Tarikh/Date : 01/12/96
1. Saya merasa amat gembira kerana dijemput untuk
merasmikan the Second Langkawi International
Motorshow 1996, sekarang dikenali sebagai LIMOS `96.
I would like to welcome all participants to these
islands of many legends.
2. Malaysians love cars or automobiles as some
call them. On a per capita basis we buy the most
number of cars per year by comparison with our
neighbours. Still when we decided to build our own
national car, many thought we were quite silly.
Even now some think that we did the wrong thing. We
should just assemble foreign cars and export them.
We would make more money that way. Perhaps. But
then we would be just skilled labourers and not
automotive engineers able to design, engineer and
build our own cars ourselves. We may not be making
so much money this way, but we made enough to buy a
great automotive engineering company like Lotus Cars
of the United Kingdom whose products are on display
at this exhibition. This acquisition will enable us
to learn more about automotive engineering. We are
not tired of learning. Engineering is not a static
science. It advances and we want to advance with
it. The great economic analysts who know better of
course believe that we should know our station. But
we are of the view that the worst thing to do is to
take the advice of advisers who have never done
anything but advise.
3. Anyway Malaysians have developed a greater
interest in automobiles since we began to produce
our own cars. This exhibition, the Langkawi
International Motor Show or LIMOS 1996 is an
expression of that keeness. We are sure that our
guests from abroad will enjoy the show as much as we
4. LIMOS 1996 is bigger and hopefully better than
LIMOS 1995, the first such show to be held in
Langkawi. The number of participants has increased.
And of course the stars of the show are the Lotus
Cars, the unique and limited cars which should draw
much attention. They were not readily available in
the East before but I expect Proton will want to
market them in this region now.
5. Saya berbangga dengan sokongan yang diberikan
kepada Ekspo ini oleh ramai yang terlibat dengan
pengeluaran dan pemasaran kereta bermotor termasuk
Persatuan Pengimport dan Peniaga Kenderaan Melayu
Malaysia (PEKEMA) dan Malaysian Motor Traders
Association yang menghantar lapan ahli masing-masing
ke LIMOS 1996 ini. Sokongan seperti ini bukan
sahaja akan menjayakan LIMOS tetapi membantu
mempopularkan Langkawi sebagai destinasi pelancong.
6. Saya harap semua yang datang akan gembira
melihat kereta-kereta bermotor jenis yang terkini
bersama dengan peristiwa-peristiwa sampingan yang
diadakan oleh Le Proton Exhibition Services selama
sembilan hari Ekspo ini diadakan.
7. Dengan ini saya dengan sukacitanya merasmikan
Langkawi International Motorshow 1996.