Tempat/Venue 	: 	SANTIAGO, CHILE 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	29/09/97 

  1.    It is an honour for me to be here today together with
  President  Frei  to jointly inaugurate and  officiate  this
  San  Bernardo new township project.  This project developed
  together  by  both  the consortium of  Malaysian  companies
  (MASSCORP)  and  the  Chilean  counterparts  marks  a   new
  milestone   in   Malaysia-Chile  relations,   through   the
  culmination of months of planning and hard work  undertaken
  by  all  its partners.  Today as I stand here, I  am  again
  reminded  that we the countries of the South have  so  much
  to  offer  each other.  Projects of this nature  prove  yet
  again  that  South-south Cooperation is working effectively
  for the betterment of its people.
  2.     I  am  proud  that the Chilean authorities  and  the
  business  community have shown their confidence in  working
  with  the  Malaysian companies to develop this old  railway
  workshop  which  had been abandoned for such  a  long  time
  into  a  new township.  It demonstrates that the  corporate
  sector  of  the south are more than capable of  undertaking
  large  construction  projects that will ultimately  benefit
  all  sectors  of  the community.  I am  glad  that  in  its
  efforts  to  develop this township care has been  taken  to
  safeguard  the environment and efforts have  been  made  to
  incorporate recreational facilities for the young  as  well
  as  the  old.  I  do hope that with the completion  of  the
  railway line from Santiago to San Bernardo, more city  folk
  will  be encouraged to spend their weekends in San Bernardo
  and  to  take  advantages of all the facilities  that  this
  township  will  provide.   I  wish  the  municipality  much
  success  for  its development plans for the town  and  hope
  that  this  particular project has in some way  contributed
  to   making   a  part  of  their  vision  a   reality.    I
  congratulate MASSCORP Malaysia and its Chilean  counterpart
  for their efforts in bringing this project to fruition.
  3.    I  sincerely hope that this is the beginning of  many
  more  such projects between Malaysia and Chile.  Once again
  my  congratulations  to all who have participated  in  this
  project.   I  wish  you success and am confident  that  the
  project, when completed will stand as an example of  South-
  South Cooperation in action.

