Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	19/08/99 

       Let  me  begin  by  saying that  it  is  indeed  my
  pleasure  to be back in Beijing again. In a way,  I  can
  truly  say that I feel at home in China. Why?   Because,
  unlike  going to other parts of the world, including  to
  nearby  Indonesia  or Thailand,    I  did  not  have  to
  adjust  my  watch. For some of our Chinese friends  here
  who  are  not aware of this -- despite the long distance
  between  our  two countries -- China and  Malaysia  both
   have  the   same time zone.  So we can enjoy good  times
  together  and  commiserate with each  other  during  bad
  2.    Humour  aside, I have been asked to speak  on  the
  subject    'China-Malaysia  Relations:  Challenges   and
  Opportunities  in the 21st Century'. However,  before  I
  start  looking into the 21st century, I wish  to  recall
  for  all  of  us here today that in May this year,  both
  China and Malaysia commemorated the 25th Anniversary  of
  bilateral  relations. A lot has changed  for  China  and
  Malaysia  during the period 1974-1999. A  lot  has  also
  changed for the region of East Asia. I am reminded  that
  my   country  was  the  first  among  ASEAN  nations  to
  establish  diplomatic  relations  with  China  in  1974.
  Since  then,  China's relations with Malaysia  and  with
  ASEAN  have been vastly different compared to  the  pre-
  1974  era.  The  bold step taken by  our  two  countries
  paved   the  way  for new directions for China-Southeast
   Asia ties for the last quarter of this century.
  3.    On  our bilateral relations, I am pleased  to  say
  that  both  sides have maintained very good ties  during
  that  period.  The many important trade  and  investment
  agreements  reached helped propel our economic  linkages
  forward.  Although  we  have   different  political  and
  social  systems,   we did not allow the  differences  to
  obstruct our relationship. Instead, we focused  on  what
  could  bring  us  closer together  for  mutual  benefit.
  Besides trade and investment, we moved into other  areas
  in  the  last  decade of the century. For  example,  the
  Agreement  on  Cooperation in Science and Technology  of
  13    July   1992   encouraged   joint   research    and
  technological  exchanges between the two  countries.  In
  the  field of education, the Memorandum of Understanding
  of 20 June 1997 promoted academic exchanges.
  4.    Indeed a sure sign of closer relations between the
  two  countries  is  that of people-to-people  exchanges.
   Before  this decade, very few Chinese visited  Malaysia.
  However,   by  1996,  the figure totalled  135,743,  and
  this  grew  to 158,679 the following year.  And  in  the
  first   two  months  of  this  year,  Chinese   arrivals
  increased  by 137 per cent. From a few thousand  at  the
  beginning   of   this  decade,  the   number   of   visa
  applications by Malaysians for visit to China  increased
  to 205,000 in 1996 and 239,000 in 1997.
  5.    By  1996,  our relationship had been  elevated  to
  that  of  'partnership'.  In that year,  250  Malaysians
  joined  me and 450 Chinese to participate in the Beijing
  Dialogue  on  Malaysia-China  Partnership.  Indeed,  the
  mutually  beneficial ties have convinced both  sides  of
  the  need  and desirability to forge ahead for  an  even
  closer  relationship  into the new  century.  The  Joint
  Statement   Between  the  Government  of  the   People's
  Republic of China and the Government of Malaysia on  the
  Framework  for  Future Bilateral Cooperation  signed  by
   both  our Foreign Ministers on 31 May this year  rightly
  calls  for  a  'multi-directional relationship'  in  the
  years ahead.
  6.    As  we continue to build and enhance our bilateral
  ties,  I  wish to take this opportunity to propose  that
  our  close  relationship -- our  partnership  --  become
  more  outward looking so as to involve the region  which
  continues to be better integrated year by year. Just  as
  Malaysia  and China took the bold step 25 years  ago  to
  change  the situation between China and Southeast  Asia,
  I  would like to propose that our partnership embark  on
  a   new  era-setting  endeavour  for  the  region.   The
  financial  and  economic crisis that struck  our  region
  during  the last two years of the century has warned  us
  clearly  that there are major challenges that China  and
  Malaysia  -- other regional countries included  --  have
  to meet in the 21st century.
  7.    China's concern for the well-being of East Asia in
  financial  crisis has been most laudable.  The  regional
   economies  and  the global community  at  large  greatly
  appreciate China's decision -- despite strong  pressures
  --  not  to devalue the yuan. Beijing's cooperation  and
  high sense of responsibility has spared the region of  a
  much  worse  consequence.  A renminbi devaluation  would
  almost  certainly  result in a  new  round  of  currency
  devaluation by the affected economies.
  8.    However, while hard challenges exist, I very  much
  prefer  to view them as welcome opportunities to enhance
  our  bilateral relations. In recognising  the  need  for
  and  acceptance  of a positive and pro-active  approach,
  we can secure further benefits for East Asia as well.
  Immediate Challenge: To Ensure Firm Economic Recovery
  9.    In  the  wake of the greatest crisis  to  hit  the
  region  after  several  decades of unprecendeted  growth
  and  development, there is now a need for both China and
  Malaysia  to  work together as well with our  neighbours
   to  ensure solid economic recovery for East Asia.  Apart
  from  bilateral  consultations on trade and  investment,
  both  sides  could lead in proposals at the  end-of-year
  Informal  Heads of State and Government  Summit  of  the
  ASEAN 10 + 3 (China, Japan and South Korea).
  For Medium term: Make Asian Monetary Fund a Reality
  10.   The unprecedented economic crisis has demonstrated
  the vital need for the setting up of a regional fund  so
  that   the  economies  encountering  critical  financial
  problems  can  turn  quickly for  assistance  so  as  to
  prevent rapid deterioration of their economies. For  the
  medium   term,  therefore,  China  and  Malaysia  should
  examine  how together with our neighbours we can realise
  the  Asian Monetary Fund proposed by Japan. As  you  may
  recall, the original Japanese proposal was shot down  by
  the  United  States and the International Monetary  Fund
  (IMF).  Most  recently Tokyo has revived  the  idea  and
  Malaysia  believes  that   it is  a  concept  worthy  of
   support.   It  would  also be good  to  solicit  Chinese
  backing  for  the  idea. Both Beijing and  Kuala  Lumpur
  could  discuss  the  matter  to  see  how  we  could  --
  together  with the other regional countries -- encourage
  Japan, endowed with the largest financial resources,  to
  realise  the  fund.  Whatever areas that  might  require
  ironing  out  could  be  done so  that  the  East  Asian
  economies   facing   crisis  can  resort   to   it   for
  Long-Term   Challenge:  Strive  for  New   International
  Financial Architecture
  11.   A  major  lesson of the regional/global  financial
  crisis  is  that the present global financial system  is
  simply not adequate to protect small economies from  the
  onslaught  of  hedge funds and currency  traders.  Since
  the  currency  crisis  began in mid-1997,  Malaysia  has
  frequently  appealed for international  action  to  stop
  the  destructive currency trade and to discourage short-
  term  investment in the stock market. In the  autumn  of
   1997, I spoke in Hong Kong of  the need to regulate  the
  activities  of  currency  speculators  to  protect   the
  developing countries in particular, but mine was then  a
  voice  in  the  wilderness.  My views were  regarded  as
  ridiculous  in  a  world  moving  rapidly  towards  ever
  greater  globalisation, deregulation and liberalisation.
  It  was  said  that any kind of regulation would  stifle
  foreign  investments thus bring further  damage  to  the
  developing economies.
  12.   Although China has not been spared of  the  impact
  of  the crisis, it nevertheless did not suffer the rapid
  depreciation  of the yuan because of protection  derived
  from   non-tradibility  in  the  international  currency
  market.  Yet  the experience of China's neighbours  have
  shown  how devastating hard earned national wealth  over
  the  decades  can  be reduced to a fraction  because  of
  attacks  on  the  local  currencies  by  mainly  Western
  13.   While  China  was able to avoid such  catastrophy,
   Hong  Kong,  which only a year earlier had  reverted  to
  China,  was not so fortunate. We have seen what happened
  to   Hong   Kong.  Even  the  world  famous  free-market
  economy's  currency  and stock market  were  not  spared
  such  destructive  attacks. The  Special  Administrative
  Region  authorities had no choice but  to  intervene  to
  save  the  economy. And how the Government was condemned
  for  doing  so!  It seems it is right for  attackers  to
  attack but defenders may not defend.
  14.   From Asia the contagion spread to Russia, and,  in
  the  beginning of this year, to Brazil. Clearly what was
  regional  had  become global. Malaysia has  not  stopped
  urging  the international community to undertake  urgent
  measures   to  check  the merciless  profiteering  by  a
  small  group  of hedge fund and currency traders.  World
  trade  in goods and services creates wealth and  incomes
  for  millions  of  people  throughout  the  world.   But
  currency  trading which is said to be  20  times  bigger
   than  world  trade  profit only a few  thousand  people.
  Worse  still it destroys wealth and impoverish  millions
  of  people  in  the  countries  attacked.   Clearly  the
  present international financial system is inadequate  to
  prevent  destruction  abuses  and  tragic  consequences.
  Reforms  must  therefore  be undertaken  to  ensure  the
  international  financial  system  will   be   good   for
  15.   Once again, China's position during the crisis has
  been  salutary. Its support for the crisis-hit  regional
  economies has demonstrated the Chinese people's  concern
  for  China's  neighbours. Your most notable contribution
  has  been not to devalue your currency. You did  not  do
  so  throughout last year. We believe that you  will  not
  do  so  this  year  although you have every  reason  and
  right  to  do so.  The price that China has  to  pay  to
  help  East  Asia  is  high  and  we  in  Malaysia  truly
  appreciate the stand you have taken.
  16.   Just as important, to avoid a recurrence  of  such
   devastation,  China and Malaysia could cooperate  for  a
  stronger  voice  and  to  work  with  other  East  Asian
  countries  to urge the developed nations for a concerted
  effort to create a new global financial architecture.
  17.   Malaysia  is  not  under  any  delusion  that  the
  challenge can be readily met and overcome. The  road  to
  reform  is long. It  is winding and uphill. But  clearly
  the  opportunity is right before us. We must  seize  the
  moment   and  forge  ahead.  The  benefits  are   clear,
  especially for the developing countries.
  Formalise East Asian Economic Caucus (EAEC)
  18.   The regional financial and economic turmoil of the
  past  two  years  has,  in  my view,  amply  proven  the
  necessity   for  an  East  Asian  Economic   Caucus,   a
  consultative  body where the East Asian countries  could
  gather  to  deliberate on matters of  regional  concern.
  True,  for the past few years, China -- for that  matter
  the  region  as a whole -- did not hear much  about  the
   EAEC.  To a large extent this was due to attention being
  drawn  to  the  APEC  processes  as  well  as  the  WTO.
  Understandably so. And, even in the first  year  of  the
  crisis,  there was no mention of EAEC. In fact, I  would
  venture  to  say that the crisis-hit economies  did  not
  want to bring up the matter as most people feel that  it
  will  not please the IMF or the US.  It is not the  time
  to displease such entities.
  19.   At the same time, however, I cannot help but  feel
  that  had  there  been  an  EAEC  comprising  the  ASEAN
  countries  plus  China, Japan and  South  Korea  meeting
  frequently  to discuss issues pertinent to  the  region,
  the  first  recourse for Thailand, Indonesia  and  South
  Korea  would  not have been the IMF but  the  EAEC.  The
  reason  is that these economies are fully aware  of  the
  harsh  conditions that the IMF would exact from them  in
  return for financial assistance. Events of the past  two
  years  have  proven so. While it is true  that  in  such
   critical  situations,  the IMF  and  the  US  cannot  be
  completely  out  of the picture, nevertheless,  a  group
  consisting  of  members  from the  region  would  better
  understand  the  problems  and  needs  of  the  troubled
  economies,  especially the imperative  to  avoid  social
  disruption   that   would  cause  further   and   faster
  deterioration  of the economy. The IMF  intervention  in
  Indonesia  is a classic case to be avoided at all  costs
  by future economies in crisis.
  20.    While   the   EAEC  concept  had  been   realised
  'informally' as the ASEAN + 3 in the Informal  Heads  of
  State and Government Summit in the last three years  and
  in  the  Asia-Europe Meetings (ASEM), I personally  feel
  that it is inadequate to meet the pressing needs of  the
  region.  In  the  last few month, the calls  for  closer
  cooperation  among  the  East  Asian  countries  are   a
  distinct  recognition of this fact.  Most  recently,  no
  less  a person than Japan's serving ambassador to  South
   Korea,  Kazuo Ogura, commented on the matter. In a  most
  stimulating  essay  entitled  'Creating  a  New   Asia',
  Ambassador Ogura wrote:
  "  The fact is that we have entered an age in which Asia
  must  act  in  a  unified way and in  which  Japan  must
  shoulder  a  large   part of the  leadership  needed  to
  achieve that. One reason has to do with America's  world
  dominance,  the concentration of power in the  hands  of
  the  United  States. To make America's world  leadership
  truly  effective  and thus easy for the world's  nations
  to  accept,  it  is  essential for  other  international
  forces   that   can   supplement   the   United   States
  economically and politically to cooperate  with  it  and
  support  its leadership. At present only Western  Europe
  and  Asia are economically and strategically capable  of
  taking on this role.
  It  is  necessary for a united Asia, along with  Western
  Europe, to be prepared to check America so as to  ensure
  that its leadership is free from self-righteousness  and
   prejudice  and that it does not lapse into protectionism
  and  a narrow egoism. America, for its part, should stop
  obstructing  Asian countries' attempts to  get  together
  and exchange views among themselves. "
  [Japan Echo, Vol.26, No.3, June 1999]
  21.   Malaysians also remember that China was the  first
  Northeast  Asian country to openly declare  its  support
  for  the  EAEC. Japan and South Korea have hesitated,  I
  believe  because  of  pressure  from  the  US.  But,  as
  indicated  by Ambassador Ogura's observation, Japan  has
  become  more  open  and  receptive  to  Malaysia's   and
  ASEAN's proposal.
  22.   It  might well be that prospective members of  the
  East  Asian forum would desire a change of name for  the
  grouping.  This  should  not  be  a  problem.  What   is
  important  is that we must move the process  forward.  I
  would  like  to take this opportunity to urge  China  to
  join  Malaysia and other ASEAN countries to consult with
  Japan  and  South  Korea so that the EAEC  or  any  East
   Asian  body  with  a different name can be  'formalised'
  and  acknowledged  as  a regional grouping  representing
  the  interests  of  East Asian countries.  There  is  no
  doubt  that  a legitimately recognised EAEC would  allow
  for  more  consultations on issues vital to the  region.
  With  an  EAEC,  the region's interests  can  be  better
  promoted in APEC, ASEM and WTO.
  Cooperation in Science and Technology
  23.   In  identifying the challenges that our  economies
  will encounter in the next century, high on the list  is
  the   necessity   for   cooperation   in   science   and
  technology.    As   the   cutting   edge    in    global
  competitiveness,   for   advances   in   communications,
  medicine,   energy   resources  and  defence   know-how,
  science  and  technology calls for a 'smart partnership'
  between  China  and Malaysia for the 21st century.  Both
  sides  must maximise cooperation in this critical aspect
  of national and regional development.
  24.   East Asia's credibility and testimony as an engine
  of  growth for the region and the global economy in  the
  21st  century can best be attained if during that period
  the   regional  states  can  become  as  technologically
  advanced  as  the  Western  nations,  or  if  they   can
  substantially  narrow the gap between the  two  regions.
  While  in  the  present century, we  have  clearly  been
  recipients and consumers of Western technology,  in  the
  next  century, we must collectively determine to  become
  contributors  to  global technological development.  The
  ASEAN  10 + 3 need to adopt a wholly new mindset of  not
  only  becoming strong industrialised nations in the 21st
  century  but  also  possessing  strong  scientific   and
  technological   attributes.   This   calls    for    the
  overhauling  of our respective educational systems.  The
  biggest  obstacle  to becoming science  and  technology-
  strong  nations  is  not  in our stars,  as  Shakespeare
  would  remind us, but in our thinking, in our  mindsets.
   Change  them and we will see great changes in scientific
  and  technological advancement by East Asia in the  next
  century.  This  is  not Mission Impossible  but  Mission
  Need for Setting Up Asian Media
  25.   Another   important challenge and opportunity  for
  Malaysia  and China in the 21st century is  the   urgent
  need  to  work together with other regional  states  for
  the  setting up of an Asian Media. This is  due  to  the
  overwhelming  dominance of Western  media  reporting  on
  regional  and  global  affairs  throughout  the  present
  century. The major concern among East Asian nations  has
  been  the  slanted  and distorted  reporting  of  global
  events to Asian audiences and similar reporting of  Asia
  to  other  parts of the world. This has led to  attempts
  by  some  Asian  media  circles  to  stem  the  tide  by
  providing  alternative  sources  of  newsreporting   and
  dissemination.  During the present  decade,  East  Asian
   English-language  newspaper editors have  met  twice  in
  Kuala  Lumpur  to  discuss the need for  informing  Asia
  about  Asia by Asia'.  Although since 1995, the Bangkok-
  based   Asia   Times  had  sought  to  do   just   that,
  unfortunately,  it was shortlived. The newspaper  folded
  two   years  later.  Highly  commendable  though   these
  initiatives have been, Asia has still a long way  to  go
  before  it  can  provide the media  balance  hoped  for.
  While  individual country efforts could  be  undertaken,
  yet  owing to necessary technology and capital, regional
  joint  efforts would undoubtedly be far more  effective.
  It  would  be  most helpful if China and Malaysia  could
  jointly lead in such a significant endeavour.
  Restructuring of United Nations Security Council Vital
  26.  Reforms in the United Nations are long overdue.  If
  the  world body after the end of the Cold War  is  truly
  to  become the central organisation for promoting  world
  peace  and  stability as it should be,  it  must  change
   itself.  Unfortunately, with the exception of China  and
  Russia  in  the United Nations Security Council  (UNSC),
  for  a body comprising other nations keen on championing
  democracy  for the developing countries, other permanent
  members  of  the  UNSC  have shown  little  interest  in
  practising it in that body itself.
  27.   China and Malaysia share the common desire for  an
  undominated  United Nations to be the highest  authority
  on  matters  affecting the international  community.  As
  Asia's  only  member  in the UNSC, China  together  with
  Malaysia  can  work  to promote reforms  of  the  United
  Nations.   Expanding  the  membership  of  the  UNSC  to
  reflect the interests of developing countries in  vastly
  new   circumstances   since  the  United   Nations   was
  established more than five decades ago will help  create
  a  more equitable political world order. Recently  while
  concurrently serving as president of the United  Nations
  General  Assembly  as well as chairman  of  the  Working
   Group  on  Security Council Reform, Malaysia's  Tan  Sri
  Razali  Ismail  worked  hard  at  advancing  the  reform
  process.  It is time for China and Malaysia  to  jointly
  consider  some bold initiatives for changing the  United
  Promoting ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
  28.    The  ARF  should  be  assiduously  promoted   for
  ensuring  lasting peace and stability for East Asia  and
  the   wider   Asia   Pacific.  While  discouraging   the
  formation  of  alliances in the region, both  China  and
  Malaysia  are  clearly very much in favour of  promoting
  multilateral  efforts for regional peace  and  security.
  The ARF promotes confidence building and trust which  is
  sorely  needed especially among the major-power  members
  of the regional forum.
  29.   Although  some  ARF members are  critical  of  the
  forum  for  not  moving  faster  in  resolving  regional
  security issues, from Malaysia's perspective, given  the
  great  diversity among the 21 members, the  forum  which
   met  just  last  month  for the sixth  time,  should  be
  credited  with  successfully providing a venue  for  the
  member  countries to voice their concerns about regional
  security.  While  it  still has a  long  way  to  go  in
  fulfilling  its goals of promoting preventive  diplomacy
  and   formulating  approaches  to  conflict  resolution,
  ASEAN  members  of  the forum strongly  believe  in  the
  efficacy  of   'gradualism'  for  resolving  contentious
  issues   among  members.   Presuming  certain  countries
  would  be  our  potential enemy  and  forming  alliances
  against  them  is  certainly  not  going  to  contribute
  towards  lessening tension and ensuring  peace  for  the
  Building  East  Asian  Community  of  Common  Peace  and
  30.   Over  the last three decades, the ASEAN  Peace  or
  Pax   Aseana   has   successfully   brought   down   the
  ideological  barriers  between  two  divided  parts   of
  Southeast Asia for the attainment of One Southeast  Asia
   (ASEAN  10)  as the end of the 20th century  approaches.
  This   is   a  truly  remarkable  achievement  for   the
  subregion  as  for the first time in its  long  history,
  Southeast Asia is united under one body and  will  enter
  the new century as a single entity.
  31.   China  and  Malaysia can also strive  together  to
  promote  peace  in  East Asia as a whole  based  on  Pax
  Aseana. Along with the other regional countries, we  can
  boldly  begin  to  build an East Asian community,  which
  can  secure  lasting peace for the region  in  the  21st
  century.   In fact the EAEC would be an ideal instrument
  for this purpose.
  32.   Malaysians still remember the inspiring  words  of
  President  Jiang  Zemin,  when he  participated  in  the
  Informal  ASEAN + 3 Summit at the end of  1997.  Indeed,
  the  desired East Asian community could be created based
  on the principles he set forth. President Jiang noted:
  "  It  has become the shared understanding of East Asian
   countries  to  maintain regional  peace  and  stability,
  develop  the  economy,  science and  technology,  expand
  mutually  beneficial  cooperation,  and  promote  common
  prosperity.  East Asian countries are committed  to  the
  development  of their relations on the basis  of  mutual
  respect,  treating  one  another  as  equals  and   non-
  interference  in  one  another's  internal  affairs  and
  properly  addressing  some existing differences  through
  friendly  consultations. With political stability,  East
  Asian  countries enjoy good relations among  themselves.
  This  has  provided  an important prerequisite  for  the
  sustained  economic growth of East Asian  countries  and
  the development of their economic cooperation. "
  33.   It  should  be  noted that President  Jiang  never
  mention  any  military alliance or  cooperation  against
  anyone, in the region or outside.
  The Best Way Forward
  34.   Exactly a hundred years ago, the 19th century drew
   to  a  close and ushered in the dawn of the 20th.   East
  Asia  then had nothing to show to the world except  that
  practically  the whole region was under  colonial  rule.
  British  administration, by the end of the century,  was
  firmly  established in Malaysia. China at the same  time
  saw  the  infamous  imposition of spheres  of  influence
  with  the  country  carved  up  by  the  foreign  powers
  possessing     extra-territorial    rights.     Economic
  development then was mainly aimed at serving  the  needs
  of the colonial powers.
  35.   Now,  100  years later, as the 20th  century  also
  draws  to  a  close and we are on the threshold  of  the
  21st  century,  the  situation has changed  drastically.
  Having  cast  off the yoke of foreign dominance,  China,
  Malaysia   and   their  neighbours   rose   to   achieve
  unprecedented economic growth and development. But   the
  very   last  years  of  this  century  have  shown   how
  vulnerable East Asia can be to external forces  bent  on
   exploiting our weaknesses.
  36.    Therefore,  for  mutually  beneficial   bilateral
  interests  and that of the wider East Asia,  both  China
  and  Malaysia  must  rise  to the  challenges  mentioned
  above  for the 21st century. Viewed positively as golden
  opportunities  and spurred on by the  need  to  be  pro-
  active   at   all  times,  both  sides  can   seek   the
  cooperation   of  the  other  regional  countries.   The
  successful  meeting  of  these  challenges  will   bring
  untold  benefits for the citizens of Malaysia and China,
  and  for  those of other regional states  as  well.   An
  East  Asian community enjoying prosperity and  at  peace
  with  itself  in  the  new century  is  indeed  a  noble
  endeavour worthy of our cooperative efforts.
  37.   Inspired  particularly by  a  quarter  century  of
  close  relations, China and Malaysia can now  embark  on
  meeting  the  challenges  of  the  next  25  years,  and
  beyond.  Assisted  by  our  fellow  East  Asians,  I  am
   confident  that many of you here today will  agree  with
  me  that  we can further elevate our region in the  eyes
  of the world.
  38.   I  thank  you for your kind attention.  With  your
  Millennium  Clock  on the Great Wall counting  down  the
  last  days  of 1999, Malaysians join me in wishing  you,
  our  Chinese  friends, 'Happy New Century',  'Happy  New
  Millennium'.  I don't know about you, but I don't  think
  I can wait for a similar occasion next time around.
