Tempat/Venue 	: 	TOKYO, JAPAN 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	02/06/98 

  Let me begin by noting what a difference a year makes.
  2.    Last  year,  at  this time, there was  some  concern
  about  the  Thai economy, which had successfully  repulsed
  two  attacks  on its currency.  But there was  still  much
  talk  about  `the  East Asian Miracle', a characterisation
  invented,  if  I  am  not mistaken, in the  impressionable
  West.   All  of  us,  we thought, were `not  Thailand',  a
  unique, special case.
  3.    Many  foreigners -- including the most tough,  hard-
  nosed personalities and organisations -- told us the  most
  flattering   things,   which  strengthened   us   in   our
  conviction  that  our  `fundamentals'  were  very   strong
  4.    The annual World Competitiveness Yearbook, issued by
  the  prestigious  International Institute  for  Management
  Development  (IMD) told Malaysians, for example,  that  we
  had  some problems here and there, some quite serious. But
  on  the basis of what it called the `overall evaluation of
  the  strength of the domestic economy at the macro level',
  Malaysia was the second most competitive economy  in   the
  world.   We  were in the best of company.  At  number  one
  was  the  United  States.  At number three was  Singapore.
  At number four was Luxembourg.
  5.    Most  of  the  other economies which  have  been  so
  severely  hit since the IMD  issued its 1997  report  also
  scored   highly   according  to  the  244   criteria,   or
  fundamental  factors, that were used.  I wait  with  great
  interest  their  annual report for 1998  which  should  be
  issued later this month.
  6.    I  hope  the IMD will stand by its analysis  of  the
  fundamentals  and not change its analysis of the  200-plus
  fundamentals,  which  so  convincingly  argue   that   the
  turmoil   of  the  last  year  are  not  the   result   of
  fundamentals  but of forces that have very  little  to  do
  with  the economic fundamentals.  I hope the IMD will  not
  alter  the  facts so that they will fit into  some  sacred
  truth, some hallowed theology.
  7.    It  is  so easy for some analysts to slip  into  the
  view  that  currency movements are purely the function  of
  fundamentals.  The market fundamentalists tell us this  is
  so  with incredibly sincere conviction, however loudly the
  speculators  chuckle  all the way  to  the  bank.   Since,
  according  to the theology, currencies cannot fall  unless
  the  fundamentals are weak, and since the Asian currencies
  have   fallen  so  dramatically,  then  ipso   facto   the
  fundamentals must be weak even if you have said that  they
  were  strong immediately before.   The truth is  that  the
  currencies  plummeted  even though our  fundamentals  were
  very  strong.  The truth is that, ipso facto, the fall  of
  our   currencies  were  not  a  function  of   our   basic
  8.    The  IMD  was  not the only one  with  such  a  good
  impression of my country one year ago.  In mid June,  1997
  --  in fact, on June 17, 1997 -- just two weeks before the
  July  2  collapse  of the Thai Baht which  resulted  in  a
  horrendous collapse of the regional currencies, Mr  Michel
  Camdessus,  Managing  Director  of  the  IMF  was  handing
  bouquets  to  Malaysia for our sound economic  management,
  for   our  superb  economic  fundamentals.   He  told   an
  international conference on Global Capital  Flows  in  Los
  Angeles:   and  I quote `Malaysia is a good example  of  a
  country  where  the  authorities are  well  aware  of  the
  challenges  of  managing the pressures  that  result  from
  high  growth  and of maintaining a sound financial  system
  amid  substantial  capital flows and  a  booming  property
  9.    He  noted:  `Over the last year, output  growth  has
  moderated  to  a more sustainable rate, and inflation  has
  remained  low.  The current account deficit  --  which  is
  primarily the result of strong investment spending --  has
  narrowed  substantially.   The  increase  in   the  fiscal
  surplus  targeted  for this year is expected  to  make  an
  important   contribution   towards   consolidating   these

  10.   There  had been complaints that we were growing  too
  fast.    So   we  brought  our  growth  rate   down   very
  substantially.   There  had  been  complaints   that   our
  current  account deficit was too high.  So we  halved  it,
  to  the  obvious delight of the IMF, which  rightly  noted
  that in any case our high current account deficit was  not
  because  of  excessive consumption but was the result,  in
  Mr. Camdessus' words, `of strong investment spending'.
  11.   You  may say there is no need for more testimonials.
  But  how about the banking and financial sector?   If  you
  can  believe  Mr Camdessus, again I quote: `The  Malaysian
  authorities   have   also  emphasised   maintaining   high
  standards  of bank soundness.  Non-performing loan  ratios
  of  financial institutions have fallen markedly in  recent
  years;  risk-weighted  capital  ratios  are  above   Basle
  12.    You might just wish to note that in 1988, the  non-
  performing  loans  in  the Malaysian  banking  system  had
  stood  at  32.5 percent.  In June 1997, just  eight  years
  later,  as  luck  and a tremendous amount of  sweat  would
  have it, our non-performing loans stood at a historic  low
  of  3.5  percent.  This is as dramatic a   performance  as
  you  can  get.   Perhaps  this was  why  the  IMF  was  so
  impressed and so complimentary.
  13.    Today,   there  are  all  sorts  of   talks   about
  transparency.   I agree  that  transparency is  important.
  But  I suspect that when so many complain about a lack  of
  transparency,  what they are complaining about  is  simply
  their  own  lack of knowledge, which is not so  surprising
  because  five years ago or even five months  ago  some  of
  the  younger money movers might have thought that Malaysia
  was  somewhere in the Himalayas.  As for the  transparency
  of  the Malaysian financial system, let Mr Camdessus speak
  for  Malaysia.   In  the  same  Los  Angeles  speech,   Mr
  Camdessus  said:  `In an effort to increase  the  flow  of
  comprehensive  up-to-date  and  reliable  information   to
  markets,  Malaysia was also among the first  to  subscribe
  to the IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard'.
  14.   So, ladies and gentlemen, on June 17, 1997, just two
  weeks  before the currency hurricane struck, the IMF  gave
  Malaysia not just a clean bill of health but  the  IMF  in
  fact  praised Malaysia's economic fundamentals.   The  IMF
  had  the  best  of  things  to say   about   our  economic
  management.    And   the   IMF   commended   Malaysia   to
  investors as an economy that `justifies the confidence  of
  the markets'.
  15.   I  cite  all  this  in order to  address  all  those
  extremist  `market fundamentalists' who believe  that  the
  market is always right and that the reason why so many  of
  us   are   in  desperate  straits  today  is  because   we
  mismanaged   our   economies   and   because    all    our
  `fundamentals' were rotten to the core.
  16.   If   all our fundamentals were wrong, why  were  the
  foreign  investors  so eager and so  foolish  as  to  pour
  billions  upon  billions  of  investment  dollars  in  our
  region?   Of  course all the international banks  kept  on
  lowering interest rates in order to persuade us to  borrow
  even  when  we  were  without need for  additional  funds.
  Obviously  they, as the definitive market, had  a  lot  of
  confidence  in Malaysia, its economic management  and  its
  17.   If our fundamentals were rotten to the core, why did
  all the clever analysts not say so?  Why is it that not  a
  single    economist,   financial   analyst   or   economic
  soothsayer  has dared to come out to say that  he  or  she
  had  predicted what has happened?  Not a single one.   And
  yet  these same people continue to predict, to be believed
  in  and  to  influence the market.  If  it  is  wrong  for
  insiders  to  leak  information  which  can  affect  share
  prices,  why  is it not wrong for forecasters to  forecast
  something which influences the market to their advantage.
  18.   Professor  Paul Krugman has for years  been  arguing
  that  the East Asian miracle was not a miracle at all  and
  was  bound  to hit a brick wall.  Many Western journalists
  credit  him with forecasting the Asian Crash of  '97.   He
  has  in  fact  publicly stated that he did no such  thing;
  that  he  could  not in his wildest dreams  have  imagined
  anything  like  it.  In Hong Kong on March 26  this  year,
  Professor Krugman admitted: `I was 90 percent wrong  about
  Asia's  future.   The only  consolation is  that  everyone
  else was 150 percent wrong'.

  19.    The  analysts  and  all  those  who  are  obviously
  cleverer than us simple elected leaders must know that  we
  have  had  not  ten  years but forty  years  of   economic
  growth unparalleled in human history.  Since some of  them
  are  young  enough  to be our grand children,  perhaps  we
  should  remind  them  that many of the  things  that  they
  complain about and which they say are the reasons  why  we
  are  in  such  difficulties  today  were  things  that  we
  ourselves  started  complaining about  when  we  ourselves
  were  their  age.  So  many of the so-called  fundamentals
  which  are  now listed as the main causes of the  currency
  and   financial  turmoil  of  the  last   12   months   --
  corruption,  monopoly, crony capitalism, inadequate  human
  resources,  very  far  from perfect  banking  systems  and
  practices  -- have always been with us.  Yet we were  able
  to  grow  faster  and longer than anyone before  in  human
  20.   All  of  Asia  must obviously work on  our  numerous
  weaknesses, to get rid of the stones around our necks  and
  the  chains  on  our feet.  We must do this   not  because
  they  are  the causes of our economic turmoil but  because
  they  are bad and they weaken our capacity to compete  and
  to  succeed.   We  must do this because  we  cannot  allow
  corruptive  influences to determine who supplies  us  with
  what.  But  the true causes of why our currency  plummeted
  and  why  we are facing an economic crisis must be  sought
  21.   Our meeting today is not focused on the causes.   It
  is  also  not  focused on the consequences,  the  terrible
  consequences.   Our task is to focus on the remedies,  the
  things  which  must  be  done if  we  are  to  re-vitalise
  ourselves, if we are to ensure the re-vitalisation of  all
  of   Asia.  So let me concentrate on the things that  must
  be  done in order to ensure the quickest, most healthy and
  sustainable re-vitalisation.
  22.   Quite  obviously, there is a  need  for  short  term
  imperatives  as  well as medium term measures  and  longer
  term  strategies.   At this stage, although  we  must  not
  neglect  the medium and longer term, we must remember  the
  admonition  of  Keynes that in the long  run  we  are  all
  dead.  Seldom has the short term been as important.   This
  is why I speak of  the `short run imperatives'.
  23.   Quite  obviously  also, there  are  three  principal
  theatres of operation:
       *     the  things  that we should aspire  to  achieve
       *     the  things  that  we  should  try  to  achieve
  regionally;  and
       *     the   things  that  we  must  achieve at  home,
  within the confines of our own borders.
  24.   Given the nature of this meeting, I will concentrate
  on  only  a  few areas.  I will focus on some issues  that
  should  be  of  primary  interest to  this  Institute  for
  International   Monetary   Affairs   and   its   strategic
  intellectual constituency.
  25.   At the international level, I believe that the  time
  has  come to deal with the entire issue of reform  of  the
  international   financial  system  to   ensure    currency
  stability and to contain the activities of those  who  buy
  and  sell money for no other purpose than to make profits.
  Let   me say once again that currencies need to be changed
  if  there is going to be international trade.  That is why
  the  leaders  of the Western nations met to  draw  up  the
  Bretton  Woods  Agreement, the purpose  of  which  was  to
  agree  on  a  mechanism for determining the value  of  one
  currency  against  another.  The system worked  very  well
  and  enabled the countries bankrupted by the war not  only
  to  recover  but  to  prosper  as  well.   Of  course  the
  Marshall  Plan  and the opening up of the American  market
  to  Japan played a role.  But if there had been no  system
  for  stabilising  currency values, all the  plans  in  the
  world would not have succeeded.
  26.   But  then  some  countries in the  West  decided  to
  devalue    their   currencies   in   order   to    enhance
  competitiveness.  Very quickly a currency  market  emerged
  which  took  advantage  of  the mildly  unstable  exchange
  rate.  True speculation took place because the funds  were
  relatively small and depended on intelligent guesswork  as
  to the movements of the exchange rates.
  27.   But  soon the funds grew huge and were in fact  able
  to  move  the  exchange rates through their interventions.
  The  famous herd instincts replaced economic fundamentals.
  With  the invention of arbitrage and futures trading,  the
  need  for  exchange  rate stability  for  the  purpose  of
  trading  gave  way  to the desire of currency  traders  to
  make  massive  amounts of money in the  shortest  possible
  time.  An artificial system of devaluation and revaluation
  of  currencies was devised which enabled currencies to  be
  appreciated or depreciated literally within seconds.  Thus
  the  Indonesian  Rupiah was at one time devalued  by  more
  than  600  percent,  then  in the  space  of  a  few  days
  recovered by 200 percent.  It is still moving up and  down
  by  100 percent to 200 percent in the space of one day  or
  even half a day.
  28.   Mr  Volcker   in a speech in Hong  Kong  stated  "An
  exchange  rate system that produces a 60 percent swing  in
  the  yen/dollar  rate over a period of  18  months  cannot
  reflect  the  fundamentals in any sensible  sense".   Well
  the  Indonesian Rupiah moved 600 percent in the  space  of
  five  months.  Can it be that all the assets of that  huge
  country  with 220 million hardworking people are  suddenly
  worth  only one-sixth of its previous value?  What  indeed
  is  the  worth of a nation if suddenly someone can devalue
  and even bankrupt it?
  29.   If  currencies can be made useless so  easily  then,
  what is the point in a country issuing its own money?   We
  should go back to barter trading.
  30.   It  is  said  that the currency will  strengthen  if
  confidence is restored.  But there is no certainty  as  to
  what  will bring back confidence.  Who is monitoring  what
  and  who  determines whether confidence should  return  or
  not.   There  is a lot of talk about market  forces.   But
  who  constitute  market forces and how  do  market  forces
  determine  what value to give to each act of a  Government
  or an economy under attack.
  31.   All in all, the present system, if there is a system
  at  all, is messy, unreliable and destructive.  Can  world
  trade  depend on these shadowy market forces whose methods
  are  not known to anyone except themselves?  True, through
  hedging  the  effect of the fluctuation  in  the  exchange
  rates  can be minimised.  But again, this hedging  profits
  only  the  hedge funds, adding to the cost  of  goods  and
  services.   If  exchange  rates  are  minimally  volatile,
  hedging and the profits for the hedge funds, would not  be
  necessary at all.
  32.   There  is nothing to indicate the need for  currency
  trading  other than the vast profits that can be  made  by
  currency  traders.   On the other hand  we  now  know  the
  extent  of  the damage to the economies of whole countries
  and regions that currency trading can inflict.
  33.   The  excuse  that currency trading  provides  market
  forces  with  the  means  to  discipline  Governments   is
  totally unacceptable.
  34.  Currency traders thrive on unstable currency.  It  is
  ridiculous   to   suggest  that  they   would   discipline
  Governments  and reward them with exchange rate  stability
  when  such  stability  will deprive  the  traders  of  the
  opportunities to make money.  Governments do  need  to  be
  disciplined  but the international financial  regime  must
  be  bankrupt of ideas if it cannot find other  ways  which
  are less desructive to discipline Governments.
  35.   Everything  points to the need for an  international
  financial  system  which  will bring  about  stability  of
  exchange  rates among other things.  Admittedly we  cannot
  bring  back the Gold Standard or the Bretton Woods system.
  It  would  be  a  sad  commentary on the  ability  of  the
  world's  financial  and economic experts  if  they  cannot
  come  up  with proposals on a new international  financial
  system.   Their  habit  of merely trying  to  explain  the
  present  turmoil  as  being due to bad  practices  by  the
  Governments concerned sounds too much like an apology  and
  a  defence  of  currency traders.   Money  does  not  know
  whether  a  Government  is  good  or  bad  and  react   by
  adjusting  their  rates of exchange.   Somebody  is  doing
  that  and is evidently making a lot of profit.  Do we need
  to  protect  these  people's interest at  the  expense  of
  world trade?
  36.   Fixed  exchange  rate  is  no  longer  possible   or
  realistic.   Obviously the political, economic and  social
  performance of a country will have an effect on the  value
  of  its currency.  If a country is having a revolution  it
  is  likely that its currency would be less acceptable  and
  therefore  should be devalued.  As for the  economy  there
  are  various indices which can be given points  indicating
  the  strength  of the economy and therefore the  currency.
  It  is  not  beyond  the  capacity of  the  world's  great
  economists  to  devise  a  measurement  of  the   economic
  performance  of  a  country using the political,  economic
  and  social  indicators  and then determine  the  relative
  values  of  currencies.  The currency  traders  can  still
  speculate  but whether they buy or sell should not  affect
  the value of a currency.
  37.   This  is of course only a suggestion.  The financial
  experts and the economists may laugh but it will stop  the
  currency  traders  from laughing  all  the  way  to  their
  38.   There is a belief that when currency depreciates the
  goods  produced  by the country concerned  become  cheaper
  and  more competitive in the world market.  It may  do  so
  but  the  reduction in cost is always far  less  than  the
  percentage of depreciation.  This is because all  imported
  inputs  will  cost more in local currency and will  negate
  the  devaluation of the currency.  Imported inflation will
  push  wages  and other domestic costs up reducing  further
  the  advantage of currency depreciation. In  the  end  the
  lowered  cost  is  hardly  detectable.   The  products  of
  countries  with  a  depreciated  currency  are   no   more
  competitive than they were before.  In at least  one  case
  the  capacity to import foreign inputs is lost  altogether
  because of the extreme depreciation of the currency.
  39.   Devaluation or revaluation are not  the  answers  to
  the    world's   economic   problem.    Improvements    in
  productivity  are and such improvements  can  be  achieved
  through  greater skills, better management and  continuous
  technological improvements.
  40.   Nations  depend on different factors for competitive
  advantage.    Low   labour  cost  is  one,  but   capital,
  management  skills  and  technology  are  more  important.
  While   those  with  capital,  technology  and  management
  skills  are  loath to share these advantages freely,  they
  are demanding that low labour cost should be nullified  by
  raising wages.
  41.   We are moving inexorably towards globalisation. Like
  the  proposal  to  link human rights, the environment  and
  labour  practices to trade, globalisation,  liberalisation
  and  deregulation are ideas which originate  in  the  rich
  countries  ostensibly in order to enrich the  world.   But
  so  far  the advantages seem to accrue only to  the  rich.
  True the poor countries can gain access to the markets  of
  the  rich, but then they do not have many things to export
  to  these  markets.  The raw materials which they  produce
  are   controlled  by  commodity  markets   in   the   rich
  countries.   The  terms  of  trade  for  these   keep   on
  42.   In preparation for globalisation the pace of mergers
  and  acquisitions have been stepped up.  Super large banks
  and   corporations  are  being  formed  in  the  developed
  countries  which will dominate the world.  There  will  be
  no  room for the small companies in the poor countries  to
  exist,  much  less  to  expand and spread  into  the  rich
  markets now opened to them.
  43.   Perhaps  the  peoples  in the  developing  countries
  should  be happy because they will be served by  the  most
  efficient  and the biggest companies of the  world.   They
  will  have the choice of three giant banks, four makes  of
  cars,  five hotel chains, ten fast food chains  etc.   But
  it  is  going to be a dull world and I suspect some people
  would  be stupidly nationalistic and feel unhappy  without
  their poor quality national brands.
  44.   In  a  globalised  world should  there  be  national
  Governments?  We have seen that market forces  can  change
  Governments.  What is the need for national  elections  if
  the results have to be approved by the market?
  45.   These  are  some of the international  issues  which
  have  either  to be attended to immediately  or  at  least
  debated  seriously.   Far  too often  decisions  on  these
  issues  are  far  from  democratic, yet  the  same  people
  insist  on democracy for everyone.  It is about time  that
  international  democracy  be  recognised   as   being   as
  important as national democracy.
  46.   Whether  we  acknowledge it or not East  Asia  is  a
  region,  a  closely linked region.  It is not an  accident
  that  the  fastest  growing economies are  found  in  this
  region.   Nor  is  it an accident that  the  most  serious
  economic  crisis  the  world  has  seen  since  the  Great
  Depression  involves this region. The fact  is  that  this
  region  grew together because we worked together.   It  is
  reasonable  to  expect  us  to  get  out  of  our  present
  economic morass by working together.
  47.   Japan is the richest depressed country in the world.
  The  capacity to grow and to be the locomotive  of  growth
  for  the  region  is still there in Japan.   You  need  to
  clean  up  the bad practices of the past and  largely  you
  have  done so.  Your Government, your businessmen and your
  people   should  now  rehabilitate  your  confidence   and
  rebuild your economy quickly.
  48.   You have the capital, the technology, the skills and
  everything  else needed to grow your economy.  You  should
  employ  all  these assets and provide the  lead  that  the
  region needs.  You should invest in the countries of  East
  Asia as you did before.  You should buy their products  in
  order  to  enrich them.  You should help  in  making  East
  Asia a market for itself and the world.
  49.   In  Malaysia  we are still looking East.  Many  have
  asked  us  why,  when  it  is so obvious  that  Japan  has
  failed.  We admit that in several areas Japan has  failed.
  But  even  failures  provide lessons for  us.   There  are
  still   many   things  we  can  learn  from   you.    Your
  exceptional  skills, your technology, your discipline  and
  work ethics are still worth copying.
  50.   What Malaysia and the rest of the region needs is  a
  revival  of  Japanese  investments,  to  create  jobs,  to
  enrich   the   people,  stimulate  economic   growth   and
  incidentally  to create good markets for Japan.   Some  of
  the  money  the Japanese Government is pumping  into  your
  economy  could  very  well  be pumped  into  the  troubled
  economies   of   East  Asia.   As  before  when   Japanese
  invesments  created prosperity for East Asia and  in  turn
  provided  good  markets  for  Japan's  products,  Japanese
  money  to revive East Asian economies would benefit  these
  countries  and Japan.  Japan has the means to  resuscitate
  East  Asia, if only it thinks less about what others  will
  say if Japan frustrates them.
  51.   As  for  Malaysia, the only way we can overcome  the
  instability  in  the  Exchange Rate  and  to  rebuild  our
  economy, is to do away with currency in trade as  much  as
  possible.  We will revert to bartering. We would  want  to
  balance  our  trade  with countries  which  have  a  trade
  surplus  with us and Japan is the country with the biggest
  trade  surplus.  Where we have to pay we will pay  in  the
  currency of the trading partner concerned.
  52.   Regionally  we have agreed with the ASEAN  countries
  that   trade  between  us  should  be  enhanced   as   the
  devaluation  of  our  currencies is approximately  at  the
  same  rate.   We  will  also use our  own  currencies  and
  balance  our  trade.  This arrangement  will  probably  be
  permanent, unless of course a new international  financial
  system   is  put  in  place  which  will  reduce   violent
  fluctuations of exchange rate.
  53.   Malaysia  intends  to  revitalise  its  own  economy
  through several local measures.  It will take note of  the
  various  criticisms directed at it by  market  forces  and
  will  study  their  alleged effect  on  Malaysian  economy
  including the recent devaluation of the Ringgit.
  54.  I have tried to itemise the factors which need to  be
  corrected  in order to revitalise the economies  of  Japan
  and  East  Asia.  I am no expert in this area but  I  have
  had  some success in my own country.  I think I know  what
  I  am  talking about more than the theorists who had never
  run  any  country,  much  less  help  it  grow.   Left  to
  themselves  the  economies of East Asia will  grow  again.
  But   the   chances  are  they  will  never  be  left   to
  themselves.  And so the revitalisation will not be easy.

