Tarikh/Date 	: 	11/08/97 

   1.    I  am happy to welcome, on behalf of the Government
  of  Malaysia,  their  Excellencies the  two  Co-Chairmen,
  their  spouses  and  the members  of  the  delegation  of
  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  to  Malaysia.   This  visit  by
  Council  of  Ministers  of  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina   to
  Malaysia  is indeed of great significance as it signifies
  the  achievement  of  national reconciliation,  following
  the  Dayton Peace Agreement.  It is commendable  that  at
  least  some  common institutions are already  functioning
  in  Bosnia  and Herzegovina.  Malaysia feels particularly
  privileged  to be hosting this first ever official  visit
  to  a  foreign country by the leaders of the three  major
  ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  2.    Malaysia  attaches utmost importance to  the  close
  relations   that   it  is  fostering  with   Bosnia   and
  Herzegovina and the South East European region.   We  are
  linked  by  a  strong bond of friendship  and  solidarity
  founded   upon  the  shared  commitment  towards   peace,
  freedom  and  justice.   Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  is  of
  special interest to Malaysia as both our countries  share
  a strong multi-ethnic and multi-cultural element.
  3.    Malaysia  is conscious that Bosnia and  Herzegovina
  is  going through rather traumatic and difficult times as
  it  puts together a government to defend its sovereignty,
  independence  and territorial integrity  and  build  upon
  the   fragile  peace  that  has  been  established.    We
  recognise  that  time is needed to heal  the  horrors  of
  some  54  months  of  fighting.  We also  recognise  that
  while  the Dayton Peace Accord is a good basis  to  start
  from,  it  is not without its shortcomings. Nevertheless,
  we  are optimistic that a genuine spirit of give-and-take
  can  help  to bring the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  together.   The  peace  that has been  achieved  must  be
  nurtured  to  become a genuine and durable  one.   It  is
  important to ensure that the horrors and atrocities  seen
  during the war are not repeated.  It will not be easy  to
  forget those horrors and they should not be forgotten  if
  they  are not to be repeated and if the culprits  are  to
  be  punished.   But at the same time it is  necessary  to
  look  forward  in  order to rebuild and  to  meet  future
  4.    From  our own experience in Malaysia, we know  that
  attention  has  always been paid to the delicate  balance
  of  the  interests of all the peoples concerned.  In  our
  kind  of  society, the element of a healthy  respect  for
  others  is  vital.   Tolerance,  compromise,  confidence-
  building,  power-sharing,  goodwill,  cooperation  and  a
  good  understanding of sensitivities are  also  important
  in  our  political culture.  Those of us living in plural
  societies  have very little choice but to live  together,
  accommodate and respect each other and cooperate for  the
  benefit  of  all.  Malaysia has its own way  of  managing
  and  overcoming  the  problems of a plural  society.   We
  believe that there has to be judicious use of both  legal
  and  moral authority.  In this, we will be only too happy
  to  share our experience with others, including with  all
  our brothers and sisters in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  5.     While  Malaysia  remains  committed  to  assisting
  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina where possible, it is  also  our
  desire  to develop a genuine partnership with Bosnia  and
  Herzegovina.  We recognise your strengths and  potential.
  We  are  optimistic  that with a true commitment  towards
  peace  among  all parties concerned, the Bosnian  economy
  can  be  rebuilt and developed, its political  structures
  can  be  put  in  place properly and  the  social  fabric
  strengthened.    At   the  same   time   the   reasonable
  aspiration  of  all the various groups can be  adequately
  met  and  fulfilled.  We wish to work  with  you  as  you
  strive  towards  the implementation of the  Dayton  Peace
  Agreement and the reconstruction of the country.
  6.    Malaysia has again committed a sum of US$12 million
  for  the  1997 reconstruction programme.  The  modalities
  for  the  disbursement of the funds and  projects  to  be
  implemented  are  under discussion.  In  this  regard  we
  would  like  to  see  more active  participation  by  the
  private  sectors from both countries, not only  in  those
  projects  identified  by us but also  in  other  projects
  including  those funded by others.  I am encouraged  that
  a  number  of  representatives of Bosnian companies  have
  come  with  you on this visit.  Hopefully  they  will  be
  able  to  establish mutually beneficial working relations
  with their local counterparts here.
  7.    Malaysia can certainly be of help in certain  areas
  including  privatisation, trade and investment  promotion
  and  economic  planning.  We are  willing  to  share  our
  experience  in the development of small and medium  scale
  industries  and participate in infrastructure development
  and  in  the  reconstruction of existing  facilities  and
  construction  of new ones such as airports, highways  and
  power  plants.  Some Malaysian firms also have  expertise
  in  projects identified under the auspices of  the  South
  East European Cooperative Initiative (SECI).
  8.    We  are  keen  also to work with some  other  like-
  minded  countries  in  Bosnia and  Herzegovina  and  have
  indeed  discussed  the  idea of launching  tripartite  or
  quadripartite  efforts with a number of these  countries.
  We   feel  that  one  way  to  accelerate  the  pace   of
  reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to  encourage
  a  synergy of interests among many countries in  specific
  projects.   Over the years, Malaysian entrepreneurs  have
  gained  experience  and expertise in many  fields.   They
  can   share  these  and  their  resources  with   Bosnian
  entrepreneurs  not only in Bosnia but  also  in  Malaysia
  and in other countries.
  9.    That  the volume of trade between our two countries
  is   still   very   small  should  not   be   cause   for
  discouragement.  There is scope for it to grow as  Bosnia
  and  Herzegovina build a broad industrial base  based  on
  its   good  technological  know-how  and  highly  skilled
  people.  It is our hope that Bosnia and Herzegovina  will
  become  one  of Malaysia's strategic partner in  Southern
  Europe.   We  on  the  other hand  can  be  an  important
  conduit  for your products to enter the wider East  Asian
  10.   Malaysia's commitment towards the preservation  and
  promotion  of  peace  in Bosnia and  Herzegovina  remains
  strong.    The  continued  deployment  of  the  Malaysian
  contingent  serving with the Stabilisation  Force  (SFOR)
  and  its  precursor, IFOR is evidence of this commitment.
  Our  troops  will remain there as long  as  there  is  an
  international mandate for them to do so.  The troops  are
  there   to   nurture  peace,  not  to   serve   sectional
  11.   Malaysia  shares  the  view  of  the  international
  community  that peace must be safeguarded in  Bosnia  and
  Herzegovina.   There  has  to be  respect  for  the  law.
  Those who have been indicted as war criminals have to  be
  made  answerable  for their actions.  Their  place  right
  now is before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.
  12.   I do hope that this visit will be the beginning  of
  a  new chapter in a close and enduring friendship between
  our  two  countries.  Our peoples, regardless  of  ethnic
  background,  religion  or culture can  live  together  in
  peace  and  harmony.  With that, I offer my sincere  good
  wishes  to  Your  Excellencies for your good  health  and
  success  and  your  joint efforts to  promote  peace  and
  reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

