Tempat/Venue 	: 	WASHINGTON D.C. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	21/05/96 

           Let me begin by saying what a great honour  it
    is for me to speak at this PBEC conference.
    2.   I believe in community-building.  And I believe
    one  of  the  most important tasks in the  remaining
    years   of   this  millennium  is  to   lay   strong
    foundations  for a Pacific community of  friendship,
    goodwill  and prosperity -- bringing closer together
    the  peoples  of the northern Pacific, the  southern
    Pacific,   the  eastern  Pacific  and  the   western
    Pacific.  We must eschew exclusiveness and  we  must
    believe  that  the best way to convert non-believers
    is  to  keep in contact with them and to demonstrate
    the  good  resulting from your beliefs.   The  worst
    thing  you can do is to isolate and to cause  misery
    in order to gain submission to your beliefs and your
    3.     Ideologies   which  are  forced   on   people
    invariably ended in rebellion and rejection.  It  is
    as  true  of  economic systems  as  it  is  true  of
    political  systems.   The  present  world-wide  love
    affair  with  the  free market economy  is  not  the
    result  of  arm-twisting.   It  is  the  result   of
    observing  the obvious results of the  free   market
    system.   It  is  noteworthy  that  perestroika  and
    glasnost  were  initiated not by the masses  in  the
    Soviet Union but by the top leaders, the only people
    who  could  go  abroad  to the so-called  capitalist
    countries and see for themselves how much better off
    were  the workers there, compared to the poverty  of
    the   workers  in  the  Communist  countries.   What
    Gorbachev  and  Edourd  Shevenardze  saw  must  have
    convinced  them that Communism held no  promise  for
    their country.  And so Gorbachev started the process
    of embracing the free market and also democracy.
    4.    The  Cold War was not won by Western diplomats
    or  generals.  It was won by the workers of the West
    with their Chevy and Plymouth parked outside western
    factories.   It was won by well-stocked supermarkets
    and shopping malls.
    5.    I have not been asked to give my views on  the
    Cold  War.   I  was asked to speak on Asian  Values.
    But what I have said so far have some bearing on the
    subject.  Engage, don't contain.
    6.    There is a sincere belief amongst many in  the
    West that their values and beliefs are universal  --
    universally valued and believed in by all  civilised
    and  civil men and women everywhere.  There  is  the
    sincere  belief amongst many in the West that  there
    are  only universal values -- and that these  values
    are, as you already guessed -- the values which they
    hold.  There is also the sincere belief amongst many
    in  the  West  that the advocates and  champions  of
    Asian  values or other values are merely  justifying
    oppression, dictatorship and uncivilised  behaviour.
    Those who speak of Asian values are just looking for
    or merely making excuses.
    7.    I  happen  to believe that there  is  a  large
    common  ground of values which we all share, arising
    out  of  the  fact that we are human,  that  we  are
    parents, and that we being gregarious must  live  in
    society, and so on.
    8.    But  I  also happen to believe that there  are
    natural differences in values.  Those who say  there
    are  none are like the colour blind who can only see
    shades  of  grey, who cannot see all the colours  of
    the rainbow and therefore say they do not exist.
    9.     Is  anyone  suggesting  that  there  are   no
    differences at all between the American way of  life
    and  values and some of the ways and values  of  the
    "old  world",  Europe?  Indeed, did  multitudes  not
    flee to the "new world" in order to escape from  the
    values and the ways of the old?  I am sure there are
    many  American  values and ways of today  which  the
    French  would find somewhat different, if not quaint
    or even repulsive.  Even America's close cousin, the
    British,  find  some American values  a  little  off
    putting.  Indeed, I am sure there are many in Europe
    who  would  see  themselves  as  the  custodians  of
    "universal"  Western  values,  who  would  see  many
    American values as being at variance with or on  the
    fringes  of Western values.  America is in  so  many
    ways  a  result  of  experiences  and  circumstances
    almost  unique in the community of nations, even  in
    the Western world.
    10.   Those who believe there are no differences  at
    all  in  value systems and value beliefs  might  ask
    whether  even within a single country there  are  no
    great  value differences.  Surely there is big  city
    culture  and Peyton Place culture.  And  big  cities
    across continents share much in terms of values  and
    ways.   The  starving in all societies  share  much,
    just as the very wealthy and the nouveau riche share
    much.   America itself has been said to be a  nation
    of  many  nations  -- of many ethnic,  cultural  and
    geographical nations.
    11.   If  all these things are true, how can  it  be
    argued  that  there are only universal  values?   If
    anything, it might well be argued -- as I  have  had
    the  temerity  to  argue -- that  just  as  European
    values  are  more  universal than  American  values,
    Asian  values are in fact more universal than  both.
    Indeed   on   the   basis  of  numbers   and   great
    similarities with others in most of Africa and  much
    of  Latin  America, if anyone can claim  to  be  the
    holders  of universal values, Asia with its billions
    can.   At  the same time I pray the time will  never
    come when anyone in Asia will stand up to claim that
    there are only universal values, i.e. the values  of
    Asia.  And that anyone who speaks of American values
    or  European  values or Western  values  are  merely
    justifying   the  unholy  things  that   are   being
    perpetrated in America, Europe and the West.
    12.  If this were to happen, it could only be out of
    the  arrogance of power.  I believe that  Asia  will
    never  have  such power.  I hope we will never  have
    such arrogance.
    13.   However  offensive or outrageous is  the  idea
    that   others  elsewhere  can  deeply   believe   in
    different things and that these beliefs, values  and
    ways  of  doing things may possibly be better,  more
    productive  and even more civilised than one's  own,
    one  should  at  least be prepared  to  accept  this
    14.   Here,  ladies and gentlemen, is  part  of  the
    problem.   For  centuries, so many  of  us  in  Asia
    believed  that  our  Asian  values  and  ways   were
    second-rate.  If today, Asians have discovered  that
    Asian  ways  and  values  are  not  inferior  simply
    because  they  are  Asian, and  often  are  superior
    despite  the fact that they are Asians,  perhaps  we
    may  be forgiven.  Especially when they read,  daily
    and   frequently  about  the  terrible  things  that
    Westerners  say are happening in the  West  and  the
    wondrous  things  that so many  Westerners  say  are
    happening  in  the East.  If many in  the  West  are
    either  wondrously  taken or sedately  impressed  by
    many  of  the  values and ways of  Asia,  is  it  so
    strange  that many Asians are similarly,  wondrously
    or sedately struck by many of the values and ways of
    15.   Not only are we now convinced of the rightness
    of many of our Asian ways, but we are also convinced
    that  these  Asian ways are currently under  attack.
    And  much  of the debate on Asian values is  clearly
    defensive in nature.  It is therefore not surprising
    that  the  intensity of the Asian values  debate  is
    largely determined by fear that Asian success  might
    lead to Asian self-assertion.
    16.   Many  of  us in Asia cannot but  be  aware  of
    results.   It  is hard to quarrel with results.   We
    cannot  avoid  noticing the connection  between  our
    approach,  our  values  with  our  success  in  many
    fields.   Why then must we change ourselves to  suit
    the  West and their values.  Why are so many in  the
    West  insisting that we become just like them.  This
    the   strong  among  us  will  not  do.   The   weak
    unfortunately have little choice.
    17.  The ancient Greek historian, Thucydides, at the
    end  of his history of the Peloponnesian wars,  came
    to the conclusion that in the affairs of nations the
    strong will demand what they will and the weak  must
    yield  what they must.  Much of Asia will no  longer
    yield.  For much of Asia is now no longer weak -- in
    material or mental terms.  Much of Asia will  resist
    -- in silence.  Some in Asia will talk back.
    18.   We  will do so not only because we have thrown
    off the shackles of mental servitude.  In truth,  we
    must fight for we are fighting for our winning ways,
    which  are under internal as well as external attack
    and erosion.  We know we can only win the future  by
    mustering and fortifying the many strengths  of  the
    19.   I  have attempted an explanation of why it  is
    that  Asian  values are often the  subject  of  such
    vigorous debate.  Let me now say a few things  about
    Asian  values per se.  First, what are some of these
    20.   Asia  is,  of course, a huge continent,   like
    America is a huge country.  For every generalisation
    about  Asia or America that is made, exceptions  can
    be found.  And yet, there is a body of common values
    and  beliefs that most of us in Asia hold on  to  in
    order  to  guide our way in the world  that  can  be
    called  "Asian"  just as there is a body  of  common
    values  and  ways that can be called "American".   I
    would  like  to  emphasise here that the  difference
    between  people, is not their physiognomy, ethnicity
    or  skin colour.   What distinguishes them is  their
    culture,  that  is the system of values  which  they
    believe in.
    21.   With regard to East Asia, David Hitchcock, the
    former director of East Asian and Pacific Affairs of
    the  United States Information Agency, had  actually
    conducted   the   first  ever  quantitative   survey
    comparing East Asian and American values.
    22.   In  1994, he asked Americans and  East  Asians
    (Japanese,   Thais,  Chinese,  Koreans,  Malaysians,
    Singaporeans, Indonesians and Filipinos)  to  choose
    six  `societal  values' and five  `personal  values'
    which  they  regarded  as core  and  critical.   The
    results were presented in a publication called Asian
    Values and the United States: How Much Conflict?
    23.   The survey found that the six societal  values
    most  valued by the East Asians were:  first, having
    an orderly society; second, societal harmony; third,
    ensuring  the  accountability of  public  officials;
    fourth,  being open to new ideas; fifth, freedom  of
    expression; and sixth, respect for authority.
    24.   On the other hand, the six most important  for
    the  Americans  polled  were:   first,  freedom   of
    expression;   second,  third,  fourth   and   fifth,
    personal freedom, the rights of the individual, open
    debate,  thinking for oneself (all of which did  not
    figure among the most critical concerns of the  East
    Asians);  and  sixth, the accountability  of  public
    officials.  Interestingly slightly more East  Asians
    emphasised the importance of `new ideas' and  public
    accountability than did Americans.
    25.   Despite  Hitchcock's interest  in  discovering
    commonalities between East Asians and Americans,  he
    found fundamental differences not just with societal
    values  but  also  with regard to personal values.
    26.    The  five  most  important  personal   values
    stressed by the Americans polled were:  first,  self
    reliance; second, personal achievement; third,  hard
    work; fourth, achieving success in life;  and fifth,
    helping others.
    27.    The  five  most  important  personal   values
    stressed  by  the  East Asians, on the  other  hand,
    were:    first,  hard  work;  second,  respect   for
    learning and education; third, honesty; fourth, self
    reliance and fifth, self discipline.
    28.  Whereas the sixth most important core value  --
    `fulfilling  obligations to others' -- was  stressed
    by 39 percent of the East Asians, only 19 percent of
    the Americans polled emphasised this.
    29.   On  the other hand whereas 59 percent  of  the
    Americans stressed `achieving success in life', half
    as  many East Asians did so.  Whereas 59 percent  of
    the  Americans stressed `personal achievement', only
    33 percent of the East Asians did so.
    30.   On  the other hand, whereas 69 percent of  the
    East Asians emphasised respect for learning, only 15
    percent of the Americans did so.  Whereas 48 percent
    of the East Asians stressed self discipline, only 22
    percent of the Americans did so.
    31.   I  do  not  know how accurately this  American
    study  reflects  reality.   But  Hitchcock  provides
    figures  that  support the intuitive assumptions  of
    most East Asians and those who really know East Asia
    32.   Second,  I do know that so many  Asian  values
    which so many Asians declaim with such reverence are
    often  more honoured in their breach than  in  their
    33.   Third,  I  do know that many of  these  `Asian
    values'  were once also `Western values'.   Many  of
    them  are  what would be termed `Victorian  values'.
    Many  of  today's Asian values were  Western  values
    which much of the West have successfully thrown  off
    or `lost'.
    34.   Fourth, some are obviously a function  of  our
    stage  of  development and will  be  challenged  and
    discarded  -- to our gain or to our loss  --  as  we
    move forward.
    35.   I  hope that my exposition on Asian values  so
    far  has  not  by  any  stretch of  the  imagination
    justified       dictatorship,      authoritarianism,
    anti-democratic practices, the suppression of  human
    rights,  the  denial of democracy.  I hope  that  my
    arguments  also  do not in any way justify  torture,
    the exploitation of child labour, the suppression of
    women and the wanton destruction of the environment.
    36.   Having  offended the universalists,  the  most
    militant of whom are congregated in the West, let me
    now  be  permitted to offend the authoritarians,  so
    many of whom are said to congregate in `the East'.
    37.  The first thing that might usefully be said  is
    that  atrocity  anywhere cannot  be  tolerated.   It
    should  be  punished.  No one should be  allowed  to
    hide   behind  the  cloak  of  cultural  relativism.
    Atrocities  as you must know are not found  only  in
    Asia.   Some of the worst examples are found in  the
    38.  Secondly, many Asian values should obviously be
    destroyed.   God  only  knows  how  hard   we   have
    struggled against so many of them.  In many parts of
    Asia,  there  is excessive materialism and  in  many
    parts, there is excessive anti-materialism; there is
    of course extremist spiritualism, usually manifested
    in  extremely  unspiritual ways.  And there  is  the
    39.   In  some  societies, there is  the  ethics  of
    fatalism.   In others, the dominance of contentment,
    smugness,  even arrogance.  In many Asian countries,
    there  is excessive deference to authority resulting
    in social and psychological authoritarianism.
    40.   The  record of Asia with regard to fundamental
    economic,  social and cultural rights has too  often
    been as atrocious as the record on fundamental civil
    and political rights.
    41.  Some of these are inequality, the repression of
    women   and  the  weak;   the  economic,  political,
    intellectual and social disempowerment of  millions;
    a deep psychological sense of inferiority;  the lack
    of self confidence and sense of self worth.
    42.  Uncaring societies abound in Asia that have not
    an   iota  of  love  and  regard  for  God's  living
    creatures,  for  the infirm, the disadvantaged,  the
    handicapped,  the  physical  environment  which  man
    holds only in trust.  Much of this is a function  of
    ignorance  and poverty, of being unable  to  afford,
    though some may be due to just greed and an uncaring
    43.   Then there are in Asia undiluted adherence  to
    tradition, superstition and magic.  Deep  and  often
    widespread corruption and tolerance of corruption  -
    - equally deep and widespread.  The list is too long
    even to enumerate.
    44.   A  third point is equally obvious.  If `Asian'
    does not necessarily mean `good', `Western' does not
    necessarily mean `bad'.  Asia's process of  learning
    from  the  best  in the West is far  from  complete.
    There  are  many Western values, found in  the  best
    Western   societies,  which  we  should   adopt   or
    internalise more deeply.
    45.  I remember in my country's own history, that we
    had  to  do a lot of persuading before the  British,
    the erstwhile advocates of democracy, granted us the
    right  to  have elections and to vote.  It  was  we,
    Malaysians,  who were denied democracy and  many  of
    our  human  rights.  In the end they   relented  and
    retreated   without  scorching  the   earth.     But
    democracy came very much later in Hong Kong even  as
    they   advocated  democracy  in  all  their   former
    colonies.   The  excuse - Hong Kong was  doing  well
    without democracy.  Now that Hong Kong is to  revert
    to  China  authoritarian colonial  rule  has  become
    46.  When Malaya became independent in 1957, our per
    capita  income was lower than that of Haiti.   Haiti
    did  not take the path of democracy.  We did.  Haiti
    today is the poorest country in all of the Americas.
    We  now  have a standard of living higher  than  any
    major  economy in the Americas, save  only  for  the
    United  States  and  Canada.   We  could  not   have
    achieved  what  we have achieved without  democracy.
    We  could  not have done it without the free  market
    system.  But others who think that democracy and the
    free  market  means prosperity should  think  again.
    Democracy  and  the free market are more  likely  to
    result  in  prosperity  but they  do  not  guarantee
    prosperity.  Other things are needed.
    47.   Still my fourth point is that we in Asia  must
    fight  for  and  be the champion of  democracy,  the
    market system and respect for human rights for  all.
    We  must because our value system says that this  is
    the moral course.  And it can be the most productive
    course for our future.
    48.   Having  said this, let me make a  fifth  point
    with  equal passion. Not all forms of democracy  are
    productive.  There is good and productive  democracy
    as   well   as   bad   and  destructive   democracy.
    Democratic  freedom  must  go  hand  in  hand   with
    democratic  responsibility.   There  are  good   and
    productive market systems and bad market systems  as
    Orange  County  knows  well.   There  are  good  and
    productive  means for achieving advancement  in  the
    dignity  and circumstance of our people as  well  as
    well-meaning  but  romantic, silly and  unproductive
    49.   Each society must be allowed to find  its  own
    best  forms and processes.  Let Americans not forget
    that  between July 4, 1776 and the Civil Rights  Act
    of 1964 there were almost two centuries of political
    development and one civil war.  I wonder how many of
    the  Western politicians who champion the  interests
    of  other  peoples  are not in  fact  bent  only  on
    championing their own.
    50.   Ideas  and actions are great not because  they
    are romantic or full of bravado but because they are
    productive  of  human welfare, productive  not  only
    immediately but in the long run.  There is a need to
    be fair and not to demonise those in less than ideal
    circumstances.    Unfortunately,   many   who   pass
    judgement do
    not  have the time to even master the basics,  still
    less the complications.
    51.   I  have  said enough on Asian values  and  the
    Asian  values  debate to offend both  sides  of  the
    great  divide.   Let me now touch on mutual  respect
    52.   Before I insist that `the West' must have more
    respect for other values and other cultures, let  me
    concede  that  we  outside `the West'  also  need  a
    balanced  perspective  of `the  West'.   If  it  was
    ridiculous for so many of our elites to once believe
    that  everything that was good was in the  West  and
    everything  that  was in the West was  good,  it  is
    equally  ridiculous to now believe  that  everything
    that is bad is in the West and everything that is in
    the West is bad.
    53.   Mutual regard is simply that:  mutual  regard.
    There is much in the West that commands respect.  At
    the  same time, it is right and it is time that Asia
    too  is accorded the regard and the respect that  is
    its due.
    54.  Mutual respect demands an acceptance that those
    who  have  a  different  view  are  not  necessarily
    misguided or evil.  Mutual respect demands a minimum
    level  of  humility on all sides.  The countries  of
    the  West  have  a right to their preferences.   But
    they  have  no  right to ram their preferences  down
    everyone's throat.
    55.   They  have the right to resort  fully  to  the
    power  of persuasion.  They have no right to  resort
    to the persuasion of power.
    56.   In  a  speech at a `Europe/East  Asia  Summit'
    organised  by the World Economic Forum  in  1994,  I
    half  jokingly  said  that in their  more  exuberant
    moments, there are many Asian leaders who think they
    can  solve  the  problem  of Serbian  atrocities  in
    Bosnia, the problems  of  the  Basques, of  Northern
    Ireland,  and   the   income   inequalities  between
    northern   and  southern Italy.
    57.   In  many  Western societies there are  massive
    problems  of  drug  addiction.  There  are  teachers
    afraid of their pupils.  There is chronic vandalism.
    58.   There are some societies where there are  more
    illegitimate babies than legitimate ones.  There are
    countries where large numbers in their 30s  or  even
    40s  have  never worked for a single  day  of  their
    lives.   There are places where an unemployed person
    is better off not working than if he found a job.
    59.   There  are  some democracies  where  political
    leaders are afraid to do what they know is right for
    one  reason  or another.  And the people  and  their
    leaders  live in fear, fear of the free media  which
    they so loudly proclaim as inviolable.
    60.   Indeed  they are quite literally oppressed  by
    their  own media, the way people in feudal societies
    are   oppressed  by  their  rulers,  knowing   their
    unfortunate situation but not daring to raise  their
    voices  against an established institution, to  curb
    its excesses.
    61.  Many Asian leaders, in their moments of levity,
    I  hasten to add, believe that they have the answers
    to  such problems.  If some European countries  want
    their help and advice, I said, "I am sure they would
    be  willing to give such help and advice."   But  so
    far, it has not entered the mind of any Asian leader
    to  threaten sanctions if any Western country  fails
    to put its house in order.
    62.  No Asian parliament I am aware of has passed  a
    single resolution calling on its Government to  take
    steps should a European country not reform itself.
    63.   If any Asian leader were to so threaten or  if
    any  Asian parliament were to so act, the West would
    regard them as mad.  The West would regard the whole
    idea as preposterous.   
    63.   If any Asian leader were to so threaten or  if
    any  Asian parliament were to so act, the West would
    regard them as mad.  The West would regard the whole
    idea as preposterous.
    64.  If it is preposterous and mad for Asian leaders
    to threaten sanctions when Europeans fail to measure
    up  to their standards and norms, could it not be  a
    little   preposterous  for  Europeans  to   threaten
    sanctions  when decent Asian societies prefer  their
    own standards and norms and not Europe's?
    65.  To this and many other questions which I asked,
    I  did  not get a reply.  All I received was  public
    admonition.  Although what I said about Europe might
    be  true,  came the rebuttal, it was `unacceptable'.
    I  repeat  `unacceptable'.  It was not `unwise'  not
    `injudicious' but `unacceptable' that I should  have
    publicly mentioned some of the ills found in Europe.
    66.    A  European  press  correspondent  asked   me
    afterwards  whether  I  thought  that  the  European
    participants had come to the forum (in Singapore) to
    be lectured to by me.  The free Press which lectures
    all the time to the world obviously did not think  I
    have a right to free speech.
    67.    The   famous   political  scientist,   Samuel
    Huntington ended his equally famous essay, The Clash
    of  Civilisations, with a half-hearted call for  the
    civilisations  to co-exist.  With  all  the  passion
    that I can command, I call not for co-existence  but
    for mutual cultural enrichment.
    68.   We  in Asia have learnt a great deal from  the
    West.   We  will  be unnecessarily constraining  our
    full  potential  if  this process  were  now  to  be
    stopped.  At the same time we in Asia have to  learn
    a  great deal also from `the East', from the rest of
    Asia, from Africa and Latin America -- and from  the
    best  that  our own histories and cultures  have  to
    69.   I believe that North America too may find some
    value  in  this message of enriching each other,  of
    mutual  enrichment,  of  rejuvenation  and  of  self
    70.   Asian values are Asian values; American values
    are  American values.  The twain can meet.  And from
    the  meeting  there might be some understanding  and
    appreciation of the wisdom of each, and hopefully  a
    wedding of the good and rejection of what is bad  or
    71.  Let us all admit that no one has a monopoly  of
    wisdom.    Let  us  deliberately  prepare  for   and
    enthusiastically   partake    of    a    feast    of
    civilisations, where we each take the best that  all
    of  us  have to offer -- and together build for  the
    first time a single global civilisation such as  the
    world has never seen. 

