Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	09/07/99 

       Terlebih  dahulu,  saya  mengucapkan  terima  kasih
  kepada  pihak Universiti Multimedia dan Telekom Malaysia
  selaku   pelabur  terbesar  dalam  projek  ini,   kerana
  menjemput  saya  untuk  merasmikan  institusi  pengajian
  tinggi  yang  unik  ini.  Universiti  ini  bukan  sahaja
  dibina  untuk  memenuhi keperluan tenaga  mahir  Koridor
  Raya  Multimedia,  malah ianya juga  telah  dikenalpasti
  sebagai  sebuah  institusi yang akan  memainkan  peranan
  utama   dalam   membentuk  masyarakat  yang  bermaklumat
  tinggi  di  negara  ini.  Dengan itu,  `eksperimen'  ini
  adalah begitu bermakna bagi seluruh rakyat Malaysia  dan
   merupakan   satu   langkah  yang   besar   dalam   usaha
  menjadikan negara pesaing hebat dalam ekonomi abad  baru
  yang akan datang.
  2.    Today's  long-awaited event marks a  milestone  in
  Malaysia's  journey  towards the Information  Age.   The
  Multimedia  University is no ordinary  university  since
  it  will  become  the  cultural heart  and  intellectual
  nerve  centre  of  the learning society  to  be  created
  within  the Cyberjaya community.  Its opening  signifies
  the  readiness and capability of the MSC to  generate  a
  critical  mass  of  quality knowledge workers  for  MSC-
  status  companies.   It is designed  to  spawn  creative
  ideas and technopreneurs - very much like the role  that
  Stanford  University  plays  in  the  success   of   the
  Silicon  Valley.   It will also be the nerve  centre  of
  the  Cyberjaya  intelligent city,  networking  academia,
  enterprise  and  the community into a learning  society.
  It  is  envisioned  as  a centre of knowledge  creation,
   capture and dissemination, not only for the MSC but  for
  the  entire  region. I am encouraged that  already  some
  100  international  students from Asia  and  Africa  are
  studying in the MMU.
  3.     Evidently,  the  MMU's mission  will  extend  far
  beyond   the  mere  provision  of  specialised  IT   and
  multimedia  courses.  It is designed to  venture  beyond
  the  concept  of  traditional  institutions  of   higher
  learning in order to meet the changing needs of the  new
  Digital  Age.    A  key success indicator  will  be  its
  ability  to become truly world-class in order to attract
  and  produce  the  best in terms of  its  faculties  and
  students.    These   best  and   brightest   will   form
  synergistic  networks with industry and  the  community.
  The  Multimedia University will function as  a  regional
  centre  for  knowledge creation, capture and  technology
  4.     To  gain knowledge, we must seek out  and attract
  such  knowledge from every corner of the world. By  such
   networking, we can build the synergistic links that  can
  expedite  the creation of a knowledge-based society  for
  as  much  of the world's population as possible.  It  is
  partly  in  this  context that we have set  up  the  MSC
  International   Advisory   Panel   comprising   industry
  leaders  and leading thinkers in the multimedia industry
  from  around  the world.  I would like  to  thank  again
  members  of  the IAP who are here today, for joining  us
  in  this  ceremony  which  represents  another  critical
  building  block of the MSC.  Embracing an  open  liberal
  philosophy   of  learning  transcending   language   and
  cultural  barriers, the Multimedia University  will  one
  day  become   a  leading centre for  knowledge  for  the
  Digital  Age. Embracing an open philosophy of  learning,
  it  will  transcend cultural and national barriers.   In
  fact    we  would  encourage  institutions  using   even
  foreign  languages as medium of instruction to be  based
  in the MMU.
  5.      To become such an extraordinary institution, the
  challenges  it  must  overcome  will  also  be   equally
  extraordinary.     Indeed,   we   have    to    reinvent
  universities   to  meet  the  changing  needs   of   the
  emerging   digital  society.   Several   scholars   have
  studied  the transformation of the university  to  serve
  the  Digital Age. Some key trends identified,  which  we
  have to cater for are as follows:
*      As new technologies bring about new demands from the
  workplace,  more  and  more adults from  diverse  socio-
  economic  backgrounds who are already in the  workplace,
  are  seeking the special education and skills  necessary
  for their careers;
*      New information and communications technologies have
  enabled  the  transition from student to  learner,  from
  faculty-centred to learner-centred,  from student  to  a
  lifelong  member of a learning community.    Indeed  the
  MMU  must strive to become the nerve centre of  such  an
   interactive and collaborative  learning society;
*     the  current  style  of education  in  which   degree
  programmes  are completed long before the  knowledge  is
  needed  have  shifted  to "just-in-time" education,  and
  eventually  to  "just-for-you"   educational  programmes
  tailored    to    meet   specific   lifelong    learning
*      Emerging information and communications technologies
  have  also  removed the constraints of space  and  time.
  With   powerful   computers  and  high-speed   networks,
  educational services can be delivered to anyone  at  any
  place and any time - they are no longer confined to  the
  campus   or  to  academic  schedules.   Competition   is
  increased,  as  virtual education providers  make  their
  entrance   into  this  market  place  to  compete   with
  traditional institutions.
  6.     The trends I referred to will provide substantial
  spin-offs  to  the  economy if we  are  geared  to  take
  advantage  of  the  opportunities. In  the  U.S.  alone,
   higher   learning is a USD175 billion-a-year enterprise.
  As   society  becomes  more  dependent  upon   knowledge
  workers,  the global knowledge business will become  one
  of  the  most  active growth industries of  our   times.
  Malaysian   institutions  of   higher   learning    must
  exploit this growing market.
  7.     Malaysia's  continued emphasis  on  education  is
  based   on   our  belief  that  the  greatest  long-term
  challenge  to  our competitiveness may not  lie  in  the
  current   financial   regulations   or   exchange   rate
  management. It may lie in our ability to develop  social
  software  such  as quality of education and  enhancement
  of  science  and  technology. In both these  endeavours,
  the  MSC  will play a pivotal role.  We need to  harness
  the  full power of technology and  intellectual  capital
  in  order to have sustained growth.  To achieve this, we
  must  radically change our educational outlook. We  have
  started  this  process  at  the  grass  roots  level  by
   starting  our  Smart Schools MSC Flagships  Application.
  We  must now extend this upwards into tertiary education
  with the MMU as the vanguard of our initiative.
  8.      Thus   our   investment   in   this   Multimedia
  University  is  necessary both because of  the  need  to
  catalyse  change in our educational system and  also  to
  create   economic  benefits.   However,  if  we  are  to
  succeed, the MMU must become  truly world-class  in  the
  wake  of  increasing  competition.   In  order  to  stay
  ahead,   it   has   to  maximise  its  output   to   its
  stakeholders,   in   particular   students   themselves,
  members   of  the  academia,  the  industries  and   the
  9.     Being  in  the heart of the MSC,  the  Multimedia
  University  can  also leverage its position  by  forging
  meaningful linkages with industries, especially  leading
  multinationals   and   web-shapers   with   cutting-edge
  technologies.  It will be in a unique position to  jump-
   start  the networking effort among players in  the  MSC.
  Apart  from  that,  it  also  opens  up  a  spectrum  of
  possible  collaborative initiatives -  faculty  members,
  for  instance, will be able to partner with high-calibre
  peers;  resources  may be shared in the  form  of  joint
  subscription   to   on-line   journals   and    so   on.
  Sponsorship  of  Chairs,  too, should  be  evaluated  in
  terms  of  its  effectiveness in order to  maximise  the
  learning  and benefit from cutting-edge developments  on
  the technological front.
  10.     Intellectual  capital   and  knowledge  creation
  capability  is  a major source of competitive  edge  for
  institutions  of  higher  learning,  and  as  such,  the
  Multimedia  University  must be able  to  attract  high-
  calibre  academic  staff  who are  truly  motivated  and
  driven  by  intellectual curiosity -- not by  short-term
  gains  or  monetary considerations.  These are empowered
  individuals  who are driven by nothing but a  commitment
   to  excellence and a desire to contribute the best  that
  one  can.   Such  a  culture  would  create  a  positive
  influence   on   the  quality  of  students   that   the
  university  will be able to produce. It  is  well  known
  that  talented  and knowledge faculty will  attract  the
  best  and  brightest students who will in  turn  attract
  others  in the same league. One of the ways in which  to
  attract   high-calibre  staff  is  to  offer   them   an
  opportunity  to learn from peers and above, and  through
  mentoring systems with leading-edge thinkers in  various
  11.   Becoming a learning society means that we have  to
  make  a  conscious  effort  to  eliminate  cultural   or
  societal  barriers  that have, in the  past,  served  as
  stumbling  blocks for innovative thinking and  pursuits.
  Only  then  will we be able to develop the  intellectual
  capital  and  achieve  the competitive  edge  needed  to
  compete  in  the next millennium.  Although  we  do  not
   expect  an  overnight transformation of our society,  we
  must  expedite  this process of change. As  our  society
  develops  and  evolves, mindsets will change  to  become
  more  open  and  conducive  to  innovation.   Innovation
  alone,   however,  would  not  be  enough   to   develop
  competitive   edge.    We  must  be  able   to   produce
  individuals  who  are able to leverage  on  intellectual
  capital  in  order  to  move from  concept  to  explicit
  knowledge  and  thereafter,  the  production   of   next
  generation products and services.
  12.    Equally important is the commitment to continuous
  innovation, the art of which the Japanese have  mastered
  --  by looking outside and into the future, anticipating
  changes  in  the  market,  technology,  competition,  or
  product.   Often  enough,  it  is  the  willingness   to
  challenge or abandon what has long been successful  that
  will   lead  to  the  design  and  production  of   more
  successful products and services.
  13.    I am confident that the Multimedia University  is
  built  on a strong foundation that will allow it  to  be
  at   the  forefront  of  our  effort  in  developing   a
  knowledge  society.   I  am  also  confident  that   the
  university  will  be able to carve a  leading  role  for
  itself among institutions of higher learning in the  new
  millennium.   Like  the MSC, it is a greenfield  project
  with  no  rigid and entrenched policies, traditions  and
  practices  to hold it back.  Thus there is no  issue  of
  `reinvention'   that   is  faced   by   long-established
  universities.  As it is one of the first  of  its  kind,
  its  path  will be a short cut to the development  of  a
  world-class  institution  that  is  able  to  meet   the
  changing  needs  of  the  new  Digital  Age.    If   the
  multimedia industry is to evolve successfully,  it  must
  work  with private enterprise as one. I am glad to  note
  that  the  Multimedia University is already involved  in
  collaborative efforts with more than 60 companies   with
   cutting-edge  technologies, including NTT,  Alcatel  and
  Lucent  Technologies.  This represents a good  start  in
  networking  within the MSC and I hope  that  this  marks
  the   beginning  of  a  long  and  mutually   beneficial
  relationship between the parties involved.  We will  see
  today  a  showcase of the results of some of the ongoing
  14.   In conclusion, may I thank all who have worked  so
  hard  to  make this University a reality in so  short  a
  time.   I  would  also like to take the  opportunity  to
  thank  once again, Telekom Malaysia, for taking  a  lead
  in  this  pioneering initiative and to all the  partners
  of   the  Multimedia  University  who  I  believe   have
  contributed invaluable resources to this project.
  15.    Dengan  ini,  saya dengan sukacitanya  merasmikan
  pembukaan Universiti Multimedia.
