Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	02/11/98 

        Dismissed  initially as an Asian  problem  when  it
  began  last  July, the East Asian financial  crisis  has
  now  ballooned  into  an  economic  upheaval  of  global
  proportion.   The financial crisis has since  spread  to
  Russia  --  where  the IMF has again failed  to  rescue.
  More  recently,  the financial shockwaves  have  reached
  the  American shores.  Several Latin American countries,
  facing    massive   capital   outflows   and    currency
  devaluations, may need to resort to the IMF soon.   With
  the  contagion  now spread across three continents,  the
  threat  of  a global recession looms large.   What  went
  wrong?   Is  something  amiss or  different  about  this
  crisis?   Or  is it just the scale and the  speed?   Has
  technology advanced beyond human control?  To know  this
  we  have  to know the root causes and the secondary  and
  even tertiary causes if there are any.
  2.    We  have to remember that the East Asian countries
  prior  to  their financial collapse were among the  most
  successful   economies  in  the  world.   The   economic
  success is real although attributing it to miracles  was
  quite  wrong.   These countries grew  fast  economically
  because  they  had  apparently  found  the  formula  for
  growth.   The  formula  is  not  the  same  but  certain
  elements were common.
  3.    South Korea was ultra-nationalistic.  It  did  not
  want  foreign  companies  to  invest  and  develop   its
  industries.    It  preferred  buying  technologies   and
  breeding   its  own  entrepreneurs  and  industrialists.
  Japan  was  its  model and a source of its technologies.
  Koreans  with any potential at all were given protection
  and  funds by the Government to go into practically  any
  industry  they chose to.  Those who succeeded would  get
  even  more help.  Very quickly huge counterparts of  the
  Japanese trading houses emerged.
  4.    Although  these  chaebols were  largely  privately
  owned,   it  did  not  prevent  them  from  contributing
  tremendously    to    the    rapid    development    and
  industrialisation of Korea.  They may be  considered  as
  cronies  of the Government but the cronyism came  mostly
  after  the  Government  recognised  their  potential  to
  succeed    and    to   help   propel    the    country's
  industrialisation.    Besides,  their  success   brought
  employment  for  the  Korean workforce  and  helped  the
  small  and medium industries.  It would be wrong to  say
  that   nobody  except  themselves  gained   from   their
  success.    It  is  also  doubtful  if  public   limited
  companies  were  floated in order to  venture  into  the
  unknown  territory of the large-scale  industries,  such
  public   limited  companies  would  succeed.   Certainly
  rapid  success  would  not have  been  possible  as  the
  management  and  decision  making  process   of   public
  companies  are complex, tedious and cautious.  Companies
  with   strong   leadership  by  the   proprietor   chief
  executive  are  much  more  able  to  make  forays  into
  unknown   territories  and  to  take  bold  actions   to
  overcome obstacles.
  5.    Obviously any lack of skill would result in  early
  failure  and  dropping out.  So a few would survive  and
  succeed.   And these would grow very rapidly, especially
  as  the Government with nationalist objectives extending
  helping hands.
  6.    Within  a  very short space of time  a  number  of
  chaebols emerged which seem capable of unlimited  growth
  in every direction.
  7.    Rapid  growth necessitates borrowing  huge  funds,
  first  from  domestic  sources  and  then  from  foreign
  sources.   Cash-flow  for  the servicing  of  loans  was
  important.   Profits  were  not  too  important.     The
  Koreans  were in the game of catching up.  They  had  to
  grow.  All earnings must go into expansion.  In no  time
  at all the Koreans emerged as an economic powerhouse.
  8.    The  foundation may seem weak but as long as  they
  can  grow and generate cash-flow they were safe.  As the
  chaebols  grew  and expanded Korea prospered.   The  per
  capita  income  qualified Korea for  membership  of  the
  9.    There was no doubt that Korea was a success story.
  Its  way of doing business is obviously not the same  as
  the  mature economies of the West or even of  Japan  but
  it  was  an  economic success.  The people  as  a  whole
  prospered, were well educated and quickly became  highly
  skilled.   There  was no reason to think  that  if  they
  continued to employ their strategy they would  become  a
  developed country fairly soon.
  10.   The  Koreans  may be said to be practising  crony-
  capitalism  par excellence.  Apparently only a  selected
  few  benefited  and  emerged  as  great  tycoons  owning
  chaebols.   But  if others are given the  same  kind  of
  selective  support by the Government would they  not  be
  regarded  as the Government cronies also?   If  a  great
  many  were  to  get  the  same support  indiscriminately
  would   the   strategy  work?   The  capacity   of   the
  Government  would  be much stretched and  it  is  likely
  that  none  would  really succeed.  They  would  all  be
  small  or  midsize companies which would not  contribute
  towards   Korean  nationalistic  developmental  targets.
  Korea  would be just like any other developing  country,
  struggling  for  years  to feed its  people.   The  most
  talented   or  adventurous  would  migrate.   The   less
  enterprising   would   stay  home   in   a   perpetually
  developing  country.  But Korea created the tycoons  and
  the chaebols and achieved tremendous growth to become  a
  Newly  Industrialising Country.  It must  be  remembered
  that Japan did the same even more thoroughly during  the
  Meiji Restoration.
  11.   In  Southeast Asia the ASEAN countries decided  to
  depend on foreign investments for their development  and
  industrialisation.   Unless  the  domestic  markets  are
  involved,  the  foreigners were  free  to  do  anything,
  including  owning 100 percent of the industries.   Their
  gains  were less and slower in coming than in the Korean
  case.   It  took  them  a  long  time  to  acquire   the
  technologies  and  the  skills of industrial  management
  and  investments.  It took them a long time to build  up
  the capital they needed to grow big.
  12.   But  eventually  they did  produce  their  smaller
  versions  of  the  chaebols.  Certain industries  mainly
  those  serving the local markets, were kept out  of  the
  hands   of   foreigners.    When  privatisation   became
  acceptable  the state enterprises and the big  utilities
  were  handed  over to those local businesses  which  had
  grown big enough to handle these state-owned entities.
  13.   It  must be remembered that most of the  state-run
  businesses  were  moribund.  They were regarded  as  the
  services  to be provided by the state due to  the  taxes
  paid  by  the  people.  Thus the roads  were  built  and
  maintained  by  the  state for the use  free  of  charge
  mainly,  by  the tax payers.  No return was expected  by
  the  state.   Since the state had inadequate  funds  the
  roads   were  badly  constructed  and  even  more  badly
  14.   Privatisation  removed most of the  responsibility
  of  the  state to build and maintain roads.   But  since
  the  state  continues to collect taxes, the  state  must
  return the taxes to the people in some way.  And so  the
  state  subsidises  the construction and  maintenance  of
  the   public  utilities  by  selling  off  at   a   much
  discounted price.  That way the charges, road  tolls  in
  the case of some of the highways, would remain low.
  15.   Again some people have to be selected for whatever
  enterprise  or  industry that the Government  wished  to
  promote.   It does not matter who was selected,  whether
  they  are  friends  of the Government  leaders  or  not;
  whoever  gets  selected for anything  at  all,  will  be
  labelled  cronies of the Government.  Even  when  public
  companies  are  selected the charges of  cronyism  would
  still  be made.  Just about any businessman who benefits
  in  anyway from Government decision would be labelled  a
  Government  crony.   That  the  selections   were   made
  through  open  tenders made no difference.   They  would
  still be considered as cronies.
  16.     Only    if    foreigners   get    the    project
  unconditionally,  without regard for  national  benefits
  would  the  accusation of cronyism  not  be  made.   The
  foreigners  must  be  allowed  to  take  everything  for
  themselves  without  any restriction.   Their  claim  is
  that  they, because of their absolute superiority,  were
  doing  a favour to the countries concerned because  they
  would  provide the best services and goods at  the  best
  cost,  not necessarily the lowest cost of course.   That
  they   make  huge  profits  for  themselves  is  totally
  acceptable  even though they provide unfair  competition
  for the locals.
  17.   In both Korea and Southeast Asian countries  there
  is  probably some degree of true cronyism and  nepotism.
  There  must  be  some who have been given  opportunities
  and  help  because they were cronies or members  of  the
  families  or connected.  But it is not correct  or  fair
  to  assume  that  everyone who had been 'favoured'  were
  cronies.    Even  members  of  the  families  may   have
  legitimacy in their dealings involving the Government.
  18.   Whether the practices and the strategies of  these
  countries  were good or bad, no one can  say  that  they
  had  failed  to develop their countries well  and  fast,
  have  given  their  people  ever  higher  standards   of
  living,  increased their technological, educational  and
  other  skills and generally put them and their countries
  strongly  on  the path of progress way  ahead  of  other
  developing countries.  In fact left to themselves  these
  countries  would  catch up with the developed  countries
  in a relatively short-space of time.
  19.   Would  these countries practising what  they  have
  been practising collapse economically?  They may not  be
  able  to keep up the pace, they will have hiccups.  Some
  of  their businesses and their banks would fail.  But it
  is  doubtful  that  they  will  suffer  total  collapse.
  Certainly not suddenly and simultaneously -- one  moment
  hale  and hearty and the next moment tottering aimlessly
  about in a state of total collapse.
  20.    Should   anything  happen  to   their   bank   or
  institution  or  business, no matter  how  big,  efforts
  could  be  made to turn them around.  Rescuing companies
  is   something  that  everyone  does.   The  idea   that
  companies  which  fail must not  be  rescued  is  not  a
  matter  of  religious  injunction.   Too  many  innocent
  people  would be punished if businesses are  allowed  to
  fail.   Punish the wrong doers by all means but  killing
  the  company  serves  no  good purpose.   The  innocents
  would  be  the one to suffer most.  And so if there  are
  failures,  the companies could be resuscitated  and  the
  country  go on prospering.  The countries of  East  Asia
  would  not collapse suddenly and simultaneously.   There
  would be no massive contagion, only some temporary flu.
  21.   But  we  know  that  the countries  of  East  Asia
  suddenly  collapsed together.  If it is not  because  of
  their  bad  Governments, their corruption, their  crony-
  capitalism and nepotism, then what?
  22.   They collapsed because their wealth was taken away
  from  them,  through  their money being  devalued.  They
  collapsed  because  they  were suddenly  made  extremely
  poor.   They were not able to pay their debts, not  able
  to   borrow,   not   able  to  finance  their   business
  activities,  not  able  to  do  anything.    They   were
  financially paralysed.
  23.   When their currency is devalued the cost of buying
  foreign  currency to pay debts or to buy raw  materials,
  components  or  services  became unaffordable.  Interest
  rates   and   credit  squeezes  do  not   help   either.
  Simultaneous  attacks on the share  markets  render  the
  companies  insolvent  as banks call  for  margins.   Non
  Performing Loans (NPL) increased.
  24.   The collapse is caused by currency being devalued.
  There  may be other excuses but it is devaluation  which
  precipitated  the collapse.  How does the  currency  get
  devalued?   Did  the currency sense that the  Government
  was   corrupt   etc   and  decide  to  devalue   itself?
  Obviously   not.    Did  the  Government   devalue   the
  currency?  The Government obviously did not.   Then  who
  did?  The currency traders did.
  25.   Why  did  they do it?  Is it because  they  feared
  they  would lose money?  No.  There is no evidence  that
  they  were  holding large quantities of  the  currencies
  concerned.   So a fall in the value of the currency  was
  not  going  to  cost  them  anything,  neither  would  a
  revaluation give them any profit.  But by borrowing  the
  currency  and  then  selling it  they  could  cause  the
  currency  to  depreciate.  And when it  had  depreciated
  sufficiently they could buy the currency and deliver  to
  those  who had bought at the higher prices and  so  make
  handsome  profits.   No lack of confidence  or  fear  of
  losing money on their investments are involved.  It  was
  the  possibility  of making huge profits  through  short
  selling  that  motivated the currency traders.   It  was
  greed;  a  kind  of  greed that cares  nothing  for  the
  destruction  caused,  for  the  collapse  of   perfectly
  healthy and prosperous economies, greed that thrives  on
  the misery of others.
  26.   These  currency traders control  and  manage  huge
  funds  invested  in by the very rich in  the  very  rich
  countries.   On top of that they could leverage  by,  in
  the  case  of the Long-Term Capital Management Fund,  up
  to  200  times.  They are well connected.  They are  the
  cronies  of the bankers who manage huge funds  belonging
  to  the  public.  They believe that if they are  big  no
  one  can stop them from manipulating the market any  way
  they  wish.  The Central Banks of  developing  countries
  with  their puny reserves would be bankrupt long  before
  they,  the  funds, have risked even a  fraction  of  the
  huge sums at their disposal.
  27.   The  fact  that by devaluing the  currencies  they
  create  financial turmoil, impoverish the countries  and
  their  people, throw millions out of jobs  and  deprived
  them  of  food,  medicine etc, cause them  to  riot  and
  destabilise  previously  stable  Governments  and   even
  cause  these Governments to be overthrown --  all  these
  bothered  them not a bit.  They merely claim that  these
  Governments  were  bad and they had lost  confidence  in
  them  and so pulled out their money.  That they had  not
  invested  at all in these countries and really  did  not
  have  anything to pull out, did not bother  them.   That
  their  loss of confidence would not cause them  to  lose
  anything  also  did  not bother them.   If  the  act  of
  pulling   out  their  money  would  earn  them  handsome
  profits,  then they would borrow the money in  order  to
  pull  it out.  The important thing is to make money from
  the  opportunity which they could create based on  their
  alleged  lack  of  confidence.  If the fundamentals  are
  good  and there is no reason for losing confidence, then
  contagion  can be a good reason for loss of  confidence.
  Any  reason  is good enough for borrowing the currencies
  in  order  to pull out, to short-sell and to  reap  huge
  28.   And  so  one after another the tiger economies  of
  Asia  had  their  currencies devalued  by  the  currency
  traders  and  all  their  Governments  were  accused  of
  corruption,     nepotism,    crony    capitalism     and
  mismanagement.   Everything they had done  before  which
  enriched  and developed their countries were now  blamed
  for   creating   the   loss  of  confidence,   and   the
  devaluation  of  their  currencies.   The  whole   world
  joined  in the chorus, accusing the Governments of  East
  Asian  countries of causing their countries  to  descend
  into financial and economic turmoil.
  29.   No  mention was made of the role of  the  currency
  traders  except that they had lost confidence  and  like
  herds of cattle they rushed off with their money.   This
  is  their  right.  Why should they put  their  money  at
  risk?   They  invested in order to make  money,  not  to
  prop  up  corrupt Government.  But one might  point  out
  that  they  never  really invested in these  currencies.
  That  is  irrelevant.  Since they saw an opportunity  to
  make  money by borrowing the currency, selling  it  down
  and profiting by it, why not?
  30.   They also attack the stock market, selling off the
  shares they hold or the share they borrowed.  The  share
  indices plummeted. The companies lost their capital  and
  became  unable to meet margin calls or pay  debts.   The
  share  value went below the asset value. These companies
  can  be  bought  for  a song.  They no  longer  pay  the
  Government  any  tax  on their profits.  They  were  not
  making  any  profits.  They were losing. The  Government
  cannot make ends meet now.
  31.   Here is where the IMF comes in.  Loans are offered
  on  condition  the countries allow foreign companies  to
  acquire  businesses  or  start  businesses  without  any
  condition.   Other  conditions imposed  such  as  higher
  interest  rates  and credit squeezes ensured  that  more
  banks  and  companies  go  into  failure.   The  turmoil
  worsened.   But not to worry.  The companies  and  banks
  failed because they were bad and should be got rid  off.
  Only  good  companies would remain and when the  economy
  recovers  it  would  be  healthier.   But  the  currency
  refused to recover.  It became worse instead.
  32.   Eventually the IMF is blamed.  Still the  currency
  traders  are  not blamed.  They were left free  to  rape
  other  countries.  So long as they do  not  disturb  the
  economies  of  the rich countries no blame was  attached
  to them.
  33.   Feeling  safe and not being conscience-striken  by
  the  tragedies they have wrought all over the world, the
  fund  managers grew bolder.  They borrowed more and they
  directed  their attacks against every country that  they
  could  make  profits  from.  Only  the  countries  where
  their main investors like were left free.
  34.   But  then  Russia  collapsed totally  under  their
  attacks  and the Russian Rouble became totally  useless.
  The  Long-Term Capital Management Fund lost a  huge  sum
  of  money.   Nobody really knows how much they  lost  as
  transparency is demanded by them only of others but  not
  of themselves.
  35.   But  transparent or not the lenders  to  the  fund
  cannot  hide  the  huge losses they had  sustained.   We
  know  some  of  these  individual losses  by  banks  and
  various  funds exceed billions.  We know  that  the  Fed
  had  to  force banks to bail out the LTCM with some  3.5
  billion  dollars.   But  we will never  learn  the  full
  story  because  surreptitious rescues are being  mounted
  to  bail out the others.  The investors in the LTCM  are
  VIPs  and  unlike the millions who are starving  in  the
  poor countries raped by the funds, they must be saved.
  36.   Cronyism  is  extensive in the operations  of  the
  banks and the funds.  They all know each other and  they
  talk  all  the  time to each other.  In  many  instances
  they   had  previously  worked  together  in  the   same
  institutions  or companies.  Subscription to  the  funds
  are  by invitation only and obviously those invited  are
  known  to the managers of the funds.  Although the funds
  may   compete   with  each  other,  there   are   enough
  indication that they also collude.
  37.   Whenever  any  currency is  sold,  there  must  be
  someone  who bought.  If buying a currency would revalue
  it,  then  it  should be revalued  as  often  as  it  is
  devalued.    There  cannot  be  any  sale  without   any
  purchase.   There must always be a willing buyer  and  a
  willing seller.  They would neutralize each other.   But
  it  would  seem that sometimes there were  only  sellers
  who  devalue the currency without there being any buyers
  to revalue the currency.
  38.   Sometimes the market is thin i.e only  very  small
  amounts were being bought or sold.  Yet on the basis  of
  these  small  deals the whole currency gets devalued  or
  revalued.   How  can  such small transaction  result  in
  billions   being  lost  or  gained  by  whole  nations.?
  People,  millions  of  them get  impoverished,  starved,
  lost  access to medical treatment because a  few  people
  sold a small amount of currency in some faraway place.
  39.   The  Governments of many East Asian countries  may
  be  bad, may practise cronyism, nepotism etc.  They  may
  provide  an  excuse for loss of confidence  by  the  so-
  called  market  force.  But these  Governments  did  not
  devalue  their  currencies nor did the currencies  sense
  the   wickedness   of   the  Governments   and   devalue
  themselves.    The   currency   traders   devalued   the
  currencies  by their speculation and manipulation.   The
  IMF  did  not  devalue but they helped the  process  and
  they   provide  additional  excuses  for  the   currency
  traders  to  devalue  the currencies  further.   If  the
  countries  failed  to implement the  strictures  of  the
  IMF,   then   the  currency  traders  would  cause   the
  currencies  to devalue further.  The IMF  is  not  quite
  culpable  but  it  used  the  threats  of  the  currency
  traders  to  extract  the maximum  compliance  from  the
  subject Governments.
  40.   The  currency  traders are  no  doubt  the  people
  responsible for devaluing the currencies.  They are  the
  cause   of   the  currency  turmoil.   They  spread   it
  worldwide.   They precipitated the current recession  in
  every  country.   They are well on the way  to  bringing
  about a worldwide recession.
  41.   If  we  are  going to manage the  Asian  Financial
  crisis  with any possibility of success we have to  deal
  with currency speculation and manipulations.
  42.   It is said that the volume of currency trading  is
  20  times  that  of  world trade.  It  is  perhaps  even
  bigger  now.  But what is there to show for  the  amount
  of  money involved? World trade creates wealth and  jobs
  and  industries  and  all  and every  kind  of  economic
  activities.   Without world trade good  growth  for  any
  country  would  not  be  possible.   The  transportation
  industry,  the shipping, air freighting, land  transport
  of  every  kind, insurance, stevedoring and  a  host  of
  other  commercial activities would not be there  without
  world  trade.  The world is as developed as it is  today
  because  of world trade in goods and services  of  every
  conceivable kind.
  43.   If world trade is 20 times its present value, then
  the  wealth  and  the  well-being it  creates  would  be
  unimaginable. Every country, rich or poor,  backward  or
  advanced  would be considerably enriched.  But  we  know
  that  the  wealth  of the world is due  largely  to  the
  trade  in  goods  and services, while  currency  trading
  despite  being  20  times  bigger  has  not  contributed
  anything  to  the well-being of the world,  to  economic
  development.   Indeed we know for a fact  that  currency
  trading  has  destroyed the economies that  world  trade
  had  built, has impoverished millions and now  threatens
  to  cause a world depression.  A few very rich investors
  may  have  made  huge  profits for themselves  from  the
  trading  in currencies by the so-called hedge funds  but
  their  combined profits could add up to only a  fraction
  of  the  amount of wealth they have destroyed.  And  now
  we  see  that they can fail too and drag down with  them
  the  rich  investors, the banks and other  hedge  funds.
  Despite  bailouts the collapse of just  one  hedge  fund
  involved   in  currency  trading  is  likely  to   cause
  worldwide recession.
  44.   It is clear that currency trading has not done any
  good  for the world, in fact has been the cause  of  the
  present    financial   and   economic    turmoil,    has
  impoverished  the  world.  Unless  currency  trading  is
  recognised  as  the root cause of the  present  problem,
  corrective    actions   cannot   be   made.     Cosmetic
  adjustments, correcting peripheral causes etc  will  not
  do  any  good  at  all.   Nor would  an  admission  that
  currency  trading  is too big and  too  powerful  to  be
  regulated help overcome the problem.
  45.   Exchanging one currency for another  is  necessary
  for  world  trade.  But currency trading in the  present
  form  is  not essential.  If currency trading cannot  be
  done  away  with, then it should be properly  supervised
  and  regulated.   This  is  possible  if  the  big  rich
  economic powers are willing to cooperate, to enact  laws
  and rules and to enforce them.
  46.   Currency trading must be forced into the open. The
  world  acted  in  concert to prevent  money  laundering.
  There  is no reason why the world cannot act in  concert
  to regulate currency trading.
  47.   Such  trading must be registered and  licensed  in
  the  countries where they operate.  Banks must  be  made
  to  reduce  the  money  they  lend  to  these  funds  to
  reasonable  multiples.   The  basis  for  changing   the
  exchange  rate  must be regularised.  So long  as  there
  are  buyers,  there should be no change  in  the  rates.
  Only  a  certain  percentage in the change  of  exchange
  rates  should  be allowed for a given  time.   Any  rate
  exceeding  the  percentage  allowed  should  result   in
  stoppage of trading.  The sellers must deliver within  a
  specified   period  the  money  sold.   An  amount   not
  exceeding  a  certain percentage of  the  trade  of  the
  country  concerned  must be fixed as the  maximum  limit
  for any deal on any day.
  48.   Obviously the rules and regulations and laws  will
  prevent the traders from making the kind of profit  they
  are  used to making.  But if trade in goods and services
  are  limited by what the market can bear, why should  it
  not  limit  trade in currencies?  Must  we  protect  the
  excessive  profitability  of  currency  trading  to  the
  extent  of  plunging countries, regions  and  the  world
  into economic turmoil and recession?
  49.   Free trade is good only if it brings about  wealth
	  and  benefits to the peoples and the countries involved.
  Free  trade  is not meant to profit one at the  cost  of
  the  destruction of the other partner.   If  free  trade
  means that the rich can rape the poor, then we might  as
  well resort to conquest and colonisation of the poor  by
  the  rich  and the powerful.  If this is what the  world
  economic  order is going to be like, then  we  might  as
  well  not  talk  about the independence of  nations  and
  human  rights.  It would be the height of  hypocrisy  if
  we  accept the exploitation of the poor by the  rich  as
  the  norm,  when we all talk about a brave,  humane  new
  global   society.   We  are  actually  backsliding   and
  returning  to the Dark Ages, the age of superstition  in
  which  economic  and  political  exploitation  must   be
  subscribed  to by everyone on pain of being  declared  a
  non-believer and being burnt at the stake.
  50.   You  are  going to discuss the management  of  the
  Financial  Crisis.   You  are  going  to  identify   the
  lessons  and  the  challenges.  I am sure  you  are  not
  indulging  in  an  academic  exercise.   Pussy   footing
  around  will get us nowhere.  You will have to face  the
  problems   squarely  and  be  willing  to   accept   the
  condemnation  of  the  rich and  the  powerful  if  your
  conference  is  to contribute anything  at  all  to  the
  solution of the financial crisis faced by the world.   I
  hope you are willing to face up to the challenge.


