Tarikh/Date	: 	27/03/97 

   1.    I  would like to take this opportunity to thank  the
  President of Waseda University, Dr. Takayasu Okushima  and
  his  staff members and students for inviting me  here.   I
  am  deeply  touched  by your gesture  and  hospitality.  I
  consider  it  both an honour and a privilege  to  be  here
  with  you today, especially to address a very special kind
  of audience.
  2.     As   one  of  Japan's  oldest  universities  Waseda
  University  has  a  glorious  record.   It  has  left   an
  indelible mark on the pages of the educational and nation-
  building  history  of Japan.  Your achievements  fulfilled
  the  vision  of  your  founder, Shigenobu  Okuma.   Waseda
  University  can take pride that it has played a  big  part
  in  helping  to  produce the good citizens who  helped  to
  form  the  backbone  of modern Japan.  I  understand  your
  Alumni  numbers nearly half a million.  May  I  take  this
  opportunity   to   congratulate   you   for   your    fine
  achievements.   As we prepare for the next millennium  may
  I wish you greater success.
  3.    I welcome the opportunity to have this encounter  of
  the  minds with you here today because I think you  are  a
  very special audience.  You may not have thought about  it
  but  you are indeed a very special group of people for  at
  least two reasons.
  4.    First, you actually represent the children of  post-
  Second  World War Japan or the new Japan -- a  democratic,
  responsible  and prosperous Japan that blossomed  under  a
  Peace  Constitution.  By and large, you  have  emerged  as
  the  primary and principal beneficiaries of this new found
  national creed and prosperity of Japan.
  5.    Second,  apart  from the fact that  as  students  of
  Waseda  University, you are the creme de  la  creme  among
  the  children of a prosperous post-war Japan, you are also
  among  the  most  fortunate youths of the century  because
  you  are  going to be an important element in  the  bridge
  and  the  link  between this century and  the  next.   You
  represent  both  the  present and  the  future.   You  are
  Japan's hope and aspiration for the coming millenium.
  6.    It  is in this context that our gathering here today
  takes  on a very special meaning.  My aim is very  modest.
  I  would  like to invite you to join me in taking a  close
  look  at some of the major changes currently sweeping Asia
  and  the world.  In a shrunken and increasingly borderless
  world we cannot of course look at Asia in isolation.
  7.    I  submit  that it is important for us  to  come  to
  terms  with the emerging Asia. Perhaps more so  for  Japan
  for  reasons I do not have to elaborate here.  We all have
  to  try  to  understand not only the  dimensions  and  the
  dynamics  of  change that are going on all around  us  but
  also   their   less  tangible,  but  equally  significant,
  underlying causes and implications.
  8.    Japan is generally regarded as a success story. Very
  few  people will disagree with that although some may have
  their  own  views  on  what actually  constitute  success.
  Fundamentally,  it  was  the  emergence  of  Japan  as  an
  economic superpower in the post Second World War era  that
  has   inspired  admiration  and  initiated  the   economic
  revolution  among  many East Asian nations,  a  revolution
  that  has changed almost completely the character of  this
  region,  and  projected it into prominence in the  world's
  economic equation.
  9.    Emerging  from  the Pacific War  with  a  devastated
  country  and economy, Japan has become today  one  of  the
  few   countries  in  the  world  that  is  truly  powerful
  economically,  becoming  a  creditor  nation  very   early
  during its emergence as an economic powerhouse. I am  told
  unemployment has been for a long time almost  a  non-issue
  in   this  country.   Other  developed  nations   may   be
  prosperous  but  have almost never been  able  to  achieve
  full  employment.  Despite some recent recurring  economic
  ills,  its  per capita income is still one of the  highest
  in  the world.  And perhaps even more important it is  one
  of the most peaceful and pleasant countries to live in.
  10.   Some  people  attribute Japan's miraculous  economic
  feat  to its unique culture.  Their basic argument is that
  the  Japanese have been successful simply because they are
  Japanese  and  that  on account of the uniqueness  of  the
  Japanese   culture,  there  are  many  things  about   the
  Japanese which simply cannot be learnt or emulated.
  11.   I beg to disagree.  Japanese culture may have played
  a  role.   But  really  there is nothing  that  cannot  be
  learnt,   including  elements  of  a  country's   culture.
  Malaysia  has  always been very much  impressed  with  the
  Japanese achievements and over a decade ago we set out  to
  seriously  learn certain aspects of your  culture.   Hence
  the  Look East Policy.  Now 13 years later the policy  has
  proven  beneficial to Malaysia, and incidentally,  it  has
  benefited Japan as well.
  12.   It  is  simply  indefensible to  hold  that  certain
  skills  and  knowledge  are  the  exclusive  monopoly   of
  certain nations.  I am not anti-European, but the myth  of
  exclusivity  in certain skills was invented  by  Europeans
  in  the  heyday  of their imperialism.  We, the  colonised
  people,  actually believed at one time that there  was  no
  way  we  could  acquire these skills.  But Japan  and  the
  Japanese  have shown that the claim was false. Anyone  can
  acquire  any  knowledge or skills provided he is  prepared
  to  pursue  these doggedly.  And our Look-East Policy  has
  proven  that even Japanese ethics and work culture can  be
  learnt without of course making us any less Malaysian.
  13.   Asia, freed from the aforementioned myths will  grow
  and  develop  in the coming years, in the coming  century.
  Certainly  East Asia, i.e. North East and South East  Asia
  will  grow  very fast.  Japan is likely to stay ahead  but
  the  so-called dragons and tigers will not be far  behind.
  Short  of  a  nuclear  war  exploding,  there  can  be  no
  stopping  the  emergence  of  East  Asia  as  an  economic
  powerhouse  of the same stature as the European  Union  or
  NAFTA  in  the  21st Century.  But what all these  portend
  for  the  future  of  Asia and indeed of  the  world  will
  depend  on  our  understanding  and  perceptions  of   the
  various  alternatives presented to  us  and  the  role  we
  choose to play.
  14.   Due  to sheer size alone China must become  a  major
  economic power in the region.  We are being urged to  fear
  this  but the combined size and wealth of the other  North
  East  Asian  countries together with the South East  Asian
  countries can easily balance that of China.  Certainly  in
  economic  terms China will not be as big as  the  rest  of
  East  Asia.   An antagonistic stand towards China  by  the
  rest  will not be necessary.  It will actually be counter-
  productive.    Instead   cooperation   between   all   the
  countries of East Asia including China, not in a  military
  or  even  economic  terms, but in  promoting  justice  and
  equitability  world wide, in arguing  on  behalf  of  weak
  nations,  would  create  the kind of  understanding  which
  will   diminish   the   possibility   of   conflicts   and
  confrontations in East Asia.  And by extension,  it  would
  contribute towards building a peaceful and more  equitable
  15.   Some  will probably think that a strong  cooperative
  Asia  will want to dominate the world.  Already  some  are
  talking of the 21st Century as the Asian Century.   But  a
  strong  Asia  cannot dominate the world in the  sense  the
  Europeans  on  both  sides of the Atlantic  dominated  the
  world  for  well  over  four centuries.   The  concept  of
  domination  and  hegemony in the old sense,  is  out-dated
  and   silly.   It  is  unfortunate,  however,   that   the
  Europeans  are still clinging to this idea and postulating
  all  kinds of possible hegemonic threats by Asia.   Having
  lost  their  globe-girdling colonies,  the  Europeans  now
  want  to  continue their dominance through  dictating  the
  terms  of  trade, the systems of Government and the  whole
  value  system  of  the world including  human  rights  and
  environmental  protection.  They are still at  it  because
  no  one  seems  capable or willing to counter  them.   The
  Asians,  the  only  people capable of  balancing  European
  influence,  are divided and unwilling to play a meaningful
  role in world affairs.
  16.   But,  if  Asians particularly of East  Asia  have  a
  better  sense  of responsibility, they will undertake  the
  task.   Asia cannot dominate the world.  There  cannot  be
  an  Asian  century.  But a more cohesive Asia can  provide
  the balance which will contribute towards the creation  of
  a more equitable world.
  17.   Asians  as  much as Europeans have  been  guilty  of
  cruel  wars  in the past.  Millions have died  because  of
  the  ambitious wars of conquest by Asians.  The Seljuk and
  the  Ottoman Turks and the Mongols swept over Central Asia
  and  then  Europe, killing millions and devastating  towns
  and  cities.  Arab armies reached beyond the Pyrenees into
  France.   In  recent times Japan too set out  on  such  an
  adventure,   enamoured   by  the   European   concept   of
  18.   There is no doubt that they would have continued  to
  occupy  and  rule  these territories that they  conquered.
  But  there is a slight difference between Asian conquerors
  and their European counterparts.
  19.   Europeans  colonised and dominated the  people  they
  conquered.   They  remain apart even when  their  subjects
  embraced  their  religion and culture.  Asian  conquerors,
  on  the  other  hand,  tended to be assimilated  by  their
  subject  people.   Thus  the  Turks  embraced  Islam,  the
  religion  of  the Arabs they subjugated  and  ruled.   The
  Mongols  became Muslims in Muslim countries and  Buddhists
  in  China.  There was no clear and permanent line  between
  the  conquerors  and the conquered.  They  do  not  impose
  their  faith  or  their  system or  their  values  on  the
  subject  people.   Indeed they identify with  the  subject
  people  and  eventually seek to free  themselves  together
  with  the  local inhabitants from the rule  of  their  own
  kind.   There  were  no colonies of the conquering  Turks,
  Arabs or Mongols.
  20.   How relevant is this to the problem of balancing the
  influence of the West in the 21st Century?  Not very  much
  perhaps.   But  the fact is that there  was  a  time  when
  Asians  played a significant role in shaping the cultures,
  religions  and  politics of the world.  If they  could  do
  that  before,  they should be able to do the  same  again,
  not  through  wars  of  course but through  balancing  the
  pressures  of  the  Europeans.  But can  they  succeed  in
  doing this?   Again, I would like to say that they can  if
  they have the courage of their conviction and the will  to
  try.   The  problem is that at the moment the  Asians  are
  passive,  fragmented  and  timidly  defensive.   If   they
  continue  to be as they are now, then the role  of  Asians
  in  the next century will not be any different from  their
  present  role.  And  in  that  case  they  deserve  to  be
  dominated  by  the  Europeans in  an  inequitable  and  an
  unjust world.
  21.   I  would  like  to  stress  again  that  playing   a
  balancing  role is not the same as trying to dominate.   I
  am  not  suggesting  that Asians should forcibly  confront
  the  Europeans  in an attempt to make them less  prone  to
  using  arm-twisting methods to impose their will and their
  perception  of  things global.  No one has a  monopoly  of
  wisdom,  not the Asians, not the Europeans.  But Europeans
  have  been  wrong  many more times in the immediate  past.
  They can be wrong again in their evangelizing today.   Let
  us examine their record.
  22.   When the 20th century dawned, the Europeans were  at
  the   height  of  their  world  dominance.   Almost  every
  European power including European Russia boasted  of  huge
  globe-girdling empires.  They  saw nothing wrong in  their
  colonising  and  subjecting non-Europeans to  their  rule.
  Indeed,  they invented the myth of the White Man's  Burden
  to justify their oppressive imperialism.
  23.   But  in  the  end they had to admit that  they  were
  wrong,  that  the natives had their own civilisations  and
  the right to be free of European norms and overlordship.
  24.   Having  tacitly admitted that they  had  been  wrong
  about  the White Man's Burden, they then created the  Cold
  War  as a sequel to the World War II they won.  World  War
  II  had  been touted by them as the war to end  all  wars.
  But  apparently it only resulted in a prolonged  Cold  War
  because   of   ideological  differences.   The  ideologies
  concerned  were  all of European origins and  both  sides,
  the  Western Europeans and the Eastern Europeans  preached
  these ideologies as the only correct ideologies which  the
  whole world must embrace.
  25.   In  the end, after much tension, costly preparations
  for  war, proxy wars and assorted confrontations,  it  was
  admitted  that  the Socialist ideology of  Western  Europe
  and  the Communist ideology of Eastern Europe were  wrong.
  It  was,  however, claimed that the liberal democracy  and
  free  market capitalism of the West had triumphed and been
  adjudged  the right set of systems.  Now the  whole  world
  must accept these systems.
  26.    Their   value   systems  too  were   proven   wrong
  repeatedly.  They denied voting rights for women at  first
  but  later accorded them the right as well as other rights
  undreamt  of.  They decided that workers and their  unions
  could  do no wrong but today they have half-reversed their
  liberalism,  limiting  some of the  rights  of  their  own
  workers.  Again they have tacitly admitted that they  have
  been wrong.
  27.   But despite being so often wrong in so many of their
  ideas,  they are absolutely convinced that their brand  of
  liberal  democracy is absolutely right.  No  other  system
  would therefore be tolerated by them.  Every country  must
  now  practise  liberal democracy.   If  they  don't,  then
  economic  sanctions  and  even  military  threat  will  be
  directed   at   them.   That  such  methods   are   rather
  undemocratic does not worry the Europeans one  bit.   When
  promoting their cause everything is justified.
  28.  Now we all believe that there is no better system  of
  Government  than democracy.  But democracy is  interpreted
  differently    by    different   people.     Indeed    the
  authoritarian rulers of Communist countries were  fond  of
  describing  their countries as democratic republics.   The
  Eastern  Europeans  are  as inconsistent  as  the  Western
  Europeans.    They   have  now  largely  discarded   their
  democratic  republics, considering them not democratic  at
  all.  In  other words they have admitted they  were  wrong
  about  their brand of democracy.  Is it not possible  that
  since the Europeans both East and West have been wrong  so
  many  times,  that their liberal democracy  too  would  be
  proven  wrong  eventually?  Is it not  possible  that  our
  Asia interpretation of democracy may be proven right?
  29.   In the field of international trade we are told that
  the  only  right  system  is free,  unrestricted  commerce
  between  all  countries  of  whatever  level  of  economic
  development.  The playing field must be level even if  the
  players are not evenly matched.  This is just and this  is
  right.   Already  in  the WTO they are  pressing  for  the
  opening   up  of  all  markets  to  their  huge   powerful
  companies.   Being  small  and  weak  is  no  excuse   for
  protecting   domestic  business.    They,   the   powerful
  European  economies, will open their markets to  the  tiny
  companies  from the poor countries in order to demonstrate
  how fair they are.
  30.   Everyone  must  accept  liberal  democracy  and  the
  absolutely free market because the Europeans say they  are
  just  and  fair.   But if they have been  so  often  wrong
  before  could  they  not  be wrong  also  regarding  their
  interpretation of free trade?   Could it not  be  possible
  that  others, including the small Asian trading countries,
  be right in their objections?
  31.    But   divided  and  uncoordinated,   the   emerging
  economies  of Asia have so far been unable to  effectively
  have  a say in the political and economic affairs of their
  own  countries  and certainly not in the  world.   We  are
  going  along  with the dominant European views  regardless
  of  their  mistakes  in the past and  the  possibility  of
  their  making  a  mistake again now.  If in  the  end  all
  their  systems, political and economic, are proven  wrong,
  then  obviously we will all have to pay a price.  It could
  be  a very heavy price.  Already the Western thinkers  are
  predicting  clashes of civilisations.   The  pressures  on
  China   and   South  East  Asian  countries  are   causing
  bitterness as they obstruct the growth and development  of
  these  countries.  The carping criticisms of human  rights
  records  and  environmental pollution or  destruction  and
  the  linking  of  these with trade will be much  resented.
  Tensions  will rise, threats will be hurled and unpleasant
  incidents  will  colour  the relations  between  East  and
  West.  one  day  someone  might do  something  stupid  and
  economic  pursuits  will be replaced  with  political  and
  even military confrontations.
  32.   All  these  may  seem rather pessimistic.   But  all
  these  things  can  happen.  They can happen  because  the
  only  people who can do something to stop it will not act.
  And  the  only  people are the Asians,  the  countries  of
  Asia, specifically East Asia.
  33.   So  far Asia has refused to do anything in  concert.
  They  worry  the Europeans on both sides of  the  Atlantic
  may  not  like  it.  At all cost they must not  annoy  the
  Europeans.   Even  if  the Europeans are  obviously  wrong
  they  should not be angered by telling them they could  be
  34.   I  submit  that this is the wrong way  to  ensure  a
  peaceful  and glorious 21st Century.  Asia must  speak  up
  if   the  countries  of  Asia  want  to  enjoy  peace  and
  prosperity  in the next century.  Asia must be willing  to
  confront  the Europeans across the table now if  it  wants
  to avoid confronting them in other arenas later.
  35.   During the Cold War there were two blocs.  Each bloc
  had  to  be careful and considerate of the needs of  small
  countries  in  order to gain their support,  even  if  the
  support  was  only moral in nature.  The end of  the  Cold
  War  has  resulted  in  an unbalanced  domination  of  the
  victor over the whole world.  The sole dominant power  has
  already  demonstrated a tendency to be very  heavy  handed
  when dealing with other countries, particularly those  not
  of the European bloc.
  36.   The only way to lighten this heavy-handedness is  to
  create   a   counterbalance.   Asia   can   provide   that
  counterbalance.   We are not talking about  a  balance  of
  terror,  a  balance in terms of military might.   That  is
  wasteful and unproductive.  The Asians can prevail  simply
  by  arguing their case together to counter the tendency of
  the  Europeans to impose their systems and their  will  on
  the world.
  37.   As  has  been  pointed out the Europeans  have  been
  wrong  again  and again.  We must convince  the  Europeans
  that  they  could  be  wrong  again  now  --  about  their
  ideology,  their  political  systems  and  their  economic
  creed.   We  have  to  do it now before their  overbearing
  ways lead to bitterness and tensions and worse.
  38.   The  future  of Asia will be largely  determined  by
  Asians.   If  Asia  decides to accept  continued  European
  domination  of  the world, then a rapidly inequitable  and
  oppressive atmosphere will build up which must in the  end
  be  damaging  to Asia if not to the whole world.   But  if
  Asia  decides to play a meaningful role in world  affairs,
  to   counter   and   correct  wrong  attitudes   and   the
  international policies of the Europeans, then  there  will
  be  hope for a more just world, a more equitable world,  a
  world  in  which  the weak and the strong can  coexist  in
  peace  and prosperity.  Again I would like to stress  that
  I  don't mean military confrontation.  All that is  needed
  now  is for the Asians to push their own arguments in  the
  light  of their own experience, past and present.  It  can
  do a lot of good.  It cannot do much harm.
  39.   The role of Japan is obvious.  It is by far the most
  advanced  nation of Asia.  It is well-placed  to  lead  as
  the  first among equals.  It should play its rightful role
  in  world affairs.  It should set a good example for  Asia
  by  taking  up  the issues of concern to Asian  countries.
  It  should  cease  to consider itself a western  developed
  nation  in the East.  Japan has the credibility  to  lead,
  not  towards  Asian  domination in an Asian  Century,  but
  towards  a  more equitable world community in the  Century
  of the World which is dawning upon us.
  40.   As  for  the youths, the challenge for them  in  the
  21st  century  is  to  try to throw  off  the  baggage  of
  history.   The  youths of the 21st century must  think  of
  themselves  as  true  citizens of the  world.   They  must
  forget  colour  and  creed and notions of  superiority  or
  inferiority.  They must think of equality not in terms  of
  material  wealth  alone but in being all  members  of  the
  same  human race.  The borderless world in which they will
  live  must not only be in terms of information.   It  must
  be   borderless  in  the  true  sense  of   removing   the
  distinctions  due  to unequal wealth  and  unequal  power,
  colour   and  creed  and  intolerance  between  religions.
  Above  all, the youths of the 21st century must not  allow
  the Western wish for a clash of civilisations to occur.
  41.   The youths of the 21st century must fully understand
  that  the  world is round.  No country is  truly  East  or
  West  except relative to each other.  Japan is  a  western
  country  in  so far as the US is concerned.   And  by  the
  same  token the US is an Eastern country.  We all have  as
  much  right  to  call ourselves Eastern or Western  people
  with   no   implied  connotation  about  being  different,
  inferior or superior.
  42.   The  youths  of  the 21st Century  must  reorientate
  themselves  to  a  world which has not only  shrunken  but
  will  no  longer be divided between East  and  West.   And
  they  will have to regard the whole Earth as their  planet
  and   country,  the  object  of  their  ultimate  loyalty.
  National traditions and cultures they must retain but  all
  traditions  and  cultures of all countries  are  of  equal
  importance  and worthy of being respected by  all.   There
  should  be  only  one  world  civilisation  although  some
  traditions, standards and perceptions must be  allowed  to
  differ.   All should be accepted as universal,  unless  we
  all agree they are totally unacceptable.
  43.   The  Information Age has dawned upon us and with  it
  comes  a  borderless world in which no nation  can  be  an
  island.  We all belong to the same world, fed by the  same
  information  and  accepting ever more uniform  values  and
  culture.    Eventually,  there   will   evolve   a   world
  civilisation   to   which  everyone  will   belong.    The
  challenge  for the youths of the 21st Century  is  how  to
  adjust  to this century of the world while retaining  some
  of  the  diversity of race and creed which will  make  the
  world  continue  to  be interesting.   For  Asian  youths,
  their  understanding of the shape and the dynamics of  the
  21st  century will determine the role that they will  play
  and the Asia that will emerge.

