Tarikh/Date 	: 	09/04/97 

   1.    On  behalf  of my delegation, I would like  to  take
  this  opportunity  to  express  our  sincere  thanks   and
  gratitude,  for the very warm welcome and kind hospitality
  extended  to us since our arrival a few hours ago.   I  am
  very  happy and privileged to visit your beautiful capital
  city  of  Islamabad  again  in the  midst  of  the  Golden
  Jubilee  Celebrations  of your independence.   I  hope  my
  brief  visit  will  contribute towards  strengthening  the
  close  and  friendly  ties that  bind  our  two  brotherly
  countries together.
  2.    May  I  take  this opportunity to congratulate  you,
  Mian  Shaib, and your government, for hosting  the  recent
  Extraordinary  Summit  of OIC to commemorate  your  Golden
  Jubilee  celebrations.  Under your able Chairmanship,  the
  Summit  was  able to give renewed impetus  to  cooperation
  and  set  the direction for the Islamic Ummah in the  next
  millennium.   Malaysia stand ready to  contribute  towards
  making  the  OIC  a truly effective organisation  able  to
  meet  the  challenges  for the betterment  of  our  Muslim
  3.    Bilateral  relations between our two countries  have
  over  the  years  been characterised  by  the  warmth  and
  closeness  befitting two Islamic countries.   Our  meeting
  this  afternoon  is a reaffirmation of these  close  ties,
  setting  the  stage  for  a  more  active  and  meaningful
  cooperation for our two countries.
  4.    Malaysia being a small and open economy, notes  with
  great  interest  your  recent economic  revival  programme
  which   among  others,  seeks  to  liberalise  trade   and
  investment  in consonance with the aims and objectives  of
  the  WTO.   This  trade and investment  creation  strategy
  would, I believe, create opportunities paving the way  for
  greater  Malaysian  investments in Pakistan.   Malaysia  -
  Pakistan  joint ventures would contribute towards bringing
  about  a  more desirable balance in the area of trade  and
  payments between our two countries.
  5.    To date, I understand nine Malaysian companies  have
  invested in Pakistan in oil gas exploration, port  storage
  and  bulking installation, telecommunications,  and  type-
  related  industry.  I would like to take this  opportunity
  to  reiterate our interest and readiness to participate in
  other   sectors  of  development  in  Pakistan   such   as
  infrastructure  development,  housing  and   construction,
  finance  and banking as well as electronics and computers.
  Both  countries stand to reap mutually beneficial  rewards
  by  developing a partnership between us, by  drawing  upon
  each  other's  comparative  advantage.   There  are  areas
  where  Pakistan  clearly has the experience  and  know-how
  which  could be combined with the strength which  Malaysia
  has  developed  over the years to undertake joint-ventures
  on  a  bilateral  basis or in concert with third  parties.
  Both  countries  are well-placed to be  the  gateways  for
  each  other in their respective regions.  In this  regard,
  Malaysia   can   constitute  the  gateway  for   Pakistani
  products in the East Asia region, while Pakistan could  be
  the  gateway for Malaysia manufactured goods in  the  sub-
  continent and the CIS states.
  6.    Your Excellency, I am glad to note that Pakistan has
  become the largest importer of Malaysia palm oil and  palm
  oil  products.   In 1996, Pakistan imported  approximately
  about  1.16  million  tonnes or roughly  84.9  percent  of
  Malaysia's total export to Pakistan.  I hope you will  not
  only  continue to import palm oil from Malaysia, but  that
  we  can  move  ahead together to create  more  value-added
  products  from  palm  oil  for  exports  to  the  emerging
  markets of the Central Asian Republics.
  7.    On technical cooperation, there is much that we  can
  still  do to enhance our cooperation in this area.   Since
  1982,  122  Pakistanis participated  in  various  training
  schemes   under   the  Malaysian  Technical   Cooperations
  Programme   (MTCP).    Pakistan   has   also   made    its
  contribution in this regard by providing manpower for  the
  various  sectors in Malaysia particularly in construction,
  manufacturing  and plantations.  Malaysia  still  faces  a
  shortage  of  medical  officers and nurses,  and  we  will
  continue  to  welcome medical officers and specialists  as
  well  as nurses from Pakistan.  At the same time we  would
  also   welcome  Pakistan's  assistance  in  our   manpower
  training  programme  by making available  more  places  in
  your   universities  and  other  institutions  of   higher
  learning,   especially  for  courses   in   medicine   and
  8.    Internationally, our common membership  of  the  UN,
  OIC,  NAM, Commonwealth, among others, has enabled  us  to
  contribute  towards bringing about peace and stability  in
  many   parts  of  the  world,  in  particular  in  Bosnia-
  Herzegovina  and Somalia.  We must continue  to  work  and
  cooperate   closely   to   realise   our   common   shared
  aspirations  for  the betterment of our  peoples  and  the
  Muslim Ummah.
  9.    Malaysia  welcomes Pakistan's participation  in  the
  sectoral  dialogue relations with ASEAN in the  fields  of
  trade    and    investment,   tourism,   human    resource
  development,  prevention  of  trafficking  of  drugs   and
  narcotics,   science  and  technology   and   environment.
  Malaysia  would  support Pakistan's initiative  in  making
  this sectoral dialogue meaningful and substantive.
  10.   May  I take this opportunity to extend on behalf  of
  the  government  and  people of Malaysia  and  on  my  own
  behalf, our best wishes for the continued good health  and
  well  being  of  Your  Excellency and  for  the  continued
  development,  success  and prosperity  of  the  people  of
  Pakistan, insya-Allah.
  11.   In  conclusion, may I once again express my  sincere
  gratitude and appreciation to you and your government  for
  the  warm hospitality and the excellent arrangements  made
  for this short visit.

