Tempat/Venue	:	BERLIN, GERMANY
Tarikh/Date	:	19-03-2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM 

        It  is  a great pleasure for me to be in  Berlin.
   When I was last in Berlin in 1988, the wall had not yet
   been  dismantled.  Then the `Berlin Wall',  as  it  was
   known  to the world, stood as an ominous reminder  that
   not  merely  was  Berlin divided but  Germany  too  was
   divided physically and ideologically.
   2.   Following the tumultuous events that unfolded with
   the  collapse of the Soviet bloc, Berlin is once  again
   free and Germany reunified.
   3.    Now, revisiting Berlin almost 12 years after  the
   dismantling of the wall, it is such a pleasure  for  me
   to  see  a  new, vibrant Berlin, which has  once  again
   become the capital of a united Germany.
   4.    I  note  the  obvious signs of renewal  and  hope
   everywhere in Berlin.  From the construction of  modern
   new  buildings like those in the Potsdameplatz, to  the
   restoration  of  the splendid old buildings  along  the
   Unter  Den  Linden  and elsewhere  in  the  city.   The
   museums,  opera houses, concert halls and the  theatres
   of   Berlin   distinguish  the  City  as   a   cultural
   5.    The  Reichstag  (Parliament)  building  with  its
   distinctive   new  glass  dome  truly  represents   the
   aspirations of the German people.
   6.    It  has  been hardly two years that  the  capital
   moved  from  Bonn to Berlin but already Berlin  appears
   very comfortable in its role as the capital.
   7.    In  the space of less than two years, Berlin  has
   also won the acceptance not merely of the German people
   but  of  the whole world as the capital of the  Federal
   Republic of Germany.
   8.     I  wish  to  congratulate  the  people  and  the
   Government  of Germany in the successful transformation
   of Berlin.
   9.    It  is clear that the Germany today is profoundly
   committed  to a prosperous, peaceful, just  and  stable
   world,  with  a major role in Europe and the  world  at
   large.   While the wall may have been consigned to  the
   pages  of  history,  I am sure the German  people  will
   never  forget what the wall symbolises and the  lessons
   of history.
   10.   Over the years the German economy has grown  from
   strength  to  strength.  Today it is the third  largest
   global   economy.   It  is  a  remarkable   achievement
   considering  the almost total destruction  of  Germanic
   industrial capacity during the war.
   11.  German industry has also played an active role  in
   the  Global economy, through its off-shore investments.
   As  a  matter of fact, Germany has recently emerged  as
   Malaysia's  biggest  investor and  trade  partner  from
   Europe, having displaced the United Kingdom with  which
   Malaysia  has  had  a long association  since  colonial
   12.   I  wish  to  thank  German  companies  for  their
   confidence in Malaysia.  I am sure you know Malaysia is
   a  safe  and  profitable place to put  your  money  in,
   otherwise  you would not.  I would like to  assure  you
   that  Malaysia  will continue to be a safe  and  stable
   place for you to invest in.
   13.   It  is now my pleasant duty to declare open  this
   new  building of the Embassy of Malaysia.   It  is  our
   modest  contribution  to the architecture  of  the  new

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


