Tarikh/Date	:	13-11-2001
			OF 22 NOV TO 6 DEC, 2001
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM


        Malaysia   is  the  only  country  with  a   Muslim
   majority  which has managed to  steer itself  away  from
   destitution,   and  has  experienced  economic   success
   (apart for royalties from petroleum resources).
         And what a success ! After two decades of dazzling
   growth,  its  24  million people have multiplied  by  10
   their  per capita income which now equals half of  ours.
   This   miracle   is  attributed,  even   by   its   most
   intransigent  detractors, to Mahathir  Mohamad  who  has
   led  the  country for more than 20 years. It is him  who
   has  planned the development, applying protectionism but
   all  the  while  striving  to make  Malaysia  an  export
   champion,  building mosques and airports with  the  same
   vigour,  favouring the Bumiputeras while not  forgetting
   the  Chinese and the Indians who are at the heart of the
   business community.
        A  friend  of  Jacques  Chirac,  this  75-year  old
   Muslim  has  also  stood out thanks to  his  provocative
   stands  worthy  of a de Gaulle or a Lee  Kuan  Yew,  the
   prime  minister  of  Singapore  from  1959  to  1990   :
   denouncing    the   international   financial    system,
   criticising  American  domination,  affirming  that  the
   Asian  values are superior than the individualistic  and
   materialistic  West.  With,  in  addition,   "skiddings"
   bordering on antisemitism.

        Mahathir    faces   a   democracy   with    complex
   connections.  In Malaysia, the elections  are  free  but
   the  freedom of the public is restrained/limited.  Islam
   is  the official religion but the freedom of religion is
        Confronted   with  a  rising  Islamist  opposition,
   which  obliges  him  to  give  some  guarantees  to  his
   electorate but careful not to cut the bridges  with  the
   West which is economically and geopolitically vital  for
   this  modest  country surrounded by  giants  with  sharp
   teeth, Mahathir treads along a narrow ridge between  two
   competing  temptations  of the Muslim  world  :  one  of
   confessional/religious  confinement  and  the  other  of
   cultural alienation.
   Q:  You officially condemned the attacks of Sept 11 but,
   a  short  while later,you condemned with equal  severity
   the  American attacks in Afghanistan. Are they, in  your
   opinion, the same ?
   Dr  M  :  No, it's not actually comparable. But  it's  a
   fact that, just like the terrorist attacks had cost  the
   lives  of  innocent  people, in  the  same  manner,  the
   American  attacks on Afghanistan are going to exact  the
   lives  of  other innocent people. What's worse  is  that
   these  attacks are not going to contribute  towards  the
   fight  against terrorism. It's the opposite !  In  fact,
   nobody  knows  where  are  the real/genuine  terrorists.
   Therefore,  it is not by attacking Afghanistan  that  we
   would  be  contributing  towards eliminating  terrorists
   who  are hiding in Europe, in Arab countries or even  in
   the  United  States. On the other hand, numerous  Muslim
   countries are going to have the feeling that it is  less
   a  matter of chasing the terrorists than a revenge. It's
   for  this  reason  that  we do not  support  the  attack
   against Afghanistan.
   Q:  In  your opinion, what is the objective of Bin Laden
   ? Can we understand such a criminal act ?
   Dr  M  :  First  of all, I don't take it  as  a  fact/as
   settled  that  these terrorists were the  messengers  of
   Bin  Laden.  I don't dispute that he is the  head  of  a
   group  of  terrorists.  Some of them  had  even  trained
   Malaysians hoping to see that they would go back to  our
   country  and topple my government. So I don't  have  any
   particular affection for Bin Laden. But there's  nothing
   to  guarantee that if we attack Bin Laden, it will bring
   an  end to terrorist acts. Most importantly, we'll  have
   to  try to understand why intelligent, well-rounded  and
   relatively  well-off  people  who  have  families,   can
   decide  to  slam a plane into a tower !  If  we  content
   ourselves  with saying that they must be  crazy  people,
   we  would  not be able to treat/resolve the problem.  As
   you  know, I am a doctor by profession. A doctor  starts
   by  searching  for the source of the illness  and  would
   not  be happy to treat the pain with some aspirins.  The
   big  question  is  this : what was it  that  could  have
   motivated these people ?
   Q: And what is your answer ?
   Dr  M: I feel that it is linked to the situation in West
   Asia.  The  feeling of discontent regarding this  matter
   is  widespread/generally felt in the Muslim world.  With
   one billion Muslims, surely there would be a handful  of
   extremists who are willing to kill themselves  with  the
   hope  that  this will help to fight terrorism that  they
   themselves  have to endure. For in the eyes of  Muslims,
   the  attacks by Jews also constitute an act  of  terror,
   state terrorism.
   Q:  But  the  situation  in  West  Asia,  which  is  not
   something  new,  can  it all by itself  fuel  that  much
   resentment among Muslims ?
   Dr  M: Muslims have the impression that the entire world
   is  oppressing them. In Bosnia, some 200,000 Muslims had
   to  be massacred by the Serbs before the world began  to
   react.  In Kosovo, the Muslims once again were  attacked
   by  the  Serbs.  In  Chechnya, a lot  more  died  simply
   because   they  wanted  to  free  themselves  from   the
   grip/iron  rule  of the Russians. I could  add  Kashmir,
   Sudan  and  of course, Iraq where 500,000 children  died
   due  to  the  lack of food and medicine  caused  by  the
   sanctions.  Muslims think that other people accuse  them
   easily  of  terrorism whereas other terrorists  are  not
   distinguished    by    their   ethnic    or    religious
   belonging/adherence.  When  talking   about   Palestine,
   nobody  in  the  West speaks of "Jewish terrorism"  like
   people  do  when  it comes to "Muslim terrorism"  !  And
   when  Timothy  McVeigh blew up a building  in  Oklahoma,
   the  first  American reaction was to  say  that  it  was
   "Muslim  terrorism"  !  Moreover,  McVeigh  surely   had
   accomplices.  How is it that they could  not  be  found,
   that  people  did not even try to do it just  like  they
   are trying to destroy Muslim terrorists ?
   Q:  Isn't Malaysia exposed to Muslim terrorism too? Some
   people  have even considered your country as one of  its
   centres  (with) one of the pilots of the Sept 11 attacks
   having  been seen in contact with some extremist  groups
   in your country ?
   Dr  M:  We have seen the emergence of a group comprising
   Muslims  who want to turn Malaysia into what  they  call
   an  Islamic  state. As they could not impose  themselves
   through  the  ballot  boxes, they  tried  to  topple  my
   government.  They  went  to Pakistan,  then  Afghanistan
   where  they  were  trained by Osama Bin  Laden  and  the
   Taliban.  We  had identified, detained and put  them  in
   prison.   We  had  even  prevented  an  attack   against
   American sailors in one of our ports. You see,  we  know
   how  to  do  it...But of course, if a foreign  terrorist
   whom  we do not know come to our country as a "tourist",
   we  are  not sure/certain of being able to catch him.  I
   would like to remind you that in the United States,  the
   terrorists who were responsible for the Sept 11  attacks
   were  not  even  suspects  in  the  eyes  of  the  local
   authorities!  But  to  accuse  us  of  hiding  criminals
   solely  based  on the grounds that some  terrorists  had
   been  in Malaysia, this does not make any sense.  Nobody
   is  accusing the Swiss government of colluding with  the
   terrorists  even though some of them who  were  involved
   on the Sept 11 attacks had also stayed in Switzerland.
   Q:  Apart from Malaysia, no other country with a  Muslim
   majority  had  managed to pull out  from  the  state  of
   under-development. Is it a stroke of good luck ?
   Dr  M:  In  every  Muslim community,  you  will  find  a
   minority  of  the  people who would like  to  create  an
   Islamic  state and will try to stop the government  from
   developing   the   country  economically.   Instead   of
   encouraging  Muslims to study, to acquire  skills,  they
   say  to  them  : "You must only study religion,  nothing
   else!". And this prevents Muslims from catching up  with
   lost  time.  All  Muslim  countries  are  aware  of  the
   scourge  of  such extremism. A big chunk of our  energy,
   that  of  the  Muslims,  is  wasted  on  managing  these
   internal  tensions/problems. In Malaysia, it's true,  we
   have  been  more successful than other Muslim countries.
   This  demands a strong will, a steadfastness, a capacity
   to  accept  criticism,  but  also  the  support  of  the
   majority.  I personally enjoy a very strong  support  of
   the  Muslim  majority who are moderates in  my  country.
   And  this  is  why  I  could  succeed.  But  a  lot   of
   governments  in  other  Muslims countries,  not  getting
   popular  support,  are  not able  to  achieve  the  same
   thing, and their countries remain very poor.
   Q:  So,  isn't it unfair to criticise the West  for  the
   failure of the Muslim world ?
   Dr  M:  You  have  seen  that I do  not  shy  away  from
   criticising  Muslims when I think that it is  fair.  But
   you  cannot  let  them  carry all the  burden  of  their
   failure  all  by  themselves ! The West  had  been  very
   unfair  with  the Muslim world and the  Third  World  in
   general, and this must be rectified.
   Q:  But beyond that, isn't there something in the Muslim
   faith  that  might be incompatible with  the  capitalist
   success,  which  is  based on the individual  desire  to
   enrich himself ?
   Dr  M:  It's  only when this tendency is pushed  to  the
   limit  that it will go against Islam. But if  we  follow
   strictly the teachings of Islam, we will experience  the
   biggest success on the planet. The big Muslim empire  of
   the  past  was  founded  on  Islamic  teachings.  Today,
   certain  extremists  distort these  teachings  to  serve
   their   personal  and  political  ambition.  The   Quran
   teaches  us  to  live  in peace with  those  from  other
   religions, calls upon us not to seek quarrel  with  them
   if  they do not seek quarrel with us. This is what we're
   doing   in   Malaysia  where  all  sorts  of   religious
   communities  live  together  harmoniously.  An   Islamic
   country  doesn't  have  to  be  like  Afghanistan  !  An
   Islamic  country  works  on  achieving  development  and
   peace,  it wants to maintain good relations between  the
   communities. It is a country where a Muslim is  free  to
   fulfil  all  his religious obligations. It is  the  case
   here  and, furthermore, it is also the case for the non-
   Muslims. Extremism is condemned by Islam.
   Q:  The  competition  posed by  China  worries  all  the
   countries in this region. How could you deal with it  if
   you maintain laws favouring the Malays (Bumiputeras)  to
   the  detriment of the other communities (reserved public
   jobs,   discount   on  properties)  which   erodes   the
   competitiveness of the country?
   Dr  M:  It  is  necessary to maintain a balance  in  the
   levels  of  economic development between  the  different
   ethnic  groups  in  Malaysia to  ensure  its  stability.
   Giving  up  a  part of our potential  growth  so  as  to
   maintain  a  peaceful domestic environment contitutes  a
   necessary  judgement.  We went through,  30  years  ago,
   racial  clashes  and we do not want  to  go  through  it
   again.    However,   despite   this   requirement,    we
   experienced a period of annual growth of 8 per cent  for
   10  years ! The current slowing down is the result of  a
   global   sluggishness   (of  the   economy).   And   our
   unemployment rate, less than 4 per cent, is lesser  than
   Q:  You  have  been advocating for an Asian currency  to
   counterbalance the weight of the dollar. Why not  choose
   the Euro ?
   Dr  M:  We  would have liked to choose the  Euro  !  But
   European  companies often refuse to deal  with  anything
   else  than  the dollar ! How do you expect  us  to  have
   more faith in your currency than you yourself ?

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


