Oleh/By : DATO' SERI DR.
Tarikh/Date : 27/10/98
It is always a particular pleasure to welcome
visitors to our country. It is an even greater pleasure
to welcome them back. HELI-ASIA 96, which we were
privileged to host in Malaysia two years ago, is now
established as a truly prestigious event in the calender
of the helicopter industry, comparable with the ones in
Europe and America.
2. HELI-ASIA is a dedicated helicopter exhibition
covering both civil and military operations. It offers
manufacturers and suppliers access to both markets and is
the biggest such promotional event in the Asia Pacific
3. HELI-ASIA 96 is a hard act to follow but I am
confident that the next few days will enhance its
reputation further. In fact, looking at the programmes,
there are already a number of innovations improving on the
original model. For example, the workshops, the static
display and opportunities for flying demonstrations at
Sungei Besi.
4. You have chosen to come here at a very difficult
time. It is a moment of history when the support of our
friends is most timely and will be remembered. It is all
the more heartening to learn that HELI-ASIA 98 has
attracted over 100 exhibitors and that some 3,000 visitors
are expected representing some 35 countries.
5. I have no wish to dwell on Asia's economic woes
except to liken them to a period of turbulence familiar to
anyone in aviation, this one being particularly prolonged
and painful. But, as you know, you can survive turbulence
to find a way ahead to clearer skies. Those of you who
are here looking for commercial opportunities are right to
do so based on a belief in the long-term future of this
region. Your confidence will not be misplaced.
6. Specifically, we believe there is a growth market for
helicopters and helicopter components. We are looking at
an unusual, not to say unique craft, with a wide range of
specialised uses, some special to this kind of aircraft
only. This can be brought home to us in very forcible and
dramatic ways. You will all recall not too long ago, the
devastating forest fires that raged through Florida. And
for once the media reports were not exaggerated.
Helicopters being configured for fire fighting operations
were to the forefront in the massive damage control
effort. No other craft could get in so close to the
disaster areas.
7. We ourselves in Malaysia have good cause to
appreciate this. Last year we were victims of haze caused
by forest fires in a neighbouring country. Again,
helicopters came into play. Happily, as you will have
already experienced, there has not been a recurrence of
the problem this year. There is no haze but blue skies
and good Malaysian sunshine to greet our visitors.
8. There was one occasion last year when we were
indebted to the unique properties of the helicopter. Its
suitability for search and rescue operation was amply
demonstrated in lifting to safety the victims of a
climbing expedition on Mount Kinabalu by the RMAF.
9. These are some of the ways in which the helicopter is
capable of life saving and other hazardous operations not
possible to conventional aircraft. At the same time, it
is a very versatile machine with a multiplicity of uses.
Malaysia, where parts of our country are still fairly
inaccessible will find the helicopter invaluable, from
flying doctor service to political campaigning. We have
extensive oil and gas operations offshore to which access
is again most often by helicopter. Its uses in
reconnaissance work is also an accepted part of defence
and military operations whilst increasingly it is used for
commercial transport.
10. An exhibition of this kind puts on show the full
range and scope of helicopter activities. It provides the
most essential, up-to-date leading edge information on
technical and operational developments in the industry. In
any business, information is the key. Leading aviation
and defence journals will be covering the event.
Exhibitors will be assured therefore, of a wide exposure
for their products and services. This is a premier
business event bringing suppliers and users face to face.
The rest is up to you.
11. I would like to end by taking a forward look at the
smoother air ahead and the hopes for the future. We have
less than 400 days to the next millennium. The future
world in the 21st Century will be predicated on
globalisation and technology. We in Malaysia welcome
globalisation and new technology. We are very ready
receivers of it and here I appeal to the big names in the
international helicopter industry who are represented in
this room. We wish to develop further our aerospace and
aviation businesses. I hope therefore you will look not
only at the market place created by an exhibition of this
kind but also at the scope for manufacturing your products
in this country. Initially perhaps the wide range of
components on which you depend. We can promise you the
necessary support base of engineering skills that makes
this possible. In fact, our radar may look ahead to the
day when Alexander Shephard will organise the HELI-ASIA
that will feature helicopters made in Malaysia. This is
the sort of globalisation we like.
12. In the meantime, there is much to enjoy in the
present exhibition. Malaysia is justly proud of its
conference facilities. This year the organisers of HELI-
ASIA have added a static helicopter display alongside the
exhibition booths. Arrangements have been made for flight
demonstrations at the Sungei Besi Airbase. Also new are
the specialist workshops courtesy of the sponsorship of
your industry leaders who will be sharing their advanced
knowledge and expertise over a number of specialised
areas. We very much appreciate their contribution.
13. On my part, I pledge the full support of the
Government behind this event. It promises to be a very
exciting and rewarding three days. And now it only
remains for me to declare HELI-ASIA 98 officially open.