Tarikh/Date 	: 	18/04/98 

       It  is  a great pleasure and honour for me to address
  this  gathering  here  on  the  official  opening  of  the
  Malaysia  -  Singapore Second Crossing.   The  opening  of
  this  bridge marks yet another milestone in  strengthening
  the friendly relationship between Malaysia and Singapore.
  2.    The  basis for the close ties between our  countries
  was  laid  about seventy-eight years ago i.e. on 24  April
  1920  when  the  foundation stone for the  first  link  or
  Johor  Causeway connecting the Island of Singapore to  the
  then Malaya was laid.  The reason for the construction  of
  the  Johor Causeway, which was completed in 1924,  was  to
  facilitate   commerce  and  administration  of   the   two
  territories  by  the  colonial  Government.    The   rapid
  economic   development  enjoyed  by  both   Malaysia   and
  Singapore   since  independence  has  made  the   causeway
  inadequate to serve the heavy traffic that has grown.
  3.    It was because of this that discussions were held by
  Malaysian  and Singapore officials in early  1989  on  the
  possibility   of  constructing  a  second   bridge.    The
  discussions were successfully concluded and, on  22  March
  1994,  the  Inter-Government Agreement for the Design  and
  Construction  of  the  Second Bridge,  now  known  as  the
  Second Link, was signed.
  4.    What  we  are  seeing before us here  today  is  the
  culmination  of  the  efforts of  both  countries  working
  together  to  complete  the  construction  of  the  Second
  Crossing.   Within  ASEAN, Singapore ranks  as  Malaysia's
  leading  trading  partner.  This 2nd link  will  certainly
  enhance  that  partnership.  I am confident that  it  will
  play   a   pivotal  role  in  facilitating  economic   and
  infrastructure   development   of   both   Singapore   and
  Malaysia.   Indeed,  I can say that this  second  crossing
  will  literally  act  as  the  bridge  to  carry  our  two
  countries into the 21st century.
  5.    This  new bridge can be seen as a triumph for  ASEAN
  as  it demonstrates to all of us the success of two of its
  members  in  working towards regional  cooperation.   This
  bridge  which took three years to complete and was  opened
  to  traffic  since  the 2nd of January  this  year  stands
  before   us   a  monument  to  the  skill,  patience   and
  cooperation of those responsible for its construction.   I
  would  like  to  take this opportunity to thank  both  the
  officials  of  Malaysia  and  Singapore  who  have  worked
  closely  together.  In particular, I would like  to  thank
  Mr.  Lim  Hng Kiang, the Minister of National Development,
  Singapore  and Dato' Seri S. Samy Vellu, the  Minister  of
  Works, Malaysia, who as the ministers responsible for  the
  Second  Crossing  have  taken great personal  interest  in
  ensuring the success of this joint undertaking.
  6.    The  Second  Crossing is a two-kilometre  long  high
  level  box-girder bridge linking Tanjung Kupang in  South-
  West Johor to Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim in Tuas, Singapore.   On
  the  Malaysian  side the bridge will be connected  to  the
  Second  Crossing Expressway by a 36.5 km dual  three  lane
  carriageway,  which is in turn connected to  the  existing
  North-South  Expressway and Senai  Airport.   Another  new
  expressway called the Perling Expressway, which is an  8.5
  km  dual two lane carriageway, will provide the link  from
  the  bridge  to Johor Bahru and to the port and industrial
  areas of Pasir Gudang.
  7.    Travelling  time  by  road  will  be  shortened  and
  transport  operating  costs will be significantly  reduced
  as  traffic congestion on the existing causeway and within
  the  city  of Johor Bahru is relieved by the diversion  of
  most  long  distance and heavy cargo traffic to  this  new
  8.    For  Malaysia, the Second Crossing will provide  new
  and  important links in the national and regional  highway
  system  and  will  enable it to act as a catalyst  in  the
  development  of  an  area  which  is  very  close  to  the
  consumer  market and supporting facilities  of  Singapore.
  It  will  also  help  to open up new growth  areas  around
  Johor  Bahru  and towns further north and in  the  process
  will  facilitate  the  relocation of  selected  industries
  within the region.
  9.    Despite the recent 'hiccup' in the relations between
  Singapore  and Malaysia, I am very heartened to note  that
  the  economic  turmoil that is affecting the ASEAN  region
  has,  in  fact,  brought us closer  together  to  try  and
  resolve  the problems besetting us.  In addition, frequent
  consultations and discussions have made us more  aware  of
  the  sensitivities and the problems that we face. Of  more
  importance is the fact that it has made us more  aware  of
  the  strength  that  both possess and  how  these  can  be
  harnessed  for  the  benefit  of  our  peoples.   I   wish
  therefore  to  reiterate  here that  Malaysia  values  its
  links  with  Singapore and has always  regarded  Singapore
  and  Singaporeans  as friends.  I therefore  look  forward
  with   great  optimism  and  confidence  to  even   closer
  cooperation between us.
  10.   To  Mr.  Goh  Chok  Tong,  the  Prime  Minister   of
  Singapore,  I  would  also like to convey  my  thanks  for
  being  present here and in order to enable us  to  jointly
  officiate the opening of this bridge.
  11.   To  Mr.  Lim  Hng  Kiang, the Minister  of  National
  Development  and  other  guests from  Singapore,  I  ,  on
  behalf of my colleagues from Malaysia, would also like  to
  convey  my  thanks for your presence here to  witness  the
  official opening of the Second Crossing.
