Tarikh/Date 	: 	26/07/97 

   1.    Terlebih  dahulu,  saya  ucapkan  terima  kasih  kepada
  Multimedia  Development  Corporation (MDC)  kerana  menjemput
  saya  untuk  melancarkan Konsep Cadangan  Permohonan  Tender,
  ataupun   `Concept  Request  For  Proposals'  (CRFPs)   untuk
  Aplikasi-Aplikasi  Perdana  bagi  Koridor  Raya   Multimedia.
  Pelancaran  CRFPs ini adalah satu lambaran sejarah  bagi  MSC
  kerana  Aplikasi-Aplikasi Perdana  ini  adalah  kunci  kepada
  kejayaan MSC.
  2.    I  would  like to take this opportunity to congratulate
  all   the  task  forces,  the  relevant  government  agencies
  involved, and MDC in the successful completion of the Concept
  Request for Proposals.  From the beginning, these initiatives
  have  had  the full support and commitment from  the  highest
  levels  of  government  and  industries,  and  today  is  the
  culmination  of  the combined efforts over the  past  several
  3.    Most importantly, I would like to take this opportunity
  to especially thank all the private companies involved in the
  task  forces  -- I believe there were more than 50  --  which
  have   made   major  contributions  in  terms  of  resources,
  commitment  and expertise towards the project on a  voluntary
  basis.    This   has  clearly  proven  to  be  a   successful
  collaboration between the government and private sector,  and
  a  mutually-enriching experience for  all  involved.   It  is
  remarkable to discover that in the course of formulating  the
  CRFPs, the companies that compete in the marketplace are able
  to  collaborate in search of standards, road maps  and  high-
  priority pilot projects for the flagships.
  4.    With  the completion of these CRFPs, we have  passed  a
  major hurdle in the development of the Flagship Applications,
  although  we shall face many more as we progress  with  these
  groundbreaking  initiatives.  These  challenges  and  hurdles
  are,  however, very small in comparison to the benefits  that
  will be generated for us all for many generations to come.
  5.    The  15  CRFPs  that we are launching today  for  pilot
  projects under the Electronic Government, Multi-Purpose Card,
  Smart  Schools and Telemedicine Flagship Applications are  in
  themselves pioneering initiatives for our country.  They must
  not   be   perceived  merely  as  documents   outlining   the
  requirements  for private sector companies  to  submit  their
  bids    for   government   projects.    They   are   actually
  representative   of  the  government's   new   approach   for
  partnering with the private sector.  We have worked with  the
  private  sector  companies  to  develop  CRFPs  that  provide
  clarity  of  the  benefits the government seeks,  but  leaves
  flexibility for the bidding concortia to innovate solutions.
  6.    As you will see from the CRFPs, more emphasis is placed
  on  defining  the  project objectives  and  desired  benefits
  rather  than specifying detailed technical requirements.   It
  also  calls  for  open technology and business  model.   This
  approach encourages collaboration among companies and between
  companies  and  the  government, hopefully,  leading  to  the
  building of consortia among companies to develop and  deliver
  the  best  and most comprehensive solutions for  the  various
  pilot projects.
  7.    The  MSC  offers many opportunities  for  companies  to
  explore  multimedia technologies to their limits.  It  is  by
  far  the  most comprehensive Test Bed devised for the purpose
  of   devising   and  testing  the  technologies   and   their
  applications in the Information Age.
  8.    To  spearhead the development of the MSC and give shape
  to  its  environment, we have identified seven primary  areas
  for  multimedia  applications.  These  Flagship  Applications
  contain unprecedented and attractive opportunities for  local
  and  international  business, because of  their  variety  and
  scope, and the manner in which they are being offered to  the
  global  community.  Through these Flagship  Applications,  we
  extend  an  open  invitation to the multimedia  community  in
  Malaysia  and  throughout the world  to  participate  in  the
  MSC.Companies that take up the offer will be able  to  create
  value  for  themselves in an environment uniquely  suited  to
  their needs.  While they will help to transform Malaysia  and
  the  region they would also be contributing towards their own
  role  in the Information Age.  What they learn and test  here
  will  obviously help prepare them for the solving of problems
  which  they  must  face when applying their technologies  and
  expertise worldwide.
  9.   One of the most important Flagship Applications which we
  will  all be helping to develop is the Electronic Government.
  There has been much talk on this subject and many initiatives
  and  systems have been mooted and even tried. But the problem
  will  be to choose the best system or combination of systems.
  Whatever is decided upon and applied in actual administrative
  procedures  will obviously not be final.  The development  of
  the Electronic Government will be a continuous process as new
  ideas and new technologies make current ones out of date.  We
  will  have to be prepared for these challenges and  be  open-
  minded  enough to keep our options and to be ready to  accept
  the  new  as much as to defend the old and the tried  systems
  and  technologies.   Again  the experience  and  the  results
  gained here will be invaluable to the participating companies
  as they promote their systems worldwide.
  10.   The  Multi-Purpose  Card  Flagship  Application  is  an
  obvious necessity.  Many people throughout the world  are  in
  the  process of developing it.  Many will think they have the
  perfect solution or system.  But Malaysia is perhaps the only
  country where the Government is willing to participate  fully
  in a project that will not only serve its own needs but those
  of the private sector as well.  As integrated circuits become
  more  powerful  the need for information will rise  with  it.
  Governments  have  always  required  certain  documents   and
  information  on individuals living within the  country.   But
  now  every  individual needs to do numerous  transactions  in
  daily  life which needs to be accounted for.  From bus  fares
  to  million-dollar  deals  to  travelling  across  countries,
  transactions have to be recorded.  Smart cards simply have to
  get  smarter  and  smarter.  We may think we know  everything
  already about smart cards.  But it is amazing how much we can
  discover  when real life trials are carried out.  I  am  sure
  much will be learnt by everyone from the Multi-Purpose Single
  Card Flagship Application project.
  11.   For  Smart Schools, companies involved in the  Flagship
  Applications  will be given the opportunity to help  Malaysia
  make the critical transition from an industrial economy to  a
  knowledge-based  one.   This  calls  for  a  technologically-
  literate, thinking workforce which is able to perform well in
  a  global  environment and use of Information Age  technology
  to  improve productivity.  It follows that Smart Schools  are
  not  only categorised by the introduction of technology,  but
  more  importantly,  by  their ability to  deliver  heightened
  education  in  a  better  and more comprehensive  way.   This
  represents a compelling and challenging task indeed.
  12.   Telemedicine  is obviously going to contribute  towards
  better medicine for a greater number of people.  Today we are
  already   applying   it  through  rapid  access   to   expert
  consultations in real time.  The day will come  when  complex
  surgical  operations can be carried out from great distances.
  Already surgeons are looking at TV screens and operating with
  great  precision  without actually looking  directly  at  the
  surgical instruments or the parts they are operating on.  And
  of  course  the teaching of surgical and other procedures  by
  the  great  experts  can be watched by  a  larger  number  of
  students and doctors worldwide than presently.  Everyone must
  gain  through  this, the medical profession as  well  as  the
  13.   The  MSC  can  be  developed into a  regional  hub  for
  Telemedicine   services,   products   and   education.    The
  possibilities  are  enormous  and  cooperation  between   the
  medical profession, the experts in information technology and
  the  great  pharmaceutical  and medical  firms  is  bound  to
  benefit mankind as a whole.
  14.  One of the key objectives in using the CRFPs approach is
  to  encourage collaboration and technology transfer involving
  small  and  medium Malaysian enterprises.   As  most  of  the
  solutions  provided  will  involve leading-edge  technologies
  from  world-class  multimedia companies,  this  represents  a
  significant learning opportunity for local companies involved
  in  the consortia.  In fact, one of the selection criteria is
  to  look at a workable and effective model of technology  and
  knowledge   transfer  between  collaborating  companies   and
  institutions, big and small; local and foreign.
  15.   What  we  hope to encourage, too, are smart  and  equal
  partnership where both local and foreign parties  will  offer
  value-added  input.  We also hope that this will  help  build
  platforms  for  on-going  innovations  which  will  in   turn
  stimulate  the development of new applications of  multimedia
  in  both  the  public and private sectors, with ownership  of
  these  pioneer  applications attributed to  all  the  parties
  16.   For  Malaysians as a whole, the full  impact  of  these
  Flagship Applications  will not be immediately felt or  seen.
  The pilot projects to be implemented under these applications
  are  part  of  our long-term plan to achieve our Vision  2020
  goals.   Studies have shown that with the MSC,  we  have  the
  potential  to increase our per capita GDP by three,  or  even
  four  times by the year 2020.  According to a study conducted
  by  Sumitomo Corporation, the value that will be generated by
  the  Multimedia  industry in the MSC to the national  economy
  after the first five years is estimated at US$25 billion.
  17.   As  observed recently by the editors of Forbes magazine
  in  their  80th anniversary report on the impact  of  the  IT
  revolution  in the U.S., `in an economy built on  technology,
  and  free  from  many physical restraints, change  goes  into
  overdrive'.  They also noted the change over the years in the
  composition  of  the  Forbes list of  the  top  100  valuable
  companies  in the U.S. with the advent of what they  referred
  to  as  the `silicon revolution'.  This is what we feel  will
  happen  as  the  multimedia industry grows at an  accelerated
  pace in the country.
  18.   The  Flagship  Applications  will  be  instrumental  in
  facilitating    through    multimedia    technologies    vast
  improvements  and efficiency in important areas  like  public
  administration,  education  and  healthcare.   Coupled   with
  focused  initiatives  on  productivity  improvements,   these
  technologies  have  the  potential to revolutionise  the  way
  government works and interacts with citizens in all walks  of
  life  and  in  the way our children learn and  interact  with
  society.   We also hope to set standards that will  stimulate
  reverse investments from the MSC consortia.  The benefits are
  clearly far-reaching and cumulative.
  19.   With the Electronic Government Flagship Application  in
  place, not only will government services be easily accessible
  to  all  members  of the public but there should  also  be  a
  marked improvement in service quality and the speed in  which
  they   are   delivered.   To  improve  access  to   services,
  Electronic  Government  will provide  one-stop  shopping  for
  Government  services through multi-channel delivery  options.
  Services will no longer be provided where the government  is,
  but   where  the  people  are.   We  will  begin   with   the
  installation of Electronic Government kiosks which will bring
  these  services closer to your home or to your  workplace  or
  even your shopping centres.  As an example, instead of having
  to  go to government offices and wait in long queues to renew
  passports, it will be possible to go to a kiosk in a shopping
  mall  or  access  the  service on your  home  PC.   Obviously
  you  will not have to queue before your own PC.  Most of  the
  checking  will  be  done by computers,  leaving  only  a  few
  decisions to be made by relevant officers.
  20.  These are the kind of things which the MSC will engender
  and  introduce to our life in the Information Age. We suspect
  that  there  will be many innovations which  we  cannot  even
  imagine  now.   Just as the power of the integrated  circuit,
  the  microchip was never imagined only 20 years ago, so  will
  the forthcoming innovations and technologies be difficult  to
  foresee today.  But they will come, and they will come with a
  speed  that  we  may find unsettling.  So be prepared  to  be
  caught unprepared.
  21.  On that note, I would like to call on all of you to give
  your   support   to   the  development  of   these   Flagship
  Applications  which we believe will give  rise  to  a  better
  quality  of life for all Malaysians and others elsewhere.   I
  would  also  like to take this opportunity to  call  on  both
  local and international companies with the relevant expertise
  and  technology to form the necessary strategic alliances and
  pursue  the  business opportunities provided by  these  pilot
  projects.   I  wish  you  all the  best  in  creating  global
  showcases for multimedia applications in the Multimedia Super
  22.   Dengan ini, saya dengan sukacitanya melancarkan  Konsep
  Cadangan  Permohonan  Tender untuk Aplikasi-Aplikasi  Perdana
  bagi Koridor Raya Multimedia.

