Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tempat/Venue 	: 	DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	02/09/98 

        May I offer my congratulations to you Mr President  on
  your  assumption  of  the Chairmanship of  the  Non-Aligned
  Movement (NAM).  My delegation and I are happy to  be  here
  in  South Africa again, this time in this beautiful city of
  2.     Please   allow  me  also  to  express   my   sincere
  appreciation  to  His Excellency President Andres  Pastrana
  of  Colombia and, through him, to former President  Ernesto
  Samper  for  steering the Movement through the  past  three
  years.   Colombia's  efforts as  Chairman  since  our  last
  meeting  in  Cartagena  have added  more  vigour  to  NAM's
  3.    Given the importance of the issue of apartheid in the
  context  of  NAM  and  the role that  our  Movement  played
  towards  its  elimination, this meeting  in  Durban  is  of
  particular  significance for NAM.  NAM rejoiced when  South
  Africa  was  freed  from the odious  apartheid  regime  and
  achieved  majority  role.   It is  therefore  most  fitting
  that  President  Mandela, the living  symbol  of  the  epic
  struggle  to end apartheid, has now taken over  the  mantle
  of  leadership of NAM.  South Africa had for long  been  at
  the   core   of  NAM's  effort  to  uphold  the   cherished
  principles  of  freedom, justice and equality.   This  long
  association, coupled with its active role in the  Movement,
  strengthens  our confidence in South Africa's qualification
  to lead NAM into the new millennium.
  4.    When  NAM  was founded in 1961 the world was  divided
  into  two  blocs,  into  Eastern and  Western  camps,  into
  Communists  and non-Communists.  It was an unstable  world,
  with  the nuclear powers accumulating the weapons  of  mass
  destruction  sufficient to blow up this world.   It  was  a
  world  perpetually on the brink of war.  We the weak  third
  world countries lived in a state of trepidation and fear.
  5.    We felt a need to come together to protect our mostly
  recently  gained  independence, our hopes and  aspirations.
  We  did not want to be aligned with any of the blocs but to
  retain   our   freedom  of  choice,  our  own  systems   of
  Government, our rights as sovereign nations.
  6.    In  this we felt we could succeed because we were  in
  many  instances being wooed by both East and West.  We  had
  the  option to align ourselves with one or the other.   And
  that  option  forced  the two blocs  to  treat  us  with  a
  modicum of consideration.  Both were ready to extend  help,
  to  give  aid  and  loans and gifts  etc.   Their  courting
  enabled us to retain our precious independece.  We were,  I
  believe, a little bit spoilt because of the courting.
  7.    Then the Eastern block decided to throw in the towel.
  They   surrendered  unconditionally  and  a  bipolar  world
  became  unipolar  overnight.  Some of us liked  to  believe
  that  the more humane and righteous bloc won. Dictatorships
  were  out  and enlightened democracy apparently  triumphed.
  Surely  we  would be seeing a better world, a  world  where
  human  rights are respected, where the rule of law prevails
  internationally and nationally.  We would see  a  world  of
  free countries exercising their rights freely.
  8.    But I think we are wrong.  The loss of the option  to
  defect  has  exposed  us  to threats  from  which  we  find
  nowhere  to  hide.   We  have to  submit  or  we  would  be
  bludgeoned into submission.

  9.    We  have  seen ample demonstrations of  the  kind  of
  things  that  can happen to those who fail  to  submit.   I
  will  not  elaborate but suffice to say  that  we  and  our
  people, innocent or otherwise, are no longer safe.  An  eye
  for  an eye is said to be the basis of Muslim justice,  but
  for the vengeful powers one eye is not sufficient.  Two  or
  more eyes can be exacted for the loss of one.  It does  not
  matter  if  the eyes belong to the innocent.  The important
  thing  is  to  teach  the world a  lesson.   Submit  or  be
  10.   But  physical assault is not the only weapon  of  the
  powerful.   A new weapon has been found which is even  more
  effective.   Merely by devaluing the currency of  a  nation
  and  so  impoverishing it, submission can be obtained  even
  from the proudest and the most independent of nations.
  11.   The highly successful dragons and tigers of East Asia
  have  now found how flimsy are their great economies.  They
  had  thought  that their mastery of industrial technologies
  and  management  skills  would enable  them  to  grow  into
  developed  nations,  able to compete in  the  market  place
  with  the  most developed nations of the Western bloc.  But
  in  a  few  months their decades of achievements have  been
  destroyed and they are reduced to begging for help.
  12.   When  we achieved independence the world believed  in
  the  sovereignty of nation-states.  Proudly  we  maintained
  that  our  internal affairs and our internal  policies  are
  our  own to determine.  Our former colonisers should  leave
  us  alone.  While the Cold War lasted they did.   But  once
  the  Cold  War  was  over the triumphant victors  began  to
  enunciate  new  concepts of international  relations  which
  could give them back their dominant imperial role.
  13.   After the Gulf War demonstrated that indeed there  is
  now   only  one  power,  a  new  concept  of  international
  relations  was introduced.  Briefly no country is sovereign
  if  that  country  is judged by the Western  bloc  to  have
  breached  their  norms  of  correct  behaviour.   Initially
  violation   of   human  rights  is  expected   to   warrant
  interference   in  the  internal  affairs  of   independent
  nations.   Very quickly the right to interfere extended  to
  political and economic systems or policies.
  14.   Now  every nation must adopt the so-called  free  and
  open   market  system  which  will  enable  the  rich   and
  avaricious capitalists of the Western nations to enter  and
  leave  any country at will.  They can own and set up  banks
  and  businesses everywhere and anywhere unfettered  by  the
  national  needs and aspirations of any nation.   They  must
  be  free  to  revalue  and devalue  currencies  and  shares
  unimpeded by Government rules, laws and regulations.   They
  will  control  and  determine the  exchange  rates  of  all
  currencies anywhere, anytime.  But the world must not  know
  who  they  are  and  how  they work.   While  they  require
  Governments  to  be open and transparent,  they  themselves
  will   remain  shadowy  and  their  operation   closed   to
  15.   The  countries of the world have two choices,  submit
  or  be impoverished by having their currencies devalued and
  their share markets destroyed.  Unfortunately whether  they
  submit  or  they don't the result is the same.  From  being
  stable   and  prosperous  they  will  now  become  poverty-
  stricken  and  beset  with political  and  social  turmoil.
  Today  more  than  25  million  workers  in  the  countries
  attacked  by these capitalists have lost their jobs.   This
  means  that they have no food, no medicine and no milk  for
  their children.  For this the blame is put squarely on  the
  Governments of these countries for not providing  a  safety
  net  in  the  form  of  unemployment  benefits.   That  the
  practice in Asia is to provide lifetime employment  is  not
  considered  good  for  the workers.  According  to  Western
  belief  workers  should be sacked if the  business  is  not
  doing  well and the Government will support them.  Sackings
  and  uncertainty  of employment is considered  better  than
  guarantee  of  life-time employment.  And  so  millions  of
  workers  in  East  Asia  are  now  unemployed  because  the
  countries   are  being  forced  to  accept  the   so-called
  superior Western practices.

  16.   With tens of thousands of businesses and many  scores
  of  banks  folding up Governments are now without  adequate
  revenue  to  pay  wages and fund public works.   The  loans
  they  have been forced to take will ensure that for decades
  to come they will be debt slaves to the rich in the world.
  17.   That  the  free  flow of capital  and  the  right  of
  speculators  to determine the exchange rates of  currencies
  have  clearly  destroyed many vibrant economies,  resulting
  in  chaos  and  extreme poverty, have not resulted  in  any
  second  thoughts  on the rightfulness of  the  free  market
  system,  of  unregulated capitalism and  the  free-flow  of
  capital  across  borders.  Instead the  economic  recession
  and  accompanying  problems are blamed on the  Governments.
  The  market  forces are merely disciplining Governments  so
  that  they  will adopt superior Western ways of  governance
  and management of the economy.
  18.   The protests of the victims are not only ignored  but
  they  are  actually  censored by  the  international  media
  controlled  by the West.  Apparently freedom of speech  and
  the  press is not for everyone.  And so the capitalists  of
  the  West continue to revel in the ease with which they can
  strip  the  wealth of the world.  Their raids  and  attacks
  have  become more frequent and more widespread.   Even  the
  former bastion of the Eastern bloc are not free from them.
  19.   Logically globalisation and a borderless world should
  mean  not  just a free flow of capital across  borders  but
  also  of people.  Yet the proponents of a borderless  world
  object  strongly  to  the free flow of  people  into  their
  countries.  Actual fences are being erected so as  to  stop
  the  people from poor countries from coming in.  Those  who
  manage  to overcome the physical barriers are subjected  to
  physical  abuses  and forced to recross  the  borders.   In
  fact  those  who profess religions which are  not  approved
  are  subjected to ethnic cleansing and forced out of  their
  own countries.
  20.    Again   we   see   here  double  standards.    While
  globalisation  is interpreted as the free flow  of  capital
  and  goods from rich countries to poor countries, the  free
  flow  of people across borders into rich countries  is  not
  considered     consistent    with    borderlessness     and
  21.   The  tendency  of  the  rich  and  the  powerful   to
  interpret everything to their advantage is not confined  to
  countering alleged terrorism and the markets of the  world.
  It  extends  into  ideology and systems of decision  making
  and  Governments.  Thus the world is being told and  indeed
  being  pressured  into the acceptance of liberal  democracy
  and  the  will of the majority.  Those who fail  to  accept
  democratic   practices  of  the  most  liberal   kind   are
  subjected  to harassments, sanctions, bad-mouthing  by  the
  media  and  a variety of threats and pressures.  That  such
  acts  are  actually undemocratic do not bother the  liberal
  democrats  of the first world.  Thus leaders of independent
  nations  are  kidnapped  and tried under  laws  which  they
  never  subscribed  to,  harbours  are  mined  and  economic
  sanctions applied unilaterally.
  22.   Yet  in the United Nations there is not the slightest
  semblance of democracy.  Anyone of five countries can  veto
  the  will  of  the majority, in fact can do  anything  they
  like  in  the name of the Organisation simply because  they
  won  a  war fifty years ago.  And so one country can reject
  the  will  of six billion inhabitants of this planet  while
  demanding  that  other countries accept liberal  democracy.
  They see no contradiction in their stand.
  23.    The   interpretations   of   the   United   Nations'
  Resolutions have been appropriated by a few powers  in  the
  United   Nations  Security  Council.   The  United  Nations
  General Assembly is totally ignored and bypassed.   And  so
  the   United  Nations'  Resolutions  in  favour  of   their
  proteges  are upheld while those in favour of the countries
  not  categorised as their clients are either misinterpreted
  or ignored.
  24.   The  United  Nations is a great concept  but  it  was
  formed  by  an exclusive club of Nations who presumed  they
  had  a monopoly of the right to determine the shape of this
  world  forever because they won World War II.   It  was  an
  example  of justice according to the victors.  Such justice
  is  obviously  biased.  But nevertheless they  will  resist
  any  reform of the United Nations which might impinge  upon
  their  right to use the United Nations to legitimise  their
  national  policies.  Democratic processes are  no  argument
  for  them  to change their stance.  They and in  particular
  the  most  powerful among them will do just what they  like
  in the furtherance of their national policies.
  25.   Those of us who entertain hopes of democratic reforms
  in  the  United Nations should give up our dreams.  We  are
  not  going  to  see anything like the reforms we  envisage.
  If  there  is  to  be  any  reform  it  is  only  going  to
  strengthen  the hands of those who are already  strong  and
  who want more power for themselves.
  26.   The  fact  is that after fifty years of  being  free,
  largely  on  account  of  the  Eastern  and  Western  blocs
  confronting  each  other, our freedom is being  eroded  and
  colonialism is coming back.  Of course it is not  going  to
  take  the  same form, but it is colonialism all  the  same.
  The  strong  and the mighty will quite literally  rule  us,
  determine  our  fate  and our roles  in  the  international
  scheme  of  things.   Poor as we are we will  be  exploited
  even as in the past they exploited us.
  27.    Our  only  hope  lies  in  staying  together.    The
  relevance of being non-aligned in a unipolar world  may  be
  questioned.  But there are any number of reasons for us  to
  stay  together.  Divided one by one we will  succumb.   But
  in  unity  there  is  a  chance that we  will  survive  and
  possibly retain our integrity and independence.
  28.   The  Non-Aligned Movement is therefore  worth  saving
  and  rejuvenating.  After our meeting in Belgrade  a  small
  group  made  up  of 15 non-aligned nations was  set  up  to
  experiment  with  South-South Cooperation.   It  is  not  a
  resounding  success.   Not every country  is  dedicated  to
  South-South   Cooperation.   But  the  modus  operandi   of
  cooperation  between the countries of the South  have  been
  devised  and tried out quite successfully.  It  is  perhaps
  time  for  truly interested members of NAM  to  be  brought
  into the scheme so that apart from our tri-yearly meet,  we
  can  have  mutually  beneficial  interactions.   Since  the
  founding  of  the  Group  of  15  trade  between  them  has
  expanded by almost 400 percent.  With greater effort  trade
  can be really substantial.
  29.   Clearly  NAM is still a useful forum and organisation
  for  the  countries  unwilling to be mere  clients  of  the
  first  world.  It was founded in a bipolar world but it  is
  clearly  still  needed in a unipolar world.   The  need  to
  defend our rights is greater than ever.  None of us can  do
  it alone but together we stand a better chance.
  30.   We  now  know that the weapons to be used against  us
  are  not just military force but also economic forces.  The
  assaults  through economic forces are more subtle  but  are
  no  less  damaging  and  effective compared  with  military
  assaults.   We need to know about the economic forces  that
  may  be used and how we may defend ourselves.  As with  the
  struggle  against colonisation, the time may come when  the
  good elements among the powerful will see the injustice  of
  their  ways and throw their weight behind us.  It may  take
  a  long time as indeed colonialism took a long time  to  be
  condemned.   But  God  Willing,  the  day  will  come  when
  justice  will  triumph.  Until then let us keep  NAM  alive
  and let us do what we can for ourselves.

