Oleh/By : DATO' SERI DR.
Tarikh/Date : 09/03/99
Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak Malaysia Airports
Berhad kerana menjemput saya untuk merasmikan Litar
Lumba Sepang yang saya percaya akan mencatatkan satu
sejarah baru dalam sukan lumba bermotor di negara ini
dan juga di dunia.
2. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome
our distinguished guests from the Formula One Team
Managers, foreign dignitaries and members of the media
to the opening of the Sepang Formula-1 Racing Circuit.
3. Standing here today in front of this magnificent
ultra-modern racing circuit, I cannot help but be amazed
at the changes that it represents. In less than two
years, what was an oil palm estate, has been converted
into a world-class motor racing circuit said to be
second to none in the world.
4. I had been kept informed of the planning and the
progress of the construction. I was told of the many
unique features like the double frontage grandstand and
the canopy tower that would make this track the best
racing facility in the world. Still it was difficult to
visualise that it would come out looking like this.
Although it is costly, it would have been more costly if
it was planned and built after the devaluation of the
Ringgit. It is very satisfying that we had built many
of our projects including the KLIA, the national sports
complex and even the expressways at a time when the
Ringgit was strong. Had we delayed their construction
it is likely that we would not build them at all.
5. This circuit took 15 months to complete and this in
itself is a record, something that all Malaysians can be
proud of. Malaysians are practical dreamers. They
dreamt of holding a Formula-1 race in Malaysia. They
did not go on sleeping and dreaming. With their usual
pragmatism they planned and built this circuit even as
they negotiated to bring the Formula-1 race here. As a
crony the Prime Minister was co-opted to persuade the
redoubtable Bernie Ecclestone to include Malaysia in the
Formula-1 racing calendar.
6. In October this year, this state-of-the-art circuit
will host the first ever Malaysian Formula-1 race. This
is the most prestigious sporting event in the world
today after the World Cup and the Olympics, and Malaysia
will be among 16 elite nations worldwide to have the
opportunity to organise and host this event.
7. I know some may question the rationale behind
building such a racing facility at times like this but
if they were to consider the benefits we will gain, they
will realise what a fantastic opportunity this is.
8. In the first place the Sepang Circuit will
complement the extensive development of this area. We
have the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport,
Cyberjaya, Putrajaya and the Multimedia Super Corridor
all in this area which will be a gateway to our country
and the region. The Circuit will also complement the
rapidly growing automotive industry in our country.
Research and development is an important part of the
automotive industry and the racing as well as the
circuit can become a centre for this.
9. In fact, the Sepang Circuit can even become a
centre for motorsports development not only for the
country but also for the region. It is cheaper for the
foreign teams to base themselves here. Also, the
weather condition in our country, unlike some parts of
the world, is always hot and this is good for testing
engines of all kinds. Of course it will test the
endurance of the drivers themselves.
10. Tourism is another factor that must be considered.
The attention of some two billion people from over 200
countries will be focused on Malaysia in October this
year. For a good hour and a half, all eyes will be on
our country. If we work out the cost of one minute of
advertising on TV and multiply it by 90 we can get some
idea of the advertising value this circuit will give us.
11. And from these two billion people watching this
event live, there will surely be a sizeable number of
them who will want to visit our country. This will
certainly boost the tourism industry in the country.
12. Already, I have been told that all the hotels
nearby and many hotels in the city have been booked for
the Formula-1 race in October.
13. The Formula-1 race will once again be an
opportunity for Malaysia to showcase our ability to
organise world class sporting events. We have organised
numerous world class events which culminated with the
hosting of the 16th Commonwealth Games last year. The
event was a success and is believed to be the best ever
in the history of the Commonwealth Games.
14. For the Commonwealth Games we built world class
facilities at Bukit Jalil. The 100,000 capacity
National Stadium, the Hockey and Swimming Complexes are
all of international standards.
15. Today, we have the Sepang Circuit. It is yet
another example of our ability to develop a world class
sporting facility. I have been told that this circuit
has set the standard for all future circuits in the
world and that is why the Sepang Circuit has been given
the privilege to use the official Formula-1 logo in its
16. From today, the Sepang Circuit will be known as the
SEPANG F-1 Circuit. This is a great honour for this
circuit especially since no other circuit in the world
has been accorded this privilege. For this, I would
like to thank Mr. Bernie Ecclestone, Chairman of Formula
One Administration Limited (FOA).
17. I also believe that Malaysia, as we have always
done in the past, will successfully organise all the
events that will take place at the circuit.
18. I am certain that Malaysia Airports Berhad can
handle the task of promoting and successfully organising
the Malaysian Formula One Championship as well as the
Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix this year.
19. Dengan ini, saya dengan sukacitanya merasmikan
Litar Lumba Sepang ini.
Source : Prime Minister's Office