Oleh/By : DATO' SERI DR.
Tarikh/Date : 02/12/99
Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terima kasih
kepada pihak penganjur dan bersyukur kepada Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala kerana dengan limpah kurnia-Nya
kita dapat berjumpa di majlis pelancaran Pertubuhan
Industri Aerospace Malaysia pada hari ini.
2. Let me thank the organisers for inviting me to
officially launch the Malaysia Aerospace Industry
Association today. I wish to congratulate all the
members of this organisation and to thank you for
taking the initiative to form the first aerospace
industry association in Malaysia. As you all know the
Malaysian Aerospace industry has been in existence for
more than 30 years and an association is long overdue.
This association has therefore been set up at the right
3. The Government has identified aerospace as a
critical industrial base for the future. We have made
this a priority sector and recognised that our
capability in the aerospace industry would offer us
many opportunities in advanced technologies. Aerospace
industry is a very technology-intensive industry and is
thus suitable for the nation with a fast growing
skilled labour force. This industry involves the most
complex core technologies which are applicable to all
other industries and provide critical technologies for
the future. It is therefore important that we succeed
not only for our own economic growth but also to
contribute towards our competence in high technology
4. This industry requires heavy capital investment
and a long gestation period. For this reason it is
only right that the Government takes the initiative to
lead in developing this industry. However the time has
come for the private sector and individual
entrepreneurs to take over this role. The
opportunities are there for you to further develop and
the Government will continue to provide assistance to
ensure its growth and success. To ensure that Malaysia
transforms itself into a regional and international
aerospace player, the Government has consolidated the
key players of the industry. I am happy to note that
in such a short period of slightly over two years we
have made significant progress.
5. Our aerospace manufacturing sector has been able
to achieve international recognition with orders now of
over US40 million. The workscope has expanded
tremendously from small aircraft parts to bigger and
more complex parts being made. Our international
customer base has also expanded and now covers the
entire spectrum including military and commercial
aircrafts, space and satellite equipment. I also note
with pride that we have intensified our activities in
capability development which encompasses Structural or
Service Life Extension Programmes, Systems Upgrade and
Modification, Avionics Upgrade and Systems Integration,
and Aircraft Stretch Mode. I wish to congratulate the
industries for taking these initiatives as they are the
trend of the future. The cost of acquiring new
aircrafts in the future is getting expensive, if not
astronomical, and many countries including the West are
now extending the service life of their present
aircrafts by such programmes. It is therefore timely
that you have taken these initiatives to acquire such
6. It is also strategic in the sense that should we
ourselves require such programmes for the Royal
Malaysian Air Force or Armed Forces, then the expertise
is already home grown and available in the country. I
am also very sure that the major avionic equipment
suppliers are confident and would like to see that the
avionics upgrade and systems integration programme or
any other such programmes are done here in Malaysia to
tap our capability and expertise. These initiatives
and readiness of the private sector therefore
complement the objectives of the Government.
7. As you all know today we are going to witness the
signing of several more agreements with our overseas
friends for the manufacture and supply of aircraft
parts and components. I must congratulate you for this
success. This is very timely in fulfilling our
objective to position Malaysia as a centre of
excellence in aerospace technology and aviation
engineering. I believe that our commitment in
developing our 'maintenance culture' would transform
Malaysia into a competitive and quality aerospace and
aviation centre in this region, if not the world.
8. I thank you all for the hard work. Please keep it
up and intensify your efforts. Much more can be done
and I urge you all to grab the opportunities. We have
the capabilities and the Government will provide the
necessary assistance. With that I wish the Malaysia
Aerospace Industry Association good luck and success.
9. Dengan sukacitanya saya dengan rasminya
melancarkan Persatuan Industri Aeroangkasa Malaysia.