Tempat/Venue : ACCRA, GHANA
Tarikh/Date : 10/11/96
1. It is indeed delightful to be here, in Accra, in the
fabled Gold Coast. At the outset, allow me to express my
sincere gratitude for the very warm welcome and generous
hospitality that has been accorded to my wife and I and
members of my delegation. I am particularly pleased to meet
with you again, Mr. President, and continue the discussions
that we had in Langkawi last year.
2. During that meeting, it was clear that both Ghana and
Malaysia had a very strong mutual desire to enhance our
bilateral relations particularly in areas of economic and
technical cooperation.
3. Your visit to Malaysia had laid the foundation for a new
partnership. I am pleased to note that since then our private
sectors have been working together closely to explore business
and investment opportunities. Some of them have already
established their presence in this country particularly in the
banking and media broadcasting sectors. Others are finalising
arrangements to invest in Ghana's privatisation programme and
in the development of Free Trade Zones. Many more Malaysian
businessmen have also shown a keen interest to invest and do
business with their Ghanaian counterparts.
4. On my present visit, I am accompanied by a large number
of Malaysian Businessmen, entrepreneurs and leading corporate
figures who best attest to such interest. I am also
encouraged that a Malaysian Trade Fair is being held, for the
first time, in this part of the world.
5. It is noteworthy that our two countries share many things
in common. Our countries have experienced a period of British
colonial rule which, upon our independence in 1957, had thrust
upon us the mammoth responsibility of forging a united nation
out of diverse ethnic groups and improving their economic well-
6. In our respective regions, our two countries have had
their unique constructive roles. Here in West Africa, Ghana
has introduced bold economic reforms and programmes towards
liberalisation and deregulation. Ghana has also succeeded in
stimulating economic growth with the introduction of a
`business friendly' new investment code, establishment of free
trade processing zones and a Vision 2020 to guide the country
towards becoming a medium income country. Malaysia's own
experience in these areas has resulted in greater trade and
investment flows. It enabled us to achieve greater economic
advancement and in bridging the gap between the poor and the
7. Given the present trend towards globalisation, countries
must constantly seek new partnerships and linkages to remain
competitive. Ghana is a country richly endowed with natural
resources such as gold, diamond, bauxite and natural forest.
I am told that the Ashanti gold mine is the largest in the
world. Although our economic interaction has not realised its
full potentials, the abundance of natural resources in Ghana
and Malaysia's experience in different fields of industrial
production and our common endeavour to achieve a better life
for our people should enable us to complement each other in
many areas.
8. In the context of the rapid globalisation process,
Malaysia strongly believes in South-south cooperation. In that
spirit, Malaysia had, in 1981, started a modest technical
cooperation programme with our partners of the south, and we
are pleased to note that the programme has been well received
by many countries, including Ghana. To-date, 45 Ghanaians
have benefitted from it. We will continue to share our
experience, particularly in cooperating with Ghana in areas
relating to economic planning and management and
implementation of economic reforms. There is much our two
countries can do for each other in sharing what we do best.
9. Our common membership of the Commonwealth, the Non-
Aligned Movement and the United Nations has fostered greater
understanding of each other's needs and aspirations. For many
years we have been able to work together within these
organisations in the common search for a more equitable and
better world for our people. The time has now come for our
two countries to expand the scope of our cooperation into
substantive economic collaboration that will yield concrete
benefits for both our countries.
10. In promoting regional peace and stability, Ghana has
played a remarkable role twice as past Chairman of Economic
Community of West African States (ECOWAS), including efforts
to find a solution and lasting peace to the Liberian conflict.
We hope the Abuja Accord that Ghana helped to broker would
hold and durable peace and stability would be soon restored in
the country.
11. Ghanaian peacekeepers have played an exemplary role not
only in the ECOWAS ceasefire monitoring group (ECOMOG), but
also in U.N. peacekeeping operations in other parts of the
world. It is a measure of our commitment to the Charter of
the United Nations and to the principles of international law
that Malaysia and Ghana have sent troops to serve under
numerous United Nations peacekeeping operations, including
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Somalia, where our troops have forged
excellent cooperation. I am confident that our common concern
for the preservation of international peace, stability and
rule of law will see our two countries joining hands in other
international peace efforts in the future.
12. Malaysia is said to have achieved some degree of economic
success which has largely freed her from the kind of economic
arm-twisting and curtailing of its independence by the
powerful nations. We had to face many difficulties in our
progress towards economic independence. We think that Ghana
is at that crucial moment when it will take off economically
just as Malaysia did. You have already put in place the right
strategy and the necessary policies. There have already
resulted not only in a rehabilitation of your economy but
quite obviously they have propelled it towards substantial
13. I am sure that Ghanaians would not hesitate now, and that
you would not turn back. Economic greatness is in the offing.
14. Ghana's great leader, Kwame Nkurmah, had a vision of a
liberated Africa, with Ghana playing a leading role. He did
not live long enough to see his vision come true. But Ghana
now has the opportunity to make a reality of the dream of your
founding father.
15. Malaysia is ready to exchange information with Ghana on
policies and measures to achieve development. We hope that we
both can benefit from this collaboration.
16. We believe that under your able leadership and the right
policies being implemented by your government, Ghana is
clearly on the path for further economic growth. I am
confident that you will have the support of the people of
Ghana in your endeavour to achieve greter economic success.
17. Before I conclude, I would like to take this opportunity
to once again thank you and madam Nana Rawlings for the very
warm reception and gracious hospitality accorded to my wife
and I, as well as to the other members of my delegation.
During the few days we have been here we have found much to
admire and we sincerely believe that you are well on the way
toward achieving your target to become a middle income nation.
Thank you.