Tempat/Venue 	: 	MARCEDONIA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	21/04/96 

     1.    On  behalf  of  my  wife and  members  of  the
    Malaysian  delegation, may I first of all thank  you
    for  your  kind  words of welcome and  the  generous
    hospitality that has been accorded to us  since  our
    arrival  today  in your beautiful country.   We  are
    indeed  delighted  and  honoured  to  be  here  this
    2.    Following Macedonia's emergence as a free  and
    independent state, Malaysia was the first among Asia
    Pacific  countries to recognise Madeconia  in  1992.
    With  the  establishment of diplomatic relations,  a
    cordial   and   warm   bilateral  relationship   has
    developed.   My  official visit here today  reflects
    our  keen  desire to deepen our friendship  and  co-
    operation with Macedonia.
    3.     At  present,  interaction  between  our   two
    countries is rather minimal.  This is basically  due
    to  lack  of  historical  and  traditional  linkages
    between Malaysia and Macedonia.  Many Malaysians  do
    not  know  much  about Macedonia and are  not  fully
    aware  of  the  opportunities for  co-operation  and
    investments that your country can offer.  Similarly,
    Macedonians   are  also  unaware  of  the   numerous
    advantages  and  opportunities available  for  trade
    with  Malaysia.  However, I am confident  that  this
    will soon change.
    4.    In Malaysia, the Government has adopted a pro-
    business  attitude and implemented  a  privatisation
    policy  to  encourage private investments, including
    those  by  foreigners.  Being business friendly  has
    become  a  part of the national culture.  Malaysia's
    privatisation   strategy,  incorporating   new   and
    innovative ideas, has resulted in greater efficiency
    of    services   and   accelerated   its    economic
    development.  This is a winning formula and Malaysia
    is  ready to share its experience and expertise with
    your Government in its privatisation efforts.
    5.   In the Balkans, we are relieved that the war in
    Bosnia and Herzegovina has ended and the process  of
    peace  implementation and reconstruction has  begun.
    Efforts  to ensure a durable peace require political
    support   and  determination.   We  hope  that   the
    restoration  of  peace  and  normalcy   in   Bosnia-
    Herzegovina  will create the conditions for  overall
    regional  stability  so vital  for  development  and
    economic growth.
    6.    The restoration of peace in the Balkans,  will
    surely generate confidence and encourage wider trade
    and  economic relations.  In this respect,  I  would
    like  to  urge  the  private  sectors  of  our   two
    countries to explore the hitherto untapped potential
    for  co-operation especially in trade,  tourism  and
    investment,  both bilaterally as well  as  in  third
    7.    The private sectors of our two countries  have
    an  important role to play in our joint efforts  for
    trade and economic co-operation.   For this reason a
    number   of  prominent  Malaysian  businessmen   are
    included  in  my  delegation  to  Macedonia.   I  am
    confident  that  our  economic  relations  could  be
    expanded and deepened for mutual benefit.
    8.     Transportation,  especially  air   transport,
    between  our  two  countries is one  area  which  we
    should   take  a  closer  look.   The   problem   of
    transportation has undeniably hampered  the  healthy
    growth of direct trade and the tourism industry.   I
    believe  we  should  jointly take  a  more  positive
    approach to this and promote direct airlinks between
    our two countries as well as the Southeast Asian and
    the  Balkan  region. It is therefore most gratifying
    that  cooperation  between our  respective  national
    airlines  has  been  initiated  and  this  could  be
    formalised  with the conclusion of a  bilateral  air
    services agreement in the near future.
    9.    While  it is important that relations  between
    two  countries  are  premised  on  healthy  economic
    interaction,  it  is  also  equally  essential  that
    political links are established and nurtured at  the
    highest  possible  level.   My  visit  reflects  the
    importance which we attach in strengthening the bond
    of friendship between Malaysia and Macedonia, and  I
    hope  it  will  pave  the way for  regular  contacts
    between  our two countries.  Indeed, I look  forward
    to receiving Your Excellency in Malaysia in the near
    10.   On behalf of my wife and my delegation, I once
    again  wish to express my deep appreciation for  all
    the   many courtesies so graciously extended to  us.
    We  shall  bring  back  to  Malaysia  many  pleasant
    memories  of  our  brief sojourn in your  enchanting

