Tarikh/Date 	: 	11/09/97 

   1.   I  am  deeply  honoured to be  here  this  morning  to
  receive the Honorary Doctorate of Humanity conferred on  me
  by  the  National University of Mongolia.  I would like  to
  convey my special thanks to the Government of Mongolia  and
  the  distinguished  members  of  the  Academic  Council  of
  Scholars of the University, which have deemed me worthy  of
  the Honorary Doctorate.
  2.    Besides  being a personal honour for me, I  am  happy
  that  the  occasion is made more meaningful as it coincides
  with   the   26th  anniversary  of  the  establishment   of
  diplomatic  relations between Malaysia and Mongolia.   This
  honour  that  you have just accorded me will be  remembered
  by  us as a symbol of the enhanced relationship between our
  two countries.
  3.    We  are at the threshold of a new millennium.   I  am
  hopeful  that  the  future will see a much  more  equitable
  distribution   of   wealth  and  prosperity   between   the
  countries  of the world.  I appreciate that the world  does
  not  owe  us  a living.  But I do hope that the world  will
  also  not deliberately prevent us from seeking a fair share
  of   the  opportunities  and  the  wealth  of  this  world,
  including the exploitation of our own resources.
  4.    Mongolia is perceived by us in the South East Asia as
  a  very  remote  country.  It is time that  we  revise  our
  perceptions.   It took only seven hours to  fly  here.   It
  takes  13 hours to fly non-stop to London and more than  20
  hours  to  New York.  Yet these places are not regarded  as
  being remote.
  5.    It  seems  to  me  that Mongolia  with  its  pristine
  beauty, its clear air, its glorious history and the  relics
  of  the  past,  would be a great place  for  tourists  from
  South  East  Asia and other parts of the world.   It  needs
  only  some investments in facilities for Mongolia to become
  less  remote.   Malaysia is prepared to work with  Mongolia
  to  overcome the obstacles which today gives the impression
  that you are remote.
  6.    As  developing  countries in an age of  globalisation
  and  rapid  technological changes, there is, I  believe,  a
  strong  need  for us to unite and speak with one  voice  to
  ensure  that  our  interests are promoted  and  views  duly
  respected.   In  such  a  challenging  environment,  it  is
  imperative  that  countries of the  South  intensify  their
  cooperation  for their mutual benefits.  Countries  of  the
  South,  in  their efforts to develop their  economies  will
  find  their path fraught with difficulties, including those
  imposed  by  external  pressures.  We  in  the  East  Asian
  region  are  only  too aware of these attempts  by  outside
  forces   to   slow  down  our  rapid  economic  growth   as
  demonstrated  by  the recent attempts  to  destabilise  and
  weaken certain East Asian currencies.  Until and unless  we
  in  the  developing  countries resist the  manipulation  by
  these  external forces, we will not be able to achieve  the
  full  potential of our countries.  Hence, the  urgent  need
  for  the  South  countries to step up their cooperation  in
  the face of all these challenges.
  7.    Malaysia  values its friendship with  all  countries,
  large   or   small,  irrespective  of  their   systems   of
  government.   We only expect mutual respect  and  equality.
  We  also  believe in working together towards  a  conducive
  environment  for  global  peace,  stability,   and   common
  prosperity.   We are conscious that the next millennium  is
  just  around  the corner, and with its dawning,  it  should
  bring  new hopes as well.  It is my sincere hope  that  all
  countries will strive together to build a better  and  more
  equitable world for our future generations.
  8.    On  this  note, allow me, once again  to  express  my
  deepest  appreciation and sense of pride for  the  Honorary
  Doctorate  conferred on me today by the National University
  of  Mongolia.   I  would  like to  end  my  speech  with  a
  reference to the meaning of your Soyombo:
  "May  all  people, both ruler and the ruled, be honest  and
  straightforward in serving the country".

