Tarikh/Date	:	26-02-2001
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM

   Almost exactly ten years ago, in the euphoria  that
   gripped  many  parts of "the Western world"  immediately
   after  the  Gulf  War, a president of a great,  powerful
   and triumphant nation by the name of George Bush made  a
   historic   speech   at  Maxwell  Air   Force   Base   in
   Montgomery,  Alabama, calling for "A New  World  Order".
   This  was a man who had repeatedly called for a "kinder,
   gentler  America".  His son is now President.   The  new
   Bush  talks of unity and solidarity and of compassionate
   conservatism  for the United States.   I  am  sure  many
   will wish him every success in his mission.
   2.    This  morning, allow a simple Prime Minister  from
   this  small  country in what some still  call  "the  Far
   East"  to  make a simple speech in his capital of  Kuala
   Lumpur  also  calling for "A New World Order".   Let  me
   also  make a simple plea for a world order that  is  not
   only   new  but  that  is  much  more  just,  much  more
   productive -- a kinder, gentler world order  that  is  a
   lot more caring, a great deal more compassionate.
   3.    Such a New World Order must care a great deal  for
   ethics  and morality, for liberty and independence,  for
   equality   and   mutual  respect,  and  for   productive
   democracy  and comprehensive human rights. Comprehensive
   human  rights,  among which the right to human  dignity,
   to  work  and the right to put food on the family  table
   are as basic and fundamental as any other.
   4.    Let me make a passionate plea for the unity not of
   a  segment  of  humanity but for  all  of  mankind;  for
   compassionate  widespread  developmentalism,   for   the
   development and prosperity of all the children  of  Adam
   -  for  not only the strong, the rich and the incredibly
   empowered who should survive and thrive in the  fiercely
   competitive   global   jungle   but   also    for    the
   disadvantaged,    the    poor    and    the    miserably
   disenfranchised who cannot.
   5.     Let  me  make  a  passionate  plea  for   a   new
   globalisation in a New World Order.
   6.    The  new  globalisation that we must  foster  must
   rightly  reward enterprise and excellence; but  it  must
   contribute to and not detract from this more just,  more
   caring,  kinder, gentler, more compassionate  New  World
   7.    The  new  globalisation that we must  foster  must
   contribute  to and not detract from greater  ethics  and
   morality,  greater  liberty  and  independence,  greater
   equality   and   mutual  respect,   greater   productive
   democracy and comprehensive human rights.
   8.    What do I mean by justice?  It is not the hallowed
   and  civilised  principle of "special and differential",
   for   a  temporary  privilege  to  be  afforded  to  the
   especially  weak and vulnerable, that was  the  hallmark
   of  the global system for so long.  Today, most of us do
   not  even  dare  to mention "special and  differential".
   Today,  all  that we ask for, is plain old  simple  fair
   9.    Even  the  IMF  says that the developed  countries
   impose  the  highest trade barriers on the  manufactured
   goods   in  which  the  developed  countries  have   the
   greatest   comparative  advantage.   These  manufactured
   goods  are  textiles, clothing and  footwear.   Is  this
   10.   When the developing world goes to the WTO and asks
   for  trade  liberalisation on textiles, on clothing  and
   footwear,  it  is out-stone-walled and it is  told  that
   this  is simply not do-able. The political costs to  the
   Governments  of the rich which have to get  elected  are
   simply too high.  Is this fair?  Is this just?
   11.   Poor  developing countries must  move  heaven  and
   earth  to liberalise.  In fact, when they are under  the
   thumb  of the IMF, they have very little choice  but  to
   move   heaven   and  earth,  no  matter  the   merciless
   consequences on their people and their societies.
   12.   Health  services  must be  terminated.   Medicines
   must  be  dispensed  with.  Schools  should  be  closed.
   Children  should  stop going to them.   Huge  masses  of
   people should be thrown out of work.  And food and  fuel
   be  priced  beyond the reach of most people.   What  are
   these  things?  Merely what the IMF and the well-tutored
   economists  call "structural adjustment".  But  for  the
   rich  and  powerful, even the most marginal  concessions
   on textiles, clothing and footwear are not possible.
   13.   For  that matter, for most of the rich,  the  most
   basic  fair  play on agriculture, the hope of  the  non-
   industrialised developing world, is also politically un-
   14.   Mr Bill Clinton recently made a speech, one of his
   last   as  President  of  the  United  States,  at   the
   University  of  Warwick,  where he  spoke  passionately,
   with   wit   and   a   heavy  dose   of   civility,   on
   globalisation.   Mr  Clinton was  on  the  side  of  the
   angels  when  he  noted:  "If the  wealthiest  countries
   ended  our agricultural subsidies, leveling the  playing
   field   for  the  world's  farmers,  that  alone   could
   increase  the  income  of developing  countries  by  $20
   billion a year."  So why not do it?  Why not remove  the
   subsidies?  Why  not  play  fair?   Why  not  level  the
   playing  field?  Why not give the hundreds  of  millions
   of  farmers in the developing world a better  chance  to
   put  food  in  the mouths of their children  and  a  few
   cents in their pocket?
   15.   Mr  Clinton,  a  great champion of  globalisation,
   himself  gave  the answer.  It is "not as simple  as  it
   sounds,"  Mr  Clinton  says.   "I  see  these  beautiful
   fields  in  Great  Britain;  I  have  driven  down   the
   highways  of  France; I know there is a cultural  social
   value  to  the fabric that has developed here  over  the
   centuries."  Indeed.
   16.   Perhaps the point has also to be made  with  equal
   force  and  passion that putting food in the  mouths  of
   one's  children  and a few cents into  one's  pocket  is
   also  of some "cultural social value".  Perhaps  it  may
   even  be  arguable that this could be of a higher  human
   value  than the beauty of manicured agricultural fields,
   which  can be admired by all motorists driving down  the
   highways  of  Europe - especially since  the  luxury  of
   this  great  "cultural social value" can be  secured  in
   other  ways, not at the cost of impoverished farmers  in
   the poor developing world.
   17.    So  much  for  justice.   How  about  caring  and
   compassion,   and   a  more  productive   globalisation,
   focussed on development, in a kinder and gentler world?
   18.   The  market fundamentalists and the  globalisation
   theologians  have elevated what they call  "survival  of
   the    fittest"    and   "economic   efficiency",    the
   maximisation  of profits, the making of  money  as   the
   most  important moral basis of their religion.  All  too
   often  survival of the fittest merely means survival  of
   those  with the least scruples.  It certainly  does  not
   mean survival of the best or the most worthy.
   19.   We must throw off the intellectual hegemony of the
   globalisation  theologians.  It is time  to  put  people
   before  profit,  to  ensure  that  in  the  process   of
   globalisation  there  are many  more  winners  and  many
   fewer losers.
   20.   It is time to have a new globalisation that  works
   less  in the service of the very wealthy and much harder
   in  the service of the very poor.  It is time for us  to
   ensure  that  development is brought to the very  centre
	   of the global agenda as our principal objective.
   21.   It  is  time to put our mental house in order,  to
   distinguish  between means and ends, to make  sure  that
   everyone   understands   that   trade   and   investment
   liberalisation,  marketisation and competitiveness,  the
   entire  WTO  agenda, are means to the  ultimate  end  of
   human development.
   22.   Some  may  refer to my aversion  to  gobbledygook,
   globaloney  and gobblisation - indeed,  to  all  I  have
   said -- as a return back to basics.  I prefer to see  it
   as an attempt to move forward to the fundamentals.
   23.   I do realise that this new globalisation in a  New
   World Order that I advocate is a new paradigm.  It is  a
   strange  intellectual universe compared to the  dog-eat-
   dog   world  and  the  law  of  the  jungle   that   the
   globalisation theologians of this day are committed  to.
   The  fact  that  this  is so, the fact  that  they  will
   oppose  and  discredit this new paradigm should  fortify
	   us in our conviction and in our commitment.
   24.   We  must  make absolutely sure that  we  will  not
   swallow  the  absolute  market fundamentalism  that  the
   globalisation  extremists try to ram down  our  throats,
   that  the  absolute  capitalism that  the  globalisation
   extremists want to unleash on this planet will  not  run
   riot,   that   the  absolute  globalisation   that   the
   globalisation  extremists want to impose on  the  entire
   world will not come to pass.
   25.   Please  do  not get me wrong.  I do  not  advocate
   abandonment  of  the market system.  I do  not  advocate
   the   rejection  of  capitalism.   I  do  not   advocate
   opposition to globalisation.
   26.   I  must confess to being a believer in the  market
   system.   I  am a believer in the capitalist system.   I
   am  also a believer in globalisation.  You don't have to
   watch  my lips.  You don't have to examine the  words  I
   use.   You  merely  have  to  look  around  you  at  the
   Malaysia that exists today.
   27.   Ever  since we imposed selective currency controls
   on  September 1, 1998, the so-called world media and the
   high  priests  of globalisation have been accusing  this
   country  of  turning  its back on the  world.   The  so-
   called  world  media  daily  refers  to  my  "xenophobic
   diatribes"  my antics.  No doubt, my speech  today  will
   also  be  described as a "xenophobic diatribe"  designed
   to  justify  putting my former Deputy in jail.   Let  me
   merely  state a simple fact: Malaysia today  is  amongst
   the  half  dozen most globalised and open  countries  in
   the world.
   28.   This  did  not  happen  in  an  extended  fit   of
   forgetfulness.   It  did not happen  by  accident.   The
   world  did not descend on us.  We had to grab the  world
   by  the  throat  to bring them to us.  We  had  to  work
   tirelessly.   The fact that we are such an open  economy
   and  such  an  open society is the result of  deliberate
   policy,  consistent determination and an ocean of  toil,
   tears and sweat.  We are not crazy.  We cannot turn  our
   back  from the world from which we earn our living today
   and from which our future prosperity depends.
   29.   Let  me  briefly outline just how  globalised  and
   open  we  are, after more than two decades of deliberate
   30.   In 1999, our exports to the globe account for  114
   per  cent of our GDP, our imports for 83 per cent of our
   GDP.   In  terms  of  trade, we  were  10.8  times  more
   globally  engaged than was the United States.  In  terms
   of   tourists  to  population,  exactly  twice  as  many
   tourists visited Malaysia as visited the United States.
   31.   Foreign investors play a much much bigger role  in
   the  Malaysian economy than they do in the  US  economy.
   Foreign  banks  in  Malaysia held 29  per  cent  of  all
   banking assets in 1999 and accounted for 31.32 per  cent
   of  all  bank  loans.   As  a share  of  total  banking,
   foreign  banks  play  a role three  times  as  large  in
	   Malaysia as they do in the United States.
   32.  Let me now turn to the flow of foreign labour.
   33.   As  you know, we are now in the second  decade  of
   the  second  great age of globalisation.  In  the  first
   great  age of globalisation from the middle of the  19th
   century  through La Belle Epoch to the First World  War,
   there  was  not  only  the free movement  of  goods  and
   services  and the free flow of capital.  There was  also
   the  free  movement  of  labour, a  point  that  today's
   capital-poor    and    labour-rich    countries     will
   increasingly note as the globalisation debate heats  up.
   Does   anyone  doubt  that  if  the  world  balance   of
   political  power were different and today's powers-that-
   be  are  India  and China rather than the United  States
   and  Western Europe, we will today be discussing not the
   freest  movement of capital, goods and services but  the
   unfettered  cross-border movements of labour,  which  no
   doubt  will be seen as by far the most important welfare
   and  prosperity enhancing sector of globalisation.   The
   WTO  in  Geneva would probably be what the ILO is today.
   No  doubt  the  "WLO",  the World  Labour  Organisation,
   appropriately situated in Hong Kong or Colombo would  be
   working   day  and  night,  figuring  how  to  get   the
   stubborn, recalcitrant OECD countries to agree to a  new
   round of negotiations.
   34.   In Malaysia, foreign workers account for more than
   20  per  cent of all workers.  For the United States  to
   be  as  open, there would have to be an immediate inflow
   in excess of 25 million foreign workers.
   35.   Malaysians watch American and foreign  television,
   read   foreign  newspapers  and  magazines,  in  several
   languages.  We sometimes see American shows even  before
   they  are  released in the United States.  I wonder  how
   many  Malaysians do not know where Little Rock, Arkansas
   is,   or   the  names  of  at  least  a  dozen  American
   presidents.  I wonder how many Americans know  the  name
   of  a single Chinese leader or emperor of the last 2,000
   years,  never mind the name of any Southeast  Asian.   I
   wonder  how  many  Americans watch  foreign  television,
   read  foreign  newspapers and magazines, even  those  in
   the English language.
   36.   In  the  past, before fees were hiked, when  costs
   were  much  lower and there was no concern  for  foreign
   exchange,  there were years when more than 60,000  young
   Malaysians studied abroad.  There were years when  there
   were  more  Malaysians studying in foreign  institutions
   of  higher  learning than in Malaysian  institutions  of
   higher learning.
   37.   More  than  50  per cent of  the  Congressmen  and
   Senators  in  the  United States today  do  not  have  a
   passport.  I  honestly  do not  know  of  any  Malaysian
   Parliamentarian who has not been overseas.
   38.   I  choose the United States for comparison because
   US  statistics are so readily available and because  the
   United  States  is  so clearly a committed  advocate  of
   globalisation,  even though it is a  comparatively  non-
   globalised  economy  and a comparatively  non-globalised
   39.   As  a country which has so dramatically marketised
   over  the  last two decades, as a country  that  has  so
   dramatically  dismantled state capitalism and  moved  on
   to  private sector capitalism, as country which  has  so
   dramatically  globalised,  perhaps  Malaysia  can  speak
   with  some experience and some legitimacy on the  market
   system,  capitalism and globalisation.  As  someone  who
   is  somewhat  guilty  of  marketising,  privatising  and
   globalising   the  Malaysian economy  and  our  society,
   perhaps  I  too  can  speak  with  some  experience  and
   40.   The bottom line is this: despite all their obvious
   flaws,   weaknesses  and  dangers,  the  market  system,
   capitalism   and   globalisation   have   a   tremendous
   potential for good.
   41.   But  the  bottom line is also this:  the  absolute
   market   system,   untempered  by   responsibility   and
   civilisation,  is  a grave threat  to mankind;  absolute
   capitalism, inconsiderate of humanity and caring,  is  a
   monster  machine  for  misery  and  injustice;  absolute
   globalisation,   unguided  by  rationality   and   sound
   judgement  is perhaps the greatest danger to  the  world
   at the dawn of our new century.
   42.   I  have  spent some time on ends  and  objectives.
   Let me now turn to means, measures and action.
   43.   It  is  quite  obvious  that  to  ensure  the  new
   globalisation in the new world order that we must  have,
   we  must work at the global and international level,  at
   the  regional  level, and within the boundaries  of  our
   own  national jurisdiction.  We must work on  all  three
   44.   At  the  global and international level,  we  must
   obviously  work  to  strengthen the  solidarity  of  the
   South.  We must not forget the entire South, even as  we
   must  build  effective,  more  compact  core-groups  and
   action  coalitions, which can concert  and  mobilise  on
   specific  issues  and  agendas -  from  indebtedness  to
   commodity  prices  and  terms of trade  to  the  digital
   45.   As  members  of  the South,  we  must  also  build
   specific   action   coalitions   with   Northern   NGOs,
   governments and interests, when and with whom  we  share
   a common cause.
   46.   We  must  exploit  the small strategic  window  of
   opportunity that exists this year and in 2002,  afforded
   by  the  Fourth  WTO Ministerial Meeting,  the  UN  High
   Level  Event  on Financing for Development and  the  Rio
   Plus  Ten  Summit on Environment, besides the  important
   annual meetings of the WTO and the IMF/ World Bank.
   47.   We must not be mere responders to the agendas  and
   negotiating drafts of others.  We must be pro-active  in
   forwarding  our  own agendas and our own  proposals,  to
   which others will need to respond.
   48.   At the WTO, it is absolutely critical that we hold
   firmly  to the firm position taken in Seattle  that  the
   present  grave  imbalances be  rectified  and  that  the
   implementation  issues be resolved.  We must  not  agree
   to  a  new  Round  until these issues are satisfactorily
   settled  and  until we can all agree to the  agenda  for
   any  new  Round.  We need to ensure adequate negotiating
   and  action  capacity  in Geneva  before  we  enter  the
   perilous  halls of negotiation.  We must  work  together
   to  strengthen  not only our heads but also  our  hearts
   and our hands.
   49.   We  must  beware of the Trojan  Horses  lining  up
   outside  the  WTO  building.    We  must  be  especially
   careful  of  the seemingly innocuous issues  -  such  as
   transparency  in  government  procurement  -  which  are
   merely  first steps down the slippery slope, which  will
   finally  end  up in our loss of capacity to  pursue  our
   national social and socio-economic policies.
   50.   We must build upon the Havana Programme of Action.
   We  must  ask  UNCTAD  to  join the  process  of  moving
   forward  to the fundamentals.  There are many  who  have
   been  convinced  by  the-powers-that-be  that  the   old
   issues  of terms of trade are old hat, passe, relics  of
   the  past.   They  are  in fact  critical  keys  to  our
   future.   We  must all fully examine the costs  and  the
   consequences   of   business   cartelisation   and   the
   escalation of mega business mergers, and a lot more.
   51.  At the regional level too, there is little time  to
   be lost.
   52.   In Asia, I believe that the idea of Asian regional
   economic  cooperation  -- which was  ridiculed  and  the
   unwelcome   recipient   of  political   bombardment   of
   megatonnage  proportions when I first proposed  it  more
   than  ten years ago - is progressing apace.  It must  be
   given greater depth and greater width.
   53.   I  strongly believe also that it is high time  for
   Asia  to establish the Asian Monetary Fund, whatever  we
   choose  to  call it.  We are privileged to have  in  our
   midst today one of the inventors and architects of  this
	   historic initiative.
   54.   As  I have stressed, we must work on three  fronts
   to  ensure a new globalisation in a New World Order. The
   third  front, for those nations that are still free  and
   not  yet  colonised,  is our own domestic  jurisdiction.
   Let  no-one  hoodwink us into thinking that  the  nation
   state is dead.  It is not.  It is alive and kicking.   I
   believe that it is also the most crucial action front.
   55.   Let  me wish this conference well.  Let  me  leave
   you with one parting thought.
   56.   It  is probably a universal fact of life  that  no
   one  can do anything to us worse than what we can do  to
   ourselves.   Fortunately, it is also  probably  as  true
   that  no one can do anything for us better than what  we
   can do for ourselves.
   57.   We  must not let absolute globalisation  roll  all
   over   us.    We   must   make  sure   that   productive
   globalisation  will work for us and  for  the  bounteous
   benefit of our people.
   58.  The most important helping hand that we need is  at
   the end of our own right arm.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri

