in our own region.

    24.   That is the kind of function, in fact the only kind of
    function, envisaged for the EAEC. I still believe that, with
    a  little  bit of persistence on the part of ASEAN, the EAEC
    can yet be formalised as a caucus within APEC and as a forum
    for discussion of common East Asian problems.

    25.   I  hope  the  leaders of the  Asian countries of their
    Pacific   will  be  able  to  maintain  the  same  unity  of
    purpose as they did in Osaka when we meet the European Union
    (EU) leaders  here in  Bangkok in March  next  year.  If  we
    speak  with  one  voice,  we  should  be able to utilise the
    occasion  to  usher  in  a  truly  new  era   of   equitable
    relationships   between   the   European   and   the   Asian

    26.   There is much  to be  gained from  the  development of
    constructive  relationships with the European group.  At the
    first Asia Europe Economic Meeting (ASEM), we should not let
    that opportunity pass.  At the same time, we should also not
    let them miss  the  point  that  constructive  relationships
    develop  through consultation and consensus, not through any
    direction or prescription on their part.

    27.  We have heard enough from the Europeans about democracy
    and  human  rights.  We  have  been  threatened  with  trade
    sanctions  unless  we  abide  by  the  social  clauses to be
    established  according  to  their  standards.    They   have
    lectured  to  us  about  how  to  manage our environment and
    conserve our forests. I think the  time has come for  us  to
    put  across,  candidly  and  honestly, our own viewpoints on
    these matters.

    28.   We should say in no uncertain terms that international
    peace, security and prosperity cannot be established without
    justice and equity.

    29.  There cannot be genuine peace if might alone is used to
    establish  what  is  considered right, with double standards
    dominating the  order  of  the  day.    We  have  repeatedly
    witnessed  examples  of  its  application,  for  instance in

    30.   Another case in point is the  continuation of  weapons
    testing  by  certain nuclear powers.  How can the world ever
    be rid of nuclear weapons if some cannot even agree to  stop
    testing  or  perfecting these weapons?  ASEAN should put its
    collective weight to campaign for  the  total  and  complete
    elimination  of  all  nuclear  and  other  weapons  of  mass
    destruction.   As  a  start,  we  should  quickly  agree  to
    establish the Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in Southeast Asia in
    accordance with the proposed Treaty.

    31.  ASEAN on its own might not be able to do much to change
    the world.  But with other like-minded nations and groups of
    nations, we can make a difference and achieve a lot.

    32.   For the Asia Pacific environment, however,I feel ASEAN
    has,  not only the duty but also the right and the necessary
    clout to shape a regional order which we can truly call  our
    own.  It  may   require  us  to   draw  upon  all of ASEAN's
    ingenuity to do it.  But do it we must.

    33.   Mr. Chairman, I might have  spoken  with some  passion
    about these issues.  If I did so it is because of my own and
    my  country's  commitment  to  the ASEAN cause, and if I may
    repeat, my belief in the potentials of ASEAN.

    34.   Finally, Mr. Chairman, I thank you, the Government and
    the  people  of  Thailand  for the warm welcome and generous
    hospitality extended to me, my wife and to the members of my
    delegation. I am certain that, under your able  stewardship,
    this  Fifth  ASEAN  Summit  will  achieve  great success and
    attain its own pride of place in the annals of ASEAN. 
