Tarikh/Date	:	26-03-2001
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM

        I  would like to take this opportunity to thank the
   organiser  the Albukhary Foundation for inviting  me  to
   launch  the  book  on "The Art of Living  -  Residential
   Architecture in the Islamic World" here today.
   2.    The study of Islamic architecture is a vast  field
   indeed; one that covers mosques and palaces, cities  and
   forts,  desert  dwellings and urban town houses,  across
   an  expanse  of three continents.  Islamic  architecture
   throughout   the  world  has  a  regional  identity,   a
   stylistic  evolution  and  a relevance  to  the  eternal
   principles  of Islam.  Such is the influence of  Islamic
   architecture  that  many adopt it  quite  unconsciously,
   regarding  it  as  their  own.  This  is  especially  in
   countries  which had for long periods been under  Muslim
   rule.   And  this  architecture  is  exported  to  their
   colonies   abroad  which  have  now  become  independent
   3.    In  the course of our travels, my wife and I  have
   been fortunate enough to visit many homes both here  and
   abroad  and witness firsthand the beautiful architecture
   of  Islamic lands.  It is amazing that the injunction of
   Islam  against  representations  of  figures  of  living
   creatures  have not in the least reduced the  beauty  of
   Islamic  architecture.   Indeed  it  has  fostered   the
   development of geometrical designs which are  even  more
   beautiful.  It has earned the description "Arabesque".
   4.    "Maskan" is the equivalent of "residence" in  both
   the  Arabic and Persian languages.  Its literal  meaning
   is  "a  place  for relief", as the word "mosakken"  from
   the  same  root is the general name for painkillers  and
   tranquilisers.   The  house  in  Islamic  thought  is  a
   harmonious  and peaceful location in which  man  becomes
   one  with his inner reality, spends pleasant times  with
   his  family  and celebrates the glory of his creator  in
   the most pure, humble and personal manner.
   5.    The  design,  the material used for  construction,
   the  decorations  and  the overall  inner  space  of  an
   Islamic  house  and  its  relationship  with  the  outer
   space,  along with the lifestyle of the dweller,  reveal
   valuable  information  regarding  aesthetic  principles,
   sense  of  beauty,  social and moral  values,  political
   conditions of the time, the economic status of  dwellers
   and  the  climate  of  the  area.  Islamic  houses  may,
   therefore,  be considered as living encyclopedias  of  a
   rich   religious  tradition.   Despite   their   diverse
   materials   and  decorations,  they  share  a  principal
   identity deeply rooted in the Islamic faith.
   6.    The  Islamic house is a private sanctuary and  the
   public  and  private  life are  strictly  demarcated  in
   Islamic  society  and  expressed  architecturally.   The
   focus  on  interior  space,  seen  in  the  presence  of
   courtyards, is a quality that is distinctively  Islamic.
   Light  and  water are important elements in Islam  which
   further  contribute to the beauty and  serenity  of  the
   home.   Gardens,  water channels,  pool,  fountains  and
   fruit  trees reflect the perception of Muslims  of  what
   paradise in afterlife is like.
   7.    Islamic  houses throughout the world  display  the
   art  of  living  in  an artistic manner.   The  `Art  of
   Living',  is  to  live in harmony  with  the  people  we
   associate  with,  the environment we  live  in  and  the
	   Creator we worship.
   8.   The Islamic homes around the world, whether in Spain, Saudi
   Arabia, India or here in Malaysia, have adapted and responded to
   different cultures and existing traditions of building without
   weakening the spiritual essence which is their source of
   9.    I  hope this book "The Art of Living - Residential
   Architecture in the Islamic World" will be a practical source
   book for all those who are interested in the Islamic heritage of
   domestic architecture.  I also congratulate the photographer, Mr.
   Ovidio Guaita, on his beautiful photography and the Islamic Arts
   Museum Malaysia for organising this visual documentary of the
   details of Islamic heritage.
   10.  On that note, I have great pleasure in launching the book
   "The Art of Living - Residential Architecture in the Islamic

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri

