Tarikh/Date 	: 	22/03/96 

           It  is  an  honour for me, on  behalf  of  the
    government  of Malaysia, to welcome Your  Excellency
    and  Mrs Cimoszewicz, and members of your delegation
    to   Malaysia.   We  are  deeply  honoured  by  your
    acceptance of our invitation to visit Malaysia  soon
    after  assuming  the premiership  of  your  country.
    This  visit, being the first undertaken by the  Head
    of   Government  from  the  Republic  of  Poland  to
    Malaysia,  marks  an  important  milestone  in   the
    relations between our two countries.
    2.    Since the establishment of diplomatic ties  in
    1972,  Malaysia and Poland have enjoyed cordial  and
    friendly   relations.   The   recent   increase   in
    bilateral  contacts between our  two  countries  has
    added  further impetus towards the strengthening  of
    the  relationship.  Your visit here  today  and  the
    discussions between our two delegations will  enable
    us  to  better acquaint ourselves with each  other's
    policies and views on a wide range of topics.   This
    will certainly pave the way for greater and new  co-
    operation between Malaysia and Poland.
    3.    The  end  of  the Cold War had  brought  about
    historic  changes to the countries in  your  region,
    ushering in an era of transformation and change that
    encompasses  diverse  spheres of  human  activities.
    Poland  is one of the countries at the forefront  of
    this  dramatic transformation.  We are impressed  by
    Poland's  high  growth  rates  and  greatly   admire
    Poland's  success, in particular, the  vast  strides
    forward   in  the  establishment  of  a  free-market
    economy and its integration into the world economy.
    4.    As  developing  nations, Malaysia  and  Poland
    share  common  aspirations in achieving  development
    and  prosperity  for  the good  of  our  people  and
    nation.    In  Malaysia's  efforts  towards  greater
    economic  progress  through  industrialisation   and
    developing  new trading partners, foreign investment
    plays  an  important role.  In this context,  Polish
    participation in Malaysia's economy is most  welcome
    and  would  be an important element in  the  overall
    relationship   between  our  two   countries.    The
    potential   and  opportunities  for   economic   co-
    operation  are  there  for both  sides  to  actively
    explore and tap.
    5.     Malaysia   notes  with  keen   interest   the
    programmes  of  economic  transformation  in  Poland
    through   privatisation  and   liberalisation.   The
    Malaysian private sector, over the years, has gained
    considerable  experience and developed expertise  in
    investments  and business overseas.  They  would  be
    encouraged  to  participate in  joint-ventures  with
    their  Polish counterparts for mutual  benefit.   We
    are  therefore  very happy that Your Excellency  has
    also   brought   along  with  you   leading   Polish
    6.    Malaysia is ready to work closely with  Poland
    and   would  be  happy  to  share  with  Poland  the
    experiences  gained in the field  of  privatisation,
    banking, management and administration.  At the same
    time, Malaysia would welcome Poland's invaluable co-
    operation in the area of science and technology  for
    which  Poland  has  great  expertise  and  know-how,
    including  precision  and  civil  engineering.   The
    development  of joint projects in these areas  could
    provide    yet   another   firm   link    for    the
    intensification of bilateral relations.
    7.    Last year, a liaison office was established in
    Krakow  by  one of Malaysia's leading  companies  to
    secure  trading opportunities for Malaysian products
    and  services.  This was in recognition of  Poland's
    central  location as a springboard to  the  regional
    markets as well as to complement the overall efforts
    to  increase  trade links with Poland and  with  the
    surrounding  countries.  Likewise I  would  like  to
    invite  Polish companies to increase their  presence
    in  Malaysia  and also to expand their  trade  links
    with   us  and  the  neighbouring  countries,  using
    Malaysia  as a gateway to the ASEAN and  East  Asian
    8.    At  the multilateral level, both Malaysia  and
    Poland  are  committed to international co-operation
    and the promotion of peace and stability.  Malaysian
    and  Polish  soldiers are participating in  IFOR  in
    Bosnia-Herzegovina  to help implement  the  military
    aspects  of  the Peace Agreement. We hope  that  the
    people  of Bosnia-Herzegovina will be able to  enjoy
    true  peace  and rebuild their shattered  homes  and
    9.    In European history, the Polish people too had
    experienced   much   of  the  bitterness   of   war,
    destruction, massacres and foreign occupation.   The
    exceptional determination and courage of  the  Poles
    to  reconstruct and resuscitate the  nation  in  the
    face  of great trials and difficulties, will  surely
    serve  as  a shining inspiration to the Bosnians  as
    they   begin  their  own  process  of  healing   and
    10.   In  conclusion, let me once again express  our
    great pleasure in having you, Mr. Prime Minister and
    Mrs.   Cimoszewicz,  and  other  members   of   your
    delegation with us this evening.

