Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	10/08/98 

        It   gives   me   great  pleasure  to  welcome   Your
  Excellency   and  Madam  Khamla,  and  members   of   your
  delegation  to  Malaysia.  I  am  delighted  to  see  Your
  Excellency  in  Kuala Lumpur today on your first  official
  visit  to  Malaysia as Prime Minister of the Lao  People's
  Democratic  Republic.   Your  visit  also  represents  the
  first  instance  of an official visit by  a  Lao  Head  of
  Government  since  your country joined  ASEAN  last  year.
  Your acceptance of my invitation to visit this country  is
  a  clear  testimony  of  the  mutual  desire  of  our  two
  Governments  to further strengthen relations  between  the
  two   countries.   I  look  forward  to  having   fruitful
  discussions  and  exchange of views on various  bilateral,
  regional  and  international issues of common  concern  at
  our  meeting  tomorrow morning.  I am  confident  that  we
  shall  be  able  to  identify  new  areas  where  our  two
  countries  can  co-operate to enhance the relationship  in
  the years ahead.
  2.   Since my last visit to your beautiful country in
  1994, our bilateral relations have continued to deepen
  and develop positively through the exchanges of visits
  between leaders and Government officials at all levels. I
  recall that during my visit, a number of business deals
  were successfully concluded between the Malaysian private
  sector with their Lao counterparts in such fields as
  consultancy services, low-cost housing, agriculture, road
  construction, manufacturing and tourism.
  3.    Your  Excellency's visit to Malaysia  marks  another
  milestone  in  our  bilateral relations and  provides  yet
  another  opportunity for us to renew  our  friendship  and
  solidarity for mutual benefit.  Now that the Lao  People's
  Democratic  Republic is a fellow member  of  ASEAN,  I  am
  confident  that the coming years would see  our  relations
  becoming   more  substantive  especially  in   trade   and
  economic co-operation.
  4.    Our  deepening bilateral relations is  evidenced  by
  the  fact  that  our  two countries have  to-date  already
  signed   a  number  of  agreements  namely  the  Bilateral
  Investment   Guarantee   Agreement,   the   Air   Services
  Agreement,  the  Economic, Scientific  and  Technical  Co-
  operation  Agreement,  the Bilateral Payments  Arrangement
  and  an  MOU on Energy Co-operation.  It is my  hope  that
  the   bilateral  Trade  Agreement  and  the  Tourism   Co-
  operation  Agreement that will be signed between  our  two
  countries   tomorrow   morning  will  provide   additional
  impetus  to  uplift  our  bilateral  economic  and   trade
  relations.  I  would like to assure Your  Excellency  that
  the  Malaysian Government would continue to take steps  to
  nurture the relation between our countries.
  5.    While noting that our bilateral relationship  is  on
  the  right course, our total trade today is really nothing
  to  speak  of.  Notwithstanding this, I am convinced  that
  there  is  ample scope for  expansion given  the  enormous
  potentials  and  items available for trading  purposes  in
  both  countries.   I  am happy that the Malaysian  private
  sector  has  been actively participating in  the  economic
  development  taking  place in the Lao People's  Democratic
  Republic  today.   I have been informed that  Malaysia  is
  the  fifth largest investor in the Lao People's Democratic
  Republic  with investments valued at over RM1  billion  in
  18    projects.    Malaysia's   investments   are   mainly
  concentrated  in  road  building and construction  sector,
  banking,  and  service industries.  The Malaysian  private
  sector  has  over the years gained considerable  expertise
  in  overseas investment projects.  In the spirit of  ASEAN
  and South-South Co-operation, Malaysia is ever willing  to
  share  our  development experience and technical  know-how
  to  assist  the  Lao People's Democratic Republic  in  its
  nation-building efforts.
  6.    In  the  regional context, Malaysia  is  pleased  to
  observe  that  since your admission into  ASEAN,  the  Lao
  People's     Democratic    Republic    has    participated
  enthusiastically    in   ASEAN   activities    and    made
  constructive   proposals  for  enhanced  intra-ASEAN   co-
  operation.    Unfortunately   however,   our   region   is
  presently  besieged by the regional economic  crisis  that
  has  affected  all  ASEAN  countries,  though  in  varying
  degrees.   Malaysia's view is that in  order  to  overcome
  the   present  difficulties,  ASEAN  countries  must  work
  together  even  more  vigorously  to  enhance  intra-ASEAN
  trade  and promote the use of local currencies in regional
  7.    On international matters, both Malaysia and the  Lao
  People's Democratic Republic share almost identical  views
  on  many  international  issues of  common  concern.   Our
  countries  have sought to make constructive  contributions
  through  our  active  participation in many  international
  organisations including the United Nations  and  the  Non-
  Aligned  Movement.   I  am also impressed  with  the  role
  played   by  the  Lao  People's  Democratic  Republic   in
  fostering  the  climate  of  peace  and  development   co-
  operation in the Mekong sub-region to transform this  area
  into   one  of  shared  growth  and  affluence  aimed   at
  eradicating poverty and elevating the quality of life.
  8.    May  I  once again wish you, Mr. Prime Minister  and
  Madam  Khamla,  and other distinguished  members  of  your
  delegation,  a very warm welcome to Malaysia  and  I  hope
  that  your  visit here will be an enjoyable and  memorable


