Tempat/Venue	:	NEW YORK, USA
Tarikh/Date	:	03-02-2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM

  1.   Islam is a religion of peace and moderation.   If  it
  does  not appear to be so today, it is not because of  the
  teachings of Islam but the interpretations made  by  those
  apparently  learned  in  Islam to suit  their  patrons  or
  their own vested interest.
  2.   Islam  differs from the other monotheistic religions;
  Judaism  and  Christianity, because it has  no  system  of
  priests.   Muslims believe that the Hebrew  and  Christian
  priests had changed the original religions.  They  do  not
  want priests to change Islam.
  3.   But  over the centuries those learned in  Islam,  the
  ulama,  gained such authority over the Muslims laity  that
  many  of  them tended to use their considerable  influence
  to  gain  power  for  themselves.  They  become  like  the
  priests of other religions.
  4.    The   early  ulamas  were  knowledgeable   in   many
  disciplines  besides  Islamic theology.   Today  political
  ulamas  are  only knowledgeable about those parts  of  the
  teachings   of   Islam  which  seemingly   support   their
  political views.  Many misinterpret and distort  Islam  in
  order  to  legitimise their political creed.  A  favourite
  one  is  that  only  ulamas may rule a country,  democracy
  5.   These political ulamas reject knowledge that  is  not
  specifically  religious for fear that  such  people  might
  challenge  their  authority.  Although the  early  Muslims
  were  great  scholars  excelling in  mathematics  and  the
  sciences, today's Muslims are generally backward  in  most
  fields  of  learning.  They are also not knowledgeable  in
  6.   Every time an attempt is made to bring Muslim nations
  to  the development levels of non-Muslim countries, Muslim
  groups would emerge demanding a "return to Islam."   These
  groups  are usually violent and often declare "holy  wars"
  against  Muslim Governments trying to develop the country.
  And  because  Muslim  countries are backward,  instead  of
  helping themselves as enjoined by the Quran, they tend  to
  depend solely on divine help, lead by the deviant ulamas.
  7.   In  Malaysia, the Government which I lead is  labeled
  secular  and  unIslamic  by the  opposition  Pan  Malaysia
  Islamic  Party, led by people who claim they  are  Ulamas.
  Hatred  for  the so-called secular Government is  fostered
  from  the  kindergarten  onwards.  Fighting  against  this
  hate  campaign  absorb much of the time of the  Government
  and hinders development.
  8.   Actually Malaysia is already an Islamic country.  The
  State  religion  is Islam and Muslims can  practise  their
  religion  and apply the syariah laws as family laws.   All
  the  religious  needs  of  Muslims  are  provided  by  the
  Government.    At the same time non-Muslims  are  free  to
  practise  their  religions, because this is  permitted  by
  Islam.  But deviant Muslims still insist that Malaysia  is
  secular   and  the  Government  must  be  overthrown,   by
  violence preferably.
  The  problem that is faced by Muslim countries is actually
  due  to  deviation from Islamic fundamentals.  People  are
  fond  of  equating  fundamentalists  with  fanatical   and
  extreme  orthodoxy.   But the fundamentals  of  Islam  are
  simple  and  basic  and  good.    This  is  because  Islam
  preaches peace and the brotherhood of Muslims.
  9.   Islam  abhors wars of aggression and the  killing  of
  innocent people.  Defensive wars are permitted but  should
  the  enemy sue for peace, Muslims must respond positively.
  Islam  promotes the acquisition of knowledge  and  skills.
  But  the  ulamas  later interpreted learning  as  learning
  religion  only.   Bereft  of non-religious  knowledge  the
  great Islamic civilisation declined and faded away.
  10.   If  the Muslims stick to the fundamentals  of  Islam
  they  would  not be divided into a multitude of  different
  sects,  race  and nations each claiming  to  be  the  true
  Muslim  or more Muslim than the others.  Not only do  they
  oppose  each  other but frequently they make war  on  each
  11.   If Muslims return to the fundamentals of Islam, then
  the  religion will ensure the development of  the  Muslims
  and  their  nations, and their being at  peace  with  each
  other  and  with  non-Muslim nations.  The Muslim  nations
  would  be well administered by trained and skillful people
  and  would be able to compete within the global community.
  They  would  then have a vested interest in  international
  stability and peace and would want to maintain it.
  12.   In multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia we have
  tried  to  practise the fundamentals of  Islam.   But  the
  extremist deviants are always sniping at us.  Still  Malay
  Muslims  have  largely  refused to be  deviated  from  the
  fundamentals  of Islam and to give power to self-appointed
  ulamas incompetent in administration and development.
  13.   Malaysia is a reasonably developed modern nation not
  in  spite of Islam but because of Islam, because it  tries
  to  adhere  to  the fundamentals of Islam.  Islam  is  not
  just  a  religion.  It is a way of life.  It should  bring
  about  peace, stability and success.  It is a way of  life
  which  does not neglect spiritual values.  It is a way  of
  life  which can bring greatness to the followers of Islam,
  as it once did.
  14.   If  today  Islam is perceived to be  a  religion  of
  backward,  violent  and  irrational  people,  it  is   not
  because  of Islam itself as a faith and way of  life.   It
  is  because Muslims have deviated from the fundamentals of
  Islam,  have  abused  the teachings in  order  to  justify
  their personal greed and ambitions.
  15.   Islam, fundamental Islam, does not have just a  role
  in   the   Modern   Islamic  state.    In   this   grossly
  materialistic age, Islam can instill the spiritual  values
  which  distinguish man from the lower creatures.  Malaysia
  is  comfortable  with  Islam and we can  become  a  modern
  developed country.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


