Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	01/12/99 
Tajuk/Title  	: 	THE LIMA '99 OFFICIAL 

       First  of  all,  on  behalf of all   Malaysians,  I
  would  like  to  extend  to each and  everyone  of  you,
  gathered  here  this morning, a very warm  welcome,  and
  "Selamat Datang" to Langkawi and in particular,  to  the
  fifth  Langkawi  International  Maritime  and  Aerospace
  Exhibition or in short LIMA '99.
  2.     I  am indeed very proud and honoured again to  be
  here  this morning for such an auspicious event  and  in
  the  presence  of  so many distinguished  personalities.
  The  participation  of  yet another   record  number  of
  companies  both local and international  from  both  the
   aerospace   and   maritime   industries   indeed   bears
  testimony  to  the  fact that the  LIMA  exhibition  has
  earned  for  itself  international  recognition  as   an
  important  aerospace and maritime biennial international
  show.   Malaysia  is very proud of this recognition  and
  today  LIMA serves as a meeting point for aerospace  and
  maritime   exhibitors  and traders   to  showcase  their
  latest  state-of-the-art defence and civil  products  of
  interest  to  the countries in this once  again  dynamic
  region.   As  the  recession  retreats  the  civil   and
  defence needs are once again occupying the attention  of
  national   Governments  and  their  maritime   and   air
  transport  industries.   Here at  LIMA,  exhibitors  and
  potential   buyers   can   reestablish   or   form   new
  relationships for their mutual benefit.
  3.    LIMA  '99  is  fully supported  by  the  Malaysian
  Government   in   line  with  the  concept   of    Smart
  Partnerships  and  Malaysia  Incorporated.    The   LIMA
   series of exhibition is of particular importance to  the
  Malaysian   Government,   as  we  deepen  and  intensify
  efforts  to  build  up  a strong technological  base  to
  become  fully developed by the year 2020.  Towards  this
  end,  both  the  aerospace and maritime industries  have
  been  identified as strategic industries to help promote
  industrial    and    technological   advancement.     In
  particular,  our aerospace blue print has  outlined  how
  foreign   and   domestic   investments,   transfer    of
  technology,  research  and  development,  together  with
  smart  partnerships could best be implemented under  our
  industrial master plan.
  4.    I  am  proud  to  note that  our  local  aerospace
  industry  has  begun negotiating with leading  aerospace
  companies  worldwide  to  form  strategic  alliances  to
  embark  in  the  manufacture  of  aircraft  parts    and
  components   under   license  and  sub-contract.    This
  achievement is timely, and I have been told  that  there
   will  be a number of contracts, purchase orders and MoUs
  to  be  signed  during this LIMA for both the  aerospace
  and  maritime  industries, between the foreign  and  our
  local  companies.    For example, I am to witness    the
  contract  signing  between  SME  Aerospace  and  British
  Aerospace   and   between  SME  Aerospace   and   Alenia
  Aerospazio of Italy.
  5.    I  am also told, our Malaysian aerospace companies
  are  also  venturing into other hi-tech  areas  such  as
  systems    integration   and   simulator    development.
  Malaysia  has  today  moved a big step  forward  in  its
  ability  to  participate meaningfully in  the  aerospace
  and  maritime industries with established OEMs (Original
  Equipment Manufacturers) abroad.
  6.    Just  like the aerospace industry, the  importance
  of  our maritime industry is also duly recognised by the
  Malaysian  Government.   With the  Asia  Pacific  region
  emerging  from  the financial crisis  and  the  economic
   slow   down,  the  demand  for  sea  transportation   is
  expected   to  register  a  high   growth.   Given   the
  considerable  opportunities for further  growth  of  the
  maritime  industry,  steps have and  will  be  taken  to
  augment its capacity and operations.
  7.     An  area  of  growth  to  note  in  the  maritime
  industry,  is  the  development  of  the  leisure  craft
  industry.   It  is  being  actively  promoted   by   the
  Government  as  more  Malaysians  become  affluent   and
  acquire   a   taste   for  "yachting  lifestyle".    The
  increasing  number of marinas and seaside resorts  being
  built  speaks  for  itself.   To  complement  this   new
  lifestyle  is  the development of lake resorts.   It  is
  obvious    that    this   development    would    result
  subsequently,   in higher demand for leisure  craft  and
  boating  facilities, thereby creating  many  more  spin-
  offs  for  industrial  growth  in  the  country.   Lake-
  hopping  using amphibious aircrafts is a tourist product
   which  we  are keen to pursue.  The beauty of Malaysia's
  lakes are yet to be discovered.
  8.    Another  pertinent  development  in  the  maritime
  industry  is  the  number  and  capacity  of  our  local
  shipbuilding and repair yards which have increased  many
  folds  over  the  years.   The  current  acquisition  of
  frigates  and  the  launching  of  the  Royal  Malaysian
  Navy's  patrol vessels project undertaken  by  NSD-Naval
  Dockyard  together  with  the  German  Naval  Group  are
  Government  efforts  to  further stimulate  shipbuilding
  and  ship  repair activities, while enhancing indigenous
  technical know-how through various means of transfer  of
  foreign technology.  Already we are able to build  high-
  speed  ferry  boats for export all over the  world.   In
  this  hi-tech  area, it is very much  desired  that  the
  maritime  industry  embarks upon a more aggressive  role
  in  such  technologically high end activities as warship
  design   and   development.    This   would   eventually
   stimulate the development of local capabilities  in  the
  field  of naval architecture, marine engineering, marine
  communication  and others.  In line with  our  promotion
  of   the   "Multimedia  Super  Corridor"  project,   the
  maritime  industry should also aggressively embark  upon
  "Smart  Partnerships"  towards  incorporating  more   IT
  based  technology and automation in maritime activities.
  I  would like to draw your attention to the fact that in
  a  global  market place, only the strong  survives.   To
  succeed,  we need to find our own niches.   We  need  to
  build   upon   our   strengths   and   focus   on    our
  competitiveness through continuous improvements  in  our
  products,  services,  productivity,  quality  and   cost
  control.   In cases where competitions are overwhelming,
  we  should  think  of  strategic  partnerships  or  even
  mergers in order to be more competitive.
  9.    One significant feature which is new in the series
  of   LIMA   exhibition  is  the  introduction  of    the
   Malaysian   Pavilions  in  LIMA   '99,   where   leading
  Malaysian   aerospace   and  maritime   companies   will
  showcase  some of their products and services.   Through
  this  effort, I hope it will give the necessary exposure
  for   our  local  companies  to potential  international
  partners   to  forge  a  mutually  beneficial   business
  10.    It  is Malaysia's hope that it would not be  long
  before more Malaysian companies are able to compete  and
  win  international contracts in both the  aerospace  and
  maritime  sectors.     I  believe   the  Asia    Pacific
  region  as  a  whole, still presents  abundant  business
  opportunities  in  the field of aerospace  and  maritime
  for everyone of you exhibitors present this morning,  as
  we all enter the new millennium.
  11.   Defence  spending,  for most  ASEAN  countries  in
  particular,   has  not  been much reduced,  despite  the
  slow  economic  recovery.  I am confident  that  as  the
  Asia-Pacific  economies  recover,  there   will   be   a
   definite  surge  in  the demand for  more  sophisticated
  military   and  commercial  aircrafts,  submarines   and
  patrol   vessels,  as  well  as  support   weapons   and
  equipment.   Needless to say, this will create  numerous
  spin-offs, as there will be a corresponding increase  in
  the  demand  for  renewing and upgrading  facilities  to
  support   the   increasing  number   of   military   and
  commercial  aircraft,  leisure  as  well  as  naval  and
  maritime vessels in the Asia Pacific region.
  12.   I  am  sure all of you present here  realise  that
  the  aerospace  and maritime industries are  technology-
  intensive  industries  with high  value-added,  and  are
  undoubtedly  a  catalyst  for  the  development  of  new
  technologies  and  for industrial growth.   So,  it   is
  expected that foreign industries will strive to  develop
  and  achieve  meaningful and sincere smart  partnerships
  in  every  sense  of  the word, with our  local  growing
  aerospace  and maritime industries.  In this  way,  they
   not   only  can  secure  stronger  and  longer   lasting
  business  partnerships  and  access  to  the  burgeoning
  market  in  this region, but can also take advantage  of
  our  competitive rates, skills as well  as   disciplined
  work  force.   Language  is  also  not   a  problem   as
  Malaysians  are generally very at home with the  English
  13.   In  the  context  of smart partnerships,  I  would
  like  to  say  a few words here, about the role  of  our
  newly  formed "Malaysian Defence Industry Council or  in
  short  "MDIC",  which was launched  recently  in  August
  this   year.    In  the  context  of  achieving   future
  business  ventures, MDIC can serve as a useful  platform
  for  foreign aerospace and maritime companies to network
  themselves   with  their  "potential  counterparts"   in
  Malaysia,  and  maximise whatever  strengths   Malaysian
  companies can offer.
  14.   Indeed,  Malaysia  has seen yet another  milestone
  in   the  development  of  its  aerospace  industry,   a
   testimony of the spirit of   "Malaysia  Boleh".
  15.   I  would also like to note here, that some of  our
  local  companies have started to progress into designing
  and  manufacturing their own products.   Therefore,  our
  local  efforts  must  be integrated  further  with  some
  international interest and participation through  "Smart
  Partnerships",  so  as to create a "win  win"  situation
  for those involved.
  16.   I  sincerely hope  that for those of you who  have
  similar  organisations to "MDIC"  in your  own  country,
  you   will  take  advantage   of  them  to  enable  your
  companies  to  network with our local companies  towards
  promoting  each other's capabilities and facilities,  as
  well   as   keeping   abreast   with   current   defence
  technologies  for  future  collaborative  and   business
  partnerships.  For those of you who do not have such  an
  organisation,  you can network directly with  our  local
  companies  or  through  the  MDIC  Secretariat  at   the
   Ministry of Defence.
  17.   I  would like once again to thank all of  you  for
  your  attendance and participation at  LIMA  '99  and  a
  special  thank  you  to those who have   contributed  in
  many  ways to make this LIMA '99  a success. I hope  you
  will   all  have  a  fruitful  and  enjoyable  stay   in
  Langkawi,  and  clinch some business  deals  before  you
  leave for home.
  18.   On  that  note, I have great pleasure  to  declare
  open  the  Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace
  Exhibition '99.

