Tarikh/Date 	: 	05/09/97 

  1.     This  is  the  40th  year  UMNO  is  leading   the
  Government which rules independent Malaysia.   Our  party
  can be proud for being able to govern the country for  so
  long.  Actually this is not the case with most  political
  parties  which  struggled for independence and  succeeded
  to  form  the  government.   Once  the  countries  gained
  independence they could not remain as the ruling  parties
  even  for  one or two decades, especially if  the  system
  practised  is  democracy.  The people  are  easily  bored
  with  a  political  party although it has  succeeded  and
  served the people in the struggle for independence.
  2.    A  political party which rules a country  that  has
  just  gained independence is different from a party which
  rules  a  country  that has never  been  colonised.   The
  government  of  a  country  which  has  just  been  given
  independence  is  not only required  to  administer,  but
   also  to fulfill the independence and develop the country
  so  that it is more progressive than  during the time  it
  was colonised.
  3.     Even  governing  and  imposing  laws,  rules   and
  regulations will not be easy for a government  which  has
  just  taken  over.  The administrators  are  usually  not
  experienced  may not be efficient, honest or  can  easily
  be  bribed and so on. If it is not democratic, if  it  is
  feudal   or   run  by  a  single  party  or  a  dictator,
  oppression,  cruelty, misuse of power and  deviation  can
  easily  crop  in. The people may be forced  to  topple  a
  dictator and destroy everything in the process.  But,  in
  a  democratic country, an effective government cannot  be
  established if tussle for power and irresponsible  action
  of  the  people are always happening.  Actually there  is
  no  political  system or government which  can  guarantee
  the  progress  of  a  country.  Many  other  factors  are
  4.    Thanks  to  Allah, we in Malaysia  do  not  have  a
   dictatorial  government.  We  are  democratic.   We  know
  democracy  has certain weaknesses.  The people  could  be
  bribed  with  money or wasteful development;  the  people
  may  choose  a senseless leader, one who is  greedy,  who
  only  wants  position, who is corrupt and so  on  because
  the   voters  are  influenced  with  certain  propaganda,
  including  racial  and religious sentiments.  It  is  not
  exactly right to say that the majority of the people  are
  wise  and  know  how  to  choose a  leader.   Because  of
  loyalty  to  certain  individuals or  influenced  by  the
  ideology  or  parochialism,  the  majority  may  make  an
  unwise choice which can be detrimental to the country.
  5.    After being elected, the leader may be found to  be
  unsuitable,  not  keeping  his promise,  corrupt  or  the
  like.   Unfortunately in a democracy, bringing down those
  who  have been elected is not easy.  There are those  who
  will  continue to strongly support these leaders  because
   of  self interest, because they have been bribed, because
  they  like  to  protect the party ideology and  for  many
  other reasons.
  6.   What is clear is that it is not easy to just form  a
  government  and run a country .  What more to  develop  a
  country.  For a democratic or undemocratic country,  what
  is  easy  is  to just let the situation perpetuate  while
  the  leader  basks in his status and power.  Today,  it's
  the  turn  of this leader, tomorrow the turn  of  another
  one to enjoy the position.
  7.    Thanks  to Allah, Malaysia has succeeded  in  using
  the democratic system, elect the Government and enjoy  an
  effective  administration.   But  merely  this  will  not
  ensure  our  progress.  To progress, we need good  ideas,
  an  approach  that  can  realise the  ideas  and  capable
  managers.    When   our   country  progresses   and   our
  programmes  materialise it means these factors  are  with
  8.     But  we  cannot  be  complacent  with  the  normal
   progress.  In this era, we need strength to prevent  from
  being  colonised   in a new way.  The strength  does  not
  mean  in the military form, although to a certain  extent
  it  is needed.  The strength we need is the strength that
  comes  from political stability, economic health,  social
  justice,  efficient  administration, the  acquisition  of
  knowledge and sophisticated technology which is  no  less
  than that of developed nations.
  9.    The  question is are we capable of  acquiring  this
  comprehensive  strength?  We should remember  that  those
  who  chase  must  be  faster  than  those  being  chased.
  Otherwise  we will certainly not get to our target.   Our
  target  moves  and will not wait for  us.   Can  we,  the
  Malays  and  Bumiputeras, move fast until we can  achieve
  our objectives?.
  10.    Simply  thinking  about  the  immensity   of   the
  challenge  that we face can frustrate us from the  start.
  Those  who  are frustrated normally reject  the  need  to
   pursue the target and cheat oneself  with the claim  that
  it  is  not  true that the targets are better than  their
  situation.   This  is the sour grape psychology  as  they
  cannot enjoy it.
  11.  This type of people try to deny their weaknesses  by
  saying  that  wealth, strength, efficiency and  knowledge
  possessed  by others do not bring any good.   Those  said
  to  be progressive are not really progressive as progress
  cannot  be measured with material achievement.   Success,
  they  say, has a different meaning.  Actually those  said
  to  be left behind are more successful although they  may
  not be seen to be successful.
  12.    There  are those who are frustrated  because  they
  had  failed,  and  start to terrorise blindly.  Children,
  when  angry and disappointed, destroy what they have with
  them to vent their anger.  Those who fail and do not  see
  how  they  can  overcome their failures also  vent  their
  anger  in  the same manner.  They terrorise,  kill,  bomb
   and   bring   down   aircraft  together   with   innocent
  passengers.  They vent their anger on the weak, often  on
  their own people and their own country.
  13.   By  doing so, they will continue to be left behind,
  humiliated  and  oppressed.  But they do not  know  other
  ways  than  these  negative means.They  will  not  change
  tactics,  will not try to pursue progress, will not  turn
  to  more  rational  means because  from  the  start  they
  believe  they  are not capable, will not succeed  or  are
  not  ready  to  persevere with the long  time  needed  to
  pursue  success.   They  do not  believe  in  themselves.
  Therefore  they  will continue with their  negative  ways
  and remain backward permanently.This is what we see in  a
  number  of  countries, especially Muslim countries  which
  face problem of violence by extremist religious groups.
  14.    Are  we  included  in  these  groups?  Frustrated,
  believe  that we cannot possibly succeed, cheat ourselves
   and  vent  our  anger? There are among us who  have  this
  kind  of  thinking, consciously or otherwise.  Therefore,
  they  want  us  not to try to make ourselves  successful.
  They  want  us to arrogantly claim we are already  better
  off,  more  successful and bigger than others  no  matter
  what  proof  is  given to deny this claim.Deep  in  their
  hearts,  they know  their claim is not true.   They  know
  they  are  not  the  masters, but  actually  slaves.  But
  because  they  are  not confident that  they  can  become
  masters,   they   cheat  themselves  by   making   claims
  repeatedly that they are the masters.
  15.   Thanks  to Allah, now more people believe  we  can.
  And  of  course we can.  We are not yet able  to  achieve
  everything we try, but Insya'Allah, we will.  We  can  do
  them  with  repeated  attempts; we can  do  them  through
  perseverance, learning, trying and trying again until  we
  16.   What  are  we  short of? From the physical  aspect,
   from  mental and determination, we are no different  from
  races  which  have  advanced.   The  difference  is   our
  culture,  our value system and the civilisation  that  we
  have  built.     Are we going to lose our  identity,  the
  identity  of our race if we improve our values  until  we
  can   establish  a  new  culture  and  civilisation   for
  ourselves?   Culture  and  civilisation  which  are  more
  suitable  for progress, which can redeem and  uphold  the
  dignity of our race?
  17.   For example, we respect diligence.  But we know  we
  are  not  so diligent. If we do something, we do  not  go
  all  out  until we really succeed, until the  outcome  of
  our  work  achieves very high quality.    We  are  easily
  satisfied  with  the result of our work.   Not  so  good,
  less  durable, not so lasting, not so beautiful  and  not
  so  clean  does not matter.  As such the outcome  of  our
  work  is not so good, not very lasting and is substandard
  in   all  aspects,  that  is  of  lesser  quality.On  the
   contrary,  an advanced race is so diligent,  so  critical
  of  the  results  of  their  work,  so  particular  about
  quality and durability and so on.
  18.   For  instance, not many things are left  behind  by
  our  ancestors.   In developed countries,  old  buildings
  still  stand  magnificently  although  built  a  thousand
  years ago.  Their fortresses are still strong and can  be
  used.  The original beauty is still there.
  19.   Buildings  of our ancestors are not there  anymore.
  They  did  not build permanent buildings.  They  did  not
  construct  buildings  with lasting and  strong  material.
  As  long  as  they  could be used at  the  time,  it  was
  enough.   What was the need for buildings that  last?  We
  are  not  going  to  use  them  after  we  die.   It   is
  sufficient for them to be only temporary - one  day,  one
  month,  one  year, 10 years.  Why the need for  buildings
  to last 100 years?
  20.   In  Europe, we find building in villages and  towns
   with  fortresses  of  more than  1,000  years  old  still
  inhabited  and  used  for trade and  defence.   In  fact,
  these  towns have unique shapes and are so attractive  to
  tourists;  and become the source of income to the  people
  until today.
  21.   We  made boats, for example, crudely.  As  long  as
  they  could be used and not sink, it was enough.  Whether
  they  were for the rulers or dignitaries or the  country,
  they  should  not be anything more than temporary.   They
  were   made   crudely,   with   planks   nailed   without
  consideration to the length.  Some were wide,  some  not.
  The  floor  were  placed simply, no roof,  no  room,  not
  sufficiently equipped and not decorated.  The quality  of
  work  was not important.  As long as they could be  used,
  that's  enough.While in the west as time went by,  larger
  boats were built until they became ships, then made  from
  steel,  equipped with rooms and decorated  like  palaces;
  our  boat  did  not  grow,  still  made  from  wood,  not
   equipped with sailing materials and left just like that.
  22.    We   used  rows  or  sails  without  taking   into
  consideration the sizes or their efficiency.  We did  not
  make  sailing  an area of study that needed research  and
  be  recorded  so  that others who wished  to  sail  could
  learn  and  apply  them.We did not provide  comprehensive
  sailing  maps.   We simply guessed.  We asked  those  who
  probably  knew or used to it and made rough  guides.   We
  used  it  just  once,  we did not record  it  for  us  to
  remember  later or to become the guides for  others.   If
  we  remember  fine.  If not, doesn't  matter.   Only  ask
  when we get lost.
  23.   People say, if a German is asked to write  about  a
  mosquito,  we  will  find volumes of  thick  books  which
  contain  everything  about the insect;  from  its  shape,
  rough  or smooth, so indepth to the extent of its  habit,
  its  died,  the way it breeds, its home and one  thousand
  and  one things about it.  For us, probably two or  three
   sentences are enough on this useless insect.  What's  the
  point  of wasting time on an insect which only knows  how
  to  bite.  Because of the kind of views we have  that  we
  do   not   relate  mosquito  with  malaria  which  killed
  hundreds of thousands of people.  Certainly even  if   we
  know  that the mosquito bite is dangerous, we assume that
  all  mosquito bring malaria and do not care to learn that
  only  the  aedes mosquito which has a certain  shape  and
  certain  habits cause dengue.And because we do not  know,
  we  cannot  save ourselves from this fatal  disease.   If
  not  for  other  people of different culture  undertaking
  research,  we may just accept malaria in our  country  as
  natural and even worst, we may even blame God.  That  God
  equip us with the brain and then we fail to use it,  does
  not cause us to feel guilty at all.
  24.   These  examples show how different is  our  culture
  with  that  of  and  advanced race.  We  may  think  that
  cultural  difference is not important.  But  actually  it
   is  these difference which help determine who is advanced
  and  who is not.The question is are we prepared to accept
  and  practise  the culture that can make us  progressive.
  Are  we  going  to  become less Malay  or  less  Iban  or
  Kadazan  or  less  Malaysian because  we  accept  certain
  aspects  in  a  foreign culture? I do not think  we  will
  become  less  Malay,  less Iban,  less  Kadazan  or  less
  Malaysian  just because we are more interested  to  learn
  something  indepth,  we  are more knowledgeable,  we  are
  more  disciplined and systematic in terms of methods  and
  approach  and  are more concerned with the  knowledge  we
  accumulate which can possibly be used not only by us  but
  also  by  others and other generations.We do  not  become
  Europeans  because we wear coat and tie,  speak  English,
  practise democracy and not feudalism.
  25.   Compare  the  open research in the Western  culture
  with  the attitude of our bomoh and dukun.  If our  bomoh
  and  dukun  find or invent a potent medicine,  they  will
   hide  the  ingredients from others.  They will not  write
  in  the  journal on the matter .  They will  not  conduct
  studies  sincerely, that is without being  influenced  by
  self  interest.Whether potent or not, the  claim  on  the
  effectiveness of their medicine continues and the  recipe
  hidden.   When  they die the recipe is lost,  the  potent
  medicine is lost. Unfortunate will be for those who  fall
  sick after the bomoh or dukun is not around anymore.
  26.   Today knowledge on medicine expands rapidly because
  advanced  races  did not hide their  knowledge.   We  can
  also  share this.  But can we share the knowledge of  our
  past  and present bomoh and dukun?Isn' t it a loss to  us
  when  knowledge is hidden just because those  who  invent
  the  medicine  want  to  keep the benefits  that  can  be
  reaped  from  it for themselves?  Despite this,  we  know
  that there is no dukun who became wealthy because of  his
  knowledge,  no  generations of dukun  or  bomoh  who  are
   academic,   respectable  and  wealthy.On  the   contrary,
  although  the  medical experts of advanced races  exposed
  their  knowledge, they did not lose because of  it.   The
  world respects them and their names are written ink  gold
  ink  and  are always remembered.  Many were awarded  with
  Nobel  Prize.   Certainly  they became  richer  than  our
  bomoh and dukun who have ingredients of potent medicine.
  27.   That  is  the  extent  of  difference  between  our
  culture and that of the advanced races.  Did they  become
  progressive  because of this culture of  theirs  or  that
  they   can   practise  this  culture  because  they   are
  advanced? Can we say this culture does not influence  the
  progress  that  they  have achieved?  Let  us  ponder  to
  28.   There  are  many more differences  in  culture  and
  life's  values between those who are less  advanced.   We
  are  half advanced race and certainly some of the  things
  in  our  culture are different from those  who  are  less
   advanced  than us.We see how those who are less  advanced
  always  struggle  for power, practise corruption  openly,
  do  not  like to live with rules and laws, indisciplined,
  lazier  than  us, never make an attempt to absorb  better
  system and approach and many other differences.  That  is
  why  they  are less advanced than we are.  And  we  often
  say  things  which are not good about them, why  they  do
  not do this and that like what we do.
  29.    These  less  advanced  people  are  probably  more
  advanced  than  the  primitive races  who  live  slightly
  better  off than God's creations which have no capability
  to   think.    If   we  study  the  difference   in   the
  achievements of these races, we will definitely  see  the
  link between culture and the performances of the races.
  30.   We can be proud of our level of progress thus  far.
  Unfortunately  when  we  begin to easily  feel  satisfied
  with  the  little  things  we  have,  the  sign  is   our
  performance  of progress will decline.  This  is  because
   those  who  have already advanced are not  static.   They
  continue  to  progress  and leave  us  who  do  not  move
  behind; as time goes by, they progress further, until  we
  are considered by them as a primitive race.
  31.   And  that is not all.  They will oppress  us,  will
  enslave  us.   Maybe we just accept being humiliated  and
  enslaved.   What's wrong? But we like to claim  ourselves
  as  the master.  We want people to respect us.  We  want.
  But  people  will not give just because  we  want.   They
  will  only  give  to us if there is something  within  us
  which  forces  them to respect us, forcing us  to  become
  their master.
  32.   An  English  proverb says, "There  is  no  need  to
  reinvent  the  wheel".   The wheel has  been  reinvented,
  just copy.  What is needed is that the wheel needs to  be
  improved  so that it become faster.  A round  tree  trunk
  can  be  cut  to  make a wheel, but this  wheel  will  be
  heavy, easy to break and will not be fast.  If a hole  is
   bored  in  the  middle  of this  thin  wood,  it  becomes
  lighter,  faster but easily breakable.  But if the  wheel
  is  tied  with  steel around it, the  wheel  will  become
  stronger   and  more  durable.   And  if  the  wheel   is
  installed  with  compact rubber tyre or  with  air  tyre,
  the  wheel  becomes more efficient. For  a  culture  with
  gives  priority to continued progress, research  is  made
  continuously to invent better things.
  33.   Although we do not need to invent wheels, we should
  upgrade   the  sophistication  of  the  wheels  we   use.
  Similarly  if we want to progress, the ways  and  culture
  to  progress are already there.  There is no need for  us
  to  invent  new ways and culture.  We only need  to  drop
  what  is  considered  not  good and  improve  the  copied
  culture which can bring benefits.
  34.    The  Arabs  during  the  pre  Islamic  days   were
  ignorant.   They were so influenced by their tribes  that
  they  never stopped fighting among themselves.  They must
   have  forgotten  the  reasons  that  led  to  them  being
  enemies, but their enmity and fights continued.
  35.   Their  culture was uncivilised and  hostile.   They
  often  killed  their  daughters.  They  did  not  respect
  women,  seeing them as an asset that was changeable  with
  other goods and as the slaves of the family.
  36.   In  short, the Arabs before Islam were left behind,
  unprogressive,    unrespected   by   anyone,    ignorant,
  uneducated and illiterate.  This was the culture  of  the
  pagan Arabs.
  37.   Later on these ignorant Arabs accepted Islam  which
  not  only  advocated  faith in  one  God  Allah  and  his
  Messenger  Muhammad, but also noble  values.   They  were
  united  in  Islam  to  the extent they  became  brothers,
  respected   the   women,   gave  priority   to   justice,
  appreciated  and  respected  the  Quran  and  other  holy
  books,  they  considered  knowledge  important  and  they
  sought  knowledge which had been explored by  the  Greeks
   and other races.
  38.   The  Arab  culture  changed  radically  after  they
  embraced  Islam.  From ignorant and weak people and  only
  knowing  how  to  live in the desert in a  primitive  way
  they   succeeded  in  building  an  empire  which  almost
  covered  the entire world at that time, that  was  before
  America was discovered.
  39.   They  not  only  managed to  acquire  knowledge  in
  science,  mathematics, geography and other old  knowledge
  possessed  by  the Greeks and Romans, but  also  explored
  new   knowledge  like  sailing,  astronomy,  algebra  and
  logarithm.   They  recorded their researches  until  many
  scientists  from  Europe went to  learn  their  knowledge
  from their madrasah.
  40.   They were advanced in all aspects.  They could used
  iron  and minerals to the extent that Damascus was  known
  for  its high quality steel, glass and ceramic, buildings
  decorated  with Arabesque inscription and  gardens  which
  had  fountains whose water was derived from  a  far  away
  40.   These people of the desert were successful  in  the
  agricultural  field  in  countries  they  conquered  like
  Spain.   Their  sailors sailed to  the  East  up  to  the
  islands in the Malay Archipelago and to the West  and  up
  to  Spain.Their traders were successful over  the  world.
  Alkaf  and  Alsagoff are names of Arab traders  who  were
  rich  and  at one point controlled the entrepot trade  in
  Singapore  and Jawa. The culture absorbed  by  the  pagan
  Arabs  after  they  accepted  Islam  clearly  made   them
  successful in this world.  Therefore it is not  true  the
  claim  that  Islam is a religion strictly for  the  world
  41.   That was the effect of the acceptance of Islam  and
  Islamic  culture  on the Arabs  who were uncivilised  and
  ignorant.   From an unprogressive race and one  who  only
  knew  how to fight among themselves, they became  a  race
  who  was  united  and  were far advanced  that  Europeans
  during that era.
  42.   Today, the Arabs are considered backward, found  to
  have  been  left  far behind in all  aspects.   They  are
  being  humiliated  and often fooled by Europeans  who  at
  one time conquered all Arab nations.
  43.   Why did this fate befall them while they are  still
  Muslims?  Is  Islam and the Islamic culture not  suitable
  anymore in this modern time?
  44.   The answer is although the Arabs are Muslims,  they
  have ignored many of the teachings of the religion.   For
  example,  while Islam professes that Muslims to unite  as
  brothers,  the  Arabs not only do not act like  brothers,
  but  even  fight among themselves.  They return to  their
  uncivilised  ways by being permanent enemies between  one
  Islamic  Arab  country with another.  Money  and  weapons
  are  used  to  fight and kill fellow Muslims.   The  non-
  Muslim  are  taken  as  partners  to  fight  with   other
  45.   Wars  are normally influenced by greed, the  desire
  to  get  the wealth of other Muslim countries of  due  to
   different  political  ideologies.  Sometimes  the  excuse
  given was that the other parties  were less Islamic,  had
  deviated  and could not be regarded as brothers in  Islam
  anymore.Small  groups in the Muslim  community  who  were
  frustrated  because  their  opinion  of  Islam  was   not
  accepted  by  the  society terrorised  and  killed  other
  Muslim blindly.
  46.   Knowledge that is said to be related  to  Islam  is
  not  sought  anymore.  Certainly studies and explorations
  in  science  and other fields are not given attention  by
  Arab  Muslim and non-Arabs.  As such, the Muslims  become
  backward, weak and depend on others, including those  who
  are  their  foes,  for almost all their requirements  and
  defence  in  this modern era.While they reject  knowledge
  that  is  considered non-Islam, they unashamedly buy  and
  use  the  products derived from the non-Muslim knowledge,
  including weapons to kill other Muslims.
  47.   Concentration and attention are  on  small  matters
   which  are  insignificant in the progress of  Muslims  or
  protecting them.  Though Islam has freed women  from  the
  culture of the uncivilised Arabs, injustice to women  has
  resurfaced so much so there were those who said that  all
  social  problems were the result of women.  So,  attempts
  were  made  to  segregate them so  that  they  could  not
  seduce  men.   But  men do not become better  because  of
  this action.   We feel ashamed to mention it, but in  our
  country certain crimes which are caused by sexual  desire
  occur  more  often among the Malays who are  Muslim  than
  the  non-Muslims.     Islamic teachings  are  not  wrong.
  The  fault  is with us who pay attention to the  question
  of  covering  the  aurat more then  from  the  effect  of
  covering  the aurat of our moral.  Just like  the  horses
  and  swords  which  are  no more effective  for  defence,
  covering  the  aurat of Muslims is not effective  anymore
  in  containing  the  lust  in the  multi-racial  society.
   This  is  because today many Muslims visit the  countries
  of  non-Muslims who adopt different cultures.   The  mass
  media  had  made the prohibition to cover the  aurat  not
  implementable  .This  method  in  handling  problems   is
  similar  to  trying  to prohibit the enemies  from  using
  modern   weapons  because  we  want  to  use  swords  and
  48.    Because  of  this,  the  Muslims  Arabs  who  were
  advanced  in  the past are backward.  The  Muslim  empire
  established  by  the  generation  of  pagan   Arabs   who
  embraced  Islam are not around anymore.Those  who  wished
  to   revive  the  glory  of  Islam  and  the  Muslims  by
  following  the  interpretation of the  Islamic  teachings
  during     the     Islamic    glorious    period     were
  obstructed.Others  only  try to pacify  their  hearts  by
  claiming   that  the  progress  of  the  non-Muslims   is
  actually  not progress.  They also try to claim  directly
  or  indirectly that the world hereafter is theirs, as  if
   they  know they are sinless although they ignore many  of
  the important teachings of Islam.
  49.   We are Malays who are Muslims.  More than the Arabs
  or  other  races  who are Muslims, Malay  nationalism  is
  directly associated with Islam.  A person is not a  Malay
  unless  he  is  a  Muslim.  That  is  our  stand  towards
  Islam.If  the pagan Arab who accepted Islam could  become
  so  advanced and strong until they succeeded in  building
  the  Islamic  Empire is it not possible the  Malays  with
  such a strong faith in Islam can also enjoy progress  and
  successes ad the pagan Arabs who embraced Islam?   Is  it
  nor  possible  that the culture of the Malays  change  so
  that  it  is  consistent with the progress and  successes
  which at one time were found among the Muslims?
  50.   We  Malays do not intend to build an  empire.   Our
  aspiration   is  moderate.   We  like  to  be   just   as
  progressive  as  other races who have  progressed.   With
  that  we can redeem the dignity of our race, to a certain
   extent  the dignity of our religion and even the  dignity
  of Bumiputra in this country.
  51.   For more than 50 years Umno has struggled to redeem
  the  dignity  of the Malays.  Umno's struggle  cannot  be
  separated  from  the struggle of Muslims  because  it  is
  clear  that  when Umno succeeds, when Malaysia  succeeds,
  the   world  acknowledges  Islam  has  succeeded.Although
  there  are  many non-Muslims in Malaysia, this  does  not
  deny  the fact that Malaysia is a country led by Muslims.
  Actually  there  has  been  no  Islamic  country  led  by
  Muslims  that has been considered successful.  What  more
  with  our country where the Muslims who from the majority
  group  need  to  lead  the  non-Muslims  without  causing
  adverse   effect   on  the  country's  Islamisation   and
  promoting  it.   However, without using force,  Umno  has
  52.   We  are  not shouting that we are the hero  of  the
  Muslims.   But  Malay  nationalism and  Islam  cannot  be
   separated.   When the Malays succeed Muslims succeed  too
  as  all Malays are Muslims.  There is no need for  us  to
  make  noise, beat our chests and shout "We are the Muslim
  53.   But  we  certainly know that we have not  succeeded
  enough.   To  really  redeem the   dignity  of  race  and
  religion,  our  progress must at least  be  on  par  with
  those   said   to  be  advanced  in  this  world,   those
  respected,  even  feared  by all  including  Muslims  and
  Islamic  countries.It is clear that  our  struggles  have
  not  ended  yet  and will not possibly  end  in  a  short
  period  because we are pursuing a moving target, a target
  which does not wait for us.
  54.   From  what I have mentioned on the role of culture,
  on  the  successes of progressive people, on  the  impact
  Islam  had  on the uncivilised Arabs and the developments
  in  the history of  Islam during the glorious period  and
  during  backward time, it is clear that  we  can  achieve
   progress if we are prepared to change and form a  culture
  suitable  to achieve successes.     Our capabilities  are
  not  less  than those of others who are now  progressive.
  Not  the  colour  of  the  skin  weather  or  race  which
  determine achievements.  Certainly it is not Islam  which
  is  an  obstacle to progress.  What obstruct progress  is
  the  culture  we  have  formed for  ourselves,  which  we
  consider suitable with Islam and giving identity  to  the
  Malays;  this  culture has obstructed our progress  to  a
  level which is our aspiration.
  55.   It  is not that the culture is all unsuitable.   If
  it  is  100 percent not suitable, we certainly would  not
  have  reached today's level.  But to place  our  race  on
  par  with  those who have advanced in this world  and  so
  that  we are not humiliated and oppressed by other races,
  we  must consciously and wisely form a culture which  can
  ensure  that we can achieve the objective of  becoming  a
  progressive race.
  56.   In this effort Umno must become the pacesetter  and
  pioneer.   If  Umno does not dare to show good  examples,
  believe  me  our race will become backward, left  behind,
  laughed  at  by  others  and  humiliated.   We  are   not
  arrogant  but  there  is no other party  or  organisation
  which  can and has the opportunity to form a new  culture
  for  the  Malays so that they can face the  challenge  of
  the   modern   world,  especially  in   the   information
  technology era which knows no borders among countries.
  57.   Many  things have been done by Umno  so  far.   The
  Malay  culture in this era is not the same as the culture
  of  the  Malays when Malaysia was colonised, in fact  not
  even  the  same  with  the Malay  culture  when  we  were
  fighting  for  independence and during  the  early  post-
  independence period.  The greater part of the  new  Malay
  culture  was  formed consciously and often  unconsciously
  too  by  Umno  and  the change in the  country's  social,
   political  and  economic climate  brought  about  by  the
  administration of Umno's leadership.
  58.   Generally  the  change of  culture  among  the  new
  Malays  has helped made them successful.  Today  they  do
  not  drop  out,  are  not  isolated  from  the  country's
  economy, politics and social development.In business  and
  industries, they have shown the capabilities  we  do  not
  even  expect  they would have.  They managed  to  acquire
  the  knowledge and skills which they themselves  believed
  before  were  possessed  by others.   They  do  not  feel
  inferior  and shy as before when the country  wealth  was
  almost  100  per  cent owned by others.   Generally  they
  have  more or less succeeded in redeeming the dignity  of
  their race.
  59.   But  they also have to admit that not all  the  new
  culture  is good.  There are many elements which are  not
  good  in  the  new  Malay culture.  If in  the  past  the
  Malays  were not involved in negative activities such  as
   dadah addiction, today the majority of dadah addicts  are
  Malay  youths.   It is the same with AIDS, social  crimes
  such   as  rapes  dumping  of  babies,  child  and   wife
  battering,  slandering  and  many  other  things.We   are
  worried  with these elements, the efforts to establish  a
  new  culture among the Malays may not succeed of  may  be
  half  successful, not enough for us to promote them fully
  and make them a progressive race.
  60.    That is why we are very serious about the  problem
  of  corruption in the administration and in the party  as
  well  as the problem of money politics.  Corruption  will
  cause   the   greedy,  those  without  morals   and   the
  unqualified,  to  be  chosen  as  party  and   government
  leaders.  This kind of people will always abuse power  to
  enrich  themselves while in position and to  ensure  that
  they  would continue to get support.  The people will  be
  bribed  with the Government's money which should be  used
  for  national  development, for  the  prosperity  of  the
  61.            Corruption   will  only  benefit   certain
  people,  people who can use their power as a  leader  for
  their  own  interest.   It is not possible  for  all  the
  people  to benefit.  The majority of the people  will  be
  disappointed.  Everything will be more expensive  because
  the  element of corruption needs to included.If it is not
  curbed   corruption  will  spread  and  become  a  normal
  practice  by those who hold any position.  An office  boy
  can  also  force  a  client to bribe  him  in  order  for
  something  to  be done.  And those at the  top  will  not
  prevent  him  from  accepting bribes because  they  would
  also  want  their share.  And on until the  Minister  and
  Prime  Minister.It is not possible for these  people  who
  accept bribes known by all officers and staff members  to
  prevent and discipline any of their subordinate.
  62.   All costs involving Government dealings will go  up
  because  of  bribery  for those at  all  levers-officers,
   staff  members and Minister.  And then the banks will  be
  involved  and  capital costs and every loan  will  become
  more   than  the  cost  of  interest.  Bribery  to   bank
  officers,  known as `football money' was very  widespread
  not  so long ago.  Whenever something is in shortage  and
  difficult to obtain, there is a need for bribery  to  get
  it,  even though it is from businessmen. This is also the
  same  with  essential  services from  the  Government  or
  private sector.
  63.   In  short  when  corruption  becomes  part  of  the
  national  culture,  every cost, from Government  dealings
  to  the  production  of  goods or  services  and  selling
  prices,  will increase.  Every type of work will  take  a
  longer  time  to  be done.There is no  certainty  in  any
  dealings,  in terms of cost or time.  It is not  possible
  to   achieve  efficiency  and  all  development  will  be
  interrupted.Trade  in and outside  the  country  will  be
  difficult  and not competitive because of the  high  cost
   and  inefficient service.  In the end the performance  of
  national development will decline. Everyone will be  poor
  although   earnings  are  high  because   everything   is
  expensive.  Those involved in corruption will  also  face
  the  consequences because they are living in a  poor  and
  backward  country and they will be looked down  by  other
  people and other races.
  64.   Corruption  is not the only culture practice  which
  can  destroy  us.   There  are other  bad  practices  and
  values that can destroy us.  And we must eliminate  these
  bad values.
  65.   But we cannot be passive, protecting ourselves from
  the  negative.  If we want to advance we need to plan and
  implement a strategy that can enable us to advance.
  66.    Here  we  need  to  determine  our  objective  and
  strategy.   Do we really want to become an advanced  race
  or  isn't  this  important or necessary  to  be  attained
  because  progress does not bring about any advantage.Many
  have  said that we should be satisfied with what we have.
   In  fact, some have claimed that fate has determined what
  we  have and we should just be thankful.  The little that
  we  have  cannot  increase  (Rezeki  secupak  tidak  akan
  menjadi  segantang).  Poverty in life  will  be  rewarded
  with  wealth in the hereafter.  Humiliation in this world
  will be rewarded with greatness in the hereafter.
  67.   We will reject this claim.  But our attitude of not
  wanting  to work hard, easily satisfied, quick  to  waste
  when  we  are  a  little well-off,  quick  to  move  from
  chasing   wealth  to  chasing  fun  which  is   sometimes
  forbidden,  shows  that we have not  absorbed  honourable
  values   that   give  priority  to  dignity   more   than
  fulfilling  desires.   The  little  wealth  that  we  are
  enjoying  has already destroyed our morals and our  young
  generation.   They loaf around, are involved  in  bohsia,
  use  drugs and so on.  Are we really convinced  that  the
  progress  that  we  have attained can be  perpetuated  by
   those who will inherit from us.
  68.   If  really  want to progress, because  progress  in
  this  world is equally important with happiness  in  they
  hereafter;  if we want to progress because we  value  our
  integrity; if we want to progress because we want  to  be
  master  in  the true sense; than we have to be sure  that
  we  are capable and in a position to be `master'.  It  is
  useless  if  we claim ourselves to be `master'  while  we
  and our people easily oppressed and humiliated.
  69.   To  be  `master' we need to have certain qualities.
  We  have  to  have certain knowledge and efficiency.   We
  will  not acquire knowledge and efficiency if we are  not
  prepared  to  pursue  them  through  the  right  way  and
  70.   From  the  history of Islam, we know  that  Muslims
  were   able  to  acquire  knowledge  pioneered  by  Greek
  philosophers.   Because  the  Greeks  did  not  write  in
  Arabic, the Arabs must have surely learnt Greek to  learn
   and acquire the knowledge of the Greeks.
  71.   It  is  the  same with us.  If we want  to  acquire
  knowledge and efficiency of foreigners, then we  must  be
  prepared  to  learn foreign languages.   The  higher  our
  command  of a particular language, the easier it  is  for
  us to acquire knowledge pioneered in that language.
  72.   The  view  that we can only be nationalists  if  we
  understand  only our language is wrong.  Whether  or  not
  we  are prepared to admit it, the reality is that much of
  the  knowledge we need for progress is not  pioneered  or
  documented  by  us.   We are not even able  to  translate
  vital  knowledge  because in order to translate  we  need
  people  who  are  experts  in  three  things-in  his  own
  language,  in a foreign language and highly  educated  in
  that  field  of knowledge.  We do not have these  people.
  Even  if  we  do, they are doing other work  which  under
  existing conditions, we regard as more important.
  73.   We  cannot wait for the time when we can get enough
   of    these   experts.    Knowledge   and   sophisticated
  technology are not static. More so than in the  past  new
  knowledge  and  technology is created so  fast.   In  the
  micro-chip  era  which  increases  manifold  in  strength
  every  18  months, technology will expand more rapidly.It
  is  not  possible  for  us  to  have  enough  experts  to
  translate  into  out  language every  knowledge  that  is
  pouring  out,  the result of other people's research  and
  pioneering.  If we wait, we will be left behind, we  will
  be  backward,  and  will  not understand  the  spread  of
  knowledge   and  technology, past,  present  and  future.
  Our  race  will  be  a  primitive  race,  to  be  fooled,
  humiliated  and  oppressed by others.   We  may  be  more
  nationalist  in our view.  But a nationalist who  accepts
  being humiliated is not a nationalist.
  74.   The  true nationalists are those who work  hard  to
  advance   their  race  and  are  capable   of   competing
  successfully  with  those who have  progressed.   A  true
   nationalist is one who is respected because  he  is  part
  of  a successful race who can defeat others in any field.
  A  true  nationalist is one who can ensure that his  race
  will  be  respected and held in esteem, through  what  he
  has excelled in.
  75.   Having command of other languages does not make  us
  less   of   a   nationalist  or   less   patriotic   than
  nationalists   who  only  have  command  of   their   own
  language.   If it is to the dignity of our race  that  we
  know   another  language  and  the  knowledge   in   that
  language,   then  we  will not be less  nationalistic  or
  patriotic  than the nationalists who are only  fluent  in
  their own language and do not possess knowledge that  can
  contribute towards the redemption of the dignity  of  the
  race.   Actually,  those  who know  other  languages  and
  certain  knowledge  are far more nationalist  than  those
  who   are   only   capable   of  shouting   about   their
  76.   In  our  effort to redeem our dignity, it  is  very
   important   that   we  acquire  knowledge   in   whatever
  language.  If we need to prepare a certain time for  this
  purpose,  then  we  should be prepared for  it.Diligence,
  determination  and patience or time are needed  to  learn
  something.  If we do that, God willing, we will  succeed,
  we  will  develop   our  race, we will  become  the  true
  master.  If that is our dream.
  77.   The acquisition of knowledge has to be done from  a
  young  age.  The Umno-led Government has already provided
  facilities  needed  for  the learning  of  knowledge  and
  languages    of   knowledge.   But  many   parents   have
  different  views.  They are not interested to  see  their
  children acquire vital knowledge for the progress of  the
  race  and country.  Instead, they want their children  to
  supposedly  realise  the  spirit  of  Malay  nationalism.
  They  do  not  give  encouragement to their  children  to
  learn English, for example, seriously.  They also do  not
  give  attention to their children's work and  performance
   in  school.   That  is why there are so many  pupils  and
  students  of our race who are all over shopping complexes
  after school or sometimes during school hours.
  78.   Many  parents want their children to be  religious.
  Because  of this, many talented children are not able  to
  acquire  knowledge  in other fields.   Later,  when  they
  pass their religious studies, they find that they do  not
  have  that  many  opportunities to work  in  fields  that
  offer  a high income. They feel disappointed that society
  is  not  fair  to them.  And they are angry with  society
  especially  other people who have studied  others  fields
  and  who  are leading a better life than them.  And  they
  are angry with the Government which they have stamped  as
  secular.  If is in troubled waters that many will try  to
  79.   It  is  not  that  we  do  not  give  attention  to
  religious  education.  Actually, the facilities  provided
  for  the learning of religion are better now than before.
   Anyone  who wishes to study religion can study it to  the
  highest  level.   But,  what will happen  to  the  Muslim
  society  if the knowledge that they have is only  limited
  to  that  related to only religion, usuluddin and  feqah.
  There   are   no   doctors,   engineers,   army   chiefs,
  businessmen  and entrepreneurs, farmers and other  people
  among  them  important  for the  prosperity  of  society.
  Surely,  a  society that is limited to  religious  people
  only  will  be  rigid  and  weak.   They  can  pray   for
  everything from God but Allah SWT has said in  the  Quran
  that  He will not change our fate if we do not work  hard
  to  change  it ourselves.  It is clear then that  prayers
  alone will not make us successful and happy.
  80.   It is certainly not true that all Malays send their
  children  to   study  only religion.  Many  are  learning
  other  things  too.   But we are in need  more  of  those
  educated  in  fields  of  knowledge  that  can  help   us
   successfully  compete with others.   Only  when  we  have
  enough  of them to save us, can we then say that we  have
  fulfilled fardu kifayah.  If  there are not enough,  then
  we have sinned.

81.   Defending the ummah is something that is compulsory
  for  muslims. Those involved in defending the  ummah  are
  actually  helping society fulfil fardu kifayah, that  is,
  in  carrying out religious obligation.  Because of  them,
  the  muslim  community  will be saved.   And  because  of
  them,   the   Muslim  community  is  free  of  committing
  sins.Those  who deliberately do not work hard  to  fulfil
  fardu  kifayah  that  is so heavy,  are  surely  sinning.
  Those  who only wish to see their children become experts
  in  religion only and neglect the security and prosperity
  of  the  ummah are surely not following the teachings  of
  82.   To  ensure  that we succeed in our defence,  we  no
  longer  need   a  horse and sword. We need  sophisticated
  weapons.  We cannot depend on the supply from others  who
  have other interests.  To invent and produce weapons  and
  defence  equipment, we need all sorts of knowledge  which
  is  not  specifically  related to  religion.   Therefore,
   there  is  a  need  for  more  of  our  children  to   be
  encouraged  to  command  these  fields  of  knowledge  as
  fulfilling   religious  requirements,  as   a   religious
  83.    Comments   about  religious  education   is   very
  sensitive.   If  anyone  says that Muslims  should  learn
  other  things  than religion, he will  be  condemned  and
  regarded  as  not so Islamic.   Parents  who  send  their
  children  to  study religion are regarded as  people  who
  obey  the requirements of Islam.  In fact, those who give
  priority  to  saving and defending Islam and Muslims  and
  have  their children learn certain knowledge are no  less
  Islamic,  but are fulfilling an obligation be helping  to
  fulfil  fardu kifayah. So too is the religious  adherence
  of  political parties and the government which urges more
  muslim  children to study knowledge which  can  save  and
  strengthen  the muslim community and Islam. Because  many
  governments  of  muslim  countries  neglect   this   need
   Islamic   nations   today  are   oppressed   and   Islam,
  humiliated.  Are  those who cause Muslim  nations  to  be
  oppressed  and Islam to be humiliated better  than  those
  who protect the dignity of Islam and Muslims?
  84.    Umno   as  a  political  party  should  not   fear
  allegations that we do not give priority to Islam.   when
  we  plan  the Multimedia Super Corridor, we are  actually
  working  hard  to  save Muslims during  an  era  that  is
  challenging   now  and  in  the  future.    Without   any
  knowledge  of information technology and ways to  use  it
  to  strengthen Muslims and their adherence to  Islam,  we
  will  not  only be left behind but exposed to attacks  on
  our  way  of  life,  religion and  culture.In  fact,  the
  CD_ROM  technology has already made it easier for  us  to
  learn  Islamic  teachings and to spread these  teachings.
  It  is  easier to listen to the Al-Quran and its accurate
  interpretations through the computer than  just  to  read
   the  Al-Quran.  It is such a waste for us if we read  the
  Al-Quran  as  an  obligation but not  wish  to  know  its
  85.   It is true that there is a possibility that our MSC
  project  will  be misused or will give rise to  undesired
  things.    But  if  we  do  not  know  about   multimedia
  technology   and   management,   there   is   a   greater
  possibility  that  we  will not be able  to  control  the
  negative  elements and we cannot use the  technology  for
  our good.
  86.   We  certainly know that if we do not  have  control
  over  the ways and technology of television, for example,
  we  will  be  exposed  to purely foreign  propaganda  and
  culture.   But  because we know how  to  manage  and  use
  television, we therefore are able to reduce the  negative
  effects  from  foreign propaganda  and  use  it  for  our
  87.    So   it   is   with  information  and   multimedia
  technology.    If  we  do  not  have  control   of   this
   technology,  then we will be attacked  by  all  types  of
  information which is useless, and can destroy and  damage
  our  morals  and culture.  The Multimedia Super  Corridor
  is  a  project to enable us to have control of the latest
  technology and use it for our benefit.
  88.   Indeed it is easy to discredit the Multimedia Super
  Corridor  by claiming that the Serambi Mekah  is  better,
  but  the  claim  to  make Kelantan  a  Serambi  Mekah  is
  something that has long been done.  What we see  now  are
  the  incidents of drug abuse, AIDS and khalwat  happening
  more  in  Kelantan than in other States.   The  claim  to
  have  Kelantan under a certain political party as Serambi
  Mekah  is merely a political propaganda which uses  as  a
  tool  the strong adherence Malays have to Islam  for  the
  political  interst  of  people who  are  willing  to  see
  Muslims  become  backward and suffer  as  long  as  these
  people can enjoy high positions.
  89.   Of  late, all sorts of fatwa on matters related  to
   the  lifestyle  of Muslims in Malaysia  have  been  made.
  Under  Islamic laws in the Federal Territory,  the  mufti
  makes  a  fatwa  which is later to be endorsed  by  fatwa
  council,  chaired by the same mufti.  When it is endorsed
  and declared or gazetted, the fatwa then becomes law.
  90.   But  the same laws also provide that the mufti  can
  nullify  his fatwa or any other fatwa issued before  that
  by  him  or  another  mufti.  This  provision  is  surely
  because of the possibility that there could a fatwa  that
  is  wrong  or  not suitable which needs to be  nullified.
  In  other  words,  the  law admits the  possibility  that
  fatwa  issued could be wrong.  The power of the mufti  in
  making and annulling fatwa is very big.
  91.   The  mufti is a position created by the  rulers  of
  Muslims countries after the death of the prophet to  help
  make decision related to religious matters.  The post  of
  mufti  was  needed  because of  the  tendency  of  people
  claiming   themselves  as  ulama  to   make   fatwa   and
   individual  interpretations which were often  conflicting
  among   themselves  and  confused  Muslims.    With   the
  existence  of  mufti,  then the  Mufti  Department  alone
  could  make  and  nullify a fatwa .  In this  way,  there
  would  not be conflicting fatwa in relation to  the  same
  92.   Throughout  the history of Islam, many  fatwa  were
  accepted   and   used  and  were  later   nullified   and
  disregarded.  So it was with the carving of the face  and
  shape  of human beings or animals which was forbidden  by
  Islam.   The reason was that long ago, the Arabs and  the
  followers  of  other  religions liked  to  worship  idols
  which  they  carved  to resemble man or  animals.   There
  were  also those who carved and drew the faces  of  their
  gods and later worshipped these carvings and pictures.
  93.   To  prevent Allah from being associated with  other
  objects  or attempts to create an image of  Allah  to  be
  later  worshipped, Islam forbids the carving  or  drawing
   of  the  face and shape of humans or animals.  Until  the
  end  of  the  Muslims  Empire of  Turkey,  this  ban  was
  94.   But in this age, this can no longer be enforced  in
  the  entire  Islamic world because of  the  existence  of
  cameras    and   television.    Pictures    of    Islamic
  personalities and ulama can be obtained just anywhere.
  95.   Are Muslims then no longer obeying Islamic laws  in
  relation  to  the  carving  and  drawing  of  humans  and
  animals?  In  this matter, we should refer  back  to  the
  reason  why  the law to forbid it was made.   The  reason
  was  to  prevent  the jahiliah Arabs who  embraced  Islam
  from  returning  to their worshipping of idols,  drawings
  and so on which they were doing before.
  96.   If we make statues or pictures and we worship them,
  then  we have indeed violated Islamic teachings.  But  we
  are  not the jahiliah Arabs who just embraced Islam.   We
  know  how  to  differentiate  between  the  God  whom  we
   worship,  that is Allah SWT and the carvings or  pictures
  which  we  do not equate with God and we do not  worship.
  We  do  not also violate this law forbidding the  carving
  or  drawing of God or the Prophet.  Therefore we are  not
  violating   the  meaning  and  intention  of   this   law
  forbidding   the  carving  and  drawing  of  humans   and
  animals.   We  do not worship any carving or  drawing  as
  God or as the symbol of our God.
  97.   Nevertheless, many Muslims regard the intention  or
  meaning  of  a  law in Islam as not important.   What  is
  important  is  only  the  way  or  approach.   By  giving
  priority  to ways, the meaning and intention  of  Islamic
  teachings often are not achieved.
  98.   Islam  is not religion of obligatory rituals  which
  need  to  be  carried  out  without  considering  that  a
  particular  intention  is required  to  be  carried  out.
  Everything that is asked by Islam is connected  with  the
  prosperity  in the life of Muslims.  That was  why  every
   time  the  jahiliah Arabs embraced Islam,  they  achieved
  extraordinary progress.
  99.   But  in  time, the priority given to the obligation
  of  making rituals and what was related to the  form  and
  shape  of Islam became stronger.  The attire of the Arabs
  during  the  Prophet's time and several  centuries  after
  that,  and  worn by all Arabs, Muslims or Christian,  was
  made  a  symbol of Islam.  And Muslims wore  this  attire
  but  they  were  often  at war among  themselves  without
  regard  to  the heavier requirement in Islam for  Muslims
  to be kins.
  100.  In the question of security, Muslims were asked  to
  have  horses  and swords to frighten their  enemies.   In
  this  age,  horses and swords will not frighten  anybody.
  If  we adhere to the instruction that we have a horse and
  sword,  then  today, we will not be able to  do  anything
  because  our enemies are not afraid of horses and swords.
  But  if  we  concentrate on  intention contained  in  the
   Quranic  verse  for us to frighten our enemies,  then  we
  will  surely  have  ready a battle  force  equipped  with
  sophisticated weapons that can frighten our enemies.
  101.  It  is  the  same  with covering  the  aurat.   The
  intention  for  this is because during the  time  of  the
  Prophet,  the jahiliah Arabs were lustful to  the  extent
  the  they  often  abducted and  raped  women  from  other
  tribes.  The result was unending wars among themselves.
  102.             But,  in this age in Malaysia,  we  very
  strong  about  the covering of aurat.  Severe  punishment
  is  set  for  those who violate the law  on  this.   That
  people  who cover their aurat abandon babies,  abuse  and
  kill  children,  rape  and commit  all  sorts  of  sexual
  crimes,  we do not relate it to the intention of covering
  the  aurat.  Just like preparing a horse and a  sword  to
  frighten  one's  enemy, and the carving  and  drawing  of
  humans and animals not to be worshipped, the covering  of
   aurat has lost its effect.
  103.  This does not mean the Al-Quran is wrong.   We  are
  wrong  because we give priority to the covering of  aurat
  and  not to the fight against sexual crimes which are the
  primary  intention  of  Islamic  teachings.   Just   like
  pictures  and  carvings which we can no  longer  prevent,
  the  exposure of aurat can be seen by all Muslims in this
  age.   The  stress  should be on Islamic moral  education
  and  not showing the differences between Muslims and  non
  Muslims  because this cannot prevent sexual crimes  which
  are widespread in Muslims society.
  103.  Because of the wrong emphasis, because of  priority
  given  to  ways  and not intention, that today's  Muslims
  are  in  conflict among themselves, disunited  and  weak.
  The  real  enemy we do not care about.  Friends and  kins
  of  the  same  religion are condemned  and  made  enemies
  because  they  are  regarded to be  less  Islamic.In  the
  entire Muslim world, this is what is happening.  As  long
   as  something  is claimed to be a requirement  in  Islam,
  other  actions which are clearly unIslamic,  are  allowed
  (halalkan).   Just like fitnah, slander  and  allegations
  made  to  the  extent that the killings of other  Muslims
  are  permitted because of the pursuit of what is  claimed
  to be demanded by Islam.
  104.   Covering  the  hair  on  the  head  had  the  same
  intention  as  covering aurat which is to prevent  sexual
  crimes.   No  one  is preventing this practice  but  many
  wish  to force more than what is asked to the extent that
  children  and the elderly are made to cover their  heads.
  And  we  should not forget that those who  do  not  cover
  their  heads have also committed sexual crimes, not  less
  than  those  who  do  not cover  their  heads.   This  is
  because  we  give priority to covering the head  and  not
  fighting  sexual crimes.  As long as we cover  our  head,
  we have perfected our amalan.
  105.  Mean  while, the Islamic teaching on kinship  among
   Muslims,  on  not  to  shame  of  disappoint  others,  on
  defending the ummah, on justice, on preventing  chaos  in
  society,  on  happiness and prosperity  in  the  life  of
  Muslims,  is  neglected.  Muslims then  become  weak  and
  without  knowledge, fooled and humiliated by the  enemies
  of  Islam.  All this is not because Islamic teachings are
  wrong, but because emphasis is given to only half of  the
  teachings  of  Islam  that is to the  ways  and  not  the
  meaning and intention of Islamic teachings.
  106.  I realise that what I am saying will not make  many
  people  comfortable, including Umno members.  But we  are
  facing a problem of increasing intolerance to anyone  who
  does not give priority to the form and shape of Islam  to
  the  point  that  the  sunat is made compulsory  and  the
  wajib  (compulsory)  is enhanced and  tightened  further,
  with  the claim that anyone who does not carry it out  is
  not  Islamic  or  murtad (an apostate).In  several  other
   Muslim  countries,  the fanatic groups  are  prepared  to
  kill  people of the same faith because they want to seize
  power  to  implement their opinion.  In Malaysia,  groups
  like  these  have already reached a level  of  slandering
  and  denying  the `Muslimness" of others.  If  left  like
  this,  we  will also become like certain Muslim countries
  which  are  already weak and oppressed by foreign  power.
  We  have  to  defence the true Islamic  teachings  before
  tragedy befalls us.
  107.  Malaysia is regarded by other Muslim  countries  as
  an  exemplary  country.   This  is  not  our  claim.   In
  newspapers in Muslim countries, in the speeches of  their
  leaders,  and  in  their talks with us and  with  others,
  they  not only state that Malaysia is an example to other
  Muslim countries, but they are very proud of and awed  by
  Malaysia  as a progressive Muslim country.  And they  ask
  for  the formula of success of a Muslim country which has
  many non Muslims.
   108.  The  reason they are awed by and proud of  Malaysia
  is  not that we have exhibited the kind of Islam which is
  extreme  but  that  we  practise  moderation  in   Islam.
  Malaysian  Muslims  have  successfully  dealt  with   the
  problem   of   ruling   a   multiethnic   and   religious
  population.  They, the non-Muslims, believe  the  way  we
  implement  Islamic  laws to be very good  because  it  is
  clear  that  it  has brought peace and  progress  to  our
  country  which they admit and regard as a Muslim  country
  as we have officially recognised.
  109.  They are actually very disappointed with the action
  and  opinions of the groups among the Muslims who are too
  extreme  to  the extent of being violent in the  name  of
  Islam  and  put  emphasis  on  trivial  issues  in  their
  community.   They  wish  to  see  Islamic  policies   and
  practices  like  those  in Malaysia  practised  by  their
  people.   The leaders of their governments also wish  for
  110.  If  those  lead  and live in Muslim  countries  are
  overwhelmed by our moderate Islamic ways, why then do  we
  wish  for  extreme  ways which have caused  other  Muslim
  countries  to  face problems and not  develop.   Why  are
  there  among  us  who  like better Islamic  symbols  like
  attire  and sporting beards and not concentrate  on  more
  serious  matters  for Muslims like kinship  and  defence.
  Do  they  like us to be disunited and weak to the  extent
  that  we  will be oppressed by others who have their  own
  interest  and who like to see us continue to be  weak.Who
  is  the  one to be truly fighting for Islam?   Those  who
  give  priority to what they regard as Islamic symbols  or
  the  Government  and  Umno which  give  priority  to  the
  defence  and  prosperity of Muslims in this  country  and
  more or less in other countries too.
  112.  I  have taken quite a long time to discuss  matters
  related  to  the Islamic religion and practices  in  this
  country.   In this regard, there will be those  who  hold
   the  opinion  that  as  a  person  who  has  not  studied
  religion  specifically and does not understand Arabic,  I
  have therefore no right to speak on Islam.
  113.  I would like to stress that the split among Muslims
  into  several mazhab (schools of thought) and groups with
  all  sorts of practices and understanding while there  is
  only   one   Islamic   religion,  was   caused   by   the
  interpretations  and teachings of others who  specialised
  in   religion   and   understood  the  Arabic   language.
  Understanding the religion and Arabic language  does  not
  guarantee  that their interpretations and teachings  were
  accurate  true and similar.  In fact, because of specific
  interests,  there were among them who wrongly interpreted
  the teachings of Islam.
  114.  Saidina Abu Bakar, the first Caliph of the Muslims,
  was  also  prepared to be criticised if he did  something
  wrong.   But  there are people with little  knowledge  of
  Islam   and  Arabic  who  claimed  they  could   not   be
   criticised.   Are  they  then  bigger  than  Saidina  Abu
  Bakar?  Can they so easily accuse other people  as  kafir
  (infidel),  murtad  and firaun?   Have  those  whom  they
  accused no right to defend themselves?
  115.  Muslim leaders and society not only have the  right
  but the responsibility to lead the Muslim community.   If
  the  leaders  find  that there are  teachings  which  are
  wrong  or  which disregard matters important to  Muslims,
  Muslim  leaders  not  only  should  criticise  but   must
  criticise.Muslims  today  are  oppressed  and  humiliated
  because  the leaders of Muslim countries do not criticise
  Islamic  teachings and practices that can  easily  weaken
  and  disunite Muslims.  Until today Muslims  in  Malaysia
  are  not attacked by diseases that have struck many other
  Muslim  countries.   All this while we  do  not  have  an
  extremist group that attacks and slaughter other  Muslims
  who  do not accept their teachings.  But we can see those
  who  are  interested in this extremist way, who want  our
   Muslim  society  to give priority to the   prevention  of
  small  sins  while the bigger sins are  committed.   This
  flow  must be curbed  and Umno as the ruling party  which
  is  responsible  must  be brave to fight  this  unhealthy
  116.  It  is  40 years since Umno has led the  Government
  which   rules  a  multi-racial  and  religious   country.
  Throughout  the history of independent Malaysia  we  have
  seen  how  our country which was backward and weak  freed
  from   the   shackles   of  colonialism,   advanced   and
  progressed  until it has become an exemplary  country  to
  other developing countries.
  117.  Although  the Malaysian population is  made  up  of
  many  races  diverse in religious worship,  language  and
  culture,  the  Umno-led  Government  has  been  able   to
  safeguard peace.
  118.  The  Malays  and other Bumiputra who  are  weak  in
  terms  of  economy, have been absorbed in the  trade  and
  industry   community  until  distinction  is  no   longer
   glaring between them and other ethnic groups in terms  of
  efficiency and acquisition of sources of wealth.
  119.  Although from the beginning there were attempts  to
  split   the  Malays  through  religious  politics,   this
  attempt  failed.  The majority of Malays had  a  moderate
  attitude  as  is  required in Islam, and not  an  extreme
  attitude that is condemned in Islam.
  120.  Because of all this, Malaysia, has become rich  and
  strong  and is able to help others who are oppressed  and
  victimised,  including the Muslims in Bosnia,  Palestine,
  Somalia  and elsewhere.  We do not experience the problem
  of   riots  by  extremist  groups  found  in  many  other
  developing countries, including many Muslim countries.
  121.  Because of this we can plan to further develop  our
  country  so  that  it can become an advanced  country  by
  2020.   Whether we can achieve this objective depends  on
  many  factors.  From outside the country, there are  many
  enemies  who  would like to colonise us again indirectly.
   They  are helped, consciously or unconsciously, by groups
  in  the  country  inclined  to  extremist  ways  and  not
  tolerant,  including  Muslim groups  who  are  not  happy
  because we do not exhibit ways which to them are Islamic-
  that  is  to  riot  condemn, and to always  accuse  other
  Muslims as unIslamic.
  122.  We  in Umno need to deal with every threat for  the
  freedom  and peace of our country and the prosperity  and
  security  of  Muslims  and other  ethnic  groups  in  our
  country.  I believe that if we allow extremist groups  to
  do  as  they pleased without fear, we will be  just  like
  several  Muslim countries which today face chaos,  riots,
  are weak and oppressed by bigger powers.
  123.  Umno's responsibility is big.  The challenges which
  we  have  faced  and  overcome  in  the  past  are  small
  compared  to the challenges ahead.  If we are not  brave,
  if  we  lack  conviction of the truth and honour  of  our
  struggle,   if  we  are  preoccupied  with   wealth   and
   materialism,  if  we are involved in  corruption,  if  we
  allow people who use religion to act wildly, then the  51
  years  of  our  struggle for religion and  race  will  be

   Translated Version By NSTP.
