Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date `	: 	31/12/99 

       Firstly,  let  me  thank Rotary  International  for
  inviting  me  today  to deliver a speech.  I  understand
  participants   come   as  far  as    Thailand,   Taiwan,
  Amsterdam  and  India.   To all foreign  Rotarians  here
  attending  the  65th Rotary International District  3300
  Conference, I bid you a warm 'Selamat Datang'.   I  hope
  you  will  take  time off from your   busy  schedule  to
  visit  some  of  Malaysia's  touristic spots  and  bring
  home with you good memories of  Malaysian hospitality.
  2.     I  understand  that  Rotary  International,    an
  organisation of business and professional leaders,  with
  the   objective   of  providing  humanitarian   service,
  encourage  high ethical standards in all  vocations  and
  help  build goodwill and peace, has played a vital  role
  not    only   in   fostering   friendship   and   mutual
  understanding   among  the  different  communities    in
  different   countries  around  the   world,   but   more
  importantly  has succeeded  in complementing  Government
  efforts to create a friendly and cordial environment  in
  ensuring   peace   and   stability   in   the   country.
  Internationally  too  this  spirit  of  friendship   has
  advanced  international peace.  Its mission of  reducing
  differences  among the different ethnic  groups  in  the
  world  has  earned for itself a reputation for  being  a
  non-profit  organisation that has  transcended  national
  boundaries  and  overcome language and the  barriers  of
  race,  colour and creed while at the same time advancing
   international understanding,  goodwill and  peace  among
  the  different communities in the world.  Rotary's motto
  'Service  Above Self' is consistent with the  spirit  of
  altruism propagated by most religions of the world,  and
  today  Rotary  embraces some 1.2 million men  and  women
  from  more  than  162  countries and  regions  providing
  humanitarian service to mankind.
  3.    Rotary  International District 3300's contribution
  to  Malaysia  can hardly be over emphasised.   The  most
  significant  contribution  has  been  its  avoidance  of
  involvement  in  partisan politics.   This   has  helped
  Malaysia   attain  its objective of creating  a  society
  predicated  on  the  principles  of  harmonious  living.
  Being  apolitical, Rotary International  has  discharged
  its   duties  and  responsibilities  to  the   Malaysian
  community  without stirring any ill feelings  among  the
  various racial groups or political factions.  Being  non
  partisan,  non  prejudiced and  non  discriminating  has
   earned  for  itself high regard as a truly  professional
  NGO.   Its   commitment, dedication and  especially  its
  caring  and selfless attitude deserves  commendation  of
  the  highest order.  I especially wish to single out its
  enthusiasm to venture into community service,  providing
  projects  and programmes that have helped to lessen  the
  burden of the underprivileged and the less fortunate  in
  Malaysian  society.   Their  mission  to  reach  out  to
  society's  poor  despite the economic downturn  is  most
  praise  worthy.   The  Malaysian  Government   therefore
  wish  to  place  on  record its appreciation  to  Rotary
  International  for its contribution to  Malaysia.   This
  is  especially  remarkable as such  services  were  made
  without   the  imposition  of  preconditions,   or   the
  expectation  of  any rewards.  I hope  other  NGOs  will
  emulate  this  non-partisan role and the excellent  show
  of  deeds of Rotary International.  By being responsible
  and  totally  committed towards peace, it  has  advanced
   the    ideals   of   excellent    citizenship.    Peace,
  understanding  and  goodwill  among  its  citizens   are
  important  prerequisites for the achievement of  a  good
  quality of life.
  4.    The world today is fraught with problems including
  that  of  war,  famine  and  poverty.   The  destruction
  brought  about  by war, civil strife and  conflicts  has
  led  to  millions of children to live in abject poverty,
  made   worse  by  the  prevalence  of  life  threatening
  diseases  such  as  Aids, HIV,  etc.   The  humanitarian
  approach   of   Rotarian  International   in   providing
  community  service  worldwide, has helped  to  alleviate
  some  of  these  miseries and sufferings  in  the  world
  today.  Let us hope this spirit of friendship among  the
  numerous  communities  worldwide will  further   promote
  world  peace and understanding, making it a better place
  for all of us.
  5.    Soon we will leave this millennium for a new  one,
  a  time  which  promises great hope and aspirations  for
   all,  irrespective of race, colour, beliefs or religion.
  The  future  is not without challenges as  we  know  the
  pace  of  technological  change, the  borderlessness  of
  nations  and  the  ever increasing flow  of  information
  technology  will have great impact on our lives  .   The
  new  era brings with it changes that will require us  to
  adapt   swiftly  so  as  to  effectively  reap  enormous
  benefits.   In  this  context,  it  is  important   that
  Malaysians  be  ready and responsive to  these  changes.
  The   rich,  the  poor,  the  fortunate  and  the   less
  fortunate must be given the opportunity to equal  access
  to  this  modern  technology  and  infrastructure.   The
  spirit  of Rotary should influence us in the development
  of an equitable and just world.
  6.    The  years  ahead will be daunting but  I  believe
  that  with  the bonds of friendships and the willingness
  to  serve others, Rotarians worldwide will help us  make
  a good  start in the new millennium.
  7.    To  all  Rotarians here I wish them  a  great  New
  Year,  a  new  Century  and a new millennium.   May  God
  bless you all.
