Tempat/Venue : CHILE
Tarikh/Date : 29/09/97
1. Let me thank you Mr President, for your very kind
words of welcome. Allow me to express on behalf of my
wife and members of my delegation my sincere thanks and
appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality
accorded to me and members of my delegation. It is a
privilege and joy to return to Chile and to witness the
tremendous changes taking place in your country since my
last visit in 1991.
2. I must congratulate you Mr President, for the
economic success that Chile is experiencing today. Your
sustained economic growth proves that hard work,
determination and sound economic policies that are best
suited to your own needs are the key factors that make the
difference between success and failure. Today Chile can
stand tall among the Latin American economies. You have
even become a role model for others in the region. Mr
President, I am sure that all this has been possible
because of your able leadership and the vision that the
government and the people of Chile share.
3. The encouraging progress made in our bilateral
relations since my last visit here is nothing short of
inspiring. I remember how hard it was to convince and
persuade Malaysian businessmen to come and do business
with their Chilean counterparts in the past. There was
simply no awareness among the Malaysian business community
as to what Chile could offer. Today, however, the
situation is very different. Malaysian businessmen travel
to Chile often to seek out opportunities in various
sectors of the economy. Chile is a country they want to
invest in. Distance and language are no longer cited as
obstacles to trade and investment in Chile.
4. Our bilateral trade continues to grow as both parties
seek ways to expand the range of products that we can buy
and sell to each other. Although the balance of trade is
in Malaysia's favour for the first time, the volume of
trade has increased on both sides. It fills me with pride
when I see Proton cars on the streets of Santiago
competing effectively with other makes of cars. To date I
am told we have exported more than 1000 units of the car
to Chile and we have captured 4 percent of the market.
Edificio Malaysia which houses the Malaysian Embassy
reminds me that Malaysia has indeed achieved staying power
in Chile. But let us not rest on our laurels. We need to
move ahead as there is so much more we can accomplish.
There is a real need to establish direct shipping links
between Malaysia and Chile. I urge the business
communities of both countries to seriously study this
project and make an effort to set up this important
linkage, which can help to reduce costs and increase
trade. When direct airlinks are established between Kuala
Lumpur and Santiago next year, greater windows of
opportunities in tourism and trade will become available.
5. I am told that most Chileans still think of Malaysia
as the country of Sandokan and tigers. True -- Malaysia
still has much to offer by way of its pristine beauty in
its foliage and flora but we have also made great strides
in other areas. Eighty percent of our exports today are
manufactured products. Malaysia is the world's largest
producer of room air-conditioners and semi-conductors. We
are also the world's leading producer of palm oil.
Malaysian furniture can be found in houses all over the
world. We have even begun in making electronic products
under our own brand name MEC. The company is studying the
possibility to setting up a distribution centre in Chile
to market these products which augurs well for our
bilateral relations.
6. Malaysia stands ready to extend the hand of
friendship and cooperation to Chileans who would want to
find a niche for themselves in our very dynamic and
growing ASEAN region. To those of you who wish to make
inroads in our part of the world, I suggest you make
Malaysia the base of your operations. We can provide you
with all that you need given Malaysia's strategic
geographic location.
7. Our Multimedia Super Corridor or MSC as it is more
commonly known covering 750 square kilometres extending
south from Malaysia's present national capital of Kuala
Lumpur can offer you the latest in state of the art
technology. In broad terms, the MSC is a gift from the
Malaysian Government to technology developers and users
seeking to expand their Asian presence. I would encourage
some of your telecommunications companies to take
advantage of our generous facilities and incentives in
this corridor to set up companies there.
8. If we the countries of the South stand together we
can indeed determine our own destiny. In this post cold
war world, the tendency is for the powerful to dictate the
way the weak should govern themselves. Already there are
many examples where developing countries have been made to
serve the vested interests of others more powerful than
them. The latest example is in Southeast Asia where
currency speculation by rogue manipulators brought about
disastrous consequences on the strident economies of these
9. All the progress that we have built painstakingly
over the years nearly came to naught by the actions of a
powerful few. The rich of course can defend their actions
by repeating their favourite mantra that this is nothing
but a reaction to market forces and that like all things
would pass. But we the developing countries are the ones
who have to live with the consequences of such
irresponsible actions.
10. Individually we will not be able to fight such unjust
actions by the rich and powerful. But collectively and
united in a single purpose we can at least stand up to
them. That is why I believe that organisations such as
ASEAN, the G-15 and NAM hold the key to our collective
strength. Malaysia and Chile through their common
membership in the G-15, APEC and NAM must work together to
ensure that our rights are not only defended but enhanced
as well. We the South must pull together if we do not
wish to remain subject nations.
11. Please allow me to once again reiterate my sincere
thanks and appreciation to you, the Government and the
people of Chile for the very warm welcome and hospitality
rendered to my wife and I and the entire delegation. I
hope to return your hospitality when you visit Malaysia in
November for the G-15 Summit. My wife and I look forward
to welcoming you and Madame Frei in Kuala Lumpur soon.