Oleh/By : DATO' SERI DR.
Tarikh/Date : 11/05/2000
This year the UMNO General Assembly is held to
coincide with UMNO's birthday to remind us of the
party's struggle and its 54 years history. During this
period, a lot of achievements have been made. We have
defeated attempts by the British to seize the rights of
the Malay as the true owners of the Malay States and
the Strait Settlements, and with that we managed to
retain our rights over the Malay States.
2. We, UMNO, have succeeded in formulating special
strategies of cooperation between the various ethnic
groups in the Malay States so that each will recognise
the other's rights, and with that, ensure the success
of our struggle to liberate and develop our nation.
3. Beginning with the Federated Malay States which
replaced the Malayan Union, we were able to create a
bigger Malaysia together with Sabah, Sarawak and
Singapore. No force was used to unite these States --
only diplomacy and negotiations were employed by the
ruling Government which was then regarded as new and
inexperienced in the field of negotiations which
involved sensitivities relating to parochialism, race
and religion.
4. When we found that Singapore and its leadership
were no longer compatible with the spirit of the
Federation and inter racial tolerance, without much
problem we gave Singapore its independence.
5. When Malaysia was formed we continued to face the
problems of inter racial relations as each race lived
separately and was involved in different economic
functions, and as a result, there existed differences
in respect of wealth, culture and world view.
6. In 1969, racial riots erupted, something which had
been predicted by foreign observers. These doomsayers
were pleased with the May 13 riots as they believed
that Malaysia would be destroyed, unstable and unsafe.
According to them, it will not be possible to build and
develop Malaysia. The Malays who held power through
UMNO will rule like tyrants who will confiscate
property belonging to the non-Malays. According to
them Malaysia had no future. Like other countries
which had gained independence, the natives will destroy
all that is said to have been built and developed by
the colonisers during their time.
7. But, once again UMNO has proven its wisdom.
Nobody's property was seized, instead the New Economic
Policy (NEP) was introduced and by enlarging the
economic cake, the Bumiputeras gained their share
without robbing the rights of non-Bumiputeras.
8. As a result, rapid and continued development took
place in an environment of peace and harmony.
Bumiputeras and Non-Bumiputeras reaped much benefits.
Prosperity was evident everywhere, something which was
beyond everyone's expectations. Those who predicted
that Malaysia will be a basket case were amazed at
what they termed as the Malaysian economic miracle.
9. This development brought vast changes among the
Malays and other Bumiputeras. Firstly, the people who
used to live in the villages with its own values and
traditions have now migrated to towns in droves.
10. Life in the villages and towns differs greatly.
In the villages we are under the scrutiny of our
parents, families as well as our neighbours. So we
hold strongly to our traditions and culture. We are
careful about our behaviour. We respect our parents,
families, neighbours and village leaders. They know us
and vice versa. We safeguard our honour and that of
our village. We do not show off our capabilities, and
we are not pompous and arrogant.
11. But, village folks may not develop and prosper or
become wealthy. In Malaysia there are no landlords who
own all the land which are leased to the villagers. In
Malaysia, villagers own their land which are usually
small and sufficient to provide for the needs of their
own family only. It is impossible for anyone to become
rich in the village.
12. The limited village income means controlled
expenses. Money is used prudently, and not spent for
purposes other than to sustain a living. If there is a
feast, the villagers will cooperate with one another to
reduce expenses. Thus the spirit of neighbourliness
13. But when the NEP was implemented, the Malays,
particularly the children of rubber tappers and padi
planters were given the opportunity to further their
studies, become high ranking Government officers,
professionals, businessmen and entrepreneurs, Class 'A'
contractors and corporate figures. Their income
increases. They no longer return to the villages,
instead they became urban dwellers, with all the
14. They have more freedom in towns. No longer are
parents and neighbours around to oversee their
behaviour. In towns, they do not even know their
neighbours, so they are likely to ignore what the
neighbours do. Urban people are free to do as they
please. It is not necessary to respect anyone.
Because of this the original values of the Malays
deteriorated and are no longer practised.
15. They appear unable to cope with prosperity and
wealth. The large amount of money that they have is
not regarded as investment capital but is spent
carelessly with no regard for the future. Money can
buy anything. Money can buy influnce and popularity.
Money means power. And money for the urban Malays,
thanks to the NEP, is easily available.
16. It is clear that the success of the NEP which
leads to urban migration of the rural Malays, and which
makes them more prosperous and need no longer scrounge
for a living, able to spend more than their needs, has
developed new values for the Malays.
17. There are people who suggest that Malays be a
little rude. This suggestion has been well received.
But why be a little rude? Just be downright rude. And
so the views that it is unnecessary to feel obliged to
the benefactors gained acceptance. There should not be
any feeling of gratitude, these same people suggest.
There should be no sense of indebtedness to those who
have helped us. To condemn and ridicule them is not
wrong. We need only be grateful to God. Our blessings
and fortune do not come from people. If it does not
come from one person, it may come from someone else.
Therefore we need not be thankful to Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him). If it is not him, it would be
another individual who would bring the message of
Islam. Therefore, we need not glorify Prophet
Muhammad. Suffice for us to be grateful to God only.
18. These are among the values of some urban Malays
now. And these values are further eroded by
politicians with vested interests. Don't be thankful,
say these people. If we are in power, we will give you
the same and may be more. Therefore, reject those who
have helped you. Instead bite the hand that feeds you.
19. Use whatever means you can to instil hatred
against those who are kind to you. Poison-pen letters,
the press, internet, all these can be used. Call them
with disparaging labels because in this way we can
incite greater hatred against certain individuals.
Label them as "Mahazalim, Mahafiraun". Do we like
tyrants, pharaohs? Of course not. So just hate those
who are labelled "Mahafiraun" or "Mahazalim". There is
no greater satisfaction than the feeling of hate.
Therefore the politics of development is replaced by
the politics of hatred. Hate him and vote for me!
20. These are some of the changes that have taken
place among some Malays and Bumiputeras as a result of
UMNO's success in improving their economic lot. Should
UMNO discontinue the NEP so that the Malays will
regress, be remorseful and once again unite?
21. Remember, UMNO's success in uniting the Malays in
the mid-20th Century was because the Malays felt
threatened when confronted with the danger of losing
their country and identity. This external threat
forced the Malays to close ranks through UMNO to defend
themselves. They no longer regarded themselves as
someone from Kedah, Perak, Penang, Johore etc. For the
first time they were unanimous in regarding themselves
as Malays. Only as a united Malay race will they be
able to save themselves and what they inherit.
22. If in the past UMNO succeeded in uniting the
Malays, can it not do the same now? Actually we do not
know. Maybe yes and maybe no. But whether this is
possible or not, we must try. That is the spirit of
UMNO. We should not be easily discouraged or admit
defeat. We are responsible to the Malays. Whether or
not the Malays will acknowledge this, this
responsibility is ours to bear. If we fail after
trying, we must try again.
23. Actually we have started to do this. If changes
in Malay culture result in gradual deterioration, then
steps must be taken to create and instil a new culture
that can resist temptations and overcome challenges of
being rich urban Malays.
24. Obviously the strongest shield is Islam itself
and its noble values. Unfortunately the culture which
prevailed when Prophet Muhammad brought Islam to the
Arabs had already been ignored by most Muslims.
Brotherhood in Islam is no longer practised by the
Muslims. Everywhere they are at loggerheads with each
other and are willing to collaborate with the enemies
of Islam to defeat their fellow Muslims.
25. In Malaysia this has begun to happen. There are
Malays who allow themselves to be influenced by the
enemies of Islam, so that the efforts to develop and
regain the glory of the Malays and Islamic civilisation
could be prevented.
26. Islamic experts like to blame Western
Orientalists when discussing the failures of Muslims.
They alleged that certain groups were created by the
British and the Jews to divide the Muslims and prevent
their progress. Their teaching that this world belongs
to non-Muslims and the hereafter is reserved for
Muslims is much welcomed by the enemies of Islam. They
know that this belief among Muslim will cause them to
be preoccupied with all kinds of beliefs and activities
allegedly enjoined by Islam to the extent that they do
not have time to achieve progress in this world. With
the appearance of factions with conflicting views on
the religion, enmity among Muslims ensues, leading to
their self destruction. Their enemies encourage and
glorify splinter groups among Muslims, to attack the
leading group which form the majority. All efforts by
the leading majority group to promote Muslims would be
branded un-Islamic. Preoccupied with defending their
Islamic credentials, the majority group could not focus
on the development of Muslims. In the end, efforts by
Muslims to master all aspects of knowledge and skills
to enable them to compete with other races, will fail.
Numerous attempts have been made by Muslims to improve
themselves, but they have failed because of opposition
by splinter groups which were influenced and supported
by the enemies of Islam.
27. Today, in Malaysia we see how encouragement and
support is given to the splinter party to oppose the
Muslim majority party. Although we know that the
Western media and certain quarters detest Muslims whom
they portray as terrorists, still they try to show PAS
as a moderate party which should be supported by non
Muslims to topple the UMNO-led Government. It appears
as if they would like to see PAS set up an Islamic
State in Malaysia. Is it true that they like an
Islamic State? It is highly possible that they do,
because they believe that if the country is governed by
what they term as Islamic fundamentalists there will be
uneasiness among non-Muslims and will retard Malaysia's
development and progress, and weaken it until it is
recolonised. If because of efforts by the enemies of
Islam the support for UMNO dwindles, then UMNO would
not be able to focus on the development of Malay/Islam,
even, probably UMNO may try to be more Islamic than
PAS, reject what PAS labels as secular so that Malaysia
continues to be backward, weak, no longer able to
criticise the West and their apparatus when they commit
injustice to developing nations. Today only Malaysia
is willing to criticise the West. Surely they will
feel relieved when UMNO is busy quarreling with PAS
until they forget the injustices done on Muslims in
Bosnia, Kosovo, Sudan, Iraq, Iran and others.
28. UMNO's task is to try to bring the Malays to
return to the brotherhood and unity as preached by
Islam so that the agenda of those who hate the Muslims
will fail. For this the splinter parties of Islam
must be made to realise that they have been exploited
by the enemies of Islam. In its efforts to create the
awareness among these splinter parties, UMNO must
uphold the truth. Explain, tell the real situation.
This is easy as we are on the side of truth. Only
those who do not uphold the truth will use all kinds of
falsehoods, will cheat and lie. Only those who do not
uphold the true teachings of Islam, will condemn other
Muslims, will lie and abuse other people. Only those
who are immoral who will continue to lie even when
their lies are exposed.
29. God willing, if UMNO persists to voice out the
truth, ultimately, a small number at least will open
their minds and will reject falsehood and accept the
truth. This is clear in the Surah Al-Isra', verse 81
which states that:
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for
Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish"
And Surah Ali-`Imran, Verse 105 which states that:
"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting
to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and
forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain
30. Islam does not only enjoin us to be brothers but
requires us to have other values which can mould a
character that is resilient and able to resist negative
values that most of us have and to prepare ourselves to
face the challenges of the 21st Century.
31. Among the most important values are discipline,
self control from negative behaviors especially
restraining our base desires. All Islamic religious
observances require self discipline. We may not fast,
give alms, perform our haj and pray without
discipline. Our movements in performing our religious
obligations require discipline. We should not wait
for rewards. Disciplined people will perform good
deeds for simply because they are good.
32. Discipline requires us to control our desires for
the sake of what is good. Believe me, sooner or later
we will gain from our good acts.
33. When we refuse the bribe we get today, for fear
of its impact on the fate of our future generation,
this shows that we have self discipline. Only people
who are disciplined are able to reject bribery for the
sake of race, religion and nation.
34. An army ordered to march forward surely knows
that they might be killed, but as members who are
disciplined, they will still follow orders. With
discipline, they may achieve success for themselves,
even their nation. But if they go against orders, it
is highly likely that they will be defeated, their
country defeated, and they themselves destroyed by
their enemies. Without discipline, a race may not be
able to maintain its independence.
35. Malays who desire continued progress, to build a
brighter future; Malays who wish to redeem and
maintain their dignity must be disciplined, must
control their desires, and be willing to make
sacrifices for the sake of the future of their race,
religion and nation.
36. Besides discipline, there are many other values
propagated by Islam which must consciously be
practised. While we claim that we uphold strongly to
the teachings of Islam, many among us look for bomohs
or witchdoctors to attain success. Witchdoctors cannot
ensure our success. The work that we do, our kindness,
our caring attitude, our good records -- all these will
ensure our success. But there is no guarantee that we
will succeed, despite all the good that we do and this
must be accepted without feeling frustrated. Only God
determines our success or failure. Only God holds
power over us. As such pray to Him and stop using
37. Another value in life which I hope we Malays will
try to acquire is that portrayed by Datuk Azhar Mansor.
38. In 1999 Azhar succeeded in sailing solo around
the world. This is not something that just anybody is
willing or able to do, be it Malays or other people in
the world. Surely there must be exceptional qualities
in Azhar. If more Malays have these qualities, they
will certainly be able to face any challenges with
greater determination and courage, undeterred by
failure, but will rise and try to overcome again and
again until one succeeds.
39. But the perception of some Malays of Azhar's
success is that it is not because of his special
qualities. They ask whether Azhar possesses special
magical qualities.
40. In the old days, magical power include the help
of ghosts and poltergeists. Now they believe that
certain verses of the Koran will give them power to
overcome dangers and ensure success.
41. We Muslims must recite prayers to seek God's help
but we know that God will not help us if we do not help
ourselves, as stated in Surah Al-R'ad, verse 11 which
"Verily never will Allah change the condition of a
people until they change it themselves (with their own
To recite the doa alone will not enable Azhar to sail
round the world. He needs to acquire the knowledge and
skills of sailing -- how to use the various equipment
and how to look after his own safety. In certain
waters the temperature is so low that if he falls he
could survive for only five minutes. It is impossible
for anyone to rescue him. The waves were so strong
that at times they reached 60 feet high. If we do not
know how to look after our safety, we will perish.
42. No friends were around to help Azhar in case of
sickness or exhaustion. No one to talk to. He was
alone. When we are alone, we hear and see all kinds of
things. Only strong faith and solid determination
ensured the success of this sailor of ours.
43. For 192 days and nights he sailed alone until he
arrived back in Langkawi.
44. I am not suggesting that we possess these values
and qualities that Azhar has. But at least we should
be aware and understand that God helps only those who
help themselves. Recite the prayers and learn those
verses, but acquire the knowledge, directly or
indirectly related to whatever we endeavour. Mastery
of such knowledge should not be underestimated simply
because we as Muslims can seek help from God. We have
to accept that those who could not ask for help could
also be successful, in fact more successful than we are
in this world. But if we want to be an astronaut who
can walk on the moon, then we need to have certain
skills. The failure of Muslims because they believe
since God has made them the chosen people, the best of
God's creatures, they believe that they do not need to
strive hard because everything will be given to them by
God. Just remember that even though God could enable
Prophet Muhammad spread Islam merely by saying the
words "Kun, fayakun" (Be, and it will be), yet the
Prophet had to face numerous challenges and travelled
across deserts to carry out his tasks. And the Prophet
was more knowledgeable, and more loved by God.
45. Actually culture, values and the qualities
regarded as essential to the Malays can make them the
new Malays, Malays who are able to control their
desires and avoid negative values which overwhelm them
after they leave their villages and enjoy life in the
urban areas. The new Malays are those who hold
strongly to Islam and practise values that are virtuous
such as discipline and fully believing that God will
help those who help themselves, and learn to acquire
those knowledge that could make them successful. The
new Malays will lock their car before leaving it to
46. There are those who portray the new Malays as
drunkards, womanisers and gamblers. We know that this
is not the new Malay that we mean. This is the
creation of the devil who tries to ensure that the
Malays will fail.
47. UMNO as a party which champions the rights of the
race, religion and nation is responsible for increasing
the number of the new Malays. But as the English
saying goes, 'charity begins at home'. Therefore a
start must be made with the leaders and members of UMNO
so that they become the new Malays before anyone else.
When they succeed to overcome their desires, to
discipline themselves and to imbibe values and
qualities needed to become the new Malays, only then
will UMNO be qualified to spread the new Malay culture
among other Malays. God-willing UMNO leaders and
members will qualify.
48. Since the Eastern Bloc, i.e. Russia and its
Communist ideology was defeated, all nations have begun
to concentrate their efforts on economic development.
We believe the Western Bloc, having frequently
emphasised human rights and market economy, will help
the development of economies which have already
accepted their systems and ideologies.
49. But now we know that the Western Bloc is as bad
as the Communist Bloc in their oppression and to
replace legitimate Governments with their own puppets.
The only difference now is the manner and approach. If
in the past colonisation involve the use of military
might, today the power of the economy is used. Only by
making the targeted countries poor to the extent of
having to beg for help, colonisation can be achieved.
Today many countries are supposedly free and
independent, but in reality they are colonised by
foreign powers.
50. In Malaysia efforts to deflect the economic
attack from foreigners are made more complicated
because we have to balance the economic position of the
various races. The Malays and other Bumiputeras held a
very small percentage of the economic wealth compared
with their numbers.
51. The Government has formulated and implemented the
NEP which was successful in increasing the percentage
of economic control by the Bumiputera. The
Government's privatisation policy also helped to create
a small number of Bumiputeras in big business
52. But the efforts and policies of the Government
have not been totally successful because the Bumiputera
themselves did not give the necessary cooperation.
They are too choosy that most of the work areas have
not seen Bumiputera participation. It is very sad that
while we insist that 90 per cent of local building
materials be used, 95 per cent of workers who built
large and sophisticated buildings in Malaysia are made
up of foreigners. It is not that these foreigners are
more skilled nor the work more complex for us to do
ourselves. That no locals are involved is because we
look for easy jobs and we are after quick wealth.
53. In the history of many civilisations, as soon as
their citizens are reluctant to do work which involves
hard labour, or are dangerous, and leave these works to
mercenary foreign workers, these nations will become
powerless. Their civilisations will soon collapse.
This is what happened to the Roman Empire and also the
Islamic Empire. When the Turks handed the defence of
their country to paid foreigners, the Ottaman Empire
54. Important work that require skills must be done
by our own citizens. Malaysians are made up of three
major groups. The NEP has asserted that the
identification of race with economic function must
cease. But if the Bumiputeras themselves are not
interested in doing certain jobs, then the eradication
of identification of race with economic functions will
not be achieved. If the identification of race with
economic function remains, then the distribution of
wealth among the races will not be equitable and the
NEP will not be achieved.
55. I admit that there are Bumiputeras who work
really hard to be successful in their projects and
business, but the number involved is small. Because of
the small number, obviously their opportunities are
more. As a result they are accused by foreigners of
being the cronies of the Government and these
accusations are supported by some of our own people.
Whoever is given the opportunity by whatever means is
regarded as a crony. To avoid such accusation,
Bumiputeras cannot be given any opportunity even if
they are qualified. So those who become rich and
successful businessmen will only be non-Bumiputeras.
But this will cause the Bumiputeras to feel
disappointed and they will hate the Government and
other races.
56. Today we still find that our towns do not reflect
the NEP. Bumiputeras are not interested in retail
business which requires their direct involvement even
if this can push them up to the middle class level. As
a result many new towns are populated and owned by non-
Bumiputeras only. There is no racial interaction in
these new towns.
57. Various efforts have been made by the Government
including the introduction of the franchise system.
But the number of those interested in the franchise
system is small. The Malays have still not learnt
about the need to invest capital for buildings and
other overhead costs. They avoid these expenses by
building stalls by the road side. Even if they do make
profits, they do not use their profits to move to a
better premise which must be bought or rented in order
to improve their business, to upgrade their business
status, enlarge and set up new branches. If they make
big profits, they just spend it.
58. For as long as the Malays and other Bumiputeras
are not keen to go into retailing, willing to be
prudent in their management, willing to save their
capital in order to expand, then towns in Malaysia will
not reflect our multiracial composition. it will
instead show the failure of the NEP.
59. In Malaysia the Chinese can be good models of
business for the Bumiputeras. Even though they live in
towns and on average are richer, they are able to cope
with living in the city and to handle their wealth. It
is not wrong for us to learn from them. We will not be
less Malay if we emulate the efficiency of the Chinese
in coping with wealth and life in the city.
60. I realise what I have exposed here will not go
down well with many Malays. I will not be popular.
The opposition will use this to further damage my image
as well as that of the party I lead. But I did not
become a leader for the sake of popularity. What is
the use of being Prime Minister, if the result of my
leadership is my people continuing to be weak,
demoralised, unwilling to work and confront life's
challenges and using religion to dress up only and not
for guidance to seek goodness in this world and the
61. It is true that we have achieved a little
success. But we now see how the interest to ensure the
success of the NEP is waning. The Malays are beginning
to feel safe with the little progress that they have
achieved so that they no longer want to improve their
performance, or to continue their efforts at the
current pace. Most of them are bored with this effort
and are actually hampering the attempt to improve
themselves. They are more keen to condemn the NEP
because they claim it benefited cronies of the
leadership. They know that the NEP, with its
assistance in providing scholarships, matriculation
classes and science education, MARA, loan funds for
business and students, various subsidies, licences,
'AP', special price reductions of houses and privately
built shop houses for Bumiputeras, low rentals and
numerous other facilities reserved for the Bumiputeras
have helped the Bumiputeras tremendously, including the
critics of the Government themselves. But it is most
unfortunate many have chosen to deny these efforts
under the NEP and supported those who wish to see the
Malays continue to be poor and be the deprived in their
own country.
62. There are Malays who insist that in Islam there
should be no difference in treatment based on race. So
they chose to align themselves with the non-Bumiputeras
who are not in favour of the NEP by accusing that the
NEP only benefits cronies and families of the leaders.
They want to see that big time businessmen and
entrepreneurs are made up only of non-Malays.
63. This group teaches people who have benefited from
the NEP not to acknowledge or be grateful of the
benefits of the NEP. It is extremely sad to see that
people who have gained from the help they receive now
try to deny others the same help.
64. We have seen how during the economic crisis that
plagued this region, racial riots erupted in certain
countries with glaring differences between the economic
wealth of the races. But thankfully, in Malaysia, even
though the equitable balance between the races is not
fully achieved, racial riots did not take place.
Because of this we are able to recover our economy much
more easily. The attempts to organise riots by certain
quarters were not well received by the people. Such
are the many benefits from the NEP.
65. We have yet to overcome this economic imbalance
between races, but today we are faced with a new
challenge which is worse, that is globalisation or a
borderless world. Globalisation with its total freedom
for capital and goods to move across borders will
supposedly bring wealth worldwide.
66. But we have seen how money, when exported and
traded freely outside the country have within weeks,
impoverished the country and its people. If because of
globalisation foreign goods are allowed in without any
barriers, then our local goods will be forced to
compete with imports. Because our total production is
small, and consequently our cost is higher, we will
lose in this competition. Industries, banks and our
businesses will lose and will be forced to close down
or be sold to foreign multinational companies.
67. We have seen how companies and banks in the
neighbouring countries have been crippled and forced to
be sold off to the Westerners. If we allow these
multinational to cross our borders, can we avoid the
same fate from befalling us? We will become only
workers in foreign firms. They will pay us a higher
salary for this will enable us to buy their products
which we are forced to import. There will no longer be
national industries. There will be no more NEP. There
will be no more privileges for Bumiputeras in the
economic field.
68. Maybe there are many among us who wish to earn
higher income to live a more comfortable life. But
even if we are paid a higher salary, our status will be
nothing more than slaves to them. Actually we will be
69. When they have dominated all our economic
activities, they will interfere in our politics and
they will determine who should form the Government of
our country. We have seen this happening in other
countries where they will install or bring down the
Governments as they pleased. Attempts have been made
to topple the current Government in this country.
70. Can we save ourselves and our country from facing
this fate? I am confident we can, if Malaysians,
particularly the Malays, are united and ensure the
total success of the NEP while trying to forge
harmonious relations among the various races in
Malaysia. When we imposed control on our foreign
exchange rate and controlled the exit and entry of
foreign capital, they predicted that we will collapse.
Today many among them are forced to admit that our
method is effective and enabled us to recover quicker.
Actually those who criticised and ridiculed us have
been forced to retire early and the currency
speculators lost substantially and can no longer trade
in currency. In the meantime our economy has grown
71. Our views on globalisation were initially
regarded by them as being stupid. But today they are
beginning to accept that globalisation need not
necessarily be defined according to their terms.
Globalisation can be modified and adapted to the needs
of developing countries. I am confident in time they
will accept, if not fully, at least partially, our
views on this.
72. But we cannot wait for this to happen. While we
try to maintain our barriers as much as we can, by
protecting our economy, we must also learn to master
Information Technology, E-commerce, K-economy,
computers and the Internet as well as the new
commercial methods that have been created and that will
be created.
73. All efforts at protecting the economy, and our
freedom will depend on a strong, powerful and efficient
Government. The big mandate given to the National
Front during the 1999 general elections will be used
wisely to recover and develop the economy, to pursue
the objectives of the NEP, to formulate policies and to
find approaches to protect the interest of the country
and its people; to fight for a new economic order and
new and just international financial structure for all,
rich or poor, and to ensure that globalisation will not
erode Malaysia's independence. In these efforts the
Malays must stand united. There is no room for
vengeance. Successful Bumiputeras are not the enemies
of the Government so long as they do not use their
wealth to destroy the country's economic agenda.
74. It is UMNO which introduced democracy in
Malaysia. Before colonisation, feudalism was the
system of Government in the Malay States. British
colonisers introduced autocracy where the people did
not have the right to be involved in politics, let
alone rule through elected representatives. Everything
was determined in London and executed by their
bureaucrats living here.
75. UMNO rejected feudalism and autocracy and chose
democracy, Government by the people through their
elected representatives. Democracy is not a fool-proof
system or one that is easily implemented. We had no
experience at all before independence. Many countries
which achieved independence at the same time as we did
failed to uphold the democratic system. Many had to
abandon democracy and chose military or autocratic
76. But Malaysia succeeded in practising democracy.
Even though the Government had the right to rule for
five years with each election but in 42 years, we have
had 10 general elections. The Alliance and the
National Front are not afraid to give back to the
people the mandate to rule so that they can evaluate
and decide who are qualified to rule the country.
Allah be praised, in all the elections that we had, the
people have chosen the same party. If the Government
of our party is not able to fulfill its promise to
preserve peace and security, to try to reduce the
economic gap between the races, to develop and protect
the Constitution of the country and restore national
honour, then certainly we will not be given a fresh
mandate again and again.
77. If the people could see the reality and make
appropriate assessments of our performance, obviously
they will continue to support us. But today the
opposition parties are taking the opportunity from this
democracy to spread lies, to incite hatred against our
party and to prevent the people from seeing the truth.
If the majority of the people reject the truth, the
opposition is convinced that all benefits and
development will no longer be appreciated, and the
National Front will not be chosen again as the
Government of this beloved country.
78. Since PAS was created, its strategies have been
focused on inciting hatred for UMNO because they claim
UMNO is not Islamic. Even early on PAS had considered
UMNO members as infidels. Even though there are people
who were influenced by such falsehood by PAS, until
today PAS has not been able to obtain enough votes to
rule this country. True, PAS succeeded in capturing
Kelantan and Terengganu, but State Government is
different from Federal Government.
79. The objective of PAS is to run the Federal
Government. For this PAS is willing to do anything.
If PAS is required to embrace its arch enemy, the DAP;
if PAS members have to campaign for the DAP, or to hold
up the rocket while chanting "Allah is Great", PAS is
willing to do so. Certainly if making allegations that
are contradictory to the teachings of Islam, such as
that God uses foul language, PAS is Islam and Islam is
PAS, then other matters are trivial to PAS. The
important thing for PAS is to win the general
80. The misfortune of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim is a
blessing to PAS. Although the PAS leadership knew
earlier of the immorality of Dato' Seri Anwar, and they
used to insinuate this when Dato' Seri Anwar was an
UMNO leader, yet when he was removed from the
Government for the same reason, PAS closed one eye and
pretended to rally support for Dato' Seri Anwar.
81. The removal and charges against Dato' Seri Anwar
are claimed to be an injustice. To use Dato' Seri
Anwar's supporters, PAS immediately collaborated with
the Keadilan Party and willingly joined with people who
once ran down or were against PAS' alleged objective,
which was to set up an Islamic State.
82. Pictures of Dato' Seri Anwar's black eye were
posted by PAS at the last general elections to show how
unjust the Government was. Even though they knew that
the black eye was not due to the Government asking
Dato' Seri Anwar to be assaulted, but PAS still blamed
the Government. PAS is not sympathetic to Dato' Seri
Anwar because of his black eye, or for being found
guilty and imprisoned. What PAS saw was the
opportunity to exploit the fate of Dato' Seri Anwar to
get votes.
83. If Dato' Seri Anwar and his supporters believe
PAS will appoint him Prime Minister if they win, then
they are day dreaming. Unless Keadilan Party won more
seats than PAS and DAP, it is most unlikely that PAS
will accept Dato' Seri Anwar as the Prime Minister.
84. Is it possible for the Keadilan Party to win more
seats than PAS? In the 1999 general elections, PAS
ensured that Keadilan was given constituencies that
were difficult to win. As a result Keadilan managed to
win only five seats, and became a small partner in the
opposition Front.
85. The Keadilan Party claims that it is fighting for
justice, for the rule of law. Actually Keadilan
upholds injustice and rejects the rule of law. The
first and the top priority of the party is to exempt
Dato' Seri Anwar from the country's law so that he will
not be charged, put on trial, found guilty or
86. It is the principle of the rule of law that
nobody should be above the law. In Malaysia, even the
Rulers are not above the law. Everyone in Malaysia, be
it Rulers or the people, are equally subjected to the
rules and laws of the country. Many UMNO leaders have
been charged in courts and punished when they were
found guilty.
87. Nobody in a country in which the rule of law is
practised can say that he is innocent before charges
are made against him. Accepting the rule of law means
that we are willing to accept the process of law. To
claim that one is innocent before facing the process of
law is an injustice. Nobody has the right or the
qualification to pass sentence of not guilty on
himself. To do so is to subscribe to the Internal
Security Act (ISA) which allows detention without
trial. If Dato' Seri Anwar is detained under ISA,
certainly Keadilan and its supporters in the country,
foreign journalists and countries which boast of being
democratic will condemn Malaysia and pressure for a
court trial to be held. But when Dato' Seri Anwar was
charged in court for abuse of power, defended by nine
lawyers, tried in an open court, given a long time for
this trial and allowed to make political statements,
was free to meet anybody he wished besides various
other privileges, Dato' Seri Anwar and his supporters
alleged that the trial was unfair, that the judge
conspired with the Prime Minister as well as levelling
other baseless charges. Justice for them means that if
Dato' Seri Anwar is charged in court, he must be found
not guilty. If found guilty, this means the judge has
conspired with the Government. Is this what they mean
by rule of law?
88. To allege that everything is a conspiracy or the
work of specific individuals with evil intentions
cannot be the basis for refuting charges in court. If
conspiracy can be accepted as the basis why charges
cannot be made, then nobody can be charged in court and
the rule of law cannot be practised.
89. In principle, whether conspiracy exists or not,
if a crime has been committed and the evidence
submitted clearly has convinced the judge, then the
accused can be found guilty. Conspiracy is not a
reason to legitimise crime.
90. In the first case that has been resolved, far
from promoting justice, the Keadilan Party fought for
injustice, injustice towards the victims of Dato' Seri
Anwar's crime. That these victims are not supporters
of Keadilan and cronies of Dato' Seri Anwar do not
mean that they have no right to justice. The
Keadilan's struggles are also unjust to those ordinary
people who have committed a similar crime and brought
to courts, found guilty, punished and jailed.
Favouritism in prosecuting a person is something very
unjust. To absolve those who are very important or
those loved by certain quarters is even more unjust.
91. When he was found guilty in the first case,
supporters of Dato' Seri Anwar found the court's
judgment as unfair. Foreign media and leaders of the
West with arrogance accused the Malaysian Government of
being autocratic, undemocratic, and disregarding the
rule of law. It is obvious that only a not guilty
verdict could be acceptable to Keadilan. What is the
use of the Rule of Law if only it is the acquittal
verdict is acceptable. It is better not to have any
trial at all. What is therefore the meaning of the
rule of law?
92. The first court case was politicised. The
allegations against Dato' Seri Anwar were not rebutted
by him. Instead everything was attributed to a
conspiracy by the Government, especially the Prime
Minister, who was alleged to want Dato' Seri Anwar's
93. Is it possible that this conspiracy involving
numerous people, involving the victim himself, i.e.
Dato' Seri Anwar, many police officials, public
prosecutors and their officials, a judge, driver and
many others? Is it possible for a conspiracy that
involve numerous people from different levels of
society to be kept a secret from the public for that
long? In Malaysia secrecy is impossible. But a
conspiracy by the Prime Minister who supposedly did it
to destroy Dato' Seri Anwar, to charge him in court and
later find him guilty was not known to everybody? The
accusation of conspiracy is only to pull the wool over
the people's eyes as to his wrongdoings. If there is
proof of conspiracy, a police report could be made and
those who conspired could be charged.
94. The conspiracy by Dato' Seri Anwar to topple the
Prime Minister is very much public knowledge. A lot
of information has been passed to me on the Dato' Seri
Anwar conspiracy and I also knew he was the culprit who
made Zahid Hamidi to hurl accusations at me, but I
still wish to see Dato' Seri Anwar take over my place
because I had decided to quit after 1998.
95. A conspiracy as big as that alleged by Dato' Seri
Anwar when he was on trial for his first case is
impossible to happen. His removal was not due to
conspiracy. He was sacked not because of my politics
or that of UMNO. He was sacked because of his low
morals which made him unsuitable to become the Prime
Minister of Malaysia. Can I remain silent and allow
this kind of person to become the Prime Minister of
this country?
96. The people who were truly angry with me, with
UMNO, should think, be fair and listen to both sides
without becoming too emotional or partisan because of
an individual whom they think have been victimised.
Malay politics should be rational because we struggle
for the Malays, religion and nation. If we are wrong
in our politics, then we all will face dire
consequences. I urge all Malays not to be easily
influenced by those who have vested interests and who
like to talk ill of other people. These people are
hypocrites. If we follow them, we will be destroyed,
our future will be doomed and will soon find ourselves
recolonised and looked down upon.
97. Actually the Prime Minister has the right to sack
any member of the Government anytime without giving any
reasons. Many Ministers have been terminated without
any allegation of conspiracy. Therefore, what is the
use of indulging in a conspiracy. In actual fact it
was Dato' Seri Anwar who brought misfortune upon
himself by making the police report with the hope of
using the Police to ban the book "50 Reasons Why Anwar
could not become the Prime Minister". After
successfully abusing his power to frighten Ummi and
Azizan, Anwar hoped to use the Police to ban the book.
Unfortunately for him this approach failed.
98. PAS succeeded in using Dato' Seri Anwar, the
Keadilan Party and the DAP to fish for votes in the
1999 general elections. But this does not mean that
UMNO and its members did not contribute to the
deteriorating performance of the party. The success of
the Malays because of the NEP has brought changes in
their culture and values. Today, we find that the
materialistic and greedy attitude have replaced the
Malaysia national spirit among most Malays.
99. UMNO members have also forgotten the Malay
national spirit. They have also become greedy. Their
participation in UMNO is more often due to wanting to
hold posts and enjoy certain benefits. There are some
who wish to gain wealth the easy way. As a result,
they always struggle violently to become leaders in
UMNO at all levels, from the Divisional Chiefs to Party
100. If the fight for positions or posts will break up
the party, resulting in a dislike of the party among
the people, this is alright. The important thing is
not the party, not the race, nor the country but self
interest. Because they fail to become a candidate, for
instance, certain UMNO leaders and their supporters are
willing to ensure the defeat of the party candidate.
The fact that those not selected as candidates once won
with the support of party members including the new
candidate is not appreciated at all. Because this time
one is not picked as a candidate, there was anger to
the extent that one is willing to help the opposition.
I admit that not all did this. There are many who put
party interest above personal interest. Many of them
gave the party high priority. But I regret that there
are people who do not support the party out of
101. Among those chosen and won, there are many who
had apparently been keen to serve the people but there
are others who are easily bored with having to attend
Parliament. Constituencies are neglected and
invitations by supporters are not entertained. Maybe
what is written in the book "Getek" is rather extreme
but there is much truth in it.
102. There are quite a number of people who are
actually fed up with UMNO's elected Representatives
and leaders. UMNO is now having a contest for the
Supreme Council. We should be trying through our
actions, moderation, and humanity, to restore support
for our party. But we do not seem to care for what
people think of us. We continue to pursue our self
103. It is true that not all candidates use money.
But there are candidates who do so. What is the use of
popularity that is bought? Can we be satisfied if we
are chosen through corrupt means and not because of our
104. While some candidates do not want to buy support,
there are delegates to this General Assembly who
solicit support for a price. These people are just as
bad as those who give out money to gain support. Don't
they realise that the money they get is "haram", no
less "haram" than the proceeds of selling illegal
105. To delegates attending this General Assembly,
remember that if you choose someone who bribes you with
money, you are actually a traitor to the people,
religion and nation. The corrupt leader that you
choose will definitely fail the cause of our struggle
for the people, religion and nation. It is our
children and grandchildren who will suffer. Our
people, religion and nation will be destroyed.
106. Therefore, I appeal to all those delegates here
to reject all candidates who use bribery to gain
support for whatever posts, or use other means which
could blacken the image of the party and race during
campaigning. I also want to remind delegates and
candidates that membership in the Supreme Council does
not guarantee a place in the Government, even if they
are already in the Government.
107. I know what I say here will incur the wrath of
some delegates and candidates towards me. But it is
better that I incur the wrath of the delegates here
rather than cause the people to hate UMNO, and
consequently to reject it. Corruption and greed must
be exposed and eradicated. Corruption and greed can
destroy our nation. All plans to develop the Malays
and other Bumiputeras will fail if corruption and
greed become part of our culture. Everything will be
ruined if corrupt individuals become the Prime Minister
or members of the Cabinet. Directly or indirectly, the
delegates will determine whether the corrupt and the
greedy will lead our nation. The destiny of the race
and the nation rests on the delegates. I am confident
and I believe that the delegates will not shirk their
responsibility. Therefore, please reject the corrupt
and the greedy.
108. UMNO's struggle is pure and honourable. We
promise to develop and advance the race, religion, and
nation. The party's Constitution clearly states this.
109. There are no promises, nor is it the objective of
UMNO's struggle to make anybody powerful or wealthy.
If any one becomes a leader, or becomes rich, this is
only because it is impossible to advance the Malays
without a powerful leader or successful Malay
individuals who are successful and rich. Islam accept
the fact that there will be people who are poor and
those who are rich, those who are given power and
those who are not. In Surah Al-Nisa, verse 32, Allah
"And in no wise covet those things in which Allah Hath
bestowed His gifts More freely on some of you than on
We cannot possibly make all Malays into powerful
leaders or rich people. But we can reduce poverty,
reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. We can
increase the number of the middle class so that the gap
between the rich and the poor is not too extreme. We
can increase the per capita income and other indicators
that can prove that our race has advanced, that we are
able to stand as equals with other developed races in
the world. But we cannot make all the people equal in
terms of position, power or wealth. There will be
among us who will be relatively poor and unable to gain
positions they desire; there will be leaders and
followers. If we cannot become the Prime Minister,
even though we are qualified, we have to accept the
fact that there is only one such position. Therefore,
qualified or not, if a person has been chosen, then
there is no place for the others. Even if we rotate
the post there will be those who are interested and yet
unable to attain it. If we are interested to the
extent that we are willing to use money, to ruin the
party, the race, religion and nation, what we will gain
subsequently is dust from the destruction of our race
and nation. Is becoming the leader of a disgraced
society the objective of our struggle?
110. UMNO members should realise and understand UMNO's
struggle and our responsibility as members. Having 2.7
million members is pointless if we cannot rely on
their commitment and loyalty. Many have become members
of UMNO without understanding the aims and history of
UMNO's struggles. Membership does not mean reaping
direct personal benefits from UMNO. Membership mean we
believe UMNO's struggles will bring success and
progress to the race, religion and nation. These
ideals will surely be personally rewarding even if it
means just restoring our honour. But we have seen how
the success of our struggle has benefited the people,
our religion and our nation. As such, if we ensure the
continued success of our people, religion and nation,
we will definitely have more to gain. A corrupt person
may desire something for himself but a race that is
full of corrupt people will forever be disgraced and
eventually destroyed. The corrupt among the people will
never sustain their wealth. There are many examples of
countries in this situation.
111. Even though many of you may be bored with the
poem "Perjuangan Yang Belum Selesai" the fact remains
that UMNO's struggles is far from over. In fact,
UMNO's struggles and that of the Malays need to be
intensified. We are facing bigger challenges now.
The challenges that we face are not merely external,
but also internal, from the Malays as well as from
UMNO. If we are not conscious and vigilant there is a
big possibility that we will not get what we pursue but
instead lose what we already have.
112. We inherit the independence of our nation from
the pioneers of UMNO. We are grateful for this
heritage. But will our children and grandchildren be
thankful to us if our nation and race are not
resilient, are weak, backward, looked down upon and
enslaved by others?
113. I have been given the trust to lead UMNO once
again. I am grateful to Allah, the Almighty and I
thank all of you who have accepted the advice of the
Supreme Council for the posts of President and Deputy
President not be contested. If not for the bitter
experience in the past, such a contest could be held.
But we are concerned about the negative effects of
money politics and greed and the unwillingness to
accept defeat. Many still do not understand the ways
of democracy and the need to close ranks and support
the winner. We need to learn the ways of democracy and
enhance our maturity in practising them.
114. Democracy is the creation of mere Man to overcome
problems in society. But it is not free from defects.
Therefore the results of practising democracy are not
always positive. Do not be obsessed with democracy to
the extent that everything is practised because it is
legitimised by democracy. Extreme democracy has
resulted in many negative things. Many countries could
not be governed and developed because of the attempt to
practise everything deemed democratic.
115. So beware. Democracy is for our own good, but we
should not be sacrificed for the sake of democracy.
Once again do not be hoodwinked by the West. Do not be
too obsessed with their ideologies without considering
the consequences. Democracy is good but its benefits
are more important. We practise democracy because of
promises of its goodness but we should not sacrifice
ourselves and the good cause that we have struggled for
due to being obsessed with democracy, especially the
liberal Western democracy.
116. For 54 years UMNO has tried to advance our race,
religion and country. We have used our hands, mouth
and heart to awaken and lead the Malays towards the
righteous path, towards independence and development
and towards redeeming our honour.
117. Thank God, we have more or less succeeded. But
unfortunately this success has indermind the good
qualities in us that can lead to the civilisation that
we have built being ruined even before we reached the
pinnacle. This bad omen comes from the inability to
cope with success and prosperity. It is apparent that
our base desires are defeating the good values which we
once had and which had helped us to succeed.
118. We have tried to restrain our desire as best as
we can by following the teachings of the religion so
that we use our hands, mouth and heart. We have also
sought guidance from God for all of us, our leaders and
followers so that we uphold the truth and reject
falsehood and do good deeds.
119. Despite our efforts, today in conjunction with
the 54th Anniversary of UMNO, the party which is led
and made up of Malays, the people who have made Islam
the basis of their nationalism, let us pray to God and
seek his Blessings:
Oh God, protect us from the devil and 'iblis' and
from our temptations;
Protect us from our enemies. Give us faith, the
strength to continue our struggles for our race, which
is also part of Your ummah, the struggle to advance
our race, religion and nation and as part of our
efforts to restore the glory of Islamic civilisation;
Oh God, give us your guidance so that we are always
rational in our decisions and considerations. Protect
us from the influence of evil temptations;
Protect our race and nation from the evil intentions of
Your enemies and our enemies;
Oh God, give us success because all that we do is for
Oh God, bless our struggles and give us victory in this
world and the hereafter.
Rabbana atina fidduniya hasannah
Wafilakhirati hasannah
Waqina azabannar
Wasallallahu'ala saidina Muhammad
Wa'ala alihi wassahbihi wassallam
Subha narabika izati amma yasifun
Wassallamun 'alalmursalin
Walhamdullillahi rabbil alamin.