Tarikh/Date 	: 	03/05/97 

   1.  I  would  like  to express my sincere thanks  for  the
  very  warm  welcome extended to my wife and I and  to  the
  members  of my delegation.  Since our arrival in  Gaborone
  this  morning  we truly feel very much at home.   My  wife
  and  I  are  delighted  to be in Botswana  on  this  first
  official visit.

  2.  We  are   impressed   by   the  Botswana  government's
  commitment  and  state  of  preparedness  for  the   First
  International  Dialogue  -  Smart  Partnership   for   the
  Generation  of Wealth in Southern Africa which  begins  in
  Kasane tomorrow.  Mindful of this important event, we  are
  particularly grateful that Botswana has extended to  us  a
  warm welcome and generous hospitality.

  3.  I  recall the discussions we had during our previous
  meeting  both  in  Malaysia and elsewhere  and  have  been
  looking  forward  to continuing those  discussions.   This
  visit also provides me with an opportunity to get to  know
  your   beautiful  country  and  people.   I   hope   these
  discussions  will  enable  our two  countries  to  develop
  closer   relations,  particularly  by   fostering   closer
  economic, trade and investment cooperation.

  4.   The  exchange  of high level visits between  our  two
  countries  has  contributed to  an  atmosphere  of  mutual
  goodwill  and  understanding.  It is  essential  that  the
  momentum  generated by these visits is sustained  so  that
  they  lead  to  greater  cooperation  in  the  fields   of
  economic development.

  5.  On  our  part,  Malaysia  is ready to extend  whatever
  cooperation  within  its means to further  strengthen  the
  political   and   economic  linkages   between   our   two
  countries. Beyond these areas there is considerable  scope
  for  cooperation  in  science, education  and  information
  technology.   I  am pleased that a total of  25  Botswanan
  officials  have availed themselves of the various  courses
  provided   under   the  Malaysian  Technical   Cooperation

  6.  Our  two  countries  have   been   commended  for  the
  remarkable  efforts  made towards the  upliftment  of  the
  livelihood  of our peoples. In this regard,  I  am  highly
  impressed by Botswana's effort to develop the country  and
  it  is  an enviable example of a home-grown economy.   The
  channelling  of mining revenue to other sectors,  such  as
  agriculture,   infrastructure  development,  manufacturing
  and  tourism has brought about important restructuring  of
  the  economy.   These steps would also contribute  to  the
  globalisation of Botswana's economy.

  7.   The  offer  of  loans by the Botswana  Government  to
  would-be investors also reflects an open approach  towards
  foreign investment.  This would be crucial in meeting  the
  need for investments in the economy.

  8.  In  the  regional  context, we are encouraged  by  the
  role  that  Botswana is playing in the growing integration
  of  the  Southern African Region through its participation
  in  the  Southern  African Development  Community  (SADC).
  The  peace  and  stability and the mutual confidence  that
  exists  in  the region augurs well for the economic  well-
  being  of  the  peoples of this region.  In  this  regard,
  Malaysia welcomes greater inter-regional linkages  between
  Southern  Africa  and Southeast Asia.   These  links  will
  help  the  two regions to consolidate economic, trade  and
  investment  cooperation.  This is indeed in  keeping  with
  our   shared   commitment  towards  realising   the   full
  potential of South-South Cooperation.

  9.  Since   Your  Excellency's visit to  Malaysia,  there
  have  been  exchanges of visits by members of the  private
  sectors  of  our  two  countries.   We  hope  that   these
  exchanges  will continue.  A number of prominent Malaysian
  businessmen,  known  for  their  pioneering  spirit,   and
  commitment  are in my delegation.  They would  be  meeting
  their   counterparts  over  the  next  few  days.    Their
  meetings  and discussions should help them to explore  and
  identify  new areas of cooperation for our mutual benefit.
  I  am told, investment opportunities exist for cooperation
  and   joint   ventures  in  such  areas  as  construction,
  tourism, mining and financial services.  Indeed,  the  way
  forward  is  through partnership between  local  companies
  with their foreign counterparts.

  10.   Your  Excellency's  participation  at  the  Langkawi
  International Dialogue in 1996 together with  other  Heads
  of  State/Government from the Southern African region  has
  inspired  a  similar  conference  for  this  region.   The
  Southern   Africa   International   Dialogue    -    Smart
  Partnership  for  the  Generation of  Wealth  in  Southern
  Africa  is  an  important  initiative  in  fostering  open
  regionalism.  Countries  in  Southern  Africa  have   been
  successful  in their liberation struggle, and Malaysia  is
  confident  that  they will similarly succeed  in  regional
  integration.    I  therefore  wish  to  congratulate   the
  Botswana  Government  on  its vision  in  initiating  this
  dialogue process.

  11.  The  countries  of the Southeast  Asian  region  have
  been committed to regionalism for the past 30 years.   Our
  membership  of the Association of Southeast Asian  Nations
  (ASEAN)   has  brought  about  peace  and  an  environment
  conducive  to rapid economic development.  We  trust  that
  the  Dialogue which begins in Kasane tomorrow would  bring
  positive  benefit to the SADC members and usher  a  period
  of active regionalism.

  12.   The   real   test  of  a  country's  commitment   to
  regionalism  will be its willingness to lead  by  example,
  and to open up to its neighbours and countries beyond.   I
  am   optimistic   that  Botswana,  with  its   enlightened
  policies  and  initiatives,  will  move  this  process  of
  construction and conciliation forward.

