Oleh/By		:	DATO' SERI DR. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	20/06/2000 

        Malaysia's  approach to globalisation  in  general
  and  the financial crisis in particular has been  guided
  by  the  basic  principle that the pace of globalisation
  in  Malaysia at least must be on Malaysia's terms, based
  on  its circumstances and priorities.  It may not always
  be  possible of course but it is crucial to ensure  that
  everybody  benefits  -  both the foreign  investors  and
  Malaysians.   A step by step approach is also  important
   to  avoid the excesses and problems associated with  all
  new    ideas,   principles   or   processes    including
  globalisation.  We need as always to  be  pragmatic  and
  flexible,  not  dogmatic in pursuing globalisation.   It
  cannot be viewed as an end in itself, but as a means  to
  an  end,  which is a better life for our people and  our
  continued freedom from foreign domination.
  2.    Just as absolute freedom leads to anarchy, so too,
  "absolute  globalisation  "  could  lead  to  chaos,  as
  demonstrated  by the recent financial crisis.   We  must
  avoid  the tyranny of "free markets ", where power comes
  not  from  the barrel of a gun, but from the  checkbook.
  We  do  not subscribe to the view that market discipline
  is  infallible, because markets have never been  perfect
  and  have  a  strong tendency to over-react  and  to  be
  subjected to manipulations.
  3.    The industrial countries took more than 100  years
  to  reach the present stage of their development  before
   they  propose to adopt globalisation and liberalisation.
  It   is   unfair  to  expect  developing  countries   to
  liberalise  and  do  away with the protection  of  their
  borders at the same instant the developed countries do.
  4.    The  Asian  Financial crisis has  brought  to  the
  forefront  the  risks and challenges that  globalisation
  poses  to developing countries, particularly small  open
  economies  such  as Malaysia.  Initial  denial  has  now
  been  replaced by a reluctant acceptance of the need  to
  address  the  problems  of destabilising  capital  flows
  often   associated  with  the  activities  of   currency
  speculators,  hedge funds and short-term investors.  The
  crisis  has also heightened the call for reforms in  the
  international  financial  architecture.  The   so-called
  caretaker  of  the international financial  system,  the
  International  Monetary  Fund  (IMF)  has  been   widely
  criticised   for  its  mismanagement  of   the   crisis.
  Questions  have also been raised about the role  of  the
   World  Trade  Organisation  (WTO)  in  contributing   to
  global    instability   by   `encouraging'    developing
  countries to liberalise too rapidly.
  5.    After  more  than  two  years  of  painful  policy
  adjustments  and  social upheavals, erosion  of  incomes
  and  loss  of  dignity  or `face',  the  crisis-affected
  Asian  economies  of  Indonesia,  Thailand,  Korea   and
  Malaysia  have  turned around, a few with  growth  rates
  now  exceeding  pre-crisis levels. Despite  the  initial
  scepticism, Malaysia's rejection of the IMF formula  and
  loans  and its decision to regain exchange rate  control
  and  regulate the flows of short term capital  have  now
  been  reluctantly  accepted as a viable  alternative  in
  crisis management.
  6.     The   initial  international  reaction  when   on
  September  1, 1998 we introduced selective  capital  and
  exchange control was to condemn Malaysia.  It was said:
  That  Malaysia was turning its back on the  free  market
  That  capital controls were regressive and will lead  to
  all sorts of inefficiencies;
  That  the controls were a case of closing the barn  door
  after the horse has bolted;
  That   Malaysia's  resort  to  controls  was  to   avoid
  economic and financial restructuring;
  That  the  Malaysian Government feared being  overthrown
  like the Indonesian Government; and
  That  Malaysia  was inherently against the  IMF  for  no
  very good reason.
  7.    The  truth of the matter is that at the  beginning
  of  the crisis, we did adopt policies similar to the IMF
  approach.  We were told that the IMF policies  of  tight
  fiscal   and  monetary  policies  would  restore  market
  confidence   and   stability.    Unfortunately,    these
  policies  not  only  did  not  restore  confidence,  but
  actually  aggravated  the crisis, as  the  reduction  in
  Government  expenditure reinforced  the  contraction  in
  domestic  demand,  while higher  interest  rates  and  a
  credit squeeze took their toll on the balance sheets  of
   the  corporate and banking sectors.  When  we  saw  that
  tight  fiscal  and  monetary policy  was  deepening  the
  recession   in  the  IMF-programme  countries   and   in
  Malaysia  as  well, we decided to look  for  alternative
  solutions  to  restore  stability  and  ensure  economic
  8.    The  reasons why the IMF policy recipe  failed  in
  Asia  are now well-known.  The basic problem, of course,
  was  that the IMF misdiagnosed the problems in Asia  and
  applied  the  same  remedies that  were  used  in  Latin
  America   before.    Because  of  its   background   and
  expertise,  the  IMF  tends  to  look  at  macroeconomic
  variables,  and  missed out the crucial details  in  the
  crisis  countries.  This led to policies that  were  not
  suitable  for the problem at hand.  From the  beginning,
  the  IMF  viewed  the  crisis as a small  and  temporary
  problem.   It  did  not believe the information  on  the
  ground  of  the  size of the hedge funds, their  staying
   power and their unlimited greed.  Consequently, the  IMF
  underestimated  the duration and depth of  the  currency
  9.    The  crisis  also  worsened  because  the  IMF  is
  principally   concerned   with   repayments   of   debts
  imprudently  made by commercial banks to  the  countries
  concerned.   The IMF programmes also did not  take  into
  consideration  the  specific  conditions  in  individual
  crisis   countries,  such  as  the  degree  of   foreign
  borrowings  of  both  the Governments  and  the  private
  sectors.   Consequently,  the IMF's  recommendations  of
  higher  interest rates simply weakened the  capacity  to
  repay  loans  by  and  the  viability  of  the  indebted
  businesses   and   the   Government.   The   IMF    also
  underestimated the impact of its recommendations on  the
  financial system.  Forced closure of banks led  to  loss
  of  confidence in surviving banks and the  breakdown  of
  the  intermediation  system.  Similarly,  policies  that
   arbitrarily  removed  monopolies and  subsidies  in  the
  existing  economic system led to higher  costs  and  the
  breakdown  of  the distribution system.   As  a  result,
  inflation soared to levels beyond what was warranted  by
  the  currency  depreciation. Another error in  judgement
  by  the  IMF was the lack of understanding of the  close
  links  between  the foreign exchange  market  and  stock
  market,  which can reinforce each other in  depreciating
  the  exchange  rate and depressing the  value  of  stock
  prices.   The  decline in stock prices made  debtors  of
  previously   healthy  companies  and  investors.    Non-
  performing  loans  increased  and  the  surviving  banks
  began  to  fail.   Market  capitalisation  shrank  to  a
  fraction  of its original value resulting in  real  loss
  as  margin  calls  on loans could not  be  met,  further
  increasing  the  percentage  of  NPLs.   The  IMF   also
  shorten  from six months to three months the period  for
  declaring  loans  as  non-performing.   The  effect   on
   business and banks was disastrous.
  10.   It should be remembered that fixed exchange  rates
  were  not  incompatible  with  the  free  market.    The
  Bretton  Woods  agreements to  revive  world  trade  was
  actually  based on the fixed exchange rate.  In deciding
  to  fix the exchange rate of the Malaysian Ringgit  with
  the  U.S.  Dollar, Malaysia was therefore not renouncing
  the  free market.  We have always subscribed to and will
  continue  to believe in the free market.  We  cannot  do
  otherwise as we are a trading nation, in fact  the  17th
  biggest  trading nation in the world.   Far  from  being
  incompatible  with the free market, the  fixed  exchange
  rate  actually facilitated trade and contributed towards
  recovery  and  rapid growth.  The only  thing  that  the
  exchange  rate control did was to keep the currency  out
  of  the  hands  of speculators, who are  after  all  not
  necessary  for  trade or the economy.   With  the  fixed
  exchanged rate it was possible to take various  measures
   to  revive  the economy without fear of the  speculators
  deliberately devaluing the currency.
  11.   Some  commentators  have suggested  that  Malaysia
  need  not  have  imposed  the exchange  controls.   They
  pointed  out  that  the  regional  currencies  were  all
  beginning  to  recover  in the  last  quarter  of  1998,
  suggesting  that Malaysia had shut the  door  after  the
  horse  had bolted.  It is easy to say that now,  but  at
  that   point  in  time  everyone  including  the   great
  economic  experts  were predicting continued  depression
  of  the Asian economy.  They said that we had not struck
  bottom  yet.   What could have caused the Asian  economy
  to  recover was the fear on the part of currency traders
  that  many Asian countries would have adopted Malaysia's
  exchange  rate  control.  This would  have  resulted  in
  huge  losses for the currency speculators.  And so  they
  reduced  their  speculations.  But a contributory  cause
  to  their reduced activities could be that at about this
   time  the Long Term Credit Management Fund lost its  bet
  on  the Russian Rouble and threatened to destabilise the
  U.S.   financial  institutions  completely.     Suddenly
  currency  speculations became a dangerous game  for  the
  rich countries and it was stopped.
  12.   In  Malaysia's case, instability  in  the  Ringgit
  exchange rate was aggravated by outflows of the  Ringgit
  to  offshore  markets.  The situation  in  Malaysia  was
  peculiar  in that we had a very liberal foreign exchange
  regime,  which  led to the build up of a large  offshore
  Ringgit  market.   While Malaysia had curtailed  Ringgit
  borrowings  to  finance currency trading, Ringgit  funds
  were  available from banks in Singapore,  which  offered
  rates  as high as 20 to 30 per cent.  Although the  cost
  of  borrowing  foreign Ringgits was high,  the  need  to
  borrow  for  short selling was only for a  brief  period
  and  the  profits  were very high.  Malaysia  could  not
  compete  by  raising interest rates because  this  would
   adversely affect business in Malaysia.  To prevent  this
  haemorrhage  we  stopped the movements of  the  Ringgits
  across  our  border.  If the Ringgits held  outside  the
  country  was  not  returned within one month  then  they
  will  not be allowed to return at all. Effectively  this
  meant  they  will have no value at all after one  month.
  Foreign  holders of the currency had to  return  it   to
  Malaysia.  This measure stopped the flow of the  Ringgit
  to  Singapore  and  deprived the currency  traders  from
  access  to  the  Ringgit to speculate  with.   With  the
  banks flushed with repatriated money it was possible  to
  lower  interest rates, thus reducing the cost  of  doing
  business.   Fortunately Malaysia achieved a  huge  trade
  surplus  during the turmoil, earning Malaysia sufficient
  foreign exchange to pay for imports.
  13.  Control over short-term capital was in the form  of
  a  moratorium  on expatriation of short-term  investment
  funds  for a period of one year.  Profits could be taken
   out  of  the country and so could the receipts from  the
  sale  of  assets  of Foreign Direct Investments.   As  a
  result  of this control on short-term speculative money,
  the  share market recovered rapidly.  By the end of  the
  moratorium  period the market had gained  by  about  200
  per  cent  and when the moratorium was lifted  one  year
  after  the predicted massive outflow of capital did  not
  take place.  The Stock market Index remained high.
  14.   Malaysia was very conscious that its  decision  to
  control  the  exchange  rate was  a  move  fraught  with
  danger.   In  the  first  place  it  was  going  against
  accepted  current wisdom and it would be  faced  with  a
  very  hostile  reaction  by the international  financial
  community  including the IMF, the  World  Bank  and  the
  most  powerful  country in the world.   Clearly  it  was
  going  to  frustrate the rich investors who had invested
  huge  sums of money in the hedge funds and were  getting
  as  much  as 30 per cent return on them.  If they  could
   they  would try to ensure that Malaysian control failed.
  When  Malaysia  tried to borrow from abroad  to  finance
  local  projects the rates shot up so that the  loan  had
  to  be  aborted.   Other  actions  were  also  taken  to
  prevent    Malaysia?s   economic   recovery,   including
  reporting that Malaysia is dangerous for tourism.
  15.   Malaysia  knew there were dangers  but  to  submit
  would  bring about a fate that would be worse.  We would
  lose  our  independence and our honour.   On  the  other
  hand  if we succeeded we would remain independent,  even
  if our economy might not do so well.
  16.   Still  we needed to ensure that there would  be  a
  reasonable  chance  of  success.  Despite  charges  that
  Malaysia  had been profligate and had expanded too  much
  on  the  so-called  mega projects, financially  Malaysia
  was  and is very sound.  Neither the Government nor  the
  private  sector had borrowed much from foreign  sources.
  The  need  for  foreign  exchange  to  repay  loans  was
   insignificant.   But  the  greatest  strength   lie   in
  Malaysia?s  high savings rate of almost 40 per  cent  of
  GDP.  We had sufficient internal financial resources  to
  support  our  recovery.  Even when  the  foreign  rating
  agencies  downgraded us, it did not hurt.  We have  huge
  amounts  of Ringgits and our foreign reserves  could  at
  that  time  finance more than three months  of  retained
  imports.  (Today  it is six months). We  were  therefore
  quite  confident that if our controls fail we would  not
  be forced to beg at least not for a long time.
  17.   As  it  turned out the signs of recovery  appeared
  almost  immediately after the controls were  instituted.
  The  banking  system was flushed with money,  which  had
  been  brought  back and low interest rates  revived  the
  ailing  businesses.  The stock market recovered.   Trade
  surpluses  increased  and  contributed  towards   higher
  reserves.    The  fixed  exchange  rate   made   hedging
  unnecessary,   reducing  the  cost   of   business   and
   increasing profits.
  18.  The GDP, which had contracted by seven per cent  in
  1998,  achieved a 5.6 per cent growth in 1999.  Domestic
  consumption shot up, creating a sense of well-being  for
  all.  Inflation was within manageable levels.
  19.   Malaysia  had  no  unemployment  problem  and  had
  always  had  to  import labour.  The  downturn  affected
  foreign  labour  largely.  The few  Malaysians  who  had
  been  laid  off  found  new jobs.  With  recovery  wages
  20.   Still  as a result of the economic recession  many
  companies   and   individuals  had  to  face   financial
  difficulties.    The Non Performing loans  which  before
  the  turmoil was only three per cent rose to 17 per cent
  plus.   Government  set up an asset management  company,
  which  purchased all the big NPLs at a  discount.   This
  enabled  the  distressed companies to borrow  again  and
  the  banks to be back in business.  Other less  affected
  companies had their loans restructured with the help  of
   the   Corporate  Debt  Restructuring  Committee  (CDRC).
  The banks were refinanced through a Capital Fund set  up
  by the Government.
  21.  All these funds helped the distressed companies  to
  recover,  to  regain profitability and to contribute  to
  the Government coffers through corporate taxes.
  22.   The  IMF's principal objective was to  prise  open
  the   beleaguered  country's  market  so  that   foreign
  companies  could move in to take over local  businesses.
  The  raids  by  foreign predators are made  less  costly
  because  the  pull-out of short term  capital  from  the
  stock  market lowered share prices to rock-bottom level.
  Some  countries resisted but others have  now  lost  all
  their  good  companies and banks,  including  the  newly
  privatised   utility   companies.    Privatisation   was
  encouraged  by  the IMF because locals  were  unable  to
  participate  and  foreigners  could  pick  the  choicest
  23.  Since Malaysia is not under the IMF we are able  to
   keep  off  the foreign predators. But now the attack  is
  coming  from another direction.  Globalisation  and  the
  I.T.  are making local companies uncompetitive and their
  failure  will  result  in  foreign  takeovers.   We  are
  trying to find out how to counter these new assaults.
  24.   The  propaganda machine of the  West  is  good  at
  making  everyone feel guilty if he does not  accept  the
  new  ideas  and ideologies created by the rich  to  give
  them ever more advantage over the poor.  Democracy,  the
  free  market, a world without borders, liberalism labour
  rights and child labour etc, have all been cooked up  in
  the  rich  countries and then forced on the poor.   They
  all  sound  great  but somehow their acceptance  by  the
  poor  invariably destabilise them and put  them  at  the
  mercy of the rich.
  25.   The  free  market is a case  in  point.   Malaysia
  subscribes to the free market but now we are  told  that
  Governments  are  superfluous, as the free  market  will
   determine  the level and the manner of economic  growth.
  It  seems  that the free market will actually discipline
  Governments,  making them more accountable,  transparent
  and  less corrupt.  But markets exist in order to enable
  investors  to  make money and maximise profits;  not  to
  cater   to   a  nation's  need  or  society's   welfare.
  Businessmen are not elected by the people to look  after
  their  welfare.  If they are elected at all,  it  is  by
  the  shareholders.  And shareholders are  interested  in
  returns  and capital gains for themselves only.   It  is
  therefore ridiculous to think that the free market  will
  discipline  Government  for  the  good  of  nations   or
  society.      Governments,     especially     democratic
  Governments owe it to their constituents to  ensure  the
  well-being and development of the nations.
  26.   Yet today people talk of the free market as if  it
  is  a  religion that everyone must accept.  To  question
  its  role  in  shaping the economic development  of  the
   world  is  to  commit heresy.  The free market  must  be
  embraced and upheld by everyone, rich and poor.
  27.   However the free market is no more than a new name
  for  Capitalism,  unbridled Capitalism  with  a  capital
  `C'.   The  size  of  the  capital  involved  today   is
  unbelievable.   It is said that the trade  in  currency,
  which  is  what capital is about is twenty times  bigger
  than  world trade.  Such a huge sum of money cannot  but
  disrupt businesses wherever it goes.  When used  to  buy
  and  sell currencies economies can be totally disrupted,
  enriching  the  money  movers  and  impoverishing  whole
  nations,  exploding  into  riots,  violence  and   wars,
  overthrowing  Governments and  spreading  anarchy  where
  law  and order had prevailed.  Still the free market  or
  unbridled capitalism is defended.
  28.   It  is  time  that  we, the  poor  in  particular,
  recognise  that we are being led up the garden  path  by
  the  sweet  words and promises of the new  slogans,  new
   systems  and  new  ideologies.   We  recognise  that  we
  cannot   go  backwards.   We  cannot  go  back  to   the
  centrally   planned   economy  of  the   Socialist   and
  Communist.  But  is it necessary that  the  way  forward
  should  be  the  one shown to us by  the  rich  and  the
  powerful?   Cannot  the  market  be  free  without   its
  domination  by the rich and the powerful.  Indeed  is  a
  free market free if it is dominated by the rich?
  29.   Malaysia  has  experienced  the  globalisation  of
  capital   and   we   were  nearly   destroyed   by   it.
  Fortunately we were able to develop our own  methods  to
  defend ourselves and rebuild our economy.  We know  that
  our  success may be short-lived but we are not going  to
  allow  ourselves  to  be  sold  ideas,  ideologies   and
  slogans  without carefully examining them.  If  we  find
  the  slightest  suspicion that another agenda  is  being
  promoted  we  will fight tooth and nail  to  defend  our
  country and the prosperity of our people.

