Tarikh/Date 	: 	14/04/97 

   1.  It  gives  me  great  pleasure to warmly welcome  Your
  Excellency and members of your delegation to Malaysia.   I
  am  confident that this visit is an important landmark  in
  deepening and widening the close friendship that  Malaysia
  and Egypt had established over the years.

  2.  In  the  spirit  of Islamic solidarity and South-South
  cooperation, Malaysia and Egypt have also established  the
  necessary   legal  framework  to  enhance  our   bilateral
  relations.    Our   two  countries  have   signed   trade,
  technical,   scientific,  cultural,  economic,   and   air
  transport  cooperation agreements.  Currently,  other  new
  agreements  are  also  being finalised  in  the  areas  of
  investment   guarantee,  wakaf  and   religious   affairs,
  tourism,  avoidance of double taxation,  and  science  and

  3.  However,  in  yspite  of  all these  avenues  for  co-
  operation,  there is insufficient interaction in  most  of
  these  areas  between  our  two countries.   Malaysia  has
  always   looked  to  Egypt  as  a  leader  of   the   West
  Asian/African  bloc  and  we  attach  high   priority   to
  developing  closer cooperation with Egypt.   Yet  we  have
  not  succeeded  in realising the quantum  and  quality  of
  cooperation that goes with such high regard.

  4.  It is  peculiar  that in spite of the long history  of
  people-to-people  relations,  best  exemplified   by   the
  thousands  of Malaysians who have graduated from  Al-Azhar
  and  other  Egyptian  universities, this  relationship  is
  still  stronger in spirit than in substance.   Even  today
  there  are some 5,500 Malaysian students who make  up  the
  largest  group of foreign students in Egypt.  It is  noted
  that  many of these Malaysian students, instead of  mixing
  with   and  learning  from  their  Egyptian  friends   and
  counterparts,  tend to keep to themselves.   Malaysia  has
  not  fully  benefited from them because of this  tendency.
  It  is  also  noted that among them there are  those  who,
  instead  of  studying and working have tended to  opt  for
  politicking,  often with unwholesome consequences.   These
  Malaysians  are a blot on the good name of  the  graduates
  of Egyptian universities.

  5.  Still  many  graduates  of Egyptian universities  play
  an  important  role  in  Malaysia's  development  process.
  They  inspire  much  respect and are a positive  force  in
  Malaysia's  economic progress.  While they  should  pursue
  Islamic studies they should acquire skill in other  fields
  as  well  in  the tradition of the great Islamic  thinkers
  and  scientists  of old.  With knowledge in  other  fields
  they  would  be  able  to achieve  a  much  more  balanced
  approach to religion and life.

  6.  Undoubtedly a  great  deal needs to be done  in  order
  to   tap  the  full  potential  of  trade,  economic   and
  investment  opportunities  which  have  now  taken  centre
  stage  in  our national development plans.  I  trust  that
  the  members of the private sector in your delegation will
  establish linkages with their Malaysian counterparts.

  7.  Trade  between  our  two   countries   has   increased
  steadily  over the years but the value of trade  is  still
  small  and  confined  to  only a few  products.   Malaysia
  views  Egypt  as  the  ideal trading  partner  and  as  an
  excellent  channel  for reaching other  Arab  and  African

  8.  In view  of  the above considerations, Malaysia  would
  encourage its private sector to explore opportunities  for
  trade in Egypt.

  9.  The   Malaysian  Government's   view   positively  the
  chamber-to-  chamber  cooperation and  the  MOU  concluded
  between  the  National Chambers of Commerce  and  Industry
  Malaysia  and  the Egyptian Businessmen's  Association  in

  10.  I  am  encouraged that Egypt has already embarked  on
  economic    reform   and   structural   adjustment    with
  encouraging  results  in  recent  years.   The  call   for
  greater  foreign investments, moves towards privatisation,
  deregulation   and   liberalisation   affecting    various
  industries,    services,   banking,   manufacturing    and
  information   technology  are  in  consonance   with   the
  worldwide  trend  towards globalisation. The  inauguration
  of  several  Egyptian national projects lately,  including
  the  Toshka  Southern Valley and Sinai  Technology  Valley
  indeed offer opportunities for cooperation from abroad.

  11. As  members  of  various international  organisations,
  including  the  Non-Aligned Movement, the OIC,  and,  more
  recently,   the   Development  Group  of   Eight   Islamic
  countries,   Egypt  and  Malaysia  have   worked   closely
  together on many issues of mutual concern.

  12.  Our  countries have recognised that Islamic countries
  have  the  capacity  to play a crucial  role  in  creating
  conditions  for global peace and stability.   This  cannot
  be  achieved  unless  Muslims  truly  believe  in  Islamic
  brotherhood  and  cease  to use Islam  as  an  excuse  for
  lulling   other  Muslims  and  undermining  the  political
  stability of Islamic nations.

  13. In  the  Middle East region, the question of Palestine
  and the Arab-Israeli conflict escapes solution because  of
  Israeli  duplicity and its high-handed ways.   It  is  sad
  and  most regrettable that Israel's actions which  deserve
  the  strongest condemnation are being condoned by  certain
  countries.   Israel deserves every kind  of  sanction  and
  yet  we  see sanction being applied to weak countries  for
  minor breaches of human rights.

  14.  Malaysia  appreciates the active role that  has  been
  played   by  Egypt  in  the  Middle  East  peace  process.
  President  Mubarak's untiring efforts to bring an  end  to
  the  conflict  in spite of Israel's intransigence  deserve
  the  whole-hearted  support of all of us.   Malaysia  will
  not  have  any meaningful relation with Israel until  that
  country  learns to honour agreements entered into  by  its
  legitimate Government.

  15.  Our  two  countries  have always  enjoyed  close  and
  brotherly relations.  We are optimistic that we  can  work
  closely  with  you  to further strengthen  our  political,
  trade  and  economic  relations.  I  must  reiterate,  Mr.
  Prime  Minister, that your visit will open a  new  era  of
  cooperation  that  will contribute  significantly  to  the
  strengthening of our bilateral relations in the  years  to

  16. May  I  now invite you to join me in a toast  to  H.E.
  Dr.  Kamal El Ganzouri, the Government and People  of  the
  United  Arab  Republic of Egypt and to friendship  between
  Malaysia and Egypt.

