Tarikh/Date	:	11-01-2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

  Q.  How do you see the development in Afghanistan?
   A.   It is going to be very messy.  Because that is the
   way  of  Afghanistan.  They have many different  tribes
   and many different warlords, each one will pull towards
   different directions, so forming a coalition  with  the
   purpose  of defeating Taliban is one thing.  Forming  a
   coalition  to govern Afghanistan is totally  different.
   This  is where they will be disunited, and they  cannot
   govern Afghanistan properly.  Also they are also guilty
   of  atrocities  against the people of Afghanistan.   Of
   course  the  Northern Alliance is more  liberal  minded
   than  the  Taliban.  But the Northern Alliance  include
   many  other warlords, leaders of different tribes,  and
   of different regions.  In order for the coalition to be
   effective,  everybody  must be brought  in.   But  they
   cannot agree among themselves.
   Q.  Is there any good way to solve this problem?
   A.   It  is  very difficult.  Because these people  are
   very factional, and they cannot agree among themselves.
   What they need is a very strong leader.  But Ahmad Shah
   Massood  has  been killed.  He and Burhanuddin  Rabbani
   provided  a  strong  leadership,  but  Rabbani   cannot
   provide   military  leadership  that  Masood  provided.
   There will be a lot of infighting.  It will take time.
   Q.  How do you see the role of the UN?
   A.   They  should play the honest broker.   The  United
   Nations  should try to bring the people  together.   To
   help  the  people  is  the most  important  thing.   To
   provide aid, food, to repair the damaged roads, etc.
   Q.    Are  you  still  against  of  the  US  attack  on
   A.   Well  it has removed the Taliban, but as you  see,
   the  Northern  Alliance is not going to cooperate  with
   the   United  States  or  Britain.   They  refused  the
   British.   The  British happily landed  there  thinking
   that  the Northern Alliance had won and they could come
   in,  but they are told to get out.  Afghanistan is like
   that.  They are very independent.
   Q.  Will this be like repeating the Vietnam War?
   A.  It can be like that.  If the United States tries to
   enforce their rule on Afghanistan there will be a fight
   because Afghanistan will never allow foreigners to rule
   their  country or dominate their country no matter  who
   they are.
   Q.   Why  are there negative feelings towards  US  even
   here in Malaysia?
   A.   It is a general feeling in Malaysia including from
   the  opposition parties.  Maybe opposition parties  are
   stronger in their views.  Nearly everyone is opposed to
   the US attack on Afghanistan because most of the people
   killed  in  Afghanistan  are  innocent  people.    Some
   members  of the Taliban will be captured but most  will
   escape.  Osama bin Laden's people will escape.  It will
   be very difficult to arrest them, even if you do, there
   will be no guarantee that the Al Qaeda members who  are
   outside  of  Afghanistan will not be  active.   He  has
   cells in many different countries.  We understand  this
   kind   of  operation  because  we  were  dealing   with
   terrorists in Malaysia.
   Q.  What terrorist are you talking about in Malaysia?
   A.   After  World  War  Two, there  were  12,000  armed
   Chinese Communists.   The only way to tackle them is to
   address  their  grievances.   Once  you  remove   their
   grievances, then the people will not support  terrorist
   activities.   In  the  same way  we  have  always  been
   advocating  for  the  basic  causes  of  terrorism   be
   tackled.    If you don't tackle that, you can never  be
   assured if somebody who is on his own would not  become
   a  terrorist.   Because they are prepared  to  die,  it
   doesn't  require  many  people to  do  something.   One
   person will be enough to do lots of damage.
   Q.   In  Malaysia,  there are some Malaysians  who  are
   related to Al Qaida?
   A.  Yes, about 50.  We have tracked down quite a number
   of them.  They were trained in Afghanistan.
   Q.  Do you think this is a war against Islam?
   A.   So far, the focus is only on Muslim terrorist,  as
   if  there is no other terrorist.  We know for sure that
   there  are a lots of terrorist in the world.  In Japan,
   you  have Aum Shinrikyo.  You used to have the Japanese
   Red  Army.   They came here and took over the  American
   International Assurance Building where the  US  embassy
   was   located.   We  had  to  exchange  prisoners  etc.
   Terrorists    are   everywhere   and   this    requires
   international  action.   There  must  be  international
   cooperation    by    giving   information    and    not
   discriminating between terrorists.  The  terrorist  are
   not  Muslims  alone.   Look at Bosnia,Chechnya.   There
   were 200,000 Bosnian Muslims killed.  But there was  no
   world  movement,  coalition to  fight  against  Serbian
   terrorism.  So it gives the impression that  the  death
   of  200,000 Muslims is not as important as 6,000 people
   who  died in America.  That is the impression  that  is
   given.  You can't get the Muslim countries to cooperate
   when  they  see only Muslim terrorists are hunted.   In
   Britain  they even discriminate between their terrorist
   and foreign terrorist by law.
   Q.   Have  you  read Clash of Civilizations  by  Samuel
   A.   I went through it.  It is a war against terrorism,
   but  selective war against terrorism so far.  There  is
   no  desire  to  go after other terrorists including  in
   Palestine which is the most important question for  the
   Muslims.    Recently  five  children  were  killed   by
   Israelis.  It seems that it is acceptable.  That is the
   feeling  of the Muslims.  One billion Muslims feel  the
   same way.
   Q.   Do  you  think this war will be extended  to  more
   harsh relationship in the Middle East?
   A.   If  the killing of Palestinians goes on, it  will.
   Yes, Palestinians also kill the Israelis.  What they do
   is  very  little.   If they kill one Israeli,  then  10
   Palestinians  will be killed.  If ten Palestinians  are
   killed,  then  the  Palestinians  want  to  kill   more
   Israelis, so there is retaliation again.  It continues,
   never  stops.   You cannot expect Arafat  to  tell  his
   people,   don't   attack  the  Israelis.    When   some
   Palestinians know their own brothers and children  have
   been killed by Israelis, and then say we have the Peace
   Treaty  so please stop attacking Israelis, they  cannot
   stop.    Arafat  is  not  as  strong  as  the   Israeli
   government, he also has to face various groups  of  his
   supporters who would only support him if they think  he
   is right.  For him to just order them to stop, it won't
   work.   He  is  not  even head of  a  real  independent
   government.   They won't even allow him  to  set  up  a
   State.  In a country where the government is very weak,
   people become anarchic.  They don't care about law  and
   order.   They  do  what they like.  You  cannot  expect
   Arafat  to  control.  The Israelis  can  control  their
   people.   But  it is clear that they are not  going  to
   control  their people.  If Arafat's people  kill  them,
   they will kill more.  The only way to forcibly separate
   the  two  is  by putting a UN force inside  there.   Of
   course  UN force will run the risk of being killed  but
   unless they are there and separating and watching  over
   the  activity by the Palestinians and the Israelis, the
   fighting will never stop.  Everytime they have Peace  a
   Treaty,  the  Palestinians who are  angry  about  their
   losses will attack Israelis, because the Israelis still
   occupy  their  land, destroy their houses  and  put  up
   Israeli settlements on the land of the Arabs.
   Q.   How can you divide the territory where both  claim
   that it is theirs.
   A.  Israel territory is very clear and that is what was
   given   to  them.   Since  then,  they  have  conquered
   Palestinian territory.  They don't want to be  confined
   to  any  border.  Until now they have not  defined  the
   border  of  Israel  but that is a  second  thing.   But
   first, separate them physically, then only decide which
   part  is Israel, and which part is Palestine.  But  you
   must go and separate them first.
   Q.    If   UN  force  will  go  there,  Malaysia   will
   A.   Yes,  we are willing, but you need a strong  force
   and it should be impartial.  You should take action  on
   both.   If Israelis attack Palestinians, then you  have
   to  arrest  the  Israelis.  Even  though  they  may  be
   government  soldiers.  If you don't do that,  then  you
   cannot  ask  Arafat to arrest his men but, Israel  will
   never arrest their own people.
   Q.   After Bush administration, Bush has been to  close
   to the Israel side, isn't he? Where as Clinton tried to
   mediate both side, at least to listen?
   A.   I  don't want to say anything about President Bush
   because  we  are trying to make friends with  President
   Bush.   But frankly, he left the Palestinian  issue  to
   Israel.   He  decided to let Israel settle this  thing.
   Sharon   is   responsible  of  so  many  killings   and
   massaccres  of  Palestinians in Sabra and  Shatilla  in
   Lebanon.   He  was a general, one of the  most  vicious
   generals.  When he is the leader of the government, you
   cannot expect him to negotiate with Arafat.  He regards
   Arafat  as  a  terrorist.  He won't even stick  to  the
   agreement reached in Norway.  He rejected that.  It was
   an agreement solemly entered into by Israel and Arafat.
   How can there be peace.
   Q.   You had a very good discussion with President Bush
   during APEC summit in Shanghai.
   A.   I explained that if I agreed with the US attack on
   Afghanistan, I will not only be attacked by the Islamic
   opposition party in Malaysia but also rejected  by  the
   majority  of  the people in Malaysia.   Malaysians,  no
   matter whether they are PAS or UMNO, or even Chinese or
   Indians  feel that the US shouldn't attack Afghanistan.
   Of  course we sympathise with the US over the  incident
   of  September 11.  Suppose I said that we must  support
   the US, I will lose support from my people.  Even if  I
   am  a  leader I have to to respect the feeling  of  the
   people.  President Bush understood what I meant.   That
   is why he doesn't press me to support him.
   Q.  How Japan should play role?
   A.   Japan  should  focus  on  rebuilding  Afghanistan,
   helping  refugees.  They are innocent  people  who  ran
   away  from  their  country, but are also  a  burden  on
   Q.   How  do  you see the development of US  and  Japan
   jointly organizing Afganistan rebuilding conference?
   A.   I think this kind of conference is very important.
   But  still the situation in Afghanistan is not  stable,
   so you have to help the refugees first.
   Q.   What do you think of Self Defense Force being sent
   to Afghanistan?
   A.   I  hope  they  are  not  going  to  fight  against
   Afghanistan.   But  if they are not aggressive  and  to
   protect the refugees it is all right.
   Q.    Is there still sensitive feeling because of World
   War Two?
   A.  I think people still remember and still have a fear
   and it will take a long time for some people to forget.
   Japan formed its Self Defense Force to protect its  own
   territory.  It should remain in that role.
   Q.  How can you spread the real teachings of Islam?
   A.   It  is  difficult.  Unlike the Christian  religion
   which  has  priesthood of whom the  Pope  is  the  most
   powerful  and  important figure, and he will  make  the
   decision, we don't have that system.  The reason is the
   same, we don't want to have anybody to use his position
   in   order   to   propagate  his  own  interest.    But
   unfortunately  we don't have a priest  system,  anybody
   who is learned in Islam can make his own interpretation
   and can even declare a holy war by himself.  We have so
   many  people  declaring  holy wars.   For  example,  in
   Malaysia,  the  opposition  party  talks  about   Jihad
   against  us fellow Muslims, but it is wrong.   When  we
   tell  that this is wrong, some people will believe  but
   not  all.    That  is the problem with  Islam,  because
   there is no single authority to make any pronouncement.
   Sometimes  we  try  to have the head  of  the  Al-Azhar
   University,  we take his fatwa, his pronouncement,  but
   other  people  can still reject.  We are  divided  into
   many  sects.   Within  each sect, there  will  be  many
   people with different interpretation.  For example, the
   so  called Jihad, is translated as a holy war, but from
   the teachings of the Prophet, fighting against your own
   selfish feelings is also Jihad.  Fighting against  your
   lust,  the  desire to gratify yourself is  also  Jihad.
   Lots  of  things,  that we do will  be  interpreted  as
   Jihad.  But these people like to equate Jihad to a holy
   war.  Their followers will accept their interpretation.
   Other  people will reject their interpretation.  So  it
   is a bit confusing.  Many people cannot understand.
   Q.    How about the opposition party in Malaysia?
   A.   They make their own interpretation.  They take one
   sentence from the Koran, sometimes half a sentence  and
   make   their   own   interpretation  to   suite   their
   objectives.   Ignorant people will accept  it.   It  is
   very  difficult  to  stop  them.   We  explain  but  it
   depends, some of them accept, some of them don't.  They
   even teach hatred in kindergarten, which is not Islamic
   at  all.  Muslims are supposed to be brothers, but they
   teach  their children to head other Muslims.  In  Islam
   there is a lot of flexibility.  You do something,  only
   because you can do.  If you cannot do, you are not  ask
   to do it.  You cannot eat pork, but if you are starving
   and  there  is  no other food, you can eat  pork.   The
   interpretation is that you are only enjoined to  follow
   when  you  can.  If  a  person tortures  you,  you  can
   renounce  Islam.   But  in your heart  you  don't,  but
   verbally  you  can.  They don't want  you  to  die  for
   nothing, just because you continue saying I am  Muslim,
   I  am Muslim, until somebody comes and kills you.    In
   the  Koran,  it  is very clear on how to respect  other
   religions. To you your religion, to me my religion, you
   pray in your own way, and I pray in my own way.  Do not
   force  people  to  embrace  your  religion.   But   the
   followers  of  Islam themselves like to  force  people.
   For  example  when  they win the war,  they  force  the
   prisoners to accept Islam, or else they will kill them.
   Q.   How did this kind of narrow interpretation or even
   wrong teachings of Islam spread?
   A.   Because we are very strong in our belief.  We tend
   to  follow  the people who are said to be knowledgeable
   about  Islam.  They are called Ulama, the learned ones.
   They  are not satisfied with just teaching Islam.  They
   want  power  for themselves.  So because they  have  so
   much  influence  on  people,  they  want  to  use   the
   influence to gain power.  So in some countries you  can
   have elections, you can have general assembly, but  the
   final  say remains with the counsel of Ulama.   In  the
   end  they  will decide.  The more fanatical people  are
   towards  religion, the more powerful would  the  ulamas
   be.  All these people will refer to them, anything they
   will say they will accept.
   Q.   But  unfortunately, non Muslim think that this  is
   A.   That is true, we cannot blame you for having  that
   impression.   If  we have views that is different  from
   that  extreme view, we may not get the support  of  the
   people.  Muslims will say that you are not adhering  to
   the teachings of Islam.  Many who try to give the right
   interpretation  of  Islam, who go against  the  learned
   ones, some of them are killed or assassinated, so  they
   are  afraid to say the truth.  In Egypt they  have  the
   Muslim  brotherhood.  Anybody who  doesn't  agree  with
   them,  will be killed.  So the open minded Muslims  are
   afraid to speak out.
   Q.   Malaysia is quite different.  Malaysia is a Muslim
   country, but harmonize with Chinese and Indian,  it  is
   like a showcase.
   A.   I have been able to maintain rationality among the
   majority  of  Muslims because I studied  the  religion.
   Because when anybody says something wrong, I can  point
   out that this is wrong.  What I say is acceptable, even
   to the religious people.  That is why it is possible in
   Malaysia.  If I don't understand the religion, and  say
   that  it is old fashion, this is nonsense we are living
   in the modern world, we have to forget about this, then
   people will say I don't conform to the religion.  But I
   learned   about  my  religion,  I  learned  the   Koran
   thoroughly, the traditions of the Prophet as well, so I
   can say this is what the Koran says.
   Q.    What  is  the  discussion  between  you  and  the
   opposition about Islamic State?
   A.   Malaysia  is an Islamic State.  The interpretation
   is  where  Muslims have the authority  even  if  it  is
   shared,  and  non-Muslims are not oppressed,  they  are
   free  to  practice their religion, no  hindrance,  that
   makes  an  ideal  Islamic State.   There  are  so  many
   interpretations of Islamic State.  There are 54  Muslim
   countries in the world.  They are not exactly the same.
   Some proclaim themselves as Islamic Republics, some are
   called  Secular  State, but they are  all  governed  by
   Islam.  They are recognized as Muslim countries.  Among
   those  54  countries, Malaysia  is  one  of  them.   In
   Malaysia,  Muslims are free to practice their religion,
   Muslim  laws  are upheld but only applied  to  Muslims.
   Islam is the official religion of this country.  So the
   opposition  cannot say that Malaysia is  not  a  Muslim
   country.   A  lot of countries look to  Malaysia  as  a
   model of an Islamic country.  Many of them come to  see
   how a country that is ruled by Muslims can prosper, can
   be  stable,  can be peaceful, despite having  many  non
   Q.   How  can  a Muslim country cope with  the  Western
   A.    Normal  relationship.   If  shouldn't  make   any
   difference that we are a Muslim country.  Our  relation
   with  them  is  just a relation between  two  different
   countries.   This  is  what I  emphasize.   We  are  an
   independent country, we have our own policies, we don't
   disturb   your  internal  affairs,  we  want  to   have
   relations with you, we want to trade with you, we  want
   to have diplomatic relationship with you, but you don't
   try  to  impose on us with your own system or ideology.
   We will not to Islamize you as well.  That is all.
   Q.   US  is an important trading partner with Malaysia,
   how is this affected?
   A.  It harmed the economy not only in Malaysia.  The US
   is  a  buyer of 20% of Malaysian goods.  The manner  of
   the  attack using civil aircraft, caused so much damage
   that people are afraid of flying, not only tourist  but
   also  the  business community.  So it is very difficult
   to  do business, because people are not contacting each
   other.  You can contact by internet, but it is not  the
   same.  You must see the country, you must visit and see
   each  other  to  do business.  So it is  affecting  the
   whole world.
   Q.  How can a region cooperate?
   A.   I  think  there  is room for us  to  cooperate  to
   exchange   information,  to  overcome  this   fear   of
   terrorist attacks.  We are not a target because we have
   not  been  involved  in  supporting  actions  that  are
   against  Islam.   As  you  point  out  that  there  are
   terrorist  in  Japan as well.  One of the  reasons  why
   there  are terrorist is extreme capitalism which people
   are  violently  opposed  to.   This  we  also  have  to
   correct, this capitalism that exploits the whole  world
   without caring.  For example the currency traders  made
   us  all  poor, that is very bad.  Because the countries
   of  East  Asia  were  just trying to develop,  suddenly
   became poor, millions of people became jobless.  So the
   feeling  of  the people is very much against capitalism
   and  it became stronger and stronger.  Today capitalism
   recognize no restriction.  They want to impose this  on
   the  globalized world, so that they can go anywhere and
   make as much money as they like.  And when they want to
   they  will  pull out the money, as a result,  you  lose
   everything,  your economy collapses',  but  they  don't
   care  as  long  as  they save their own  money.   If  a
   company is bankrupted it doesn't matter, if the  people
   commit  suicide, thousands lose their  jobs,  they  are
   accused of inefficiency.  In Japan, you want to  follow
   the Western system, before you had life time employment
   so  you  had little social problems.  But now,  if  the
   business  is  not  doing  well,  first  sack  your  own
   workers.   With  Americans you can  sack  that  is  all
   right.  They  will  go  to the door  and  collect  some
   unemployment pay from the government and they  are  OK.
   But  in Japan, if you are sacked, you are ashamed,  you
   don't  go to your family so it will create a big social
   problem.   So  while one system may  be  good  for  one
   country  it  should  not be imposed on  all  countries.
   Because the result can be disastrous.  For Japan, it is
   difficult  to recover.  Any change at any  time  causes
   disruption.   When  you change for  a  system  that  is
   totally unsuitable for your culture, then you will have
   a  prolonged  bad  effect.   Look  at  Indonesia.   The
   Suharto  government was authoritarian.   But  Indonesia
   was  peaceful,  no breakaway, millions of  people  were
   employed.   Then  you changed to democracy,  of  course
   democracy  is  good, but people didn't  understand  how
   they   should   make  democracy  work.   They   thought
   democracy    means   freedom,   they   can    overthrow
   governments,  demonstrate on the  street,  even  revolt
   againt  the government and try to form your own  state,
   fight  between Muslims and Christians, which they never
   did  before.  They are not used to democracy, and as  a
   result the country is still unable to pick up.
   Q.  During the crisis, you are told not to help private
   companies  which are bailing out, now the US  is  doing
   it,  and  you suggested to monitor the hedge fund,  now
   they are asking to monitor terrorist money?
   A.   Yes that is right.  All the airline companies  are
   being bailed out, US government is injecting 17 billion
   dollars.  And they are asking 50 billion dollars  more.
   They  are nearly bankrupt.  This is what they have been
   saying  to  us  during the crisis, and  now  all  their
   airlines  are  going to be bankrupt without  government
   Q.   Now  the US is the only super power, do you  think
   another super power such as China is needed?
   A.  I think China is trying to move closer to Russia in
   order  to  try to balance things.  I think  balance  is
   always  very  good,  if you don't have  any  option  to
   change  sides  and  with, only one superpower  it  will
   misbehave.   The  US can be one superpower  and  become
   very popular, if it shows a caring attitude towards the
   rest  of the world.  There was a time when the US tried
   to  help  people,  they  were  very  popular.  But  now
   sanctions  against  this country  and  that,  they  are
   saying  you  are  not democratic so we  will  not  give
   money, this kind of attitude is causing dislike for the
   US.   Some  Americans realize this, because  there  are
   certain pressure group within the country, they are not
   able  to  make  use of their wealth and  power  to  win
   support  of  themselves.   If  the  US  were  to   help
   countries genuinely, not to try and exploit them but to
   help   these   countries,  they  can  build   a   great
   civilization  for the whole world.  I am  against  war,
   because it is very damaging.  Why can't we sit down and
   help  each other.  There is enough wealth in this world
   to  ensure  nobody starves, nobody will die because  of
   it,  enough  shelter, foods.  US per capita  is  30,000
   dollars.  In many countries per capita is less than 100
   dollars.  What are you doing with 30,000 dollars.  Even
   if  you  eat, you will overeat, but if you give just  a
   little  bit,  many people can survive.   The  world  is
   obsessed with money and wealth.  Everything is  focused
   on  wealth  and  money, very selfish.  The  world  must
   concentrate on the well being of people.  Now there  is
   no  religion  just hedonism, the love of pleasure.   We
   really  have to think about others.  That is why  today
   the  world  is in such a state of turmoil.   Capitalism
   has gone crazy.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


