Tarikh/Date 	: 	24/07/96 

     1.     There  has  been  much  talk  of  late  about
    globalisation, a process or a state of affairs  that
    holds  much  promise for the future of planet  earth
    and  not  a little trepidation among the peoples  of
    many  countries  for  whom even nationhood  has  not
    delivered  the things that they had expected.   They
    are  yet  hardly nations, and now they are asked  to
    forget  their nationhood, some only recently gained,
    and go for globalisation, something that they cannot
    yet  comprehend but which they know would be too big
    for them to handle.
    2.     The  developing  nations  of  the  world  far
    outnumber  the developed.  Most of them  were  until
    recently  colonised by the imperial powers,  all  of
    whom  were developed and all from the  wealthy West.
    They,   the  colonised,  had  not  forgotten   those
    colonial  days  not so very long ago.   They  cannot
    forget  that  for  centuries they had  had  colonial
    masters.   Some were fair and proper, but most  were
    overbearing  and oppressive.  But without  exception
    they  made  it clear that they were the masters  and
    the  inhabitants  of the colonial  territories  were
    subject people.
    3.    Admittedly most of these colonial  territories
    did   not   exist   as   states   prior   to   their
    colonialisation.   They were  just  vast  tracts  of
    land, without defined territories and boundaries and
    thus  sovereignty and Government.   The  inhabitants
    largely had no concept of nation states; rather they
    were  divided into tribes, which moved  freely  over
    whole  continents sometimes, sharing  the  territory
    with  numerous  other tribes.  Their loyalties  were
    tribal and not territorial.
    4.    It was the colonial powers who delineated  the
    colonial   territories   and  created   well-defined
    states,  disregarding completely tribal claims.  The
    boundaries were straight lines drawn on maps without
    any  regard for local lores or rights.  And  so  the
    independent   states   which  emerged   from   these
    delineations were peopled by mixtures of tribes  and
    races  with  no common culture, history or  origins.
    Thus  two independent states next to each other  may
    have  the same cocktail of races and yet be  totally
    unrelated legally or politically.  That these tribes
    and  races never really accepted the dividing  lines
    and boundaries was considered irrelevant.  It suited
    the  tidy  minds of the imperialists to  divide  and
    separate  them  and  to  regard  them  as  different
    entities and administrative units, and so they  must
    accept the boundaries as fait accompli.
    5.    When decolonisation took place after World War
    II   the  independent  nations  which  emerged  were
    totally  artificial.  The inhabitants  of  different
    races  and  tribes  had got along  with  each  other
    during  the  colonial period, but this  was  not  by
    choice.   The colonial masters imposed from above  a
    semblance of unity.  Traditional tribal enemies  had
    to  live with each other at peace or face the  wrath
    of  the  authoritarian colonial Government adept  at
    playing them against each other or using one race to
    impose the rule of the colonial masters on the other
    and on the rest.
    6.     The  artificial  peace  and  harmony  of  the
    colonial    territories   were   taken   as    real.
    Superficially together against the colonial masters,
    the  different races seemed united enough to be  the
    citizens of the newly independent nations.  But deep
    under the old animosities and enmities burnt.
    7.    Still  these  territories were  aware  of  the
    artificiality of their boundaries and  the  entities
    they  formed.   The sophisticated  among  them,  the
    educated leaders, appreciated the need to prevent  a
    break-up of their new nation along tribal or  racial
    lines. And so they determined very early on that the
    territories,  ruled  as  a  single  entity  by   the
    colonials, should not be allowed to break-up to form
    separate states, whether the different races wish to
    or  not.  The regional organisations that these  new
    countries  formed  affirmed and  endorsed  this  `no
    cecession' principle.
    8.     Not   all  of  these  regional  organisations
    subscribed  to this `no cecession' principle.   Some
    of   these  colonial  entities  did  break  up  into
    separate   states,  while  others  broke  up   after
    independence.  Only  a  few managed  to  stay  whole
    despite the tribal and racial loyalties which tended
    to break them up.
    9.    But  whether  the ethnic,  racial  and  tribal
    groups remained in the same entity or not, they  had
    problems  managing  relations  between  them.    The
    problem  was  compounded  if  the  races  were  also
    unequally developed.
    10.   During  the colonial period the only  form  of
    Government these peoples and territories  knew  were
    authoritarian colonial rule complete with  detention
    without trial and banishment to remote parts of  the
    world.   Nevertheless  these authoritarian  colonial
    powers  and their metropolitan Governments  insisted
    that   the   newly   independent   countries   adopt
    democratic forms of Government with which  they  had
    had no experience.
    11.   It  is  doubtful  of  course  that  the  newly
    independent  countries  would  be  able  to   manage
    whatever the form of Government they were to  adopt.
    A   local  version  of  the  authoritarian  form  of
    Government  with  which  they  were  familiar  would
    probably  result in abuses of power  and  tyrannies.
    But   trying   to   rule  their  countries   through
    democratically elected representatives was certainly
    not  the easiest thing for them to do.  Besides, the
    previous  masters were not going to  allow  them  to
    manage  even  if  they  seemed  able  to  adopt  the
    democratic system.  They were consistently  harassed
    and  badgered for not being democratic enough.   And
    if   they   have  minorities  then  they  would   be
    constantly  accused of oppressing  these  minorities
    irrespective  of  the  problems  created  by   them.
    Nothing  that  the  independent Government  did  was
    right  in  the eyes of the former colonial  masters.
    The  fact that they, the former colonial powers, had
    never   practised   democratic  administration   was
    regarded  as purely historical and irrelevant.   The
    new  countries must be perfect democracies according
    to the definition of the former masters.
    12.   Faced with the multifarious problems of tribal
    and   racial   divisions,  lack  of  experience   in
    Government  and understanding of democracy  and  its
    workings,  it is a miracle that any of  these  newly
    independent former colonial territories  survive  at
    all,  much  less  prosper.   But  clearly  all  have
    survived  even  though some have to be  propped  up.
    Home  are  able to avoid civil strife and break-ups,
    though  almost none have been able to resolve  their
    problems. Only a few manage to prosper despite their
    past  colonial  problems, but these  are  constantly
    harassed  and badgered for not becoming  what  their
    previous colonial masters wanted them to be.
    13.   The  fact is that almost none of these  former
    colonial territories are any better politically  and
    economically  than  they  were  before  they  became
    independent.  In many aspects they were  still  very
    much  colonised.   Direct political  occupation  has
    ceased  but colonialisation in other forms  remains.
    The  struggle for independence is therefore far from
    14.   Even  those non-European countries  which  had
    never  been  colonised are not free from  political,
    economic and social diminution.  They too are  being
    told  how  to  run their countries,  how  to  behave
    socially,  how to maintain an environment  safe  for
    the rest of the world.
    15.   Devastated  by  tribal and civil  wars,  their
    resources   manipulated  through  a  market   system
    controlled   in  far  away  places,   unskilled   in
    Government and economic management, these developing
    countries  look  set to remain developing  economies
    forever.  Some indeed have regressed and are  likely
    to    continue   regressing.    Debts   piled    up,
    accumulating  until  whatever revenue  they  collect
    merely  goes towards paying off their loans.   Whole
    countries  have been made debt-slaves  of  the  rich
    nations,  working for their masters with no prospect
    of ever securing their release.
    16.    But  still  these  countries  cherish   their
    independence, limited though it may be.  It seems to
    them that anything would be better than a return  to
    being  colonies of others no matter how much  better
    off  they  would  be.  And now these  countries  are
    faced  with globalisation, a single world  in  which
    they  know  they will have little say, their  voices
    drowned,  and their interest ignored in the  pursuit
    of  global  interest and objectives  as  defined  by
    17.   What does globalisation hold in store for  the
    developing   countries?   As  interpreted   by   the
    developed  countries globalisation means  the  break
    down   of   boundaries  as  barriers   to   economic
    exploitation.  Every country rich or poor, developed
    or  developing  would  have access  to  every  other
    country.   The poor countries would have  access  to
    the  markets of the rich, unrestricted.  In  return,
    or  rather by right the rich will have access to the
    markets of the poor.
    18.  This sounds absolutely fair.  The playing field
    will be level, not tilted to favour anyone.  It will
    be  a  borderless world.  It will be just one world.
    The whole of planet Earth will be as one nation, and
    everyone   will  be  earthlings,  not  subjects   of
    countries  or  nations.  Thus will globalisation  be
    19.   But if there is only one global entity,  there
    cannot  be  nations.   Certainly  there  cannot   be
    independence  of  nations.   The  newly  independent
    nations   will  disappear  together  with  the   old
    nations, including of course the former imperial  or
    colonial  powers. Everyone would be equal,  citizens
    of the globe.  But will they be truly equal?
    20.   After  thirty years or more of  `independence'
    the  former colonies of the West have found out  the
    emptiness  of the independence they had  won.   They
    have  found  that they are even more dependent  than
    when they were colonies.  They have found that their
    politics, their economy, their social and behavioral
    systems  are  all  under the  control,  directly  or
    indirectly of the old colonial masters and the great
    21.   In  the  bipolar world of the Cold War  period
    they  had  at least the option to switch  allegiance
    even  though allegiance often amounted to acceptance
    of  hegemony.   In a unipolar world they  have  lost
    even  the choice to submit.  They have to submit  to
    the  successful  superpower and its cohorts  whether
    they like it or not.
    22.   With that experience it is silly to think that
    globalisation will mean more independence for  them,
    or  mean  more equitability for them.  Globalisation
    can  only  mean  one  thing - loss  of  the  nominal
    independence they have with nothing to compensate.
    23.   The  GATT  negotiations  which  held  so  much
    promise  have resulted in the WTO, the  World  Trade
    Organisation.   What is the difference  between  WTO
    and  GATT?   The  only tangible difference  is  that
    whereas   the   bilateral  and  multilateral   trade
    agreements  under the GATT were not  internationally
    binding unless the parties concerned agree to submit
    to  arbitration, the decisions of the  WTO  will  be
    binding  on all the members.  Member countries  will
    be  punished  by  all the other  members  acting  in
    unison.    If for example the WTO decides  to  apply
    sanction then everyone would be bound to enforce the
    24.   Even  now when the Western allies  decided  to
    apply sanction against Iraq, all other countries are
    forced  to follow suit.  If a decision is  taken  in
    the WTO there can be no exception.
    25.   Iraq,  Iran, Libya are all labelled  as  rogue
    states.   But  will  only those  countries  who  are
    similarly guilty in the eyes of the West suffer such
    economic blockades?  Will such blockades not be also
    applied   for  other  `crimes'  e.g.  human   rights
    violations,   infringement   of   workers    rights,
    exploitation    of   child   labour,   environmental
    degradation, etc?
    26.   Already attempts are being made to link  trade
    with  these issues.  It is clear that the  developed
    countries  wish to use the WTO to impose  conditions
    on the developing countries which will result not in
    improving  human  rights  or  labour  practices   or
    greater  care  for the environment but  in  stunting
    their  growth and consequently suffering  for  their
    people.  Already the developed West have shown  that
    they   are  not  interested  in  these  matters   in
    themselves,  but  are interested in  these  only  in
    those countries which pose a threat to the West.  If
    these  countries  are absolutely  poor  and  produce
    nothing  that  constitute a threat to the  developed
    countries of the West, the plight of their people in
    terms  of  human rights or labour practices  or  the
    environment  matter  not  at  all.   But  if   these
    countries  are competing with the West  in  any  way
    then  their  records  are  scrutinised  and  threats
    issued.    The   net  effect  is  to   prevent   the
    development  of these countries and their  emergence
    as newly industrialising economies.
    27.    Globalisation  would  leave  these  countries
    totally  exposed  and unable to protect  themselves.
    True  globalisation may result in increasing foreign
    investments in these countries.  But such investment
    will depend on the competitive advantages that these
    countries  have.   If  investments  like  trade  are
    linked   to  labour  rights  and  wages  etc.   then
    corrective   measures  taken   by   the   developing
    countries  will remove their competitive  advantage.
    Without   these   advantages  why   should   foreign
    investors invest in these countries.
    28.   On  the  other  hand if  a  fairly  successful
    developing countries were to open their economies to
    all   and  sundry,  the  huge  corporations  in  the
    developed   countries  will  overwhelm   the   small
    companies  in  the developing countries.   The  huge
    banks  for example will push aside the little  banks
    of  the  developing countries.  The  big  banks  can
    afford  to  lose in a small country  when  they  are
    making  profits  in their own country  or  in  other
    developed countries.  The local banks cannot  afford
    such  losses and will either shut down or be  forced
    to  merge  and lose their identity.  The same  thing
    can  happen  to  telecomunications companies,  power
    companies, construction companies etc.
    29.   The effect of economic globalisation would  be
    the  demise  of  the small companies  based  in  the
    developing     countries.     Large    international
    corporations originating in the developed  countries
    will take over everything.
    30.  Perhaps international anti-trust laws would  be
    initiated  and  big  corporations  broken  up.   But
    experience has shown that the `Baby Bells' soon grow
    and  each becomes as big or bigger than their parent
    company.  The same happened to the companies of  the
    Japanese Zaibatsu.
    31.       The     manufacturing,     trading     and
    telecommunications companies together with the banks
    will  grow and merge, controlled and run by the huge
    core  companies of the developed world.  The  little
    players  from the small countries would be  absorbed
    and   would  disappear.   Their  shareholders,   big
    players when they were in the small companies,  will
    wield   insignificant   authority   in   the    huge
    conglomerates.  And  so will their  CEOs  and  other
    executives, reduced to mere names on the payroll.
    32.   Nations  differ  not  only  because  of  their
    geographical  and  political compositions  but  more
    significantly   because  of  their   character   and
    culture.  Character and culture develop through  the
    value  systems   of the society -  the  exposure  to
    these  values  and of course to the  experience  and
    surrounding   socio-political   environment    which
    members of a given society are exposed to.
    33.   Globalisation  will result  in  all  societies
    being  exposed to the global culture.  This is going
    to  become more universal because of the development
    of  Information  Technology (IT).   The  unfortunate
    thing is that the IT industry, and all that will  be
    disseminated through it, will again be dominated  by
    the big players - the huge corporations owned by the
    developed countries.  Governments and the world  may
    have   the   best   of  intentions   in   terms   of
    disseminating  news  and  information  but  the   IT
    corporations may have other views.
    34.   Today  violence and sex already  dominate  the
    screens.   Attempts to reduce this unwholesome  fare
    have  met with little success.  The appeal of thrill
    and  sensuality are too great and too effective  for
    the   profit-oriented  companies  to  eschew   these
    themes. With globalisation the effect of the 24-hour
    thousand  channel  TV would be to standardise  world
    culture  as promoted by the broadcasting  giants  of
    the  world.  They are not likely to be  conservative
    and  responsible.   They are going  to  ensure  that
    their  companies  outbid  each  other  in  terms  of
    35.  Today's youth already wear the same uniforms  -
    the  jeans.  They keep their hair long and as untidy
    as  possible.   They only care for the pleasures  of
    life.   They  have  little  regard  for  traditional
    values, for age and the family and institutions such
    as marriage and family.  The problems of `lepak' and
    `bohsia', the careless disregard for virtuous  life-
    style  --  all these are related to the exposure  to
    foreign cultures.
    36.   The good aspects of foreign culture do not get
    an   airing.    They   are   not   interesting   and
    entertaining.    Besides,  good  foreign    cultural
    values  are fast disappearing, victims of  the  same
    assaults by the media.
    37.   The  present economic problems in the  Western
    countries  are  the result of the changes  in  their
    culture.   From being a disciplined and hard-working
    people   they  have  become  totally  uncaring   and
    unrestrained, demanding always less and  less  work,
    more leisure and more and more pay.  Naturally their
    costs  go  up and they become uncompetitive.   Faced
    with   competition  from  the  East  and   the   new
    industrialised  countries,  they  lose  out.   Their
    economy  regress  and  they are  unable  to  recover
    because  their new culture has set in and cannot  be
    changed  back  to the old values which  had  brought
    about their success in the first place.
    38.   Unwilling to give up the `good life'  as  they
    imagine their way of life to be, they want to reduce
    competition  by  others  through  converting   their
    competitors  to their culture, their  way  of  life.
    This they claim will result in their so-called level
    playing field, in which they stand more than an even
    chance  to regain their superiority.  And  so  again
    globalisation  will  result  in  the  small  nations
    remaining  unable  to catch up  with  the  developed
    39.   But globalisation will not be confined to  the
    economic  and  cultural field alone.   The  breaking
    down  of  borders will result in the powerful  truly
    dominating  the weak.  Although the military  forces
    can  be  a  global force belonging to no  particular
    nation, the fact remains that the financing and  the
    command   and   control  will  be  with   the   most
    experienced  and  the most skilled.   And  the  poor
    nations are unlikely to dominate the military forces
    which  will  oversee the peaceful relations  between
    countries  and regions.  We have already  seen  what
    happens  to  Bosnia, where the fate of the  Bosnians
    has been sidelined by the political interests of the
    European Powers.
    40.   The  law  will be enforced by those  countries
    which will be the most influential.  Already we have
    seen  how  the  President  of  a  country  had  been
    arrested  through a military operation by a powerful
    neighbour,  taken  back for trial  and  subsequently
    committed  to  prison  in the  neighbour's  country.
    This   involves  the  exercise  of  extraterritorial
    powers not provided for by any agreement.  But there
    is  nothing  that  anyone  can  do  but  accept  the
    extraterritorial rights of the powerful.
    41.   If the globalised world is dominated by a  few
    countries then anyone can be arrested and  tried  by
    them.   Of  course criminal leaders should be  dealt
    with  but what if the criminal leaders are from  the
    powerful countries which control the global military
    force.   Will the leaders be apprehended and brought
    to  trial  in  a small country which  has  been  the
    remote victim of the crimes of these leaders?  It is
    most unlikely.
    42.   A  globalised world is not going to be a  very
    democratic  world.  A globalised world is  going  to
    belong  to  the  powerful dominant countries.   They
    will  impose their will on the rest.  And  the  rest
    will  be  no better off than when they were colonies
    of the rich.
    43.   History would have turned a full circle within
    just  two generations.  Fifty years ago the  process
    of  decolonisation began and in  a  space  of  about
    twenty  years  was  virtually completed.   But  even
    before  all  the  colonies of  the  West  have  been
    liberated,  indeed before any had become  truly  and
    fully independent, recolonisation has begun.  And it
    is recolonisation by the same people.
    44.   They  will  of course refer to this  as  their
    burden, a responsibility which they have imposed  on
    themselves.  They  will tell the world,  the  global
    community   that  they  have  no  wish   to   impose
    themselves on anyone.  But in a world where there is
    so  much poverty, turmoil, riots and instability and
    frequent massacres, those responsible must not shirk
    their duty.  They are only doing it for the good  of
    45.   1984 has passed and gone.  Big brother did not
    make  his  appearance.  But that does not mean  that
    Big   Brother   cannot  appear  after   1984.    The
    technology  for  global scrutiny by Big  Brother  is
    available  now.  It remains for those in control  to
    make use of this technology,  and 1984 will become a
    46.   This is what globalisation may be about.  This
    is  a gloomy prediction.  It is pessimistic. It does
    not  contain  much hope for the weak and  the  poor.
    But  unfortunately it is entirely possible.  And  it
    will be unless the weak and the poor appreciates now
    this  possibility and fight tooth and  nail  against
    it. There are ways of fighting the powerful. It will
    be a kind of guerilla war.  But it can succeed.  And
    that war can only begin if there is understanding of
    what globalisation can  mean.
    47.  Of course globalisation may bring about Utopia,
    a  paradise  on  earth, a world of plenty  in  which
    everyone can have everything.  But nothing that  has
    happened so far seems to justify this utopian dream.
    48.   Just as the ending of the Cold War has brought
    death  and destruction to many people, globalisation
    may do exactly the same and maybe more.


