Tempat/Venue 	: 	BISHKEK,KYRGYZ 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	11/09/97 

   1.    I  am indeed very happy to be in Bishkek once  again.
  We  are overwhelmed by the warm welcome and reception  that
  we  have  received.   On behalf of my delegation,  I  would
  like  to  thank  our hosts for the welcome, friendship  and
  hospitality accorded to us.
  2.    Since our last visit to Bishkek a year ago,  we  note
  that  remarkable  changes have taken place  in  the  Kyrgyz
  Republic.   These  changes  are a  clear  signal  that  the
  Republic  is  well on the way to achieving a transformation
  to  a  free  market  economy.  We admire the  courage  with
  which  steps  are  being  taken  to  globalise  the  Kyrgyz
  economy.   We  also  believe that we can  work  with  other
  countries  and institutions and contribute in a  meaningful
  way   towards  establishing  a  full-fledged  free   market
  economy in the Kyrgyz Republic.
  3.     The   Kyrgyz   Republic  starts   with   significant
  advantages in its drive towards a free market economy.   It
  has  a pool of highly skilled and well qualified scientists
  and  other  professional  technocrats.   We  believe  these
  experts  can  contribute to the well-being  of  the  Kyrgyz
  Republic  and  other countries as well.  Our two  countries
  continue   to  hold  discussions  on  how  some  of   these
  scientists  can come to Malaysia and play  a  role  in  the
  development process.  While certain issues including  those
  related  to language and the question of mutual recognition
  of  professional qualifications have to be sorted  out,  we
  are  optimistic  that  there is tremendous  scope  for  our
  countries to work together.
  4.    During  the present visit to this beautiful  country,
  we  have  the  important task of initiating discussions  on
  the  joint  study  of  the Kyrgyz  economy  that  has  been
  carried  out  by  the officials of both the  Malaysian  and
  Kyrgyz  governments.  The report's uniqueness lies  in  the
  substantial  interaction that took place  between  our  two
  countries in drawing up the recommendations.
  5.    I  am  informed  that  it had  been  a  pleasant  and
  rewarding  experience  to  work with  Kyrgyz  officials  of
  various  levels  in compiling the report.   It  is  notable
  that  during  the various different stages the  report  was
  done  on  a highly consultative basis.  Its fast completion
  is  a  tribute to the high mutual regard that  has  evolved
  between  our  two countries.  I am also informed  that,  at
  all  times, particularly in the final stages, our officials
  were  working  on  the  basis of an equal  partnership.   I
  trust  that  the report would serve as a useful  guide  for
  the  future  direction of the Kyrgyz  economy.   While  its
  implementation is left entirely to the Kyrgyz Government  I
  must  indicate  Malaysia's readiness  to  assist,  wherever
  possible, in addressing problems that may arise.
  6.    It  is  my  hope  that the Malaysian  private  sector
  delegation  that is with me will be able to establish  firm
  linkages  with  their  counterparts  especially  in   areas
  related  to tourism, mining and infrastructure development.
  The   early  conclusion  of  good  understanding  on  these
  matters  would go a long way towards laying the  foundation
  for  future  cooperation.  It would also serve the  purpose
  of  encouraging  other small and medium businesses  in  our
  two countries to initiate close cooperation.
  7.    Allow  me  to  reiterate that many of Malaysia's  top
  economic  planners  have been involved  in  discussions  on
  charting a possible future course of the Kyrgyz economy.  I
  hope   that   as   a   result  of  their  discussions   and
  recommendations  made  jointly with the  Kyrgyz  officials,
  the  basis of a true partnership between Malaysia  and  the
  Kyrgyz  Republic  can  be made.  I am particularly  pleased
  that   His  Excellency  President  Askar  Akayev  has  been
  personally  associated with this important endeavour  right
  from the beginning.

