Tempat/Venue 	:	BISHKEK, KYRGYZ 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	12/09/97 

   1.   During  my  visit here in July 1996,  we  promised  to
  assist   in  conducting  a  joint  economic-study  of   the
  Republic  of  Kyrgyz.  The intention of the  Study  was  to
  provide  senior officials of the Republic with an  economic
  roadmap,  as  well  as  to  identify  potential  areas  for
  foreign investments.
  2.    The Study officially began in September 1996, when an
  advance  team from Malaysia visited the Kyrgyz Republic  to
  initiate  discussions and to collect  background  data  for
  analysis.   Follow-up mission then visited the Republic  in
  November,   to   conduct  consultative   discussions   with
  relevant agencies and to obtain additional data.   A  first
  draft  of the Report was ready by March this year,  and  it
  was critically reviewed by your officials and agencies.
  3.    Today, I am pleased to inform you that the study  has
  been  completed,  the  result of  a  joint  effort  between
  Malaysia's  Economic  Planning Unit and  your  Ministry  of
  Finance,  formerly the Ministry of Economy.  The Study  has
  also been translated into Russian, to make sure that it  is
  accessible to all levels of the Kyrgyz Government, as  this
  will   then   enable  the  Report  to  be   comprehensively
  understood as well as to expedite its implementation.
  4.    We do not claim that the Study has the answers to all
  your  queries  and questions.  What it does  have,  is  the
  wealth  of  our  own  development experience  in  Malaysia,
  which  we  gladly  share with you.  The Study  provides  an
  analysis  of  the  11  sectors  identified  by  our  senior
  officials  as  needing particular attention.  The  approach
  of  the  Study  was one of maximising the  use  of  limited
  resources  by ensuring that the development of  one  sector
  would  in  turn  support the development of  another.   The
  overall  Integrative Report then pulls together  the  major
  findings from all the sector reports.  Overall, it  is  our
  view  that  the  Study  should serve as  a  complement  and
  supplement to the numerous studies already carried  out  by
  various  aid  agencies and international organizations  for
  the Kyrgyz Republic.
  5.      The Study is as comprehensive as it can be, but  to
  fully  maximise its potential, there is also a need  for  a
  change  in  mind-set and attitudes towards  the  challenges
  being  faced.   A  sense of urgency has to  be  inculcated;
  there has to be an openness of mind to new and better  ways
  of  doing things; there must be courage in trying  out  new
  ideas.  There will be failures of course, but I hope we  do
  not  allow  those mistakes to discourage us  from  learning
  and  trying  again.  I am confident that  the  adoption  of
  such  a positive and outward-looking attitude, will in  the
  long  run  ensure the successful development of the  Kyrgyz
  6.    At  this  juncture, I would like to say a  few  words
  about  the  possible areas in which Malaysia can contribute
  towards  the  Kyrgyz Republic's development.  As  a  fellow
  developing  country, our resources are limited.   As  such,
  we   think  that  the  most  effective  manner  for  us  to
  contribute  would be in the form of providing training  and
  the  sharing  of  experiences, including the  provision  of
  hands-on training.
  7.    In  addition,  I see great potential  in  cooperation
  between   our  private  sectors,  where  our  chambers   of
  commerce  could start by building strategic  alliances  and
  exploring  potential  areas of  business.   I  am  made  to
  understand  that  some  of these cooperative  efforts  have
  8.    Your  Excellency  is  aware  15  of  your  government
  officials   have  already  undergone  training  under   our
  Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme.  These  training
  courses  and study-visits began in 1992, and are continuing
  with  several  Malaysian  agencies  such  as  the  Economic
  Planning   Unit,   the   National   Institute   of   Public
  Administration,   the   National   Library,   Cooperative's
  College  of  Malaysia,  the  Institute  of  Diplomacy   and
  Foreign  Relations,  the  Institute  of  Medical  Research,
  National   Archives   and   the  Tun   Razak   Broadcasting
  9.    The following are some  specific areas where we  will
  be able to offer training:
i)  Banking, Financial Sector and the Fiscal System
-   Training  on  the tax  and fiscal system with  our  Inland
   Revenue   Board   and   the  Royal  Customs   and   Excise
-   Training  and  skills  upgrading  of senior  central  bank
   officials  at our Bank Negara, to include monetary  fiscal
   policies, commercial bank operations, risk assessment  and
   management, and promotion of investments.
-   Banking  is  a  critical  sector, for  a  sound  financial
   sector   goes   a  long  way  towards  building   investor
ii) Legal and Constitutional Affairs
-   Exposure of Kyrgyz Republic judges and legal officials to
   various  aspects of commercial law, legislative  drafting,
   legal education and legal aid education.
iii) Trade and Industry
-   Assist  in setting up a Malaysian Industrial Development
   Authority-type  organisation and  the  setting  up  of  an
   agency to oversee the management of Free Economic Zones.
-   Attachment of Kyrgyz officials to MIDA to learn about the
   formulation  of industrial policies and the promotion  and
   management of investment.
iv) Energy Sector
-   Exposure to  our  privatisation experiences in the  energy
v)  Agriculture Sector
-   Assistance    of   a   monitoring  and  evaluation  system
   for agriculture projects.

-   Study  visits for Kyrgyz officials to learn about  R  &  D
   extension   and  technical  advisory  systems,   marketing
   systems,   credit   systems,  and  our  land   development
vi) Transportation Sector
-   Assist in the formulation of a transportation masterplan
   for the Kyrgyz Republic.
  10.   I  would  now like to present to Your  Excellency,  a
  specially  bound  copy  of  the Report  for  your  personal
  reference.   I  believe  the agencies  have  also  received
  copies of the Report.

