Tempat/Venue : CUBA
Tarikh/Date : 26/09/97
1. Jose Marti was a collosus who strode gloriously
across the pages of Cuban revolutionary history. He was
both a man of action and of letters, whose entire life
was dedicated to the just cause of the Cuban nation - its
liberty, independence and sovereignty. He was also a
citizen of the world. During his illustrious lifetime,
his work stressed the importance and benefits of
promoting and safeguarding social justice, peace and
development, to Jose Marti, colonialism and imperialism
must be challenged and confronted wherever they appear
and he sought to rouse the consciousness of the oppressed
people not only in Cuba but also in the whole of Latin
America, Asia and Africa. His ideals remain alive and
relevant today not only for Cuba but for all of us
striving for the very ideals Jose Marti stood for and
died for.
2. I am therefore very proud to receive this award and
on my own behalf and that of the people of Malaysia, I
would like to express our profound gratitude to H.E.
President Castro and the Government of Cuba for this high
Honour. This award is both a recognition for our won
struggle for independence as well as an enduring
inspiration to hold fast to those very ideals which Jose
Marti so eminently epitomizes.
3. H.E. President Castro stands today as the embodiment
of a leader who against all odds, remains steadfast in
the struggle to bring progress and development with
dignity to his nation. Jose Marti's vision is alive
today as reflected in Your Excellency's selfless service
to the Cuban people. We wish you and the people of Cuba
every success in your endeavours.
4. For developing countries' the tasks of national
development is indeed daunting. We are confronted with
rapidly changing circumstances, in which the global
political and economic environments are seldom sensitive
to our particular needs and interests. With the trend
towards globalisation and liberalisation of the world
economy gaining momentum, we have to learn not only to
adjust and adapt to such development, but also to deal
with the imposition of the ever increasing
conditionalities by those in position of power and
influence in the international arena. The rich and
powerful continue to dictate and to seek control.
5. We are weak and almost helpless to turn the tide on
our own individually. We need to foster solidarity
amongst those countries which are prey to such policies
and with our collective weight we can hope to wrest for
ourselves our right to influence and shape policies and
decisions which have profound impact on our won survival.
In South East Asia, currency manipulators have brought
disastrous consequences to our national economies wiping
out decades of hard work by our people.
6. The South must therefore stand together in a strong
united front. I believe that wherever possible, in the
non-aligned movement and in the United Nations, we must
speak our against such injustices. Developing countries
must not be dictated to. The goal posts must not be
allowed to be changed every time to the advantage only of
the rich and powerful.
7. Our collective strength can help us stand up to the
world. But we need to strengthen ourselves individually.
My visit to Cuba with a delegation of Malaysian
businessmen is to see for ourselves how we can cooperate
for the mutual benefits of our two countries. There must
be areas for posibble cooperation that can draw on the
strength of our different experiences. We must seek ways
to build on our individual advantages, to strengthen and
develop complementarities. In this way we can better
stand up to the vagaries of the unbridled international
market place.
8. Allow me to conclude by expressing our sincere
appreciation for this great honour and recognition. I
wish to take this opportunity to also thank the
government and the people of Cuba, for the very warm
welcome and hospitality extended to me and the entire
delegation. The Government and people of Malaysia look
forward to welcoming Your Excellency in Kuala Lumpur.