Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	03/06/99 

       There  are  times in the lives of men,  as  in  the
  lives  of nations, when so many things happen,  so  many
  experiences experienced, so much so that the future  can
  never  be quite the same again.  Most of Asia has  lived
  through such a time recently, and indeed even now.
  2.    A  large number of Asians will not forget  for  as
  long  as  they live the sufferings,  the trials and  the
  tribulations  --  that they, their  families  and  their
  peoples went through in the last two years.
  3.    It  will  be  difficult to forget those  who  have
   shown  compassion, who have commiserated  with  us,  who
  have  shared our misery and our pain -- just  as  it  is
  difficult to forget those who have laughed in our  face.
  It  will also be difficult to forget those who seemed to
  have  almost  relished, to have found sublimal  comfort,
  in our discomfiture.
  4.    It  is  difficult to forget  those who  have  been
  completely insensitive to our anguish and who have  read
  to  us  over  and  over  and over again  --  the  sacred
  liturgies  of liberalisation, sometimes so  loudly  that
  they  even  drown  the din of distress rising  from  the
  5.    It is difficult to forget those who over and  over
  and  over again -- hit us over the head with the  sacred
  tablets  on  which  are inscribed the  holy  mantras  of
  market opening.
  6.    It is difficult to forget those who insisted to us
  over  and over again _that the road to our recovery  and
  salvation  lay  simply in selling off the modest  family
   valuables it has taken all our lives to earn; those  who
  have  insisted that we must sell, at 'fire sale prices',
  our   homes,  our  factories,  our  banks,   yes,   most
  especially  our  banks.  It  is  incredible  how   often
  ordinarily  intelligent  people  have  expected  us   to
  believe that all would be well if only we agree to  sell
  our  banks at fire-sale prices.  Many of us have noticed
  that  many  of  them unashamedly urge us  to  sell  even
  though  they  were part of the throng that  started  and
  stoked the fire.
  7.    It  is difficult for many of us in Asia to  forget
  those  who  gleefully insisted that they wanted  to  see
  blood  spilt  as we bludgeoned our banks  and  companies
  into  submission before they would believe that we  were
  serious about reforms in the management of our economy.
  8.    It is difficult to forget those who stuck to their
  sacred  incantations promising the economic  nirvana  if
  we  humbly  obeyed and threatening immediate and  divine
   retribution  if we failed to heed the judgement  of  the
  dieties  of  money  and of markets, the  gods  who  must
  stand  above  all  else.   Forget  the  human  right  of
  employment, of food for empty tables, of children  going
  to  school, of medicine for the sick or the simple,  the
  basic  human need for security in the streets, for peace
  in  the  neighbourhood  and for  personal  freedom  from
  violence  and  tumult.  The only rights  which  must  be
  upheld  at  all cost are the right of the  free  market,
  the  right  of capital flows and the right to  profiteer
  through devaluing the currencies.
  9.    It  is certainly vitally important that Asia  does
  not  forget  the  mistakes that we have made  in  recent
  years.   We  have all been guilty of many  things.   Not
  one  of us is completely innocent.  All of us have  made
  grave  mistakes, some following upon the specific advice
  of well-known and powerful international agencies.
  10.   We  must  make  sure that we  never  again  become
   victims  of the 'irrational exuberance' that  so  easily
  lifts  our  feet  off   the ground and  that  makes  the
  wisest  and  most modest of us forget our  bearings  and
  our  common  sense.  Incidently only  we  in  East  Asia
  suffer   from   this   malady.    The   exuberance   and
  irrationality  that drive the Index in Wall  Street  are
  different  of  course.  However it is worth  remembering
  the  ancient  Greeks who believed that  those  whom  the
  gods  wish  to  destroy they first make  them  mad.   In
  modern  times, perhaps those whom God wishes to  destroy
  He  first makes madly euphoric believing that what  goes
  up will never come down.
  11.   When we in Asia look back on the turbulent  crisis
  we  have been through, it is also vitally important that
  we  do  not forget the friends who have stood by  us  in
  our time of need.
  12.  In this regard, I would like to place on record  my
  personal   appreciation  and  the   gratitude   of   the
  Malaysian  people  for  the  helping  hand  that   Japan
   extended  through  the  Miyazawa  Plan  and  many  other
  steps.   Japan  has  not  been  a  fine-weather  friend.
  Japan  has been an invaluable friend.  Japan has been  a
  friend in time of grievous need.  Many of us will  never
  forget this for as long as we live.
  13.   I would like also to thank China which refused  to
  devalue  its  currency even though it  rendered  China's
  products   less   competitive   than   Southeast   Asian
  products.   China's growth was affected and unemployment
  increased.   But  China  was  steadfast  in  not  making
  matters worse for Southeast Asia.
  14.   It  is  now clear that for almost all of  us,  the
  worst  is  over.   For almost all of  us,  the  road  to
  recovery  has  been  taken  and  is  now  being   firmly
  traveled.   At  the  same time, it is blatantly  obvious
  that  we  all  still have a long way to go to  ensure  a
  resumption of the fastest growth run in human history.
  15.   To ensure the return of history and the resumption
   of  this sustained growth, it is essential to accomplish
  three   imperatives.   First,  we  must  build  on   our
  strengths.    Second,  we  must  continue   to   reform,
  transform and re-invent our societies.  Third,  we  must
  set  aside  our  presumptions  and  preferences  and  be
  utterly  pragmatic. We must set aside  our  sacred  cows
  and  ensure  the  firmest commitment to  the  colourless
  cat, to doing what works.
  16.  Let me briefly outline what I mean.
  17.   There  is  a  big  move today  to  homogenise,  to
  standardise,  to  uniformise, to conform  and  to  blend
  with the rest.
  18.   In  economic  terms, there is a huge  movement  --
  deliberate  and  non-deliberate,  concerted   and   non-
  concerted  -- to turn all Asian economies, all economies
  in   fact,   into  Anglo-Saxon,  laissez  faire   market
  economies or what is imagined to be Anglo-Saxon  laissez
  faire market economies.
  19.   In  political  terms, there  is  a  huge  movement
   deliberate  and  non-deliberate,  concerted   and   non-
  concerted  to  turn all Asian political systems,  indeed
  all   political  systems  everywhere,  into  Anglo-Saxon
  liberal  democracies or what is imagined  to  be  Anglo-
  Saxon liberal democracies.
  20.   I  do  not  want to be detained  by  these  issues
  because I believe that to a large extent it is simply  a
  function of mega power and the rigid power structure  at
  this  time  and  space  in world history.   The  world's
  first  recorded historian, the ancient Greek Thucydides,
  wrote  more  than  two thousand years ago  that  in  the
  affairs  of  nations the strong will  demand  what  they
  will  and  the weak must yield what they must.   Perhaps
  one  day,  we including the Anglo Saxon world might  all
  have  to  try to be very Swedish or Chinese or  Nigerian
  or  Brazilian.   Perhaps one day we might  all  have  to
  conform  to  the  economic  and  political  systems  and
  preferences  of  the  Swedes  or  the  Chinese  or   the
   Nigerians  or  the  Brazilians  or  even  the   Japanese
  because they have become the strong.
  21.   I  do not want to be detained by this issue either
  because  I believe that in essence the Anglo Saxons  and
  their  machines are right or nearly so.  It seems  clear
  enough to me that:
*    with all its faults;
*    with all the dangers arising from market failure;
*     with  all the difficulties of running market systems,
  the  development of which takes time and all  too  often
  goes  through the Charles Dickens market economy  phase,
  with  all  its  flaws, the market system guided  by  the
  social  conscience is without doubt the  most  fair  and
  productive  system  so far devised by  mankind  for  the
  production of economic goods and services.
  It seems very clear to me that democracy:
*    with all its faults;
*    with all the dangers arising from democratic failure;
*    with all the difficulties involved; and
*    despite the fact that good democracies invariably take
   time  to  evolve,  with all these  flaws,  democracy  is
  without  doubt  the most fair, productive and  civilised
  system so far devised by humanity for the governance  of
  man  at least at the level of societies and nations.   I
  notice  that no-one has recently proposed that all  CEOs
  of  companies  should be elected by the workers  in  the
  enterprise   and  almost  everywhere  in   the   liberal
  democratic  market systems it is assumed  that  a  small
  group  of  people or organisations called 'shareholders'
  or  'the majority shareholders' who normally have little
  to  do  with  the  daily workings of the company  should
  rightly determine who runs the corporation; these  ideas
  are  not  at all democratic, as far as I can fathom.   I
  will  not  mention  the  United Nations  where  five  is
  bigger that 180.
  22.   In  the  final  analysis, if we are  sensible  and
  enlightened,  we  must  make  sure  that  we   are   all
  democracies practising the market system.
  23.   Having  said  all this, it is essential  to  state
  that   I   cannot  imagine  that  Japan  would   be   as
  comprehensively  prosperous  in  the   future   and   as
  achieving  as  in  the past if the  Japanese  decide  to
  establish  within Japan's shores the market system  that
  is  found  in  the United States or Australia  or  Great
  Britain.   I cannot imagine Singapore being as  great  a
  success  in  the future as it has been in  the  past  if
  Singapore  were to adopt -- lock, stock  and  barrel  --
  the  economic and political systems of the United States
  or  the  United  Kingdom or Australia, admirable  though
  they  may  be  for  the British, the Americans  and  the
  24.    We   must  surely  adopt  their  best  practices,
  especially  those things that will do us enormous  good.
  There  are assuredly many, many things that we  are  and
  that  we  do  that  are incredibly inferior,  incredibly
  unproductive,   incredibly  counter-productive.    These
   must  be rooted out.  At the same time, we in Asia  must
  retain what is good and productive.
  25.   I  am  not suggesting that our present and  future
  competitors  are  deliberately trying to  make  us  just
  like  them  in order to weaken us and to make it  easier
  for  them  to compete against us as economies and  as  a
  societies.   But I am asserting as strongly  as  I  know
  how  that  we  would  be insane  to  get  rid  of  those
  strengths  of  the past which will continue  to  be  our
  great  strengths in the future.  It would be  a  mistake
  of  historical proportions to be flabby, weak, to depart
  from our family values, to be undisciplined, to give  up
  our  fixation to harmony and consensus, to  abandon  our
  commitment  to  high savings and deferred gratification,
  to  hard  work,  to depart from our almost  pathological
  fixation   on  education,  to  abandon  our  belief   in
  personal sacrifice in itself and personal sacrifice  for
  the good of family, community and nation.
  26.  I am not one who believes that self-sacrifice is  a
  'mug's  game'.   I do not believe that patriotism  is  a
  dirty word.
  27.   Having argued like a good conservative, let me now
  argue like a good radical.
  28.  Building on our strengths does not mean resting  on
  our  laurels or holding on to the fond features  of  our
  past  or  even  the strengths of the past which  are  no
  longer  utterly  productive for  our  journey  into  the
  future, the new century and the new millennium.
  29.   In  the days ahead, we must continue   --  let  me
  stress  continue -- with the needed reformation and  re-
  invention of our economies and every critical aspect  of
  our  societies.  This is what we have done  for  over  a
  30.   It is something we must do over the coming hundred
  31.   Lest anyone forget, Asia today is not the Asia  of
  10  years  ago. The Asia of today is radically different
  from  the  Asia of twenty years ago.  The Asia of  today
   is  unrecognizably different from the Asia of  50  years
  ago.   You  in  Japan  know that you  can  say  this  of
  Japan.   Let  me assure you that you can  say  this  not
  only of Japan but of all of Asia.
  32.   It  is  because  we have reformed  and  reinvented
  ourselves  over  and over again that  we  have  come  to
  where we are.  Quite obviously, we now have to make  the
  next  great leap, a task made the easier because of  the
  crisis that we have gone through.
  33.   Because of what we have gone through, it is  clear
  that governments cannot stand aloof and let markets  run
  riot.   There  is a great deal of magic  in  the  market
  place.   There is a great deal of magic in the invisible
  hand.   But very often that 'invisible hand' works  best
  when  it  is given the assistance of the 'helping  hand'
  of  enlightened  governance,  whether  this  comes  from
  central    banks,   regulatory   agencies   or   elected
  governments _ or all of the above.
  34.   There  are  now many who believe that  the  severe
   economic  crisis  that  have hit the  tiger  and  dragon
  economies in the last two years are entirely or  largely
  the  result  of  the grave weaknesses of each  of  these
  tiger and dragon economies.  This simple explanation  is
  very  neat and very convenient, except that it is simply
  not credible.
  35.    It  is  incredible  how  many,  especially  those
  outside  Asia,  say that everything is the  function  of
  'fundamentals'.   The  fact is that  so  much  that  has
  happened  is  not  the  result  of  'fundamentals'   but
  rather,  the  result of 'funnymentals',  the  result  of
  funny  things knocking about in the head of  intelligent
  humans behaving like silly animals in a herd.
  36.   If the reason for our concerted collapses is  that
  we  were  all rotten to the core, it is surprising  that
  no-one  really  noticed  that  this  was  so  until  the
  currency  attacks  started to  destroy  our  currencies.
  The   hard-nosed   bankers  and  market   savvy   equity
   investors  were  certainly pouring money  in.  The  IMF,
  from  top to bottom, was still handing out bouquets  and
  embarrassingly wholesome praise, almost up to  the  time
  disaster struck.
  37.   If  the causes of the mayhem were internal to  the
  tiger  and dragon economies, how was it that we all  got
  rotten  at exactly the same time?  The currency  attacks
  and  collapses  can be documented day by  day,  hour  by
  hour.   What  perfect timing we in East  Asia  had!   So
  perfectly  synchronised,  like the  high-kicking  chorus
  38.   If  the causes of the mayhem are our fundamentals,
  how  is it that economies even now widely recognised  as
  still  having some of the best economic fundamentals  in
  the  world  were  grievously hit and the  hundred  other
  economies  with  clearly much worse fundamentals  repose
  in pristine tranquillity.
  39.   The  fact,  ladies  and gentlemen,  is  that  only
  superman  on  a kryptonite-free planet would  have  been
   able  to retain his strength in the face of the calamity
  of _97 and _98.
  40.   Most  of you in the audience own or run companies.
  Let  me  ask  you how you would be today if   all  of  a
  sudden  the  worth  of  what you sell  is  cut  in  half
  because  currencies have plummetted  in  value,  if  the
  weight  of your foreign debt burden doubles, if  because
  interest  rates  are two to three times higher,  if  the
  value of your shares goes down by up to 90 per cent,  if
  regardless  of  the orders on your book,  no  banker  is
  prepared   to  lend  to  you  even  one  Yen  for   your
  production needs.
  41.   Our  weakness lay in the fact that while  we  were
  very  strong,  we were not superman in a kryptonite-free
  42.   We in Asia must work for fundamental reform of the
  international monetary system, reform going beyond  nice
  words    and    pious   articulations    about    global
  architecture.   It  is  interesting  to  note  how  many
  latter-day Neros preferred to fiddle even as  East  Asia
   was burning.
  43.   In  the  face  of the world's failure  to  achieve
  this,  each nation must fend for itself as best it  can.
  And  we  have no choice but to re-engineer, re-form  and
  re-invent  ourselves: strengthening  our  strengths  and
  weakening our weaknesses.
  44.   Like  all nations, we all have so many weaknesses.
  Our  people  are  inadequately creative, poorly  trained
  and empowered.  We must fight and destroy cronyism.   We
  must  fight  and eradicate corruption.  We must  improve
  the  governance of our states, even as we  must  improve
  the  governance of our corporations.  We  must  be  more
  transparent  and  truthful  not  only  to  the   foreign
  portfolio investors and foreign bankers who want  us  to
  make  our world to suit their needs and desires but also
  to  our  own  governments,  to  our  own  investors  and
  bankers  and to our own people.  The agenda for progress
  and change is a very long one.
  45.   Let me say a few words about the third imperative:
   the  need to be utterly pragmatic, to do what works  and
  to  abandon  quickly what does not, to commit  ourselves
  to  the colourless cat.   As one of the great leaders of
  this  century said: it does not matter whether  the  cat
  is black or white, so long as it catches the mice.
  46.   In the face of the economic crisis which hit  East
  Asia  from  July  2, 1997, we in Malaysia  tried  almost
  47.   Our  companies  were bleeding to  death.  In  that
  phase  when  some of us were greatly influenced  by  the
  IMF  formula,  we  adopted  the  traditional  remedy  of
  bleeding  the patient.  Our companies were  gasping  for
  air.   So  we sucked the oxygen out.  We raised interest
  rates to levels which left them in a vacuum.  They  were
  dying  of  thirst.   So we took the  water  away.   When
  expenditures   and  investments  and   consumption   was
  falling  through the floor, and despite  many  years  of
  budgetary  surpluses, we cut down government expenditure
   by more than 20 per cent.
  48.   The  central reason why we adopted all  the  wrong
  policies was because we were told they were wrong,  they
  weren't  the  right  thing to  do.   We  were  too  well
  educated in the sacred doctrines of ensuring the  freest
  possible  capital flows.  We were captives  of  our  own
  economic  orthodoxy, the orthodoxy that had resulted  in
  Malaysia  having one of the freest currency  regimes  in
  the  world,  more  free even than  that  of  the  United
  States on August 31, 1998.
  49.   On  September  1,  1998, we  put  rationality  and
  pragmatism  back in command.  We jettisoned  the  sacred
  texts  and  our  own stern economic orthodoxy.   We  de-
  internationalised our currency, placing it out of  reach
  of  the currency traders.  We fixed our Ringgit at  3.80
  to  the  dollar.  And we made it illegal for  foreigners
  to  export  the  proceeds from their  equity  investment
  before  September  1,  1999.  As you  know,  this  third
   provision has now been lifted.
  50.   For  months after September 1, 1997,  we  were  of
  course  roundly  condemned  by  all  the  custodians  of
  economic  correctness.   On the front  pages  of  famous
  news magazines, we were said to have turned our back  on
  the  world, to have cut ourselves off from the  rest  of
  the  world.   We were said to be closing down  the  free
  market  system,  when  all we did  was  close  down  the
  speculative and wildly volatile market in the  Malaysian
  51.   The  closing  down  of the speculative  market  in
  Malaysian  ringgit allowed us to do all the things  that
  needed  to  be done, that were not possible before.   It
  allowed  us  to  drastically cut  interest  rates.   The
  banks  were  strongly encouraged to resume lending.   We
  opted for an expansionary fiscal policy.
  52.   So far, the utter pragmatism of September 1,  1998
  has  yielded  dramatic results.  In  August  last  year,
  there  was a doom and despair mood amongst the  business
   community.    There  is  now  every   hope   and   great
  53.   The  Malaysian Government has held to its forecast
  of  one  percent  growth for this year.   Salomon  Smith
  Barney  says  that it will be more than  one  per  cent.
  Morgan  Stanley  Dean Witter, Merill Lynch  and  Goldman
  Sachs   say  growth  will  go  to  two  per  cent.    SG
  Securities says it will be 2.5 per cent.  Credit  Suisse
  First  Boston  and the IIF says Malaysia  will  grow  by
  three per cent in 1999.
  54.   I  do  not  wish to argue that selective  currency
  controls  such  as  those  introduced  by  Malaysia   in
  September last year is for all economies, or that it  is
  good  for  normal  times.  There  are  conditions  under
  which  success  is  more likely,  and  conditions  under
  which  currency controls even as selective as  those  of
  Malaysia  could be disastrous.  Some World Bank  experts
  have  informed us that we are the first case  they  have
  come  across  of  a  country which is trying  merely  to
   stabilise  the  currency and is prepared to  sustain  an
  undervalued  currency  even in a  situation  of  massive
  trade  surpluses  and  current account  surpluses.  Most
  currency  control  regimes are attempts  to  sustain  an
  unsustainable    over-valued    currency.     Malaysia's
  decision  to  stabilise a clearly  undervalued  currency
  ensures  capital  flight does not  take  place,  ensures
  that  there  is  no  black market in Malaysian  currency
  anywhere  in  the  world.  Far  from  seeing  a  massive
  outflow -- there has been substantial capital inflow.
  55.   I  do  not  want  to recommend selective  currency
  control  to anyone.  But I do indeed wish to stress  the
  necessity  for cold blooded pragmatism for everyone,  in
  all parts of the world, under any circumstance.
  56.   I have spoken a great deal about the present.  Let
  me  say  a  few  words  about the  future  and  the  new
  57.   As  you  know, one thousand years ago, as  mankind
   moved  towards the second millennium, the then so-called
  'known'   and   'civilised   world'_i.e.   Europe    was
  apparently   in   the  grips  of  despair.    The   then
  custodians  of  the  correct,  the  then  champions   of
  orthodoxy,  the then keeper of the truths;  the  learned
  Christian  clerics  --  and  therefore,  the  people  of
  Europe,  were convinced that exactly one thousand  years
  after the birth of Jesus Christ the world would come  to
  an end.
  58.    Doomsday  was  at  hand;  commerce  and  industry
  therefore  had almost come to a halt.  Human  enterprise
  and endeavour wound down.  Many lived in abject fear  of
  the days to come.
  59.   What  was  the point of working, or  planning,  or
  even plotting for the future if the world was coming  to
  an  end?  As the second millennium approached, all  that
  was to be done was to prepare for the apocalypse.
  60.   Today,  as we approach the third millennium,  many
  people  have written Asia off.  For many years  now,  so
   many  have  characterised Japan as being not quite  dead
  but  not  quite alive.  Only very recently, the rest  of
  us have been consigned to the dustbin of history.
  61.   As my remarks suggest, if many people in Asia have
  feared  for  their future, they have been no  less  than
  wise.   If  we now continue to have doubts,  this  is  a
  welcome  source of strength.  But now is  the  time  for
  hope.  And for heroic effort.
  62.   We must hope for a better and even more prosperous
  Asia.   We  must  hope for a better and more  prosperous
  world.  Instead of preparing ourselves for doomsday;  we
  must  prepare ourselves fully for the making of a global
  63.   In  the  new  millennium, we must  hope  and  work
  diligently  and with determination for a  new  beginning
  not  just  for Asia but for the world.  This must  be  a
  task  not  only  for Asia but also for Europe,  for  the
  Americas  and  for  Africa; it is  a  job  for  all  the
  colours  and  creeds  of mankind, from  every  core  and
   corner  of  mankind.  We must together  build,  for  the
  first   time   in   world  history,  a   single   global
  commonwealth  of common wealth and co-prosperity,  where
  the  full dignity of all the children of  Adam  will  be
  catered  for  and nourished, where all  will  enjoy  the
  fruits  of  justice  and  the bounty  of  our  bounteous
  64.   I have mentioned the children of Adam.  Let me  be
  more  literal.  Let me end my remarks with a  few  words
  on  the  young on whose shoulders will lie the  duty  of
  ensuring  a  new  beginning  for  mankind  in  the   new
  65.   I  hope  that the young of Asia will  be  able  to
  throw  off the excess and heavy baggage of history which
  will  only  be a drag on their journey.  The  youths  of
  the  21st  century  must  think of  themselves  as  true
  citizens of the world.
  66.   They  must  forget colour and  creed;  notions  of
  superiority  and  inferiority.   They  must   think   of
  equality not in terms of material wealth alone but  also
   in terms of mutual respect and mutual regard.
  67.   The borderless world in which they will live  must
  not  be  borderless  only in terms  of  information  and
  capital  flows  and in terms of the physical  world.   I
  believe  that  it must also be borderless  in  the  true
  sense  --  in  terms of the frontiers we  erect  in  our
  68.   Individuals  must be judged fully  and  completely
  judged  --  in  terms of the size of their  contribution
  and  the content of their character rather than in terms
  of  the  shape of their eyes, the colour of their  skin,
  the width of their wallet or the cudgel in their hands.
  69.   Let  me also implore the youth of today  who  must
  build  the  future of tomorrow to make sure  that  there
  will  be no clash of civilisations; let me implore  them
  to  be  wedded to the ideal of ensuring not a  clash  of
  civilisations but a celebration of civilisations,  where
  all  of mankind shall be invited to sup at the sumptuous
   table   --  the  incredible  smogarsbord  --  of   human
  diversity;  where all will be allowed to feast  as  they
  choose  and  to selectively imbibe what they think  best
  and what best suits their palate.
  70.    The  youths  of  the  21st  century  must   fully
  understand  that  the  world is round.   No  country  is
  truly  East or West -- except only in relation  to  each
  other.   They  must  regard the whole  planet  as  their
  earth,  a  single country, the object of their  ultimate
  71.   National traditions and cultures they must retain.
  But   all   traditions  and  cultures   are   of   equal
  importance,  of  equal worth, worthy of being  respected
  by all in the common, single community of mankind.
  72.  As you will have noticed, I am no longer young.   I
  suspect  that  most in this conference are similarly  no
  longer  young  however young at heart we think  we  are.
  Let  me  invite all of you to reflect on  what  we  have
  seen  within  our  own lifetimes.  What wondrous  things
   have happened.
  73.   I  grew up in a world where so many of  the  young
  from   Asia  learned  about  liberty  and  freedom   and
  democracy  in  the citadels of civilisation:  in  London
  and  Paris and Amsterdam; only to return home  to  lands
  which  remained subjugated and colonialised.   We  heard
  about  liberte.  We heard about egalite.  We heard about
  fraternite.    But   we  knew  mostly   about   colonial
  imperialism;   authoritarian  dictatorship   and   total
  subjugation.   Therefore  we yearned  for  freedom,  for
  most of us were figuratively in chains.
  74.   So  many  things  were  'impossible'.   Impossible
  certainly  for those of us who were clearly  'inferior',
  'inadequate', 'uncivilised'.  The world  I  grew  up  in
  was  a world of very, very limited possibilities.  I was
  fortunate  in being inadequately schooled as to  what  I
  must  not  aspire to for my self and for my  people.   I
  was  fortunate in being inadequately aware of the limits
   of my ability, of my capability.
  75.   Not  knowing just how short was my arm, I was  not
  aware of the places I could not reach.
  76.   The young of today, the builders of tomorrow, must
  not  be  corrupted  by the corruption of  powerlessness.
  Be  fully  empowered.  Go forth.  Build.  Create  a  new
  and  better  world than we of the older generation  have
  been able to build.
  77.   The  twenty-first  century and  a  new  millennium
  awaits you.
