Tarikh/Date 	: 	15/01/97 

   1.    First,  let  me thank the Stanford University  for
  inviting  me to address you today.  In this audience,  I
  see   both  the  present  and  future  shapers  of   the
  Information  Age.   The present is  represented  by  the
  leadership  of  many of the area's most dynamic  content
  and   high  technology  companies;  the  future  by  the
  university   students  who  will  provide   the   future
  leadership of the private and public sectors.
  2.    I  think it is especially appropriate that we  are
  all  together  today to discuss a practical  proposal  I
  have  to  achieve  the full promise of  the  Information
  Age.   I  have  come  here  to  the  global  cradle   of
  Information Technology to share a vision of  building  a
  bridge  between  peoples  and places,  to  connect  your
  creativity  and  entrepreneurship with  a  very  special
  environment we are creating in Malaysia.  By  doing  so,
  we  can  reap rewards together that neither of us  would
  be able to develop alone.
  3.    The success of a country depends on its ability to
  adopt  and  adapt to global forces and not on the  bases
  exclusively  of comparative advantages such  as  natural
  resources,  population,  or  labour  costs.    Visionary
  countries can choose to create value rather than  merely
  struggle    to   make   the   most   out   of   existing
  circumstances.  Just  as  companies  cannot  succeed  by
  trying to do everything themselves, the same is true  of
  countries -- especially developing countries.   Malaysia
  is  not  trying to build a replica of Silicon Valley  or
  Hollywood.  We would be deluding ourselves if we  expect
  storyboards not to be created in Hollywood or R &  D  on
  the  highest value-added components not to  be  done  in
  Silicon Valley.
  4.    We realise you are more advanced and that we  have
  much  to  learn,  but  precisely  because  you  are   so
  developed  there  are very important things  we  can  do
  that  you  cannot.   Malaysia is offering  the  world  a
  special   greenfield  environment  designed  to   enable
  companies to collaborate in new ways and reap  the  rich
  rewards  of the Information Age.  There are no  legacies
  of  artificial  constraints created and  perpetuated  by
  entrenched  interests.  We offer  the  Multimedia  Super
  Corridor  as a gift to the world -- a global  bridge  to
  the  Information  Age  that will enable  genuine  mutual
  enrichment  for our partners possessing  the  vision  to
  5.    The  Multimedia Super Corridor --  or  MSC  --  is
  truly  a world first - the careful creation of a  region
  with  the  infrastructure, laws, policies, and practices
  that  will  enable companies to explore the  Information
  Age  without the usual constraints which frustrate them.
  The  MSC  is  a  15 km wide by 50 km long corridor  that
  runs  from  the world's tallest buildings in  the  Kuala
  Lumpur  City  Centre, down to what will be the  region's
  largest airport when it opens in early 1998.
  6.    More  than  two years of careful study  have  gone
  into  developing a package with four key elements  which
  will make the environment within the MSC very special:
          -     First, the MSC will have the best physical
  infrastructure that can be offered in the  world.   This
  includes  the  Kuala Lumpur City Centre, a new  airport,
  rapid  train links to Kuala Lumpur, a dedicated highway,
  and  two  new  intelligent  garden  cities.   The  Kuala
  Lumpur  City Centre is the Northern gateway to the  MSC.
  The   Kuala   Lumpur   International   Airport   to   be
  commissioned in 1998 will initially have 80  gates  with
  two  parallel runways.  The airport will also become  an
  integrated  logistic  hub  with  the  latest  in  IT  to
  facilitate movements of people and goods.
  -      The  first  intelligent  garden  city, Putrajaya,
  will  be  our  new  administrative  capital  where  most
  Ministries will be relocating beginning with  the  Prime
  Minister's   office   in  1998.    Putrajaya   will   be
  Malaysia's   new  electronic  Government  administrative
  centre  served  by  state of the art communications  and
  transportation systems.  The neighbouring Cyberjaya,  is
  a   city   designed   to  provide   the   physical   and
  psychological spaces needed for creativity, the  pursuit
  of  information  age  technologies  and  businesses  and
  relaxation.  It will be built around the new  Multimedia
  University.    Cyberjaya  will   provide   top   quality
  intelligent  buildings, multimedia  enterprise  estates,
  residential    housing,   leisure    and    recreational
  facilities,   and   state   of   the   art    supporting
  infrastructure.   It  will support a working  population
  of  approximately  150,000 and a  living  population  of
  over 100,000.
  -   Second,  the  MSC  will  have  the world's best soft
  infrastructure   of  supporting  laws,   policies,   and
  practices.   This includes a comprehensive framework  of
  societal    and    commerce-enabling    cyberlaws     on
  intellectual   property,  digital  signature,   computer
  crime,  distance learning, telemedicine, and  electronic
  Government.  For example, our new Digital Signature  Act
  creates    a   regulatory   framework   for   certifying
  authorities  and  severe penalties for cyber-fraud.   In
  addition,  we  are  developing a Multimedia  Convergence
  Act  that  will merge and update our telecommunications,
  broadcasting,  and information laws to  reflect  today's
  rapid  technological convergence.  Finally, we know  how
  critical  skilled  workers are  and  have  a  series  of
  educational   and   training  initiatives   across   the
  country.   All schools will be connected to the Internet
  by  the  year  2000  and  a Multimedia  University  will
  produce  graduates  that will meet MSC  companies  skill
  -  Third,  the    MSC    will     leapfrog     available
  information  infrastructures with  2.5-10  gigabit  Open
  Multimedia   Network  that  will  use  the  latest   ATM
  switches  to  provide  fibre  to  the  Building.    This
  network  will  have  a  5 gigabit international  gateway
  with  direct links to the U.S., Japan, Europe, and other
  ASEAN  countries.   This will be  operational  by  1998.
  Value-added  service providers will be able  to  compete
  freely  on this network with no restrictions on  foreign
  ownership and cost-based interconnect tariffs.   Telekom
  Malaysia  has  committed  to offer  competitive  tariffs
  that   are  comparable  or  better  than  other   global
  carriers   and   will   provide  world   class   network
  performance standards.
  -  Fourth,   a   fully  empowered  one-stop  shop called
  the  Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC)  has  been
  created  to manage and market the MSC.  The MDC will  be
  opening  ten offices around the world over the next  two
  years  so it can be close to the companies who  will  be
  its   clients.    In   addition,  the   MDC   has   been
  incorporated under the Companies Act so it will be  able
  to  operate  independent  of  civil  service  rules  and
  regulations.  The MDC has a free hand to hire  the  best
  people  in  the world, and a business plan to serve  the
  needs  of  companies relocating to the MSC  both  before
  and  after  they  decide  to  establish  operations   in
  Malaysia.   The  Deputy  Prime  Minister  and   I   will
  personally  oversee the activities of the MDC  and  will
  resolve issues brought to our attention.
  7.    Malaysia will be changing the way its people  live
  and  work  particularly within the  MSC.   This  special
  area  will  be  a  global `test-bed' for  new  roles  of
  Government,    new    cyber   laws    and    guarantees,
  collaborations   between   Government   and   companies,
  companies   and   companies,  education,   delivery   of
  healthcare,  and  applications of new technologies.   We
  are  looking  for  `Smart-Partnerships'  --  win/win/win
  relationships  between  companies  and  the  Government.
  For  example,  we  will  no  longer  require  multimedia
  companies  to  go  through  a  traditional  Request  for
  Proposal  (RFP)  process that  requires  us  to  have  a
  crystal  clear concept of exactly what the company  must
  deliver.    Leading   companies   told   us   this   was
  inappropriate  for  new areas of  multimedia  where  the
  solutions  are  developed  rather  than  assembled  from
  existing knowledge.  Instead of traditional tenders  and
  RFPs,  we  will  ask  companies for `concept  proposals'
  that   describe   the  approach  they  would   take   to
  developing solutions or achieving the benefits  we  have
  requested.  This  allows us to select  a  consortium  of
  companies  as  a smart-partner to innovate new  products
  and  services  in  the MSC.  We will be  doing  this  in
  several application areas that I will describe shortly.
  8.    In  short,  Malaysia  is  taking  a  single-minded
  approach  to developing the country using the new  tools
  offered  by  the Information Age.  The MSC will  be  the
  R&D  centre  for  the information based  industries,  to
  develop  new  codes of ethics in a shrunken world  where
  everyone  is neighbour to everyone else, where  we  have
  to  live with each other without unnecessary tension and
  conflicts.   Indeed,  the MSC is  a  pilot  project  for
  harmonising  our entire country with the  global  forces
  shaping the Information Age.  Phase one involves  making
  the  MSC a success by learning from our partners and the
  experience  we gain; Phase two will link up  with  other
  islands  of excellence within Malaysia; and Phase  three
  involves  making  all  of Malaysia  a  Multimedia  Super
  Corridor   that  is  connected  to  other  smart-regions
  around the world.  I expect Malaysia to be in the  final
  phase  by  2020 by which time we hope to be a  developed
  9.     To  our  knowledge  no  other  country  is   even
  considering  anything similar.  Other  plans  may  sound
  similar  because they all use `IT, Cyber, or Multimedia'
  to  market one or another development.  But we  are  not
  adding  new  facilities to existing ones or  adapting  a
  concept  to  an  existing  area;  we  are  building  and
  installing  the  latest  on  a  huge  15  km  by  50  km
  greenfield  site designed to realise the full  potential
  of  multimedia.   I  hope  others  will  link  with  our
  Multimedia Super Corridor and become one of the  central
  pillars  in  our  global  bridge connecting  the  smart-
  cities  of  the world.  It is in our mutual interest  to
  collaborate rather than undermine each other because  we
  both will benefit from a better bridge.
  10.   As we approach the 21st century, fantastic changes
  are  taking place which make what was impossible in  the
  old  economy of the Industrial Age suddenly possible  in
  the  Information  Age.  For practical purposes,  borders
  have  already  disappeared because  knowledge,  capital,
  company  activities,  and  consumer  preferences  ignore
  lines on a map.  Where countries once competed with  one
  nation's  trade  surplus resulting  in  another's  trade
  deficit,  in  the  future  both  countries  can  benefit
  because   networks   of  companies  collaborate   across
  borders  to  deliver  value to  customers  in  the  most
  economically  sensible  way.   Although  none  of   this
  activity   is   captured  by  the  economic   statistics
  developed  in  the Industrial Age, its impact  is  clear
  and    will   require   new   types   of   international
  institutions. In short, the Information Age has  created
  conditions  for  the  first time in  history  that  will
  enable  countries and companies to mutually  enrich  one
  another  - it is no longer a zero sum game with  winners
  and  losers.  This is a tremendous opportunity for those
  companies  and  countries with the  courage  to  embrace
  these  changes.  For a limited time,  there  will  be  a
  relatively  level  playing  field  where  developed  and
  developing  countries  can work together  in  ways  that
  create  benefits for both.  This is because many of  the
  healthier  developed countries are locked into  obsolete
  industrial  structures  and legislative  frameworks  and
  vested interests in these systems stubbornly oppose  any
  change.   Fortunately,  these corporate  interests  have
  not   had  time  to  develop  and  become  powerful   in
  developing countries like Malaysia.
  11.   The  MSC is the first place in the world to  bring
  together all the elements needed to create the  kind  of
  environment to engender this mutual enrichment.   I  see
  the  MSC  as a multicultural `web' of mutually dependent
  international  and Malaysian companies collaborating  to
  deliver  new  products and services to customers  across
  an  economically vibrant Asia and the  world.   I  fully
  expect  that  this  `web' will extend beyond  Malaysia's
  borders  and  out across Malaysia's multicultural  links
  to  our neighbours.  Component manufacturing can then be
  done  in China, on machines programmed from Japan,  with
  software  written  in India, and financing  coming  from
  Malaysia's   Labuan  International  Offshore   Financial
  Centre.   The  product may be assembled  in  Penang  and
  shipped  to  global  customers direct  through  our  new
  12.  Malaysian companies are already working with world-
  class  international  companies and technology  transfer
  is  taking  place.  Moreover, companies and neighbouring
  countries  are benefiting as well because parts  of  the
  product  are  produced in other locations. The  consumer
  benefits  most  of  all  because they  get  top  quality
  products  at  the best possible price.   In  short,  all
  parties  touched  by  this `web' will  benefit  and  are
  enriched through their contribution to it.
  13.   Phase  1 of establishing the MSC will be  complete
  when  the  MSC  is home to hundreds of large  and  small
  companies  working collaboratively with one another  and
  with  partners  across the Asia-Pacific region  and  the
  world.   Some  of  these  companies  will  certainly  be
  today's  leaders.   Many  others  will  be  the  smaller
  companies  which are members of each of these  companies
  `web'.   Hopefully, a few of tomorrow's leaders will  be
  from  Malaysia  with new products and  services  in  the
  MSC.  I  like  multimedia because  the  most  successful
  companies   are  those  which  collaborate   with   many
  partners  and  truly transfer technology to  them--  not
  out  of  charity  but  out of collective  self-interest.
  These  companies  know  that they  cannot  stay  at  the
  leading  edge if they try and do everything  themselves.
  They realise that a web of smaller companies working  to
  common  standards  can  deliver  more  benefits  to  the
  consumer.    I hope to see some multicultural  Malaysian
  companies   alongside   international   companies   thus
  mutually strengthening the capabilities of both.
  14.   Phase  2 of linking the MSC with other islands  of
  excellence  will  be complete when the MSC  becomes  far
  more  than a business development.  By then,the MSC will
  be  a global community living at the leading edge of the
  Information  Society.  Citizens'  smart  homes  will  be
  connected  to  a  network through which they  can  shop,
  receive  information, be entertained, interact with  one
  another,   and   educate   themselves.    Phase   3   of
  leapfrogging  all of Malaysia into the  Information  Age
  will  be complete when the entire country is living  and
  working  in  these new ways. Of course  when  they  grow
  tired  of  all these new tangled things they  can  enjoy
  the  pristine  environment which we  have  preserved  in
  15.  To achieve this vision, I think it is important  to
  define  a  path that leads to it.  By 2000, I expect  to
  see  seven specific applications being developed in  the
  MSC by `webs' of international and Malaysian companies:
  -   First, Malaysia   will   be  a pioneer in electronic
  Government.    This   will  be  a   multimedia-networked
  paperless    administration   linking    Putrajaya    to
  Government  centres  around the  country  to  facilitate
  inter-Governmental collaboration and citizen  access  to
  Government  services.   It will  start  with  the  Prime
  Minister's  office  when it moves to Putrajaya  in  1998
  and  roll  out  across  the  other  ministries  as  they
  -  Second, Malaysia will have the world's first national
  multipurpose  smart card.  A single platform  will  have
  the  individual's ID and electronic signature and access
  to  Government,  banking, credit,  telephone,  transport
  and   club  services.   Of  course,  security  will   be
  critical but the technology is, I believe, already  here
  to  enable  all  of these services to be on  one  secure
  platform.  Imagine the convenience as we are freed  from
  having  to  carry  a  huge pack  of  plastic  cards  and
  selecting one every time we need to use a card.  Imagine
  the  opportunity for companies of having no  uncertainty
  that  this  one  card  will be in  the  hands  of  every
  - Third,  Malaysia  will  have a comprehensive programme
  for smart-schools. All  schools will be connected to the
  Internet.  A new curriculum is being  developed, and our
  teachers will be  retrained  so   they   can  work  with
  technology  to  do  far  more   than   convey  knowledge
  in the traditional way.   World-class distance  learning
  facilities will be built at  the  Multimedia  University
  and  we hope to  hold  virtual classes   with   teachers
  and   students  in  other universities around the world.
  We will use our schools  to   help  students  learn  the
  judgement  and  skills   required  to choose between the
  overwhelming  amount   of   information   that   will be
  available to them.
  -  Fourth,   I   hope    the     MSC    will   become  a
  collaborative cluster of academic and corporate  R  &  D
  centre,  using distance learning to produce  world-class
  graduates  and next-generation innovations.   Multimedia
  University  will  be the centre for this,  and  I  would
  like  to  invite  faculty  and  students  from  Stanford
  University  to  help  develop  our  new  institution  in
  Malaysia  through exchanges of students and faculty.   I
  would  also  like  to  invite  companies  interested  in
  partnering  with Multimedia University  to  contact  us.
  This  university will have close links to MSC  companies
  to  ensure  it  will produce graduates  with  the  right
  -   Fifth,   Malaysia  will  be a  regional  centre  for
  telemedicine.    With    our     Chinese,     Ayurvedic,
  Malay  and Western medical knowledge and vast biogenetic
  resources, we are a natural hub.  Rural clinics  can  be
  connected  to medical experts from Malaysia and  to  the
  great clinics world-wide using new tele-instruments  for
  remote  diagnosis, therapy, or even surgery.  The doctor
  no  longer has to be in the same room as the patient and
  our   new   cyberlaws  will  make   this   legal.    Key
  information  can  be transmitted using  new  instruments
  such  as  electronic stethoscopes operated by nurses  or
  technicians.   This  can  be viewed  and  compared  with
  other patients by the world's best doctors and the  data
  on   millions   of  patients  already  in  the   world's
  -  Sixth ,   I   hope   the   MSC   will   be  a  remote
  manufacturing coordination and engineering  support  web
  that  electronically  enables  companies  in  high  cost
  countries to access plants across Malaysia and  Asia  as
  virtual extensions of their domestic operations.   While
  we  have  real strengths in manufacturing, we  recognise
  the   need  for  companies  to  operate  a  network   of
  facilities around the region.
  -   Seventh ,  the  MSC  should  become  a marketing and
  multimedia  customer  service hub leveraging  Malaysia's
  unique   multicultural  links  to   provide   electronic
  publishing,  content  localisation,  telemarketing   and
  remote  customer care to a market of 2.5 billion people.
  For  example,  a  Japanese company's  catalogue  can  be
  translated into Chinese or Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia  or
  Indian  languages by a company that takes orders through
  a  system  that  automatically localises the  sizes  and
  16.   Over  time,  each  of these Flagship  Applications
  will   generate  a  web  of  world-class  and  Malaysian
  companies   collaborating   to   develop   and   deliver
  innovative products and services.  They will  take  root
  and  grow  in an environment that provides the  required
  lifestyle, infrastructure, laws, and policies.   Equally
  important,  I  expect  links  will  develop  which  will
  connect  each of these webs together into one large  MSC
  web.   Indeed,  it is these links which will  allow  the
  MSC  to sustain its competitiveness over time.  Malaysia
  is  a  country with a vision and a strategy  to  achieve
  the  vision called Vision 2020.  Our goal is  to  attain
  developed  country  status  by  the  year  2020.   These
  interlinked webs will allow us to achieve the  goals  of
  Vision  2020 by developing a strong services  sector  to
  balance  our  already strong manufacturing sector  while
  helping to improve the productivity and quality of  life
  in  the nation.  Equally important, the MSC will provide
  a  platform to tie us together and celebrate our culture
  while helping to educate us in new and different ways.
  17. Beyond Malaysia, the MSC becomes a global bridge when its
  web is interlinked with those of other regions around the
  world. This bridge will,I hope, connect with the digital
  entertainment community in Hollywood and to the high-tech
  companies in Silicon Valley.For example,storyboards can be
  developed in California but animation be executed in the
  MSC, electronically transmitted  back to LA for editing,
  sent  back  to  the  MSC  for colour-balancing, and then
  transmitted  to   the   studio   for  final approval and 
  distribution. Let us explore ways to mutually enrich our
  companies and countries through this gift being provided
  by Malaysia.
  8.    The  breadth of what I am describing has  probably
  never  been  attempted anywhere else in the world.   You
  may be thinking, `Why Malaysia?'
  - First, Malaysia's  physical  location at the centre of
  ASEAN  and  its  multicultural links  with  the  biggest
  Asian markets is unique.  The Malaysians are made up  of
  people  of Malay, Indonesian, Indian and Chinese origin.
  We  are  only  a few hours flight from the  major  Asian
  capitals.    We   have  language  skills  and   cultural
  knowledge  that can be very helpful.  Most people  speak
  English  as  well  as  one  or more  languages  such  as
  different  Chinese or Indian dialects, or  Malay.   With
  the  new airport and communications infrastructure being
  built,   Malaysia  will  be  a  highly   efficient   and
  effective hub for the region.
  -  Second  ,   Malaysia     still     has     a     cost
  advantage  as  compared to the `tigers' in  the  region.
  In   fact,   a   recent  study  done  by   international
  consultants  on the cost of doing business  in  Malaysia
  indicated it is among the most competitive in the  ASEAN
  region.   To  sustain this the Government will  continue
  to  provide  the enabling environment.  Our  people  are
  among the most productive in Asia.
  - Third, the newness of multimedia to  Malaysia provides
  an     important     advantage   --    we     have    no
  inherited systems or entrenched interests determined  to
  defend  their current positions.  We have the  political
  will  and the power to rapidly change any existing  laws
  or  policies  that impede the ability  of  companies  to
  capitalise  on the benefits afforded by the  Information
  Age.   We  will not be diverted by excessive politicking
  in  Malaysia.  In Malaysia things that need to  be  done
  will be done quickly unobstructed by corruption.
  -   Finally,   we   are   highly   committed  to  making
  the  MSC a success and we have a track record of meeting
  our  commitments.   We are a pragmatic Government  which
  has  consistently proven our critics wrong even when  we
  adopt    unconventional   policies    and    strategies.
  Malaysia's   history   since  independence   has   shown
  consistency  and  predictability  so  that   long   term
  investment  will  not be threatened by  the  twists  and
  turns   of   volatile  local  politics.   The  Malaysian
  Government  sees multimedia as the strategic  sector  to
  achieve  our  Vision 2020, the attainment  of  developed
  country status through productivity-led growth, and  the
  MSC   is  at  the  leading  edge  of  this  key  sector.
  Consequently,  we simply cannot and will not  allow  the
  MSC to fail.
  19.   We  have  been very busy over the last  two  years
  working   with  leading  companies  such   as   NTT   to
  understand  the  future needs of world-class  companies.
  McKinsey   &   Company  has  interviewed   hundreds   of
  companies  to  understand  their  requirements  and   is
  working with us to learn lessons from the experience  of
  other countries.
  20.   To ensure that the MSC will not fail, Malaysia  is
  offering  a  ten  point Multimedia Bill  of  Guarantees.
  The   Government  of  Malaysia  formally   commits   the
  following  to  all companies receiving MSC  Status  from
  the Multimedia Development Corporation:-
  a.  Malaysia  will  provide a  world-class  physical and  
      information infrastructure;
  b.  Malaysia   will   allow   unrestricted employment of
      knowledge workers from overseas;
  c.  Malaysia   will  ensure   freedom  of  ownership  of
  d.  Malaysia   will   allow  freedom of sourcing capital 
      globally   for   MSC  infrastructure and freedom  of
      borrowing funds;
  e.  Malaysia   will   provide    competitive   financial
      incentives   including    no   income    tax  or  an
      Investment  tax allowance for up to ten  years,  and
      no duties on the import of multimedia equipment;
  f.  The MSC will become a regional leader in intellectual
      property protection and cyberlaws;
  g.  Malaysia will ensure no censorship of  the Internet;
  h.  The  MSC  will  offer  globally  competitive telecom
  i.  Malaysia    will   tender   key  MSC  infrastructure 
      contracts to leading  companies  willing to use  the
      MSC as their regional hub; and
  j.  Malaysia   will   ensure  that the newly established
      MDC,  a high powered implementation agency, will act
      as an effective`one-stop shop' to meet company needs.
  21.   These companies must be providers/heavy  users  of
  multimedia/IT  products  and  services  and   employ   a
  substantial   number   of   knowledge   workers.     The
  Multimedia   Development  Corporation   is   registering
  interested   companies  and  will   be   taking   formal
  applications  for  companies  seeking  `MSC  Status'  in
  March.   In  addition to seeking world class  companies,
  the  MDC  is also seeking world class employees to  help
  it build the MSC.
  22.   To  the  students, I invite  you  to  submit  your
  resumes   to   the  MDC  and  fill  out  the  employment
  application on its website.  There are opportunities  at
  its  ten  worldwide  offices  and  at  headquarters   in
  Malaysia.    To   the   companies,   I   welcome    your
  participation   and   input.   We  need   your   vision,
  creativity, entrepreneurship, and skill to give life  to
  the  MSC.  To the international community, we offer  you
  a  perfect environment to try and find solutions to some
  tough  questions whose answers must cross  borders:  (a)
  How  will  value  that  is  collaboratively  created  in
  several  countries but sold in another  be  taxed?;  (b)
  How  can intellectual property rights of knowledge-based
  products  and  services be defined and  protected?;  (c)
  How  can  responsibility for the accuracy and  integrity
  of  information on the Internet be ensured? and finally,
  how  can  society be protected from new forms of  fraud,
  counterfeiting,  piracy,  and  viral  attacks   on   the
  systems  that  run  companies  or  even  countries?   In
  Malaysia, we are looking at the possibility of  creating
  a  new Cyber-Court of Justice as an international centre
  to look into these issues.
  23.   We  may sound very ambitious for a small  country,
  but  America  itself  was a small country  in  the  19th
  Century.   At that time, England launched the Industrial
  Revolution  but  America  won  it.   Why?  Because   the
  technology  could be moved to an environment  much  more
  conducive  to  realising its full  potential.   Malaysia
  has  come late to industrialisation, and this has  given
  us  the  will  and skill to make sweeping  changes  that
  others  cannot because we have much less to  lose.   The
  MSC  provides  all the critical components  required  to
  create  the  perfect environment to achieve the  promise
  of  the  Information Age.  Today, it is much  easier  to
  move  technology  and knowledge than it  was  100  years
  ago.  This  is  why we believe we can build  the  global
  bridge   needed  to  move  beyond  the  limits  of   the
  Industrial Age.  While I may be an optimist,  I  believe
  this  path  to  prosperity  will  be  chosen  over   the
  alternative   of   hegemony   and   win-lose    economic
  relationships.   The globalising and harmonising  forces
  of   the  Information  Age  will  prevent  a  clash   of
  civilisations  or the Century of Asia.  It  will  create
  the World Century, the true Commonwealth of the World.
  24.   We  hope  you  will become our  partners  in  this
  exciting  endeavour to build a bridge to the promise  of
  the  Information  Age.   The Multimedia  Super  Corridor
  cannot  succeed alone, or we will have an island instead
  of  a  bridge  for the global aspirations,  capabilities
  and  vision  of  many  leading edge  companies  who  are
  prepared to collaborate in a new environment.   We  hope
  you  will  join  us in constructing an  enduring  bridge
  into the Information Age and realise the promise of  the
  upcoming World Century.

