Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	31/03/2000 


  Saya  mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak  MDC  sebagai
  penganjur  Asia-Pacific MSC IT & T Awards, atau  APMITTA,
  kerana menjemput saya untuk berucap pada malam ini.
  2.    When  we  launched the MSC in August 1996,  we  had
  full  confidence  in the soundness of  its  concept.  The
  concept  has  been  based on the  experience  of  Silicon
  Valley  and Route 128, the growth of ICT and the dynamism
  generated    from   the   convergence    of    computing,
  telecommunications  and content. We have  not  replicated
  the  growth  models of these hubs but we  have  innovated
  and  advanced  further on the basis  of  our  interaction
  with  the industries and the MSC's International Advisory
   Panel members.
  3.    The  fundamental objective of the MSC is to provide
  the  policy and the operational framework to Vision 2020.
  We  want  to  propel the country during  this  millennium
  fuelled   by   information  technology  and   driven   by
  creativity and knowledge. We want to generate high value-
  added  economic activities covering all sectors  of   the
  economy  and compete globally. While we compete globally,
  we   also  advocate  co-operation  and  the  sharing   of
  experiences.  The  MSC is seen as our  venture  into  the
  Information  Age as well as the bridge to  network  among
  4.    I am happy to note that during the last three and a
  half years the MSC has made tremendous progress. The  306
  companies  awarded MSC-status and the nature  and  spread
  of  their activities indicate the value and depth of  the
  research  in  the  technologies  and  applications  being
  developed.  This includes more than 147 wholly Malaysian-
  owned  companies  that are involved in  high  value-added
  5.    I  am  also  pleased  to  note  that   the  MSC  is
  anticipated   to  create  more  than  35,000   jobs   for
  knowledge  workers in the next five years and attract  at
  least  50 world-class companies by 2003 to set up  value-
  added  activities for the country and the region. Current
  progress  indicates that the targets are  achievable.  In
  this  context, I wish to reaffirm that the Government  is
  fully  committed  to support the growth  of  the  MSC  in
  order   to   achieve  the  milestones  that   have   been
  identified.  Various measures will also be undertaken  to
  spawn  local companies into global players as well as  to
  draw  Bumiputera participation in the mainstream of  high
  value-added business activities.
  6.    It  is  also heartening to note that  the  MSC  has
  accelerated  the growth of human resource  investment  in
  this country. The supply of knowledge workers has been  a
  major concern of investors during the early years.  I  am
   very  much  encouraged that based on the  more  than  600
  private  and  public universities and colleges,  and  the
  implementation  of  the smart school programme,  Malaysia
  will  be  able to meet the demand for knowledge  workers.
  By  the  year 2005, the supply will reach 109,000 with  a
  strong   percentage   in  engineering   and   information
  technology. Human Resource has indeed become  a  critical
  ingredient  in sustaining the growth of ICT  as  well  as
  the high technology sectors of any economy.
  7.    The  unprecedented advances in  communications  and
  information  technology  of  recent  years  are   already
  having far-reaching effects on industries and society  at
  large.  These  advances,  prompted  by  competition   and
  growth  of  the global markets, were facilitated  by  the
  substantial  investments  in  research  and  development.
  Malaysia  sought  to partake of the many  spin-offs  that
  will   arise   by   being  a  part  of  this   Multimedia
   revolution.  Thus  in  the  MSC  we  are  promoting   the
  creative and risk-taking culture where knowledge  workers
  can  network and innovate in an environment which is most
  attractive for such activities. Cyberjaya is meant to  be
  just   this  utopia  and  with  the  completion  of   its
  infrastructure in July last year, we are well on the  way
  to  creating  such  an environment. The  MSC's  excellent
  physical  infrastructure will enable companies  not  only
  to  deploy the latest technologies, but also develop  new
  cutting-edge technologies.
  8.    Malaysia  aims,  through  the   unique  environment
  provided by the MSC, to promote the development of  next-
  generation    multimedia    technologies    by    forging
  collaborative    R&D    efforts   amongst    leading-edge
  corporations,    public   research    institutions    and
  universities.   The  comprehensive  and  internationally-
  focused   R&D   cluster,  driven  by  strong   Government
  commitment  and guarantees, will allow the  MSC  to  lead
   Asia's  R&D  initiative  into the  Information  Age.   To
  attain  this mission, we must renew efforts to develop  a
  cluster   of  collaborating  world-class  corporate   R&D
  centres,  universities, public research institutions  and
  other  industry  players.  Malaysia and indeed  the  Asia
  Pacific  region  cannot afford to  be  left  out  of  the
  dynamic  global  ICT progress. We can  only  do  this  by
  having a deliberate programme of R&D in relevant fields.
  9.    I  am  sure  you  are  aware  that  among  the  key
  strategies  to provide focus on R&D are the MSC  flagship
  initiatives.  The  R&D  cluster flagship  application  in
  particular is a critical application to help ensure  that
  the  MSC  is  for companies to create and  innovate.  The
  necessary   core   elements  are  the  encouragement   of
  corporate  R&D;  the  setting  up  of  a  new  Multimedia
  University (MMU); and the development of large-scale  R&D
  pilot  projects.  The MMU is a reality whilst  the  other
   two  goals  are  being  pursued vigorously.  Despite  the
  advances  made, we must further expedite our  efforts  to
  attain  the  set goals. The speed with which the  private
  sector  and  Government  transact  their  business   will
  influence  all  our  lives. R&D is key  to  achieve  this
  change  and  participation in such R&D  will  ensure  our
  economic  survival.  Linking  research,  creativity   and
  business  activities  is  imperative  to  add  value  and
  applications for R&D investment.
  10.   To be competitive, companies need to invest heavily
  on  R&D  and  continuously  improve  their  products  and
  services. Product lives will get shorter and shorter  and
  new  products and applications will always be  introduced
  to  extend continuously the boundaries of creativity  and
  technology in order to meet consumer needs and demands.
  11.   Tonight  is a special occasion where we  unveil  to
  the  world  the fruits of our labour for the  last  three
  and   a  half  years.  The  companies  in  the  MSC  have
   responded   to  the  Government's  call  to   invest   in
  Information  Technology and Multimedia. They  have  risen
  to  the  challenge with a glittering array of outstanding
  creative  achievements,  which  we  celebrate   on   this
  12.   They have displayed their creative capabilities and
  resourceful   innovation  in  developing   products   and
  services  in  a  variety  of  categories,  ranging   from
  software and content development to 3-D animation.  Their
  achievements are testimony to the fact that  on  a  level
  playing  field offered by the Information Technology  and
  Multimedia    industries,   Malaysian    companies    and
  individuals  could  still pull away from  the  pack  even
  though we are relative latecomers in this field.
  13.   The  success  of  these companies  and  individuals
  demonstrate   the  key  importance  of   creativity   and
  innovation  in driving economic growth in the Information
  Age.  Creativity is about seeing things from a  different
   angle  and  breaking away from old rules and  norms  that
  bind  us  to  the  traditional way of  doing  things.  It
  allows  us to be different and helps us find new  answers
  and  solutions  to  problems, both  old  and  new.   From
  creativity  comes  innovation,  and  it  is   from   this
  realisation  that  the Government  has  embarked  on  the
  creation of the MSC, which is an environment designed  to
  enable creativity and innovation to flourish.
  14.   It  is crucial that the elements of creativity  and
  innovation fostered by investing heavily in research  and
  development  are  further supported  by  venture  capital
  funds  to  commercialise products and  services  of  high
  quality  and high value-added. In this regard,  Malaysian
  companies  and  entrepreneurs  should  face  up  to   the
  challenge   of   thinking  out  of  the  box,   so   that
  traditional  limits to growth can be  overcome  via  more
  creative  and  innovative thinking as well as  supportive
   funding  arrangements. An example of this can be seen  in
  California,  which  hosts some  of  the  most  successful
  Information  Technology and Multimedia companies  in  the
  world,  and is home to many more up-and-coming  small-to-
  medium  sized  enterprises driven by a  thriving  venture
  capital  industry.  Largely due to the  contributions  of
  the  technology  sector, where creativity and  innovation
  is  of  prime  importance, coupled  with  a  risk  taking
  culture  amongst venture capitalists, California has  the
  highest   value-added  manufacturing  industry   of   any
  American  state, and its GDP is larger than that  of  the
  ASEAN countries combined.
  15.   Tonight,  ladies and gentlemen, we  will  recognise
  the  value  of   innovation and creativity  of  Malaysian
  technopreneurs.   The   Asia  Pacific   MSC   Information
  Technology  &  Telecommunications Awards or APMITTA  will
  provide  a  platform  for companies  and  individuals  to
  participate   and  propel  themselves  in   areas   where
   Malaysians   can  become  major  players  in  Information
  Technology and Multimedia.
  16.   We  have   envisioned  in  our  Vision  2020   that
  Malaysians   should    not    be   mere   consumers    of
  technologies  but  should also be able to  contribute  to
  the  development of new technologies. Tonight's event  is
  a manifestation of efforts towards this goal.
  17.   APMITTA  is  a step in the right direction  towards
  this  goal.  I appeal to all IT and multimedia  companies
  to  support  this programme. I hope that this  initiative
  would   eventually  lead  to  the  creation  of   a   new
  generation of hi-tech start-ups and the establishment  of
  many  more local companies that will join  the  ranks  of
  world-class companies.
  18.   I  am  informed that close to 200 submissions  were
  received  in  the  various award categories.  This  is  a
  testimony  to  our innovative and creative  capabilities,
  and bodes well for the future success of the MSC.
   19.   I am also informed that the award programme tonight
  is  a  prelude  to the Asia Pacific IT Awards  where  the
  participating  Asia Pacific countries will  parade  their
  selected   IT  and  multimedia  winners  to  the   global
  community.  This would provide Malaysian  companies  with
  the   opportunity   to   showcase  their   creative   and
  innovative  capabilities on an international  stage,  and
  prove  that  we have what it takes to stand  shoulder-to-
  shoulder with the world's best.
  20.   Lastly,  I wish to congratulate all the individuals
  and  companies that have participated and 'syabas' to all
  the winners of this year's Awards.
