Tarikh		: 	19-11-2000 
		  	DIALOGUE (LID 2000) 
Penyampai       : 	PM

       When we last met here in Langkawi, we spoke of pro-
  activity   and   representation,  of  empowerment   and
  international regulations that are fair and  just.  The
  year that has passed has not diminished in any way, our
  fervour for doing what is right. Because when we  don't
  do  right  for ourselves, we cannot fault  others  when
  things go horribly wrong.
  2.    Pro-activity is necessary because the stakes  get
  increasingly  higher,  because  one  wrong  move  could
  result  in  the  loss  of  lives  and  livelihood,   of
  sovereignty  of  nations, of  the  right  to  call  our
   country  our  own.  Pro-activity calls  for  a  careful
  assessment  of  what  is real  and  what  is  hype.  It
  requires  us  to  seek the truth and not  take  it  for
  granted that others are telling us the truth.
  3.   It has often been said that the only permanence is
  change,   and   at   present  this  phenomenon   called
  `globalisation' promises to change economic,  political
  and  social landscapes the world over. Likewise, we are
  made to believe that globalisation is in fact driven by
  irrefutable  economic  laws  and  irrepressible  market
  forces.  All  nations  big and  small  must  accept  or
  accommodate it, that it is impossible to resist or even
  modify.   In  fact the Director General  of  the  World
  Trade  Organisation  (WTO)  likened  the  stopping   of
  globalisation  `as trying to stop the rotation  of  the
  4.   Why are they trying so hard to pass this as `the
  truth'? Because its repetition and reinforcement
  `intimidates' us into thinking that they know better,
   and this intimidation prevents critical analysis.
  5.    The  truth  is there is indeed very little  `free
  market' element in this brand of globalisation. It  has
  been deliberately shaped to fulfill the requirements of
  the  principal  players,  a process  greatly  aided  by
  political   powers   bent  on  creating   international
  conditions conducive to their needs.
  6.    It  is  indeed baffling that in the face  of  the
  onslaught   of  such  diverse  economic  and  political
  strategies for economic domination, any effort  on  the
  part  of developing nations to slow the advancement  of
  trade   liberalisation  is  automatically  labeled   as
  `barriers to business' or `market distortions'.
  7.    All around us double standards abound. During the
  seven-year  long  Uruguay Round of GATT,  a  number  of
  developed  nations  (i.e. the  US,  Europe  and  Japan)
  secured   special   terms   for   their   textile   and
  agricultural  sectors.   As global  trade  increasingly
   endangers  their  supremacy in these areas,  they  have
  resorted to a range of tariffs and non-tariff barriers,
  including   quotas   and  so-called  voluntary   export
  restrictions. They have also introduced their own Rules
  of  Origin,  to  identify where a textile  or  clothing
  product  comes  from, thus changing the  conditions  of
  competition and adding to the restrictions against  the
  low-cost  textile  exports of  other  countries.  South
  Africa's `free trade' agreement with EU excluded 46 per
  cent  of  South  Africa's agricultural  products.  Why?
  Because  they directly compete with European producers.
  And is this not market distortion?
  8.    A  full two-thirds of international movements  in
  goods  and  services actually take place as  intra-firm
  and inter-firm transactions through mechanisms not even
  remotely resembling that of an open global competition.
  Is this not unfair practice?
  9.    The  Trade  Related Intellectual Property  Rights
  Agreement  (TRIPS) protects the rights of  corporations
   but  allows  for patenting of the shared  knowledge  of
  indigenous  communities. The implication for developing
  countries is the loss of billions in rent transfers  to
  rich  countries, as trans-national corporations  (TNCs)
  will  continue to control virtually all the patents  of
  developing countries.
  10.   In  the interest of this so-called `level playing
  field', the WTO wants all countries to stop subsidising
  farmers, and through the 1996 Farm Bill, the US reduced
  direct  subsidy payments. However, through  its  `Green
  Box'  policies,  exemptions  are  provided  for  direct
  income subsidies to U.S. agro-exporters because they do
  not  constitute production subsidies and are therefore,
  `non-trade distorting'. I fail to see the logic of this
  equation,  purportedly made in the name of fair  trade,
  but perhaps more disturbing is the prospect of a policy
  statement that perhaps mathematically tallies, but send
  small  farms and farmers all over the world to an early
  11.  And what about the movement of people?  A full neo-
  liberal   economics  should  not  restrict   productive
  factors   to  just  financial  investment  and  capital
  equipment. What about geographical labour mobility? The
  inconsistency  in  the treatment of  labour,  for  most
  parts  originating  from less developed  countries,  as
  against  financial and technical factors,  largely  the
  domain  of industrialised nations, is glaring. As  very
  aptly  put  by Martin Khor of the Third World  Network,
  "liberalisation if it benefits me, protectionism if  it
  benefits me".
  12.   So  why  bother with the rhetoric  of  'a  better
  quality  of  life  for  all  humanity'  and  'an  equal
  footing'  when it is really all about money and  market
  domination? As was very clearly stated by the Office of
  the  United  States  Trade Representative  and  Related
  Entities,  regarding  its trade policies  in  the  Asia
  ....We  must,  therefore, continue  to  identify  those
   markets  that  present  growth  opportunities,   ensure
  access to those markets, and do so in such a way as  to
  create  enduring  relationships that  foster  not  only
  short-term economic prosperity, but also our  long-term
  economic  security. A failure by the United  States  to
  participate   in   and   shape  these   efforts   could
  significantly diminish the opportunities for U.S. firms
  and  workers  as  we enter what some  are  calling  the
  "Pacific  century." Thus, the United  States  has  been
  pursuing  an activist trade policy in the Asia  Pacific
  region  aimed  at  further opening these  fast  growing
  markets,   and  expanding  opportunities  for  American
  companies and workers...
  13.  The developing economies of the world must wake up
  to  the  reality of what this means to us. We  have  to
  equip  ourselves  and  build our strength  because  the
  failure  to  do  so is tantamount to  laying  down  our
  weapons  and surrendering our collective destinies.  We
   must   strive   for  greater  technological   know-how,
  stronger   representation  in  world  fora,   and   for
  appropriate     institutional,    legal,    supervisory
  international  framework. While the  developed  nations
  continuously  harp on  `human rights  violations',  the
  G77  accurately identifies poverty as the  single  most
  pervasive violation of human rights.  And this  is  not
  perpetrated by us.
  14.   Extreme  poverty continues to afflict  over  one-
  fifth of the world's population. The marginalisation of
  Africa  for example, must be corrected. With almost  10
  per cent of the global population, it now has less than
  one  per  cent of global trade, 0.3 per cent of  global
  manufacturing and 2.4 per cent of global GDP, of  which
  40  per cent was accounted for by just South Africa and
  Nigeria.  The fifty poorest countries, while accounting
  for 20 per cent of the world's population live only  on
  two  per cent of the world's income.  In the 1960s, the
   richest  20  per  cent  of the world's  population  had
  incomes 30 times greater than the poorest 20 per  cent.
  By  1996  they  were  61 times better  off.   Some  3.9
  billion of the world's population live on less than the
  equivalent of two US Dollars per day, while the richest
  20  per  cent absorb 83 per cent of the world's income,
  and consume 73 per cent of the world's fossil fuels.
  15.   To  break  the  vicious cycle of  incapacity  for
  wealth    generation   and   sustainable   development,
  developing  nations  must  ensure  that  all  available
  resources  are  tapped. It is too easy to  forget  that
  technological  application  is  part  `knowledge'   but
  equally important, is part `exchange'.
  16.   Smart  Partnership practices are instrumental  in
  ensuring the social accessibility of knowledge.  It  is
  in this spirit that the Group of 77 at the South Summit
  in   Havana,   Cuba,  called  for  greater  South-South
  cooperation in the area of information technology.  The
   growth  of  e-commerce  while projected  to  hit  seven
  trillion US Dollars by 2004, is a distant shadow  to  a
  vast  majority  of  the world's population.  Despite  a
  growth rate of 15,000 new internet users a day, and 220
  million  devices  accessing the  world  wide  web  with
  200,000  added each day, it remains that only five  per
  cent of the world's population, mostly concentrated  in
  the  developed world stand to gain from this boom.  For
  starters, the top 20 per cent of the world's population
  account  for  74 per cent of phone lines,  against  the
  bottom 20 per cent having access to only 1.5 per  cent.
  To  say  that this ratio must be rectified is  a  gross
  17.  While effective international cooperation is vital
  in   bridging   the  widening  digital   divide,   more
  importantly it allows for representation of  the  views
  of  the  developing world in formulating  international
  policies  on  the  use  and  expansion  of  information
   technology.  The  Internet Assigned  Numbers  Authority
  (IANA),  for  example, has no representation  from  the
  developing world.
  18.   The  larger issue of representation of developing
  economies in international fora is one of urgency  that
  must   immediately  be  addressed.   Here   again   the
  implication  of a weak economy manifests  itself  in  a
  number  of ways. While making up three-fourths  of  WTO
  membership,  the  economic  dependence  of   developing
  nations  on  the larger economies in terms of  imports,
  exports, aid and security means that their numbers  can
  never  be  used  to  their advantage.   This  obviously
  results in their inability to make their vote count, in
  a  manner that serves to influence the agenda and trade
  negotiations in their favour.
  19.    Economic  limitation  means  fewer   human   and
  technical resources. It translates into an inability to
  cope  with the 40-50 meetings held in Geneva each week.
  It   means   less   preparation  when   entering   into
   negotiations with counterparts from developed  nations.
  It  means  settling  for  what  is  less  than  optimum
  outcomes  in dispute settlements because of a level  of
  legal expertise that is not up to par.
  20.   In  the  face  of  such shortcomings,  developing
  countries must strengthen international cooperation  to
  ensure an effective system of global governance,  where
  different  countries independently  of  their  size  or
  economic  strength, have their say. The network  itself
  may  serve  as a surveillance system against  the  ills
  that may infiltrate our economies.
  21.   The  difficulties involved in putting together  a
  new multilateral structure cannot be underestimated but
  it is evident that such efforts do work even though the
  process is long and hard. But pulling of wool over  the
  eyes  is no longer feasible. It used to be that parties
  are willing to reach any kind of agreement, at the last
  hour - no matter how unsatisfactory - just so that  `an
   agreement  is  reached'. Now countries  are  no  longer
  content  with doing that. The Seattle debacle is  proof
  that developing countries are no longer willing to take
  the  back seat. Hard lessons have been learnt from  the
  Uruguay  rounds. The merits and intentions of these  so
  called    `mediating   mechanisms'   of   international
  multilateral agencies are seriously suspect. While  the
  proponents of globalisation may argue that it is not  a
  zero-sum  game,  the stakes are indeed  higher  in  all
  facets of economic activities, be it trade, finances or
  economic negotiations.
  22.   For  the next two days we are going to engage  in
  discussions  that will shape the future of our  nations
  and the destinies of our children. Let this be the most
  opportune  time for us to carefully ponder  if  we  can
  achieve  together what we are unable to  accomplish  on
  our  own.   The spirit of Smart Partnership,  far  from
  being  an  abstraction,  is  a  workable  entity   that
   promises real, tangible results.
  23.   I  welcome all of you to the second  leg  of  the
  Global  2000  -  Langkawi  International  Dialogue  and
  hereby declare it open.
