Tempat/Venue 	: 	HANOI, VIETNAM 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	08/03/96 

          I would like to thank the Management of Maybank
    for  inviting me to officially open its Hanoi branch
    here today.
    2.    Vietnam is a country in this region  which  is
    experiencing   strong  economic  growth   and   will
    definitely   offer   plenty  of   opportunities   to
    investors  from  Malaysia.   Already,  a  number  of
    Malaysian  organisations such as  Petronas,  Renong,
    Faber   Group,  Malayan  Flour  Mills   and   Hualon
    Corporation  have  invested in  various  sectors  in
    3.    With  such interest and increase in trade  and
    investment,  there will also be a  demand  for  even
    more  banking  services.  In addition, the  generous
    tax   concessions  and  duty  exemptions  have  also
    encouraged  more new commitments in  foreign  direct
    investments in Vietnam.  Currently, Malaysia is  the
    seventh   largest  investor  in  Vietnam   with   42
    4.    In  this  context, the setting up  of  Maybank
    Hanoi   branch   is  in  line  with  the   Malaysian
    Government's  policy  to  encourage  the   corporate
    sector  to expand their operations to the developing
    countries,  particularly  in  this  region.   It  is
    Malaysia's belief that by contributing to the growth
    of  these countries, Malaysia will benefit  in  many
    5.    Maybank  is  the  largest commercial  bank  in
    Malaysia, not only in terms of assets, shareholders'
    funds  and  branch  network, but also  in  terms  of
    profit. It is the first local bank in Malaysia to be
    rated  by  Standard  and Poors  and  Moody's  rating
    agencies  and  its  strong ratings  testify  to  the
    financial strength of the bank.
    6.    I  understand that Maybank has a wide  network
    with 236 branches in Malaysia.  In addition, it  has
    22  branches  in  Singapore, two in  Brunei  and  an
    office  each  in New York, London, Hong Kong,  Phnom
    Penh,  Jakarta, Port Moresby, Tashkent, Beijing  and
    Yangon.  It is also Malaysia's largest banking group
    involved   in   commercial  banking,  hire-purchase,
    stockbroking, merchant banking, leasing,  insurance,
    factoring,   trustee  services,   nominee   service,
    discount-house   business,   property   trust   fund
    management,  unit  trust  management  and   offshore
    7.    With such a background, Maybank can offer  its
    wide network and a range of services to customers in
    Vietnam wishing to trade in Malaysia as well  as  in
    the countries that it operates.
    8.    In  addition,  Maybank can also  help  promote
    investment and trade in Vietnam to businessmen  from
    Malaysia  and all over the world.  In this way,  the
    bank  can  participate in the growth of Vietnam  and
    contribute to the promotion of ASEAN cooperation.
    9.    I wish Maybank every success in its operations
    both  here in Hanoi, as well as in Ho Chi Minh  city
    where  I understand it will operate a representative
    office.   I  hope  its presence  here  will  enhance
    further   Malaysia's  ties  with  Vietnam,   thereby
    promoting regional peace and stability.

