Tarikh/Date 	: 	24/07/97 

   1.   It  is  indeed  a privilege and an honour  for  me  to
  address  this  30th  Meeting of  ASEAN  Foreign  Ministers.
  Yesterday, we witnessed the official admission of Laos  and
  Myanmar  into  ASEAN. We are therefore very  close  now  to
  fulfilling the vision of the Founding Nations of  ASEAN  in
  1967  to  bring  together  all  the  10  South  East  Asian
  countries into one regional grouping.
  2.     While   this   vision  is  yet  to   be   fulfilled,
  nevertheless the addition of Myanmar and Laos  is  a  major
  milestone  in  the  history of South East  Asia.   Malaysia
  feels honoured to be the host to this momentous event.  Let
  me  take  this opportunity to congratulate and welcome  our
  friends  from Laos and Myanmar into the ASEAN community  of
  3.    We  still  have cause to celebrate  but  let  us  not
  forget  the  difficulties faced by the countries  of  South
  East  Asia  in  their  early attempts to  form  a  regional
  forum,  essentially to facilitate problem  solving  between
  newly independent neighbours. After two false starts,  five
  of  the South East Asian countries managed to launch ASEAN.
  It   was   political   necessity   rather   than   economic
  imperatives  which brought these countries  together.   But
  almost  immediately  there was talk about  these  countries
  emulating  the  European Economic Community by  becoming  a
  trade bloc.
  4.    The  level of economic development of these countries
  was  very low then.  An ASEAN economic bloc would have been
  quite  meaningless.  Besides, the claims over each  other's
  territories  remained to strain relations  between  various
  pairs  of   ASEAN  countries.   It  is  a  measure  of  the
  pragmatism of these countries that they continued  to  meet
  as  ASEAN, even though bilateral relations between  certain
  members  were strained.  To this day the claims remain  but
  they  have  not  prevented ASEAN  from  developing  into  a
  regional  forum  with credibility in the world's  economic,
  social  and  political affairs.  Such has been the  initial
  ASEAN  five's  success that the other  countries  of  South
  East  Asia and even those outside evinced a keen desire  to
  join it.
  5.    ASEAN's  accomplishments  are  even  more  remarkable
  considering  that  not  so long ago  there  were  wars  and
  conflicts  in  the  region and within  many  of  the  ASEAN
  countries.    It  was  predicted  that  if  North   Vietnam
  achieved victory, then, like dominoes one by one the  other
  countries in the region would fall to Communism and  chaos.
  We  were  told  then, as we are told now,  that  we  needed
  foreign protection against predatory neighbours such  as  a
  victorious   Vietnam   and  the  other   powerful   Eastern
  6.     Against  all  odds  Vietnam  and  its  much  derided
  soldiers  in  black pyjamas won against the greatest  power
  on  earth.   But the dominoes did not fall.  Instead,  they
  prospered and showed themselves very stable and capable  of
  managing  their  countries well.  They  seem  prepared   to
  shed  the  ideological baggage of the past and  accept  the
  need  for economic reforms in order to give their people  a
  better  life.   Central planning gave way to market  forces
  and  the  promotion  of  international  trade  and  foreign
  investments.   Aggressive territorial  acquisition  appears
  to  be  the  last  thing on the minds of South  East  Asian
  leaders.   Peace and good neighbourliness seem  to  be  the
  preferred  creed.   And  all  evinced  a  desire  to   work
  together  to build a nuclear weapons-free region of  peace,
  freedom and neutrality.
  7.    There  cannot  be any doubt that  membership  of  the
  ASEAN   grouping   has  contributed  towards   Governmental
  rationality  and  serious concern for  the  well-being  and
  rapid  development of member states.  The members  seem  to
  learn  from each other how to administer and develop  their
  countries.   They  all seem to believe in working  for  the
  good  of their people, even if their individual styles  may
  differ.   ASEAN has proven that regional cooperation  among
  developing countries is possible and can produce results.
  8.    Very  recently  the World Bank has acknowledged  that
  good  government  is  the key to the  development  of  poor
  economies.  Conversely, it must be concluded that the  poor
  economies  which have now developed are blessed  with  good
  9.    The ASEAN countries have all been poor but are  today
  among  the most dynamic economies of the world.  It follows
  that  the Government of ASEAN countries know what is  meant
  by good Government and their model should be emulated.
  10.   The  world should conclude that membership  of  ASEAN
  would  have a steadying influence on domestic politics  and
  would  help  the progress of member countries.   The  world
  should welcome the accession to ASEAN of any country  which
  qualifies.  It  is  regrettable that there  are  those  who
  would  not  see the obvious.  Instead of encouraging  ASEAN
  to  accept  all  South  East Asian  countries  as  soon  as
  possible,  ASEAN  has  been urged to pass  judgement,  deny
  membership  and apply pressure on a potential candidate  so
  as  to  force  that  country to remain poor  and  therefore
  unstable.  ASEAN  must resist and reject such  attempts  at
  coercion.  They are not a part of the ASEAN way.   We  will
  resolve our problem in our own way and in our own time.  No
  one,  but  no  one should assume that only  they  know  the
  solutions to all problems.  They have failed far too  often
  for  us  to be convinced that only they know what is  right
  and what is wrong.
  11.   The  countries  of ASEAN, like  all  countries,  need
  security  and peace.  We have decided that ASEAN  will  not
  become  a  military alliance in order to protect ourselves,
  although   each  one  of  us  is  free  to  have  bilateral
  arrangements  with  other  members  for  mutual   security.
  Those  who  are  concerned about our safety should  support
  our  concept  of a Nuclear-Free Zone of Peace, Freedom  and
  Neutrality.   We  see no enemy and we  would  not  want  to
  label  anyone as our potential enemy.  If we have  problems
  with  non-ASEAN countries, we will together seek a solution
  through negotiations using our unity as a lever.
  12.   We  appreciate the offer to defend us but how can  we
  be  sure the promised help will be forthcoming when we  see
  so  many  countries being abandoned to their fates as  soon
  as  they  were in trouble.  We know that the first priority
  of  the protectors would be to pull out their forces.   The
  pledge to protect human rights irrespective of borders  and
  sovereignty has proven empty time and time again.  We  know
  we  will  be left to face the problem and to pay  the  cost
  with  our  lives and our wealth.  In the final analysis  we
  can  rely only on ourselves.  Foreswearing force as a means
  of  settling problems between ourselves, we can ensure  our
  safety  through a willingness to settle problems the  ASEAN
  13.   For  us,  our ultimate defence will be our  stability
  and  economic strength as well as our willingness  to  stay
  together,  even  though  we  made  no  promise   to   fight
  alongside each other, not being a military bloc.
  14.   Economic  strength  is  all-important.   In  a  world
  dedicated to economic growth through a free market  system,
  territorial acquisition is no longer worthwhile.  It is  no
  longer  a  source of wealth and power.  Those who  talk  of
  military  conquests and colonial territories are living  in
  the  past.   They  know  very  well  that  other  forms  of
  hegemony  is  possible.  The threat  faced  by  nations  is
  economic  sanctions to impoverish the people  and  to  stir
  internal strife.  Weakened, the unfortunate countries  will
  have  to submit as completely as if they are colonies.   We
  should  therefore concentrate on economic  development  and
  the  well-being  of our people.  And ASEAN  countries  have
  demonstrated  that they know how to do this.  Now  together
  with  our  new  members the South East Asian countries  can
  cooperate  and  help  each other to  prosper  economically.
  That   way  we  will  become  internally  stable  and  less
  susceptible   to   the  kind  of  outside   pressures   our
  detractors like to apply.
  15.   Economic  prosperity  is really  the  answer  to  our
  security  problems because with prosperity  ASEAN  will  be
  taken  seriously and its views respected.  It is  for  this
  reason  that  whenever  our Foreign Ministers  meet  it  is
  usual  for  the  major  economies  of  the  world  to  have
  Ministerial dialogues with us. Even on matters of  security
  we  have  devised a regional forum in order  to  trash  out
  perceived  problems.   No other regional  organisation  has
  such  an  arrangement.  Military strength may inspire  fear
  but  it will lead to a costly arms race.  The benefits will
  only  accrue  to  the  manufacturers  and  traders  in  the
  weapons  of  war.  Economic prosperity inspire respect  but
  at a much lower cost, while the benefits remain with us.
  16.   In December of this year, the Heads of Government  of
  all  the ASEAN countries will meet informally here in Kuala
  Lumpur.   It  will  be an epoch-making  gathering  for  the
  Heads  of  Government of nine countries of South East  Asia
  will  be meeting as leaders of one of the world's strongest
  regional groupings.  There will be a lot of serious  things
  to  discuss,  decisions and stands to be made.   They  will
  not  be  just celebrating 30 years of ASEAN but  also  have
  serious regional and international matters to discuss.
  17.   The world now talks glibly of a borderless world,  of
  the  Information  Age, of open markets and open  societies.
  ASEAN,  a group of developing countries will need  to  know
  how  all  these  new concepts about international  commerce
  and  politics will affect us.  It is wonderful to know that
  all  the  huge markets of the developed countries  will  be
  open  to  us  in exchange for our opening up  of  our  tiny
  markets.   But can we really gain access to these  markets.
  Or  will  the  removal  of  border  cause  a  flow  in  one
  direction only.
  18.   Presently we see a well-planned effort  to  undermine
  the  economies  of all the ASEAN countries by destabilising
  their  currencies.  Our economic fundamentals are good  yet
  anyone  with  a  few billion dollars can  destroy  all  the
  progress  that we have made.  We are told we must open  up,
  that  trade  and commerce must be totally free.   Free  for
  whom?   For  rogue speculators.  For anarchists wanting  to
  destroy   weak   countries  in  their  crusade   for   open
  societies,  to  force us to submit to the  dictatorship  of
  international   manipulators.    We   want    to    embrace
  borderlessness but we still need to protect ourselves  from
  self-serving rogues and international brigandage.
  19.   Already  we are seeing giant companies swallowing  up
  chunks  of  the  business  in the developing  world.   They
  monopolise   the   services  sector  through   their   huge
  shipping,  airlines, insurance companies  and  banks.   The
  media,  print  and  electronic are now controlled  by  them
  throughout the world.  We are denied press freedom  by  the
  many  people  who  trumpet press freedom.   Only  bad  news
  about  us are published, the good news are often buried  in
  their archives.
  20.   We worry, we should worry about this borderless world
  of  the  Information Age and the free market.  We  are  not
  rejecting  it  out of hand.  But we should  know  where  we
  stand.   We  should  know how we are going  to  handle  the
  problems  which  will  arise.   Already  they  have  formed
  powerful  regional  trade blocs.  And  eight  of  the  most
  powerful  nations have decided that they, and  they  alone,
  should  determine  the fate of every  country.   When  they
  agree  on anything, as for example the revaluation  of  the
  Yen,  we  have to pay the price.  And when they quarrel  we
  will be trampled under.
  21.  Alone, none of the South East Asian countries will  be
  able  to  protect  itself.  But nine ASEAN  countries  with
  half  a billion people may be able to do something to  help
  22.   We  are glad that when the leaders of the ASEAN  nine
  meet, there will also be a meeting with the leaders of  the
  three  biggest economies in North East Asia.  We will  then
  have an opportunity to present our views on a whole lot  of
  international  issues  to  them, for  their  economies  are
  closely  linked to ours.  What affects us will affect  them
  too.   We  abhor  trade  blocs  but  we  do  need  as  many
  countries  to understand our problems as we can  find.   We
  may  be moving towards a borderless world, but we also  see
  greater  exclusivity on the part of the  rich.   More  than
  ever  we need to win friends, even from among the exclusive
  23.   In  this region we believe in a Prosper-Thy-Neighbour
  policy.   This  is  not  due to  altruism.   It  is  really
  motivated by selfishness.  Prosperous neighbours make  good
  trading  partners and give each other less  problems.   The
  problems  of  poor  neighbours tend  to  spill  over  their
  borders.   It  is  for this selfish reason that  we  reject
  Beggar-Thy-Neighbour policies.
  24.   But  we must not be passive in the exercise  of  this
  Prosper-Thy-Neighbour  policy.   We  should  actively  help
  each   other.    Certainly  the  newer   members   of   our
  Association  are going to need help in order  to  catch  up
  with  the  older  members.  I believe  there  is  an  ASEAN
  formula for success, for how else can we explain why  every
  ASEAN   country  has  shown  rapid  economic   growth   and
  political  stability?  We must help every country  to  make
  use  of  this  formula so that we can  all  be  stable  and
  25.   Once  again I would like to stress the importance  of
  being  economically  prosperous.  Prosperity  is  essential
  for  the avoidance of internal conflict.  A former American
  Secretary  of State, Mr Robert S McNamara, noted  that  the
  incidence  of (internal) conflict had been highest  in  the
  poorest  countries and lowest in the richest.   In  helping
  our  fellow  members to prosper, we are in fact helping  to
  reduce  conflict in our countries.  With this we  will  all
  prosper  and  be  conflict-free. And we as neighbours  will
  benefit from the wealth and the absence of conflict in  our
  region.   Again  we see the selfishness in  the  policy  to
  prosper your neighbours.
  26.   There are roughly half a billion people in the  ASEAN
  member countries now.  They are not the richest people  but
  even  though  per  capita income may be  low,  their  total
  purchasing  power  is  still considerable.   Besides,  with
  their  high growth rates their economic clout must increase
  rapidly.  Their low cost of production, the skills and  the
  diligence  of their people are assets which will make  them
  attractive to investors and traders alike.  The  future  is
  indeed  bright  for the countries of the  ASEAN.   We  know
  what  we  must do collectively.  We know what  we  must  do
  individually.  And we have the strength to do what is  best
  for  us and to defend ourselves.  If we fail, we can  blame
  no  one but ourselves.  We must not fail.  That must be our
  27.   I  would like to bid welcome to all the distinguished
  delegates to the 30th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and to  all
  our  honoured  guests.  This meeting makes a  milestone  in
  the history of South East Asia.  It is also a milestone  in
  the  history  of  regional  cooperation.   We  believe   in
  strength   through  unity.   We  reject  exclusivity.    We
  suffered  in a bipolar world.  We know now that a  unipolar
  world  is  no  better.  We know that  alone  we  each  will
  suffer.   Only  through being together can we maintain  and
  benefit from our hard-won independence.
  28.  I wish you a fruitful conference.
  29.   I  now  have  pleasure  in declaring  open  the  30th
  meeting  of  the  Foreign Ministers of the  Association  of
  South East Asian Nations.

