Tempat/Venue	:	TOKYO, JAPAN
Tarikh/Date	:	07-06-2001
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM

         Globalisation is today's flavour.  However it  has
   turned  sour  even  before it has  been  tasted  by  the
   majority of the peoples and the countries of the  world.
   It  is  very unfortunate of course, because it had  held
   out  so much hope for a better and more equitable world,
   a  world  free of poverty, a world of caring and sharing
   between rich and poor.
   2.    Why has globalisation turned sour so quickly?  Why
   are  so  many people protesting and demonstrating?   Why
   are  the  poor who are supposed to be a beneficiary,  if
   not  the  main beneficiary, so reluctant to  accept  it?
   Why  are they stalling, unwilling to hold the next round
   of  WTO  talks?  Is it globalisation or is it  something
   else  that  has  incurred their  displeasure  and  their
   3.    If  we  care to look we will find that it  is  not
   globalisation   per   se.   It   is   what   accompanies
   globalisation that creates fear and negative reactions.
   4.    Globalisation  is presently made  synonymous  with
   and  exclusively about a totally free unregulated  world
   market.   It  is  absolutely tied to total  deregulation
   within  countries  and  between  countries.   The   free
   market  must  be  totally free and totally  unregulated.
   Governments  must  not  only step back  but  Governments
   must  be  completely deprived of any right or  power  to
   oversee the market.  In other words where free trade  is
   concerned good governance means no governance.
   5.    The  market  it  is claimed will regulate  itself.
   Indeed  it  will  do more than that, it will  discipline
   Governments.  This last assertion was made by the  Great
   Currency Trader, George Soros.  In South Korea  he  made
   the  claim that trading in currencies and devaluing them
   is  an  exercise in disciplining Governments.   One  can
   see  in  one's  mind  this great trader,  whip  in  hand
   making  Governments  jump through a  hoop,  disciplining
   and training them so as to make them govern properly.
   6.    It  is  strange for a world dedicated to democracy
   to   advocate  the  disciplining  of  popularly  elected
   Governments   by   a  foreign  currency   trader.    But
   apparently  the  claim is believed to be logical,  right
   because  the world's media immediately quoted  the  wise
   words of this great sage.
   7.    It  is  a  measure of the dominance of  Capitalism
   that  such  an  absurd claim can be made  and  accepted.
   The  market is a great place where exchanges  and  trade
   contribute  much  to the creation of  wealth.   But  the
   market  is  about  making profits, maximum  profit.   An
   unfettered,  a  deregulated  market  can  only  lead  to
   avaricious  profiteering to the maximum  level.   It  is
   absurd  to  think  of  the  market  caring  about   good
   governance of nations.
   8.    We  have  seen  during  the  currency  crisis  the
   currency  traders  destroying  the  economies  of  whole
   regions  in  order  to make money for themselves.   They
   will  deny  this of course.  They will say that  it  was
   the   corrupt,  opaque,  cronistic  Governments    which
   destroyed the economies of their countries.  But  before
   July  1997  the  same Governments were developing  their
   countries  so  fast that they became miracle  economies,
   tiger economies, dragons etc.  They could not have  been
   suddenly  corrupt in July 1997, all these Asian  tigers.
   They  must  have been bad Governments for  a  very  long
   time.   Yet  they were apparently able to  govern  their
   countries well enough to make economic tigers of them.
   9.    No.   The  claim that it was due to bad governance
   by  corrupt  Governments does not hold water.   That  it
   was  due  to  the  currency traders and  their  currency
   trading  and  manipulation is more logical  because  the
   great  Asian Currency Crisis happened immediately  after
   the  currency traders appeared on the scene.  They,  and
   their   media  talked  incessantly  about  the  imminent
   collapse  of  the  economy  that  it  became   a   self-
   fulfilling prediction.  Capital stopped flowing  in  and
   banks,  international banks, scared themselves into  not
   lending.  Short-term investors pulled out.
   10.   Then  the  currency  traders  began  to  dump  the
   currency  on  the  market.  In vain  the  Central  Banks
   tried  to  mop  up the excess money.  The Central  Banks
   could  only use the cash they held.  They were  fighting
   against fund managers who could leverage their funds  by
   10,  20  or even 100 times.  And predictably the Central
   Banks  lost  and  the currencies and the economies  went
   into a tailspin.
   11.   Suddenly  the tigers lost their  teeth  and  their
   claws.    A  picturesque  statement  but  what  actually
   happened  was that the economies collapsed, millions  of
   workers  were thrown on the streets.  There they rioted,
   burning shops, raping and killing innocent people.   The
   IMF  moved  in  and  in  a situation  where  people  had
   already  lost their income, the Governments were  forced
   to  withdraw food and fuel subsidies, increase  interest
   rates   and   taxes,  reduce  Government  spending   and
   generally  display a most uncaring attitude.  The  riots
   escalated and the Governments were overthrown, the  same
   Governments  which had before so enriched the  countries
   that they became economic miracles.
   12.   Why  did all these happen?  They happened  because
   of   this   absurd  notion  that  markets  can  regulate
   themselves  and  even  discipline Governments.   Markets
   only  care  for  profit, for the  maximum  profits.   In
   Southeast  Asia  in  order for the  market  to  maximise
   profits it was prepared to destroy whole economies,  and
   countries  and  people, mostly the poorest  people,  the
   workers.    In  Malaysia  short-term  capital   pull-out
   caused  the  stock market index to plunge to around  260
   from  1000.   Market capitalisation was reduced  by  200
   billion  US  Dollar.   Businesses collapsed  and  margin
   calls could not be met.  And banks were on the verge  of
   collapse unable to carry the huge non-performing loans.
   13.   All  that happened in Malaysia, in Southeast  Asia
   and  in East Asia were due to the operations of the free
   market.   Yes,  we  will admit that the  Governments  of
   these  countries  were not the best Governments  in  the
   world.  There was corruption, there was cronyism,  there
   was   poor  transparency.   All  these  needed   to   be
   corrected.   But must whole countries and  economies  be
   totally   destroyed   in  order   to   carry   out   the
   corrections?   Is there no other way, more  humane  way?
   Cannot  we  take  up a little bit more time,  preserving
   the  economy  as  much as possible  while  we  make  the
   necessary corrections?
   14.    If  this  was  how  currency  traders  discipline
   Governments  and if this is what the free  market  holds
   for us, is there any reason why we should welcome it?
   15.   But  globalisation  is  not  necessarily  designed
   exclusively  for  the  free totally unregulated  market.
   Globalisation  by  definition is about  the  globe,  the
   world  as  a  single entity, not divided  up  into  many
   countries with closed borders.  We must admit  that  the
   difficulties  and hassles about crossing borders  stifle
   economic  interaction, the free flow  of  expertise  and
   wealth-creating capital.  The answer is not  necessarily
   the  destruction  of borders.  We can achieve  the  same
   purpose  by  simply  agreeing to lower  the  borders  in
   parts,   for  capital  to  flow  in,  even  to   provide
   incentives for capital inflows.
   16.   That was what Malaysia did.  We encouraged capital
   inflows   by   incentives   and  reducing   bureaucratic
   hassles, by being business friendly, by catering to  the
   needs  of  the  investors  as  much  as  possible.    We
   succeeded very well and we were enriched by the  foreign
   capital  inflows long before FDI became an  acronym  for
   Foreign  Direct Investments.  But we did not  take  down
   our  borders completely.  We did not find it  necessary.
   As  a result domestic businesses were able to thrive and
   in  time  we  were able to compete, to invest  ourselves
   and  to  export  our  own indigenous  products,  earning
   better incomes for the country.
   17.   We felt we were very much a part of the world.  We
   benefited  from  the engines of growth provided  by  the
   rich  countries  and the rich benefited from  the  lower
   costs  and  the  skills  of our workers.   It  benefited
   everyone,  this  gentle and selective  lowering  of  our
   border  walls.   And  we could have gone  on  benefiting
   everyone  with  our way, our selective lowering  of  our
   18.   I don't really think the advocates of a borderless
   world  truly  subscribe to it.  If  they  do  then  they
   wouldn't    be   so   discriminating,   demanding    for
   borderlessness only for capital to flow in and out.   If
   we  are truly borderless then people too should be  able
   to  flow  in and out of countries freely.  The  millions
   of  poor people in Africa, Asia and Latin America should
   be  able  to  migrate to rich countries  when  they  can
   contribute  towards the lowering of costs  while  making
   hardly  a  dent  in the pockets of the  rich.   But  the
   vigorous advocates of a borderless globalised world  are
   very  emphatic  that the borders should come  down  only
   for  capital.  In Malaysia and in every country the poor
   very  often  migrate from their part of the  country  to
   the  rich  urban  and  industrial  areas.   They  create
   problems  of  course.   But  since  they  are  as   much
   citizens as everyone else they have a right to migrate.
   19.   In  a  truly globalised world where there  are  no
   borders  it is reasonable to expect the poor to  migrate
   to  the  rich  countries.  After all the rich  can  make
   money  in  the poor countries, why cannot the poor  make
   money  in the rich countries?  Isn't it fair?   But  no.
   No  way will globalisation permit a free flow of workers
   from one part of the globe to another.
   20.   It is the same old double standards.  Tails I win,
   Heads  you lose.  Globalisation at this moment is not  a
   win-win  game.   It is about the winners  continuing  to
   win and the losers continuing to lose.
   21.   But  if globalisation now is so one-sided,  cannot
   we   make  it  less  one-sided?   We  need  not   reject
   globalisation but need we accept the fellow  travellers,
   the  free  unregulated market and the others?   Must  we
   unequivocally accept that globalisation is  free  market
   and free market is globalisation?
   22.   The answer must surely be it is not.  We can  have
   globalisation  without a totally  free  market,  without
   total   deregularisation,  without  the  abdication   of
   Governments as the overseer and the regulator.
   23.   Let us take currency trading again.  Must it be  a
   part  of  globalisation?  Obviously not.  We  can  still
   have  world trade without the currency traders.   Indeed
   we  can  still  have  world trade  with  fixed  exchange
   rates.   That was what the Bretton Woods was all  about,
   the fixing of exchange rates.
   24.    In  the  immediate  post-war  years  and  for   a
   considerable period of time the fixed exchange rates  of
   Bretton  Woods  brought stability to  countries  and  to
   their  trade relations with each other.  And  the  world
   made  a rapid recovery from the trauma of World War  II.
   By  comparison  recovery from World War I was  irregular
   and  unequal.  Defeated Germany suffered the most severe
   recession   and   the  Mark  was  rendered   practically
   useless.   It  left  such bitter  resentment  among  the
   Germans that they became ready to accept Hitler and  his
   mad  ambitions.  Millions died as a result -- the result
   partly at least of an exchange rate that was not fixed.
   25.   So what is wrong about a fixed exchange rate in  a
   globalised world?  Malaysia fixed its exchange  rate  to
   counter  the  manipulations of the currency traders  and
   to  stop the slide of the country to bankruptcy.   There
   were  all sorts of dire prediction.  Malaysia's  economy
   would  collapse  totally.  It will be  a  world  pariah,
   shunned  by  all investors.  It would be  forced  to  go
   begging bowl in hand for help.
   26.   Well, nothing of that sort has happened.  We  have
   recovered fully.  In 2000 we grew by 8.5 percent.   This
   year  growth  will be much lower but it is  not  due  to
   capital controls or fixed exchange rates.  It is due  to
   the  failure  of  the U.S. economy  which  takes  up  20
   percent of Malaysia's exports.
   27.   A  mechanism  for  fixing exchange  rates  can  be
   developed in order to enable a regulated devaluation  of
   the  currencies of weak economies and revaluation of the
   strong.   Surely  the  great  economists  and  financial
   experts  of the world can come up with a good  mechanism
   that will largely avoid economic turmoil.
   28.   The borders may be brought down so that the  world
   can  be  more global.  But we can be selective in  terms
   of  trade  items,  in terms of time,  and  in  terms  of
   scale.   There  is really no need to bring down  borders
   for  everything and everyone at a fixed time, nor should
   there  be  zero  duty  for everything.   Yes  there  are
   provisions for these in the WTO agreements but they  are
   not good enough.  The pressure is always to open up,  to
   let  capital  in  and  out and to  profit  from  capital
   movements   rather   than  from   long-term   productive
   29.   We don't need giants and oligopolies or monopolies
   in  order  to  benefit  from their economies  of  scale.
   Organisations  which are too big lose their  efficiency,
   they  become arrogant and will not care about  the  side
   effects  of  whatever they do.  They  will  simply  ride
   roughshod  over everything.  And the world will  be  the
   30.    There   should  therefore  be   big   and   small
   corporations   and   banks  which   can   operate   both
   nationally  or  internationally.   The  small  must   be
   protected  to a certain extent, given the same  kind  of
   handicaps  that golfers are familiar with  so  that  not
   only  will  the playing field be level but the disparity
   in  the  sizes  of  the  players  will  be  compensated.
   Governments  must  be  allowed to admit  or  reject  the
   super  corporations and banks access to their countries.
   But they must justify this.
   31.   There  was  a  time  when huge  corporations  were
   forced  to  break up.  Rockefeller's Mobil Oil  monopoly
   of  the  oil business in the U.S. brought on  the  anti-
   monopoly  Anti-Trust Laws.  After the Second  World  War
   the  big  German corporations and the Japanese  Zaibatsu
   were broken up.  Bell Telephone Company in the U.S.  was
   also broken up.
   32.   Each  of  these  offsprings then  grew  into  huge
   corporations, bigger than their parents.  But  now  they
   are  merging again and becoming even bigger.  The merged
   companies  are  merging  and  merging  until  they   are
   actually  bigger and financially more powerful than  the
   Governments  of most countries.  Even the most  powerful
   Governments  of  the powerful countries  are  afraid  of
   33.   These  corporations have now decided on their  own
   to  limit  the number of corporations to be  allowed  in
   any  industry  throughout the world.  In the  automotive
   industry  there  will be only five or  less.   The  same
   will   apply   to   the  banking  industry   and   other
   industries.    There   is   no  guarantee   that   these
   oligopolies  will  not merge further until  they  become
   monopolies.  There is also no guarantee that  they  will
   confine  themselves  to particular  industries  and  not
   diversify and merge with the other giants.
   34.   Perhaps I am being a scaremonger.  But  then  when
   we  became  independent only 43 years ago, Malaysia  had
   looked   at  its  borders  as  a  legitimate  protective
   barrier   behind  which  to  manage  its  economy.    If
   somebody  had  told us at that time that we  would  lose
   the  protection afforded by our borders  a  few  decades
   later  we would have considered him a scaremonger.   But
   today   we  are  being  told  that  borders  are  pass ,
   anachronistic.   There is going to  be  one  world,  one
   borderless world.  We cannot use our borders to  protect
   ourselves  anymore.  How can we be  sure  that  in  this
   globalised  borderless  world,  the  giant   banks   and
   corporations  would  not  rule  the  world,  would   not
   destroy us?
   35.   When,  after  a very destructive  world  war,  the
   nations   of  this  world  decided  to  try  again   for
   international  cooperation and global governance,  great
   hopes  were raised.  The United Nations, a new  kind  of
   League  of  Nations, would ensure peace for  the  world.
   It   would  also  free  the  colonies  of  the  Imperial
   Nations.   We  therefore welcomed it  and  as  a  result
   Malaysia   and  many  other  colonies  of  the  European
   nations gained independence because of it.
   36.   We  thought that independence meant the  right  to
   rule  and  manage our country freely and  independently.
   But  we  soon found out that independence did not  imply
   freedom.   It  was  President Sukarno of  Indonesia  who
   recognised the new form of colonialism which  he  called
   Neo-Colonialism.  We thought he was a crank but  now  we
   know  that  he  was  omniscient, he  saw  far  into  the
   37.   Today  the  United Nations is not the  institution
   that  we  had  expected it to be.  The belief  that  the
   great  powers  who  had  been given  veto  rights  would
   exercise  that right for the good of all  has  not  been
   borne  out.   Today  the veto is often  used  to  uphold
   38.   Under  the aegis of the United Nations  the  World
   Trade  Organisation  was formed.  There  we  thought  we
   could  hammer out a free trade system that will be  fair
   to  all.   But  we are finding that it is an  instrument
   for  forcing  upon the world the policies of  the  rich,
   designed to enrich the rich further.
   39.   The  small  countries are  helpless  as  many  are
   beholden to the rich, forced to toe the line on pain  of
   losing  aid or loans or other kinds of patronage.   They
   are  deeply  divided  and they come to  the  negotiating
   table  with  puny  delegations to argue  complex  issues
   with  the huge highly knowledgeable delegations  of  the
   rich  backed by experts on call at home.  They are faced
   with  an  agenda not determined by them.  Some of  these
   countries  had  earlier received  delegations  from  the
   rich  intended to soften their stands.  Always there  is
   a threat that money would be denied.
   40.   The  WTO  is not about fair trade.   It  is  about
   forcing  down the throats of the unwilling the ideas  of
   the  rich to help enrich themselves further.  In the WTO
   globalisation  and the borderless world would  not  only
   be promoted but would be imposed.
   41.   While we hear of the virtues of democracy for  our
   countries   we   see  a  total  lack  of  democracy   in
   international  affairs.   In  the  United  Nations   and
   elsewhere the powerful will take what they want and  the
   weak will surrender what they must.
   42.   It  is a sad commentary on the state of the  world
   civilisation  in  this  the  21st  Century,  the   third
   Millennium.   Might it seems is still  right.   We  have
   not   progressed  very  far  since  the  first   caveman
   bludgeoned his rival and grabbed his wife.  Until  there
   is  reform  to the United Nations system this  primitive
   state  of  affairs is going to continue.   Certainly  it
   will  in so far as world trade is concerned, in  so  far
   as currency manipulation is concerned.
   43.   This  is  a  talk  on  Globalisation,  the  Global
   Community  and the United Nations.  I wish I  could  say
   some  nice things.  But I find it very difficult to  say
   anything complimentary because I see injustice  done  to
   my  country  at  every turn simply  because  we  try  to
   exercise  the  democratic  right  of  free  speech   and
   minority  right.  If we want to see a better world  then
   the  rich  and  the  powerful  must  learn  to  restrain
   themselves to listen to the contrary views of  the  poor
   and  the weak and to seriously consider them and  to  be
   prepared  to  make  little sacrifices.   Greed  must  be
   curbed  because  it will destroy all of  us.   There  is
   still a place for charity of thoughts and action.
   44.   I am grateful to the United Nations University for
   giving me this opportunity of being heard here.  I  know
   that I will be totally ignored by those who control  the
   information  that  the world gets.  I  know  I  will  be
   vilified  as a heretic.  But I believe that  I  have  as
   much  right  to free speech as they have.   And  here  I
   claim my right.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


