Tarikh/Date : 21-06-2001
Penyampai : PM
Our gratitude to Allah s.w.t. In this turbulent
regional political and economic scenario, Malaysia is
still calm and able to overcome relentless assaults on
its politics and economy, from outsiders as well as
their friends internally.
2. Not so long ago, many Malaysians, too, craved to
organise what they called "Reformasi", apparently to
correct the situation in Malaysia. They were inspired
by what had happened in another country. Without
taking into account the different situation in that
country, they tried through irresponsible means to
force the Government to give in to their demands,
including to overthrow the Government.
3. Their leaders had gone abroad to seek assistance
so that the street violence they planned could be
implemented. They knew that Malaysians were not
interested in committing violence even though they were
paid. That was why foreigners were needed.
4. Unfortunately for these perpetrators of street
violence, the leadership of the foreign country
concerned felt that it was enough that chaos occurred
only in his country. They did not want to see chaos
spread to Malaysia. They did not see any good from the
chaos in their country. Therefore they did not
encourage any assistance to those planning to incite
disorder in Malaysia. Thank God. We appreciate this
foreign leader's attitude and stand.
5. The situation in Malaysia is not flawless and this
we must admit. The Government too admits this. But we
have to appreciate the good that we receive. We should
be grateful to Allah s.w.t. Many foreigners see us as
being very fortunate and blessed that they are willing
to risk their lives just to migrate to our country.
6. Other countries may need "reformasi" and a change
in the political system and Government. Just because
others need "reformasi", does it mean that we too must
have "reformasi"? In fact, the changes to be made in
other countries have already been implemented in
Malaysia since independence. This country has never
been under an autocratic or military rule. It was only
in 1969 that we were forced to have an emergency rule.
But in a short period of time we reverted to a
democratic system and held the general election
according to schedule in 1974. Since independence we
have held 10 general elections within a period of 43
years. Malaysians are free to choose who ever they
want and not only candidates from the Government party
like in some countries. Opposition parties too can win
elections and have established Governments in four
states. And this happened repeatedly. No legal action
was taken to prevent opposition party representatives
from taking their place in Parliament as in some
7. Therefore, why do we need reform in our democratic
system of administration? Why do we need street
demonstrations which only serve to cause traders to
lose, in particular petty traders whose daily survival
depends on their daily income?
8. Apparently they wanted to see the rule of law.
But to uphold the rule of law do they need to break the
law through street violence, blocking cars, forcing
shops to close down and disturbing public order? Those
who wish to uphold the rule of law should not break the
law. They should use the legal process to stop the
violation of laws by any quarters, including the
Government. We know in Malaysia, not all cases are won
by the Government. And not all Government party
candidates win elections. That is why at times in
trying to prove independence, the Government is denied
justice and loses. If the Government dares to
disagree, it will come under increasing pressure.
Foreigners ever willing to condemn the Government for
the slightest mistakes. Certain quarters know this and
become bolder. Justice is therefore undermined.
9. Today they can see that the fruits of "reformasi"
in that particular country which they lauded so much
are not that appealing. What is evident is that rule
of law cannot be imposed as those responsible for
enforcing law have lost credibility. The people are
not safe. In certain areas people riot, terrorise and
kill indiscriminately. Far from benefiting from the
democratic process, what is seen as a result of
"reformasi" is mob-rule, a lawless rule by street mobs.
Things have improved compared with the situation during
the autocratic rule.
10. Ironically, those who want reforms, the rule of
law and the upholding of human rights were once too
happy to join the Government. Why did they not then
accuse the Government as undemocratic and abusive of
human rights when they were in the Government?
Actually, what frustrates them is not the system of
government, but their failure to achieve their big
ambitions. They like to flatter the whites and are
happy if they are praised by these `Mat Sallehs'.
Actually these idiots are nothing if not for what we
have given them. Unfortunately they are not used to
getting a bit of power. Even with a minor position,
they get big-headed and will dance to their master's
11. Those who tried to champion for reforms have been
duped and were made use of by certain people. While
they have gained nothing those who made use of them
gained a lot by faking sympathy towards their idol.
Until when are they going to be idiots?
12. When mob rule culture is accepted by their
favoured country, the government is powerless to do
anything to revive the economy. Whatever they do will
be opposed. They run riot and the rioting itself
caused any effort by the Government to fail. As the
English proverb says, "Those who live by the sword,
shall die by the sword". Those who rise through street
demonstrations will fall through street demonstrations.
13. The Government becomes weak and not able to act
decisively. Pressure on the government can be imposed
by anyone, including foreigners. As a result not only
economic recovery becomes impossible, but, independence
which once was a source of pride is now almost non-
existent. This is the result of "reformasi" and street
demonstrations. Do we want to see all these brought to
our country by this "reformasi" group?
14. The Malaysian economy has recovered albeit not
fully. This is not due to the weakness of our approach
but due to the economic slow down of other countries.
15. We have faced economic pressures similar to that
faced by other countries in East Asia. We were unable
to determine if the simultaneous attacks on the
currencies of the countries of the East, formerly known
as the tiger economies, were planned or not. But what
is evident is these countries' economy was destroyed
and they may never be able to challenge the West.
Further, foreign powers are taking advantage to control
the management of their economy through international
agencies such as the International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank.
16. Countries which were attacked were forced to
submit to foreign powers not only because of the
economic recession but also due to their people's
irresponsible actions. Because there were people who
wanted to topple the leadership, the economic recession
caused by the foreign enemy were exploited and this
weakened the economic resilience. This eroded the
country's independence.
17. If today Malaysia continues to be free and its
economy fully controlled by ourselves, it is because
not many of its citizens have betrayed the country,
directly or indirectly working in cohorts with
foreigners. Because of this we have been able to
revive the country's economy better than countries
which received loans and "help" from foreigners. The
world today, including our detractors, is forced to
accept this fact. Only a fraction of Malaysians who
are blinded by hate cannot face this reality.
18. We are confident that with the stability and peace
in Malaysia, the country's economic recovery will
progress smoothly. The recovery, too, proves that the
nation's fiscal and economic management is good. It is
impossible that we can resuscitate the economy if
allegations of Government's wastage over mega projects
are true. Actually the country's fiscal position is
solid. During the crisis, our money was siphoned out
due to the higher interest rates offered outside the
country. For several months, Malaysian banks were
short of liquidity. But the Government managed to stop
the outflow of the Ringgit and forced it to be
repatriated. Since then our financial position had
strengthened and the economy recovered rapidly.
19. Malaysians can truly count their blessings. Those
who should be even more grateful are the Malays. But
many are not thankful and hope good fortune will come
rolling on its own without any effort. In the 1999
election it was clear that many Malays were not
grateful and tried to overthrow the Government that
saved the nation and Malays themselves. Those who
appreciated the Government's ability are the non-
20. When we fought for independence we believed that
with power in our hands, we would be able to improve
the lot of the Malays who were by and large poor. They
were poor, uneducated and far behind in all aspects.
They were servants in their own land to the foreigners
whom they regarded as masters.
21. But power by itself will not ensure success for
us. Power can actually destroy us. And today we see
how power has made many of us irresponsible and very
greedy to the extent that the goals we had set out when
struggling for independence are now forgotten.
22. In education for example, our problem then was
lack of opportunities and affordability to study to the
highest levels. Today, opportunities abound and
scholarships for Malay children are not hard to come
by. But we find that many of our children are not
interested in pursuing knowledge.
23. With so many schools and teachers, more than
sufficient budget allocation and equipment, it is sad
to see Malay children getting low grade rendering many
of them unqualified to enter universities if not for a
special quota. Malay children are no less intelligent
but without studying hard, even those intelligent ones
will not get to be high achievers. What we know is
many Malay children are lazy and uninterested in
studying. They prefer to loaf around. They get upset
if such truths are mentioned. Whether stated or not,
the truth cannot be denied.
24. Today we find more Malay female students accepted
into universities compared to males. They go to the
same schools but while the male students are not
serious in their studies, the female students are more
studious. They do not loiter around. They are more
responsible. Thank God. If not for female students,
the number of Malay students in universities would be
reduced by half.
25. There is no proof that female students are more
intelligent than male students. Their abilities are
almost equal. But the poor performance of male
students has reached a ratio of 20 males to 80 females.
If we accept that there are no big differences between
male and female in terms of intelligence, then surely
if male students strive hard and concentrate on
studying, they, too, can achieve excellent results. We
are impressed that while the number of male Malay
students is few and their results mediocre, they
controlled the student bodies. When will male Malay
students realise their responsibility, if not towards
their race, religion and country? Do they think that
society must support them all the time?
26. Actually the Malays are no less intelligent than
the other races. Why we need to have quotas for Malay
students in universities is because of our attitude
towards seeking knowledge. Non-Malays regard seeking
knowledge as noble and society looks up to those who
are knowledgeable. With that their parents and
teachers pay serious attention towards education of
their children and the young. In fact they continue to
seek life-long knowledge.
27. Malays do not really emphasise on the acquisition
of knowledge. Parents do not force their children to
study. Some suggest that since quotas are provided for
Malay students, a modest standard of qualification is
sufficient to gain entry. The Government will ensure
Malay students' entry into public higher learning
institutions. This is the Government's responsibility.
Any Government will do like-wise. This is the special
privilege guaranteed to the Malays forever.
28. Some are influenced by PAS that Malay Muslim
children should only pursue Islamic studies. Other
forms of knowledge are secular and not important. If
studied, more time should be given towards
supplementary religious activities which are made
compulsory by those who are against other forms of
knowledge other than "fardu `ain" (compulsory religious
rituals). Not attending "qiamulail" and early morning
lectures and other activities will result in the
students being ridiculed for purportedly being lesser
Muslims. Even more sad is that what is taught during
these lectures is not the true teachings of Islam that
can inspire the students to study and pursue knowledge
more vigorously. What is conveyed to the students is
anti-Government politics, mixed with various `hadis'
and `injunctions' which have been interpreted according
to the political interest of the party. Let the Malay
children fail so long as they can be exploited by this
29. Actually efforts to prevent Malay children from
pursuing knowledge start from PAS organised
kindergartens. At this stage, innocent children are
taught to hate UMNO, so that they will be life
supporters of PAS. To PAS, knowledge is not important.
Religion, too, is not important. What is important is
PAS' victory in the general election.
30. When it is explained that other forms of knowledge
are just as important in Islam and in fact compulsory
to acquire, this fact ensures the safety and security
of the Muslim `ummah', freeing them of suppression from
Islam's enemies and that demanded by Islam as stated in
surah Al-Ghaasyiyah verse 17 to 20, which means:
"And the Sky, how it is raised high? And at the
Mountains, how they are fixed firm? And at the Earth,
how it is spread out" (We can learn a lesson by
observing how something is created)
However, PAS and its supporters still accuse those who
refer to this verse as secular and who placed
importance on this world affairs and not of the
hereafter. Although it is explained that Islam
emphasises balancing between the world and the
hereafter as stated in the `doa' which is recited
daily, surah Al-Baqarah verse 201, which means:
"Give us good in this world and good in the
these quarters still accuse that emphasising other
knowledge, though without neglecting religion, still
means neglecting the hereafter which means being
secular. They do not accept even Quranic verses.
31. As usual polemics with regards to the world and
the hereafter will continue without any conclusion.
Consequently, students will be so confused and will be
sceptical of the need to gain knowledge which is not
specifically about religion. So are their parents.
With that the performance of male Malay students
especially in science and technology subjects which are
important to prevent any attempts to recolonise Muslims
will continue to be poor.
32. Malays will have to determine whether they believe
other forms of knowledge, apart from those which are
specifically related to Islam are important to them as
Muslims and to Islam itself. If we believe that other
forms of knowledge are not important, it is better for
the Government not to give places to Malay students in
public institutions of higher learning in these
subjects. There is no need for us to have quotas for
Malay students at the expense of the non-Malay
students. We should not get angry or disappointed if
the number of Malay doctors, engineers, scientists,
architects, accountants, lawyers, veterinarians and
dentists is small. We should not be angry if whenever
we fall sick, we find that no Malay doctors can treat
33. If we believe that science and technology, which
are rapidly expanding, are important to us Malays as
Muslims, we should not rely on quotas alone. Malay
students in schools must be serious in acquiring
knowledge so that their qualifications are so high to
the extent that the number which enters universities
far exceeds the quota reserved. They need not neglect
all the compulsory rites in pursuing their studies.
But do not add to and make compulsory what is not
compulsory to the extent that there is no time for
knowledge to be pursued. Remember such knowledge is no
less important to Islam and Muslims. Regard those who
disturb Malay students for their own political interest
as traitors to Islam and to the Malay race.
34. We have now entered the information age. We,
along with other Islamic countries, have missed and are
not part of the Industrial Revolution and the
Industrial Age. We lag far behind in acquiring
knowledge, which is a catalyst in the industrialisation
process. The question is whether we would also miss
the Information Technology age, which will radically
change human lives, including us Malays in Malaysia.
35. If we do not want to be left out and become
victims of Information Technology, we must seriously
strive to acquire this new knowledge. One condition
for us to master this knowledge is by mastering the
English language.
36. Mastering English will not make us any less Malay
or Islamic. Actually the growth of the Malay language
is not at the expense of rejecting other languages, but
rather through the mastery of other languages. Malay
is enriched through the absorption of Sanskrit, Arabic,
Persian, Chinese even, and certainly English. Why did
we absorb these languages? The reason is because these
races who travelled to our country are highly civilised
and knowledgeable.
37. To expand the Malay language, Malays themselves
must be successful, knowledgeable, and in this age,
possess high purchasing power, in other words rich.
There is no language belonging to a backward and poor
race that can progress in this world.
38. Information in this information age does not come
from the Malays. Ninety-nine per cent of the
information we need comes from foreigners in English.
Similarly, hardware and software technology are
developed and distributed in English. It is quite
impossible for this information to be translated into
Malay for us to use -- although there exists
sophisticated translation equipment. Besides, we
cannot assign a few information technology-trained
Malays to do so much translation work. We need their
resources to overcome the ever growing information and
technology in the future for our use.
39. It is more practical to learn English, which has
become an international language. We should not give
excuses that we love our language, that we are language
nationalists and that we want to expand our language.
The true nationalists are those who help their race to
succeed through the mastering of knowledge and
attracting many to learn the language of this
successful race. In this information technology age,
only those who master English will progress and
succeed. The Japanese, French and Chinese even, admit
this fact and are vigorously learning English.
40. Let us not, due to this narrow perspective towards
the Malay language, allow the Malays to once again miss
out on the information age revolution, thereby
regressing, looked down upon and made to look stupid.
As the Malay saying goes "do not buy from the Chinese
shop" because we are being information-illiterate.
Believe it, we will once again be colonised if we fail
to master the language of this knowledge. PAS, which
will distort this speech to discredit UMNO, is a
traitor to the language, race and religion.
41. Just as in higher education, Malays were left
behind compared to other races in the economic field in
the pre-independence days. The colonialists controlled
60 per cent of the country's wealth while the rest was
owned by non-Malays. By a rough calculation, only one
per cent of the country's wealth was in the hands of
the Malays during the colonial era. In the towns
normally there was no shop owned by Malays. All
businesses were owned and operated by non-Malays.
Workers, apart from drivers and orderly or office boys,
all comprised of non-Malays.
42. In the non-federated states where the Government
was not fully controlled by the British, there were
many Malay administrative officers and clerks. They
lived in towns. In the federated states of Perak,
Pahang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan British officers
headed all departments and most of the lower ranking
officers and clerks comprised of Indians and Ceylonese.
43. A majority of the Malays were `padi' farmers or
fishermen earning very low wages.
44. If independence is to be meaningful for the
Malays, their participation in the economy must be
increased. They must be given the opportunity to trade
and acquire wealth at par with other races.
45. Initially, the newly independent Malaysian
Government emphasised rural development as many Malays
only knew how to farm. But this only served to
segregate further the Malays from the towns without
adequate share of the country's wealth.
46. Efforts to redistribute business opportunities to
Bumiputera did not seriously start until the race riots
of 1969. Only after the New Economic Policy (NEP) was
formulated, were there adequate opportunities for
Malays to participate in trade and industry.
47. For this purpose, licences, permits, Government
contracts, shops, forest reserves, commercial areas,
capital and various funds were set up. Shares from
listed companies and new companies were distributed to
Bumiputeras to increase their share in trade and
industry. Management training and lessons were
provided to those interested in doing business. Civil
servants too were allowed to go on early retirement and
given training and opportunity to participate in trade
and industry.
48. By right, with the large amount of Government aid,
the objective of increasing the economic share of
Bumiputeras to 30 per cent should have been achieved.
Unfortunately Malays and other Bumiputeras do not
possess a business culture. Although there are those
who succeeded to the point of owning big business and
industry, the majority of the Malays failed to maintain
and expand their business. All assistance and
opportunities failed to ensure the success of the NEP.
49. One weakness of the Malays is they are impatient
to become rich. Therefore they will sell every
opportunity and allocation given to them. Shares,
licences, permits, contracts and others specially
allocated to them were immediately sold to others to
gain instant profit. After that they will re-apply.
With that the only business in which Bumiputeras
participate is selling their special privilege. So
long as this continues, it is impossible for
Bumiputeras to get their share in the economy.
50. To ensure the shares distributed to Bumiputeras
continue to remain in their possession, the Government
is forced to establish unit trusts and other Bumiputera
agencies. Thank God, through this method, not only
shares remain in the hands of the Bumiputera and
contribute to the economic share allocated to them but
more Bumiputeras can own shares in large corporations.
Of 12 million Bumiputeras, more than seven million own
shares in big corporations through unit trusts. It is
clear that allegations that the NEP only benefited
several Government cronies are not true. If we wanted
to enrich our cronies it would have been easier for us
to distribute all the shares to them only and not to
the seven million other Bumiputeras.
51. But this method does not provide the opportunity
for Bumiputeras to participate directly in managing
business. They will only be sleeping partners who are
na.ve in business management. Besides, many big
corporations of which PNB (Perbadanan Nasional Berhad)
is a major share holder are not active because PNB,
too, does not participate directly in the management of
many companies it owns. This means Malays will forever
be naive about business. This will not meet the
objectives of the NEP.
52. That is why the Government has identified
Bumiputera corporate leaders who have succeeded in
managing private and public companies. Their number is
small. They are given the opportunity to buy a big
amount of shares or given government privatised
projects. Those capable are given the opportunity.
53. Generally, they succeed in running and managing
these large businesses. Foreigners as well as some
Malays are not pleased with their success. Allegations
are made by the foreign media that all those who are
given opportunities are Government cronies, without
taking into account who they are. This means no
Bumiputera who are given opportunities can escape
allegations of being a Government crony. If the
Government does not want to be accused, then Bumiputera
individuals cannot be given any opportunity to
participate in the corporate sector. If we are
satisfied to see no Bumiputeras in large-scale
businesses, there is no need for the Government to
expose itself to all false accusations by giving
opportunities to prominent Malay businessmen. Just
sell everything to the foreigners and they will no
longer accuse the Government of practising cronyism.
Or do not have privatisation and continue with
Government ownership. Please ask the Telecoms
employees whether they are willing to revert as
Government employees and be paid Government wages.
Besides we know that all Government-owned corporations
are not that progressive.
54. The Government has implemented the NEP and made
other efforts to ensure a meaningful participation of
Malays. Unfortunately, after more than 30 years of
trying, we have yet to own 30 per cent of the country's
economy/wealth for the Bumiputera. The Government will
be urged to try further, establish a variety of
programmes, set up more funds for this and that. Maybe
we will also hold Bumiputera economic congress
repeatedly to come up with all sorts of resolutions for
the Government to implement. The Government will be
urged to take action towards the resolutions
55. After 43 years of trying, after billions of
ringgit allocated, after several banks and a variety of
funds are established, today the achievement of Malays
in trade and industry is still low. We have not moved
our business from the sidewalk to a concrete shop. New
townships in Malaysia do not reflect the multi-racial
society in Malaysia. In the old towns, many Malay
urbanites comprise of squatters.
56. Is this caused by the Government's lack of effort?
A race which is deprived of Government assistance can
clearly succeed. Why can't the Malays who are given
all sorts of help succeed?
57. So long as the Malays do not want to admit their
weakness, so long as they are not prepared to correct
their mistakes, they will fail in trade and industry.
What this weakness is, I need not mention here. What I
would like to mention is those who want to get rich
quickly will be poor quickly. In this world and in the
hereafter there is nothing easy, nothing free. Only
those who work hard, persevere, patient and honest will
succeed, be they in economy or other fields.
58. The establishment of UMNO as a political party in
1946 signified the end of nearly 450 years of
colonisation of the Malays and the Malay States. Prior
to this anyone could colonise the Malays. They would
bow to anyone. Portuguese, Dutch, British, Japanese
and Siamese even, all were accepted and respected by
the Malays as their masters.
59. Malays in the colonial era had low self-esteem and
spirit. They regarded themselves as second-class
citizens and were ready to give up anything to others
who they believed were more capable than them.
Administration of the country, business and industry,
menial works even, all were surrendered to the
60. Therefore at one time in the early 20th Century,
the number of foreigners in the Malay States exceeded
the number of Malays. If not for the worldwide
recession in the 30's, today Malays may be a minority
in Malaysia as in Singapore. But the recession in the
1930 had caused many Chinese and Indians to return to
their homeland. Therefore the population of Malays was
slightly more than the immigrants. Therefore, it was
the Malays who fought for independence and headed the
Malaysian Government. We almost became like the
Singapore Malays.
61. This is the effect of giving up all work and
administration to other people. This is the effect of
not being prepared to do a slightly heavier work, a
slightly harder work, a slightly different work than
being padi farmers and fishermen. Malays were not
willing to work in rubber estates or tin mines or learn
to trade apart from operating roadside stalls or to lay
out their mats in the market and tend to their goods.
This business did not expand and Malay traders never
moved to better and bigger shops. A Malay's small
fortune will never increase. It is a matter of daily
survival. There is no future for Malay businesses.
62. Actually the economic conditions of Malays during
the British colonial era were very bad and
embarrassing. But during the Japanese occupation,
Malays were still willing to welcome the return of the
British colonials.
63. The Malays were shocked when they were told that
the British intended to turn the Malay States into
their colony and no more a British protectorate. For
the first time in almost 450 years they were colonised,
the Malays faced the prospect of directly losing their
small states, their country. They would no longer
enjoy the status of Bumiputera in their own country.
They would be just another race at par with the migrant
races. To make it worse, while they are only allowed
to possess a Malayan Union citizenship, the immigrants
can own dual citizenship -- Malayan Union and their
country of origin. Under British Malayan Union, Malays
formally be came second-class citizens.
64. During the British era, politics was banned for
the commoners. Politics was only for the rulers, their
advisers and the British. Easily, the British took
over all the important administrative activities. The
rulers' powers were limited to administration of
Islamic laws and Malay customs.
65. Thank God, this little power saved the Malays from
facing the fate, which befell citizens of other Western-
led colonies. In the agreement which became effective
with the British, so long as there was the sun, moon
and stars in the sky, an important condition was that
the propagation of Christianity among Malays was not
allowed. As a result, the religion of the Malays was
saved. If not, what happened in the Moluccas can
happen in Malaysia today.
66. Because politics was banned among Malays, there
was no challenge for position or rank in the
administration, there was no jostling for positions
among the Malays. Religious leaders already existed
and they established religious schools in the north of
the Peninsula. They, too, were apolitical and accepted
British rule just like any other Malays. Therefore
there was no competition between those who were
educated in religion and those from the Malay or
English schools. Disunity due to religious differences
did not occur. Thank God.
67. When there was move to oppose the Malayan Union,
there was no problem for the Malays who graduated from
religious schools, Malay schools and English schools to
unite to oppose it. All Malays joined UMNO and
together they supported the Malay struggle against the
68. Faced with the danger of having their States
seized by the British, the Malay rulers, too, joined in
albeit indirectly, in opposing the British.
Previously, Malay rulers and territorial chiefs
regularly fought to gain position and the throne. This
gave the colonialists an opportunity to side with a
certain quarter to expand their influence. But once
the British gained power, the successor to the throne
and chieftains were determined by the British and power
struggle was avoided.
69. In the face of pressure and poverty among the
Malays, with their limited involvement in politics and
no religious clerics or other parties out to split the
Malays, and with the rulers and the people facing the
same danger, the call for unity attracted encouraging
response. There was no other effective way at uniting
the Malays than the attempt to seize their States by
the colonials. Although they were poor, with no money,
education and knowledge, no weapons, what saved them
was solid unity.
70. The British, a world power, who had just won the
war, who were so cunning and skilful, were forced to
bow to the Malays who were united in a political party
they had newly established. UMNO, the United Malays
National Organisation, under the leadership of a
Johorean had united all Malays and their organisations
from all walks of life in one political organisation
called UMNO. Only UMNO leaders were given the mandate
to protest and demand the return of Malay rights
towards their States.
71. Actually this was the first time in Malay history
since before the Malay Sultanate of Malacca that Malays
were aware of their `Malayness' and united as Malays.
Before this they regarded themselves as citizens of
their own States and their loyalty was to their State
rulers. Misfortune which befell a Malay State did not
get sympathy and assistance from Malays in other
72. Divided into small states, they were very weak and
easily destroyed by anyone. As such, one by one, these
states were being dominated or controlled by
foreigners. Since the fall of the Malacca Sultanate,
during which almost all Malay states and the Malays
accepted the Malacca Sultan, the Malay states were
forced to look for patrons from the West and
neighbouring countries like Thailand. Since then,
there was no time period when the Malay states were
truly free and independent, and the Malays had never
been united because of their `Malayness'.
73. UMNO's greatest success was uniting the Malays
from the Malay States in the Peninsula. This unity
gave strength to the Malays who had never tasted it for
450 years.
74. According to George Santayana, a Western thinker,
those who do not learn from history will be tormented
by repeating their mistakes.
75. Have the Malays not learned from their history,
especially the 450 years they were colonised; more
accurately their history of British rule? Did they
learn from their political history, their economic
history, their religious history and their history of
76. The Malays apparently have not learned much from
their history. The Malays easily forget their history.
On the contrary, they love to colour their own history
with legendary stories for their ego, to comfort and
pride themselves in legends which they have created.
77. Thus they love to stress Hang Tuah's saying that
"The Malays will never vanish from this earth".
78. It is true that to date we have not vanished. But
what kind of Malays who have not vanished? For 450
years they lived in their own countries as slaves to
foreigners. Now they are free and able to run their
own countries. But have they become a race that is
successful and with dignity?
79. The Malays can be said to be quite smart in
administering their country in which the population is
made up of various races and subgroups. Generally it
is known that a multiracial nation is usually
threatened by enmity between races frequently followed
by incessant wars. Even if there is no war, relations
among the races are normally strained.
80. In Malaysia we find not only races which are
different but these differences are aggravated by
different languages, cultures and religions. Indeed,
this cultural mix becomes easily inflammable.
81. But Malay UMNO leaders in times of struggle for
independence were able to foster a smart and special
system of racial cooperation. While racial identities
are retained, cooperation in a mixed party was created
which did not ignore the special Malays as the genuine
Bumiputera. The success of the system created by the
UMNO Malay was even more amazing because it was created
when terrorists, the majority of whom were Chinese,
were attacking the Government with the intention of
creating a republic controlled by the Chinese. The fact
that a majority of Chinese were willing to support an
Alliance Party under the Malay leadership who strongly
opposed the Chinese terrorists was proof of the ability
of UMNO Malay leadership in handling the big racial
problem in Malaysia -- overcoming it without
sacrificing the rights of the Malays. There is no
other multiracial country which has succeeded in
overcoming the racial problem as in Malaysia under the
Malay leadership of UMNO.
82. This is proof of the wisdom of the Malays and
their leaders, i.e. UMNO leaders who used their minds
instead of their lust in managing their newly
independent country. Even though there were pressures
for the Malays to seize all powers and deny the rights
of other non-Malays which will force the Chinese to
support the power struggle by the Chinese terrorists;
the Malay leadership rejected these pressures. With
that, terrorism under the Chinese leadership was
defeated. If during that time we had greedy Malay
leaders who tried to take everything for themselves,
Malaysia today not only would be chaotic but definitely
would still be backward like most other developing
countries. Perhaps riots will occur all the time.
83. Such was the wisdom of Malay UMNO leadership in
politics and administration. In the economic
development of the country, too, the administrative
performance under the Malay UMNO leadership was much
better than expected. Malaysia's economic growth has
increased to become one of the economic miracles in
East Asia.
84. But we cannot be proud of the achievements of the
Malays. They have a short memory. After only two
generations, lessons from history, old and new, have
been forgotten or not understood. To the new
generation or those born after independence,
independence does not mean the same thing as did those
born and bred during the colonial period. And they
cannot accept the idea that they might one day be
recolonised. Once we become independent, they claim it
will be forever. It is very difficult for them to
accept the concept of neo-colonialism. All the Whites
who propagate human rights, justice, rule of law,
democracy; are trying to recolonise them again? All
these are excuses that the UMNO Government uses to
frighten the Malays into supporting the UMNO party.
The new generation is not easily fooled or frightened.
Independence, freedom and the security of the Malays
are guaranteed. Any Government in Malaysia will
guarantee the safety and quality of life of Malays.
85. As such no attempt is made to change the attitude
and overcome the weaknesses of the Malays, who before,
had caused the Malay states to be colonised, to be
flooded by foreigners until the Malays became a
minority. The Malays squabble and are easily
disunited. The Malays are not willing to acquire
knowledge, unwilling to work hard, refuse to study
business management and face business risks. The
Malays would still seek for easy ways to get rich
quick. And this includes bribery.
86. As a result, Malays today are still weak after 43
years of independence and in power in their own
country. They will fail without Government assistance
in all areas. Without positive discrimination by the
Government, only 20 percent of those entering
universities will be Malays. Even then, they will pass
with low grades. Without Government intervention in
favour of the Malays, Vice Chancellors, professors and
lecturers will be made up of non-Malays and not
monopolised by Malays like today.
87. In the Government, high-ranking officers and non-
Malay professionals will make up the majority. Most
Secretary-Generals of Ministries will comprise of non-
Malays. A situation where almost all departments are
made up Malay officers and staff will change. It is
possible also that those who only know the Malay
language will face problems in dealing with the
88. Economically, Malay businesses will be limited to
only stalls with blue plastic tops at the roadside.
There will be no Malay brick shops in towns.
Definitely there will be no skyscrapers owned by Malay
corporate individuals, not even funds with Malay
89. Government with little sympathy for Malays will
privatise all public businesses and departments to
foreigners and non-Malays. Under them, privatised
entities will develop and become giant corporations.
Perhaps there will be only a handful of Malays among
other officers.
90. It is difficult for us to visualise a situation
such as this. After 43 years of independence, it is
difficult for Malays today to think of a situation when
we were colonised. What we know is that today we are
independent, today we have a Government that is
controlled by us, today the Government protects us. It
is not possible for Malaysians to have a Government
that neglects Malay interest. Whatever the Malays do,
they are safe. Even if they are disunited, even if
there are fighting among themselves, they are still
safe. That they are still weak in all areas, weak
economically, unknowledgeable, not smart, easily
bribed, become drug addicts, suffer from Aids and
others; all these are acceptable because they are
definitely safe, definitely will be protected by the
Malaysian Government.
91. What is clear to the Malays is that democratic
politics is an easy way to obtain something for
themselves. It takes only a little effort. Only a
little effort is needed but the benefits are enormous.
In the ruling party and other Malay parties, the
important thing is the squabble for positions. The
ability to provide service and to contribute to the
good and to the development of the Malays and Malaysia
is not important.
92. It is this squabble which will bring down morality
such that we are willing to criticise even those
friends who have helped us; willing to bring them down.
Bribery becomes possible, religion is easily
manipulated and the Malays are split up. No gratitude
is expressed for good deeds. We topple, steal and we
will do anything to achieve our great dreams.
93. Yet we are willing to attack and weaken the party
that has been of service to our race, nation and
religion, in fact even to ourselves, in our attempt to
gain something for ourselves. We are prepared to break
the unity within the party, and that of the Malays.
94. Malays have forgotten. They have forgotten how
they were once colonised and despised because they were
fractionalised and disunited. They have forgotten
their strength and success, when they were once united
and had fought hard against the British and had
achieved independence.
95. They have forgotten the true objective of their
political struggle. Is it necessary for the Malay
language to be the official language? Can the status
of other religions not be equal to that of Islam? Is
it necessary to differentiate between Bumiputera and
non-Bumiputera? All this is forgotten. In our
obsession to obtain votes from certain quarters, all
Malay rights that we have struggled for become the
subject for bargain. Give us the vote and we will drop
whatever is regarded as Malay rights.
96. How does the Malay feel about this betrayal
towards special Malay rights? Will they support the
party, which clearly rejected the special rights of the
Malays? The answer is yes, they will continue to
support. Party supporters who are willing to gamble
Malay rights will convince themselves that the
political stand of their party leaders is merely an
excuse to get the support of non-Malays. It appears
that their leaders are such pious Muslims that it is
not possible for them to allow Malay rights to be
foregone. When everything is successful these leaders
and their party will continue with their Islamic Agenda
and cheat the non-Muslims. As a result their
supporters will continue to support them fanatically.
97. Please consider this. Today, 72 of the Malay
representatives are from the Government and 32 from the
opposition. If only the other 21 seats are won by
opposition parties, they will get 53 and UMNO 51. To
get 21 seats is no longer that difficult. In areas
where UMNO won only a small majority, 200 -- 300 votes
from other races will mean a win for the opposition.
As such, to ignore Malay rights merely to get non-Malay
support is certainly wise.
98. But, in order to rule, it is necessary to have at
least 97 seats. As such buying and selling, bargaining
must be continued. What is there to sell if not the
Malay rights? The Government to be created with
specific parties will continue to be weak as it is
possible for anybody to topple it. If the coalition
parties withdraw, the PAS-led coalition will collapse.
99. Can a weak Government such as this rule firmly?
Can a weak Government such as this protect the Malays
who are still weak? Together we should ponder this.
100. Today, democracy is a political system that is
inevitably practised world wide. Western liberal
democrats who are said to believe in freedom have
pledged not to allow any country to use other systems.
Freedom is only to choose democracy. This is the
democracy and freedom that is meant by the liberal
democrats from the West.
101. We agree that democracy is good. It gives rights
to people to choose the best candidate to rule their
country. Certainly majority of the population will not
victimise themselves by choosing a rogue to lead the
102. But we have seen how the people of a number of
democratic countries have chosen individuals who are
not sincere, not capable of forming a Government and
rule the country.
103. People are easily influenced. If people hold on
strongly to religion, religion can be sold, manipulated
so that the people are cheated and they will support
the wrong party. People are afraid of going to hell.
As a result they tell the people that if they wish to
go to heaven, then they should support the party that
has Islam in its name, even if it is obvious that it
abuses Islam, even disgracing God. If people are
afraid of becoming infidels, just say to them that
despite reciting "Kalimah Shahadat" you are still an
infidel, if you don't join an Islamic party, or do not
vote this Islamic party.
104. Today Malays are accustomed to corruption. They
convince themselves that their actions will not change
the election results. But those who think so are not
alone. Hundreds and thousands will think likewise. As
a result, religion and the nation can be sold to
whoever offers money and other things; who ever gives
more will win. Obviously democracy does not guarantee
a Government that is chosen by the majority will be a
good Government. Rogues, religious deviants, the
corrupt and the immoral can be national leaders. Look
at countries which have rogues as their leaders.
Nations were destroyed because of their doing, but the
majority still support them and it is not easy to
105. The rejection of unity by Malays, the defects in
the democratic systems, manipulation by unscrupulous
politicians who are willing to sell anything, including
religion, unfounded hatred, the moral decay among
Malays themselves, the loss of nationalism -- all these
can result in Malay political power to wither and slip
106. Do we believe that when we are weak other people
will care for us, protect our rights? Will any other
Government give us the service like the one we are
getting now? Do we pride ourselves when the Malay
race, which supposedly will never vanish from this
world, are forced to be protected like the Red Indians
in America, are kept in reserve areas and become a
tourist product?
107. It is possible that these are mere myths to
frighten the Malays into supporting the Government.
Foreigners are not as bad as portrayed. Will they not
show sympathy and support when their Government is
cruel. They, the foreigners are humane. They uphold
human rights. They are caring and wish to see that
people are free. They will not ill treat us.
108. Don't we see what is happening around us? It
seems that by disciplining Government, rogue currency
traders are free to devalue currencies, destroy the
economy and impoverish countries which are developing
rapidly. Millions of workers are unemployed, there are
riots in the street, burning of cars and buildings,
raping and killing. Governments are brought down
because they will seemingly be replaced by a rule,
which is fairer and more democratic. Don't we think
this is possible when we are weak and we give the
opportunity to these ex-colonisers? Are they truly
sincere and will not victimise us? Have we forgotten
the history of our colonisation, the effect of disunity
among us, the effect of handing over our rule to
others, the effect of giving up all jobs and businesses
to others.
109. Only the blind and the deaf, or the non-blind who
refuse to see, or those who prefer to cheat themselves
will say all that has been said is an attempt to
frighten the Malays and UMNO members so as not to use
bribery and politics for their own self interest.
110. Foreigners who once colonised us, who have done
nothing to help us, these foreigners have no good
intentions. True today they attack the Malaysian
Government and its leadership because seemingly the
Government has not been fair to a certain group, has
not been democratic, that it practises crony capitalism
and the like. They appear sympathetic with the group,
which seemingly fights for reforms and justice.
111. This is their excuse. Why did they not save the
Bosnians and the Kosovars from the criminal Serbs, and
allowed 200,000 people to be killed, injured and raped
before action was taken? Why did they not protect the
Palestinians from Israeli attacks, which killed
children; why the sanctions on food and medicine for
Iraqis until children were born deformed and many died
of hunger and lack of treatment?
112. Muslims everywhere were suppressed. Is it
possible that in Malaysia they are so sympathetic with
the opposition, with a party which seemingly is
struggling to build an Islamic nation? Islam to them
is synonymous with terrorism.
113. The answer is `No'. It is not possible that they
would want a Government which they label as terrorists.
They only wish to topple the Malaysian Government, the
National Front Government, a Government that is
prepared to criticise them when they resort to
violence, a Government that rejected their advice to
hand over the economic management of the country to
their agents, the IMF and the World Bank.
114. They hate Malaysia especially the current
leadership and hate it extremely. They especially hate
it because Malaysia was able to defend the economic and
financial attack they launched; that we succeeded
without anyone's help, that we were successful with our
own approach and by using our own money. They hated it
because after predicting that Malaysia and its
Government will collapse, today it is clear that the
tragedy they predicted did not become a reality. On
the other hand, Malaysia was able to revive its economy
such that in the Year 2000, the economy grew rapidly,
much faster than the growth rates of countries which
had received their assistance.
115. They loathe the Malaysian Government for exposing
their evil intent when it introduced the concept of
globalisation and a borderless world. It was Malaysia
which first challenged and rejected this concept aimed
at dominating the world with economic might, by
manipulating the currencies and with giant
corporations, which are bigger and richer than most
countries in the world. It is only idiots who always
idolise the whites who will not accept all this.
116. Yes, Malaysia is extremely hated because we are
regarded not only as a big-headed developing country
but also it is a country led by Muslims, and an Islamic
country -- a terrorist country. It is their media,
which really hate us because all they predicted did not
materialise. They predicted that racism will prevent
the development of Malaysia after independence. But we
succeeded in resolving our racial problems in our own
way. When the 1969 incident erupted they were happy
because their predictions had appeared to become a
reality. But in the short term, peace was restored and
we invented affirmative action, which successfully
reduced racial strains, and enabled the economy to
117. We not only recovered but we became one of the
Tiger economies in Asia. Our process of
industrialisation was smooth. From an agriculture
economy which depended on rubber and tin, we succeeded
in becoming the 17th largest manufacturing and trading
nation in the world.
118. They attacked our currency and their media waited
for us to beg to the IMF and the World Bank. But we
did not beg. We recovered through our own effort, with
our own money. Thus they became all the more furious.
And there are signs that they are trying again to
destroy our economy through their reports and writings
so that foreign investors would shun Malaysia; the
tourists do not come to Malaysia; our share market will
tumble, our debts will increase and banks and
businesses will be in critical condition. We monitor
these attempts and we will develop our own strategies.
119. Foreigners and their media do not have good
intentions towards us. They do not wish to change a
particular Government for a fairer and more democratic
one. What they wish to see is that our country
experience misfortunes as what happened to certain
countries where their Governments were unable to
stabilise their countries, guarantee safety and recover
economically. They only wish to see destruction, which
befell other countries to happen to our country. They
wish us to become their puppet client state.
120. It is not that they loved the opposition and
wished to see them taking over the Malaysian
Government. They only used the opposition as a tool to
achieve their evil intentions. If there are certain
people that they wish to promote to mobilise the people
and influence the world into believing the bad
practices of the Government which they detest, then the
seemingly misfortune of that person will be
capitalised. Seemingly, the mistreatment to this
particular person is proof of how undemocratic and
inhumane a certain country is. But when thousands of
people in Palestine, Bosnia, Kosovo are brutally
killed, they did not blame the Israelis or the Serbs.
In their own country, injustice is so very obvious
because racial sentiments of the white and their courts
are always biased. This however did not cause their
media to accuse them of being unfair and unjust.
121. They claim that to protest and demonstrate is a
basic human right and democratic. But when this
happens in their own country, they beat, shoot and
arrest these fighters who uphold these rights. They do
not act as they preach. They are about the same. This
is the pot calling the kettle black.
122. The Malays should not allow themselves to be
deceived by foreigners. Do not become the tool of
foreigners to damage our own country. Do not betray
our nation and religion. Don't be traitors. Do not
forget the history of suppression by the same
123. We acknowledge that our country and Government are
not infallible and free from defects. As a free and
sovereign nation, we should resolve our problems in our
own way. Although the process of democracy cannot
guarantee everything is good, it can still be used to
help overcome problems among ourselves and within our
country. Do not easily seek outside help.
124. The Malays need to think wisely. Do not allow our
emotions to get the better of us. Do not allow hatred
to influence our stand. Do not be inclined to listen
to slander because the al-Quran clearly states that to
`slander' is more dangerous than to kill as stated in
the surah Al-Baqarah, verse 191, which means:
"To slander is even more dangerous than the effect
of killing"
To slander is to commit a major sin, far greater than
the sin of killing. Those who help to slander also
commit the crime. Have fear in God, fear Allah s.w.t.
Avoid slandering, do not spread such slander and do not
believe those who slander. According to surah Al-
Hujuurat, verse 6, which means:
"I ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you
with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people
unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance
for what ye have done"
125. Make your own correct evaluation on whatever
allegations. Aren't almost all the allegations against
the Government baseless? The Muda Irrigation Scheme is
said to "torture" the soil, the Penang bridge was a
waste, the NEP only helped the Government's cronies,
the Proton car project will fail, privatisation did not
help develop the nation, capital controls could not
possibly help to revive the economy and many other
allegations, all of which were unfounded. Likewise,
the allegation that Dr. Mahathir ignored the voice of
the grass roots, does not believe in religion and uses
the services of `bomohs' (mediums), does not perform
the `Subuh' prayers -- all these are slander.
126. Please get the proof and concrete evidence
regarding these allegations and on these and other
projects and Government policies. Didn't the NEP
provide higher education opportunities to thousands of
Malay children including those of PAS members, such
that today their pay is many times more or double that
of their parents? Isn't Proton a success such that
three quarters of the cars on the road are Proton cars,
and those who earlier could not afford a car are now
driving a Proton? Did the world not acknowledge that
today Malaysia's capital control has succeeded to
revive the Malaysian economy?
127. Why do immigrants risk their lives to come to
Malaysia? Would they come if their countries are
better, with much more employment opportunities?
128. Is Malaysia not an Islamic nation? How many
countries with 40 percent of their population who are
believers of other religions, are able to accept Islam
as the official religion? What criteria should we use
before a nation can be regarded as an Islamic nation?
Please state clearly. Does it mean that only after
`Hudud' laws are implemented that this group will
accept this Government as not an infidel Government,
non-secular? If PAS wishes to have an Islamic
Government, will it reject parties like the DAP, non-
Malays and non Islamic Keadilan members who are now
their friends.
129. According to PAS leaders, PAS doesn't want to
cheat the Chinese. But PAS is prepared to cheat the
Malays by saying that to join PAS is to become a
Muslim, vote for PAS and you get to go to heaven,
praying with UMNO imams is not legitimate, slaughtering
(of animals) by UMNO is forbidden (haram) and many
more. Now tell me what sort of Government that does
not follow the UMNO-led Government which is said to be
infidels, that PAS wishes to set up? Is that
Government democratic if everything must be referred to
the Council of `Ulama', who actually are not elected by
the people? Does PAS plan to implement the `Hudud'
laws on non Muslims? Will PAS abolish the civil courts
and have only the `Syariah' courts for all crimes,
including sodomy and rape? PAS should state clearly
and in-depth the type of Government regarded by PAS as
non-infidels and non-secular, which it wants to set up
in Malaysia. PAS now knows how to write banners in
Chinese. So please prepare a national constitution,
which is planned by PAS in Chinese if PAS does not
intend to cheat the Chinese as they do to the Malays.
Put in writing the type of Government PAS plans to set
up with DAP and Suqui who are close friends of PAS.
130. PAS has promised a pig farm for the Chinese in
Terengganu and Malay Reserve land in Kelantan for
Chinese schools. Please provide information on these
two promises. Why is it that while Malays from other
states are not allowed to acquire land in Kelantan, yet
the Chinese are given such land?
131. The world has acknowledged Malaysia as a Muslim
nation and many other Islamic Governments regard
Malaysia the best model nation for them. Islamic
nations and Islamic institutions give all kinds of
recognition to Malaysia because they are awed by its
development and the development of Islam in Malaysia.
More than a hundred Islamic and non-Islamic nations
send their students to study at the Islamic
International University Malaysia. But in Malaysia
there are Muslims who allege that Malaysia is a non-
Islamic nation and its Government infidel and secular.
132. We wish to know which Islamic country in the world
that PAS will accept as an Islamic nation. If the
implementation of the `Hudud' laws is the criteria used
by PAS to accept an Islamic nation, then show us which
country in this age really implements the `Hudud' laws?
As far as we can verify, no country has implemented the
`Hudud' law, i.e. from court proceedings till the
implementation of the `Hudud'. This does not mean they
have rejected the religious tenets but it is because
the society today differs from that of the Prophet's
time. Nobody who is free from big sins are willing to
give evidence as a witness. Nevertheless, crimes are
still committed and judgement must be made. Does this
contradict with Islam? Please clarify.
133. We have become independent since 43 years and the
world has acknowledged our success and development.
Per capita income has increased from USD 300 per annam
before Independence to USD 4,000 currently. The whole
country, and not only in the cities, has electricity
and water, mosques, clinics, hospitals, schools, roads,
tarred roads in the villages. Not only are locals
employed but two million foreigners are given
employment opportunities in this country. There is no
shortage of food or clothing. Even the poor are
provided with comfortable houses.
134. Please consider the enormous benefits that we have
obtained from this blessed country. And think how all
these are possible. They do not come easily. It is
through the Government's efforts. A Government chosen
by the people, a Government led by UMNO, will continue
to preserve and protect the rights of Malays in
addition to protecting the rights of other races. We
enlarge the national economic cake and from this we
distribute equitably among all the races.
135. The only worrying thing is the achievement of
Malays. They are too complacent, too confident that
there will be somebody who will save them, help them.
Many of them are confident that regardless of whichever
Government, it will help them. They are confident
their political power will remain and ensure that they
will be powerful forever.
136. As a result, why do they have to make an effort?
They are hard working, they control all the knowledge
and skills such that they do not have to rely on
quotas, or assistance, discrimination, Malay rights.
We must be stupid if we can obtain something easily and
freely, yet choose to make an effort to do things
ourselves, to buy with our own money.
137. We need not be grateful to those who help us, who
give things to us, because what we get is actually
ours. We have a right to bite the hand that feeds us
because there is a `Tok Guru' who teaches us to be
138. The Malays are not stupid, not unwise, not
unintelligent. They are at par with other races. What
others can do, so too, can the Malays. But if we are
not prepared to work, then it is impossible for us to
expect results.
139. We have to make an effort, be hard working, strive
hard to seek knowledge and all skills, hold strongly to
good values and reject all sins and practise the good
deeds to improve our performance. We can. Malays can.
God has given to us what he has given to others and
other advanced races in the world. God has determined
that when humans perform a task repeatedly, he will be
smart and skilful. Beyond that, we are clueless. Our
descendants will inherit such wisdom and skills. If
the Malay race is prepared to work hard and not be
easily distracted from whatever they are learning, God
willing, they will achieve whatever is required both
for this world and the life hereafter.
140. But a start must be made. A start begins with
discarding the belief that we will be safe no matter
what Government in power will assist us. Think of the
possibility that we may not be protected and that we
need to be independent, stand on our own feet. Those
who are usually bed-ridden find it difficult because
they have weak legs and are headache -- prone. If we
want to be independent, we must stand on our feet, not
rely on others and go begging. If possible, do not
accept help. If you accept, then reciprocate
accordingly. This is definitely more dignified than
being ungrateful.
141. Malays who do not rely on their special rights,
who work very hard, are patient, do not wish to get
rich quickly, doing things the legitimate way will
become Malaysians who are resilient and successful. A
Malay society which is made up of such individuals will
become more secure and be able to compete successfully
with anybody else, in whatever circumstances.
142. Soon, when globalisation becomes a reality the
Malays will no longer be able to hide behind their
special rights, behind NEP, behind their borders. When
the walls of the nation are dismantled by foreigners,
all policies that protect the special rights of Malays
as the sons of the soil, will be challenged.
Democracy, equal rights, meritocracy, human rights will
be used to destroy the special rights of the Malays.
But there will be Malays who will betray and support
such foreigners' attacks on the Malays. Perhaps these
Malays will be ashamed but it is more possible that
they will try to pretend, to be praised by their
masters. Many Malays will flatter foreigners, many
want to be praised and appear progressive and worldly.
These people are worse than the foreigners. Even today
we can detect these idiots.
143. We are not convinced we can defend ourselves,
maintain our rights if we do not have the strength to
be self-reliant, cannot live unless spoon-fed by
others. Chances are we will only remain a name in
history. The Malays could never vanish from this
earth, so said Hang Tuah. We can repeat these magic
words, we can discuss, we can use this as a theme for
our seminars. But if the Malays are not prepared to
work hard, not prepared to seek knowledge and wisdom in
this age, we can still disappear or become slaves like
we were in the colonial days and this is obvious
because the Malays are now disunited, have rejected
unity because many have become greedy as a race, and
even religion is no longer regarded as important as
much as the power struggle by parties and by certain
144. Come on Malays, have you forgotten?
Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri