Tarikh/Date	:	01-04-2002
Versi 		:	ENGLISH
Penyampai	:  	PM  

       I am greatly honoured to be asked to speak at this
   very  crucial  Extraordinary  Session  of  the  Islamic
   Conference of Foreign Ministers on Terrorism.
   2.   Terrorism we all know has always been with us.  It
   is not a new phenomenon.  What is new is that newer and
   more  diabolical ways have been used in order  to  kill
   and  injure  more  people and achieve more  spectacular
   3.    But  we  have  always been  ambiguous,  regarding
   terrorism  in  other countries as not really  terrorism
   but as the legitimate struggles of people against their
   oppressive Governments or alien rule.   As long  as  it
   happens to other people we do not believe we should  do
   4.    Certainly we do not feel a need for  a  universal
   effort to fight against terrorism.
   5.   But we know now that no country is safe, no one is
   6.    We  recognise now that terrorism is  a  crime,  a
   heinous  crime against humanity as a whole.   It  is  a
   crime against the whole world no matter who or what  or
   which  country  has  been or is  being  targeted.   The
   attack  on   September 11 we know,  affects  the  whole
   world  and  damages not just buildings in a  particular
   country and the people in them but it has struck at the
   very  foundation  of  the world's economy  and  it  has
   resulted  in death and destruction for the country  and
   people believed to be the base of the attacks.   It has
   shattered the confidence of the world and has  left  an
   atmosphere  of  fear.   The fallout  from  that  terror
   attack  is  not over yet.    Others will  suffer,  will
   lose  their  freedom, their rights and will lose  their
   lives too.  They will have to flee from their countries
   and live in misery in sub-human conditions.
   7.    Even the richest and most powerful countries, far
   removed from the scene of  terror attacks will pay  the
   price in other ways.
   8.    Perhaps  the September 11 attacks are unusual  in
   the  extent  of the fallout.  But terrorist attacks  in
   the  past have also had an effect on the world.  We may
   not have realised it but actually for years now we have
   been  living  in  fear.   That is  why  we  accept  the
   security measures taken by every country.  We know that
   even  the  innocent  among us may be  gunned  down,  or
   kidnapped and killed.
   9.    There was a time when air travel was so safe that
   nobody  checks  our  luggage.   Then  came  the   first
   hijacking.   Since  then we have to undergo  ever  more
   stringent checks, ever more inconvenience.  And yet  we
   still  feel fear, for despite the checks the  aircrafts
   could  still be used as guided missiles even.  We  will
   be  more strict now, but we can never really be certain
   that  the  aircraft we are traveling in  would  not  be
   exposed  to  newer acts of terror.  We fly despite  the
   inconvenience of security checks but we fly in fear.
   10.   Millions of us need to travel and whether we  are
   in  the  air or on the ground we will always be exposed
   to  terrorist  attacks, to kidnapping,  being  held  to
   ransom and killed even.
   11.   The  world is inventing more and more new weapons
   for  conventional war.  Every country  prepares  for  a
   frontal  attack.    And so the weapons  race  goes  on,
   bleeding  the nations involved, bleeding other  nations
   as  they are forced to acquire these weapons which they
   will never use for decades.
   12.   But  all  the  while there will be  some  people,
   misguided perhaps, who watch the development  of  these
   weapons.   These  are  the  people  who  plan  to  make
   terrorist  attacks.  And there will be  any  number  of
   greedy  people willing to procure and sell  the  latest
   weaponry to the would be terrorists.
   13.   Today  it is entirely possible for terrorists  to
   acquire the weapons of mass destruction.  A small  vial
   of  deadly  bacteria, or virus is not too difficult  to
   come  by.  Indeed it is possible now to acquire nuclear
   weapons even.  Whether the world is aware of it or  not
   we  are being held to ransom.  We pay a high price  for
   protection  but some day, despite all our  precautions,
   our  security  arrangements, we may see  these  weapons
   being  employed not by security forces  but  by  terror
   groups or individuals.
   14.   And  all  this while the cost of defense  against
   terrorism will mount inexorably, both in terms of money
   and our convenience and our life-style.
   15.  We must all fight against terrorists and terrorism
   for none of us are really safe.  But we cannot fight an
   enemy we cannot identify.
   16.   Fighting terrorists is not like fighting  another
   country.   We  can  flatten  the  enemy  country  until
   nothing  is  left  of  that country.   It  is  entirely
   possible to do that now, and it has been done.   But we
   can  still miss the terrorists, for we do not know  who
   they  are and where they are.   They may not be in  the
   country we have destroyed.  They may be elsewhere; they
   may even be in our own country.
   17.   Today  people are mobile and there is no  country
   that  is  ethnically pure.  Migration  takes  place  as
   travel becomes more easy and almost every country  will
   become  ever  more  multi-racial,  multi-religious  and
   multi-ethnic.  Swearing allegiance guarantees  nothing.
   There  will always be aliens among us.  We cannot  keep
   track of all the aliens in all the countries.  In  fact
   we  can never be certain that our own people might  not
   be terrorists, or potential terrorists.
   18.   We cannot hunt down terrorists until we all agree
   who  they are and we cooperate in the hunt.  We have  a
   need to agree on the way to identify the terrorist,  to
   agree   on   what   constitutes  an  act   of   terror.
   Discriminating  against people who  are  ethnically  or
   religiously similar to the terrorists only angers  more
   people  and perhaps contribute to the breeding  of  new
   terrorists.  It is counter productive.
   19.   We already know that it is entirely possible  for
   freedom  fighters struggling against oppression  to  be
   mistaken   for  and  to  be  deliberately  labeled   as
   terrorists  by their oppressors.   Thus Jomo  Kenyatta,
   Robert  Mugabe,  Nelson Mandela, Sam  Nujoma  were  all
   labeled  as  terrorists, were  hunted  and  faced  jail
   sentences if they were captured.
   20.   But  we  know  that today they  are  accepted  as
   respected leaders of their countries.
   21.   Clearly  today's terrorists may be  re-designated
   freedom  fighters tomorrow and today's freedom fighters
   may  become  terrorists  the  next  day  depending   on
   circumstances.   If we hunt everyone whom  some  people
   refer to as terrorists we may be doing a great deal  of
   22.   On  the other hand misguided people and countries
   may harbour and support terrorists believing them to be
   fighting  for  a  legitimate  cause.   In  the  liberal
   western  countries  there are quite a  few  terrorists'
   cells working in support of terrorist organisations  in
   other  countries.  They  are  not  too  different  from
   Afghanistan  which provided a haven  for  the  Al-Qaeda
   23.   So  how  do we identify terrorists?   How  do  we
   distinguish freedom fighters from terrorists, how do we
   determine which government should be condemned for acts
   of terrorism or harbouring terrorists?
   24.  War is about killing people.  Why should it matter
   how people are killed?  Yet today in war poison gas  is
   outlawed by international convention.  In the struggles
   waged  by  oppressed people, can there  be  weapons  or
   forms  of  attacks,  which  should  be  proscribed   by
   international convention?  Can there be aggressive acts
   by  those  in authority, which should be condemned  and
   25.   Terrorists will not respect convention.  So  what
   good   would  conventions  do  in  the  fight   against
   terrorists?  Nothing at all.  But it will put the  onus
   on  Governments  everywhere to act  against  those  who
   violate these conventions.
   26.   Before  we can agree on the conventions  we  must
   decide  what  acts constitute acts of  terror  and  who
   should be described as terrorists.
   27.  I would like to suggest here that armed attacks or
   other  forms  of  attack  against  civilians  must   be
   regarded   as  acts  of  terror  and  the  perpetrators
   regarded  as  terrorists.  Whether  the  attackers  are
   acting  on  their  own  or  on  the  orders  of   their
   Governments,  whether they are regulars or  irregulars,
   if  the attack is against civilians, then they must  be
   considered as terrorists.
   28.   Groups  or Governments, which support attacks  on
   civilians, must be regarded as terrorists, irrespective
   of  the  justification of the operations  carried  out,
   irrespective of the nobility of the struggle.
   29.   However, if civilians are accidentally caught  in
   the  crossfire, the attackers should not be labeled  as
   30.   According  to this definition of  terrorism,  the
   attack  on the World Trade Center on September 11,  the
   human  bomb  attacks  by  Palestinians  and  the  Tamil
   Tigers,   the  attacks  against  civilians  by  Israeli
   forces, the killings of Bosnian Muslims and others must
   be  considered  as acts of terror and the  perpetrators
   must be condemned as terrorists.  And anyone supporting
   them  must  be considered as terrorists.  Where  states
   are  behind the acts of terrorism, the whole Government
   must  stand condemned.  But no race or religion  should
   be  condemned  or discriminated against simply  because
   people  of the same race or their co-religionists  have
   been involved in terrorist activities.
   31.   While  we may be able to agree on what constitute
   acts  of  terrorism  and  who should  be  condemned  as
   terrorists, it is important that there is international
   agreement   on  the  condemnation  of  any   particular
   incident  or incidents as acts of terror by terrorists.
   Then  the world community can cooperate and participate
   in   whatever  action  is  to  be  taken  against   the
   perpetrators.    Here  there  is  no   authority   more
   competent  than  the  United  Nations  to  make   these
   decisions.   Once  the UN has decided the  whole  world
   must   cooperate  fully  in  the  fight   against   the
   terrorists concerned.
   32.  While we should identify terrorists everywhere and
   act  in whatever way prescribed we must also find  ways
   and  means to prevent as much as possible the  tendency
   of   certain  people  or  Governments  to   resort   to
   terrorism.   We  must  identify  the  causes  of  their
   bitterness  and anger and we must remove these  causes.
   I  don't think people would want to blast themselves to
   death  simply because they enjoy doing so.   These  are
   acts of the desperate, acts of people who see no way to
   redress   their   grievances,   to   alleviate    their
   sufferings.   We cannot just dismiss them as  senseless
   perverts who enjoy terrorising people.
   33.   If we want to stop new acts of terrorism we  will
   have  to  attend  to the causes of the  bitterness  and
   anger and try to eliminate them.  We must seriously try
   to do this.
   34.   Today  we live in a glaringly inequitable  world.
   While  some countries and people are terribly rich  and
   powerful  other  countries  are  terribly  poor.   Even
   within  countries  there is extreme  disparity  in  the
   wealth  of the rich and the poor.  Today capitalism  is
   supreme  and there is no more option to defect  to  the
   Socialist or the Communist system.  The rich  of  today
   do   not   even   try   to  hide  their   avarice   and
   acquisitiveness.  In fact in the eyes of the helplessly
   poor  the rich appear very oppressive, forcing them  to
   accept  systems, ideologies and values which  they  are
   not yet ready for.  Worldwide there is a great deal  of
   bitterness and anger among the deprived because of  the
   resulting  disparities between the rich and  the  poor,
   the  strong  and the weak.  These factors can  lead  to
   acts of terror.
   35.   The  world  must  address these  injustices  more
   seriously  than just preaching the values of  tolerance
   and understanding while ignoring the adverse results of
   these "virtues".
   36.   For the Muslims the grievances are real and truly
   unbearable,  beyond mere understanding  and  tolerance.
   For  the past five decades the Palestinians for example
   have not only had their lands confiscated but they  had
   also been expelled from their own land by the Israelis.
   Their  puny attempts to regain their territory  through
   conventional  war  with  the help  of  friendly  states
   failed  and they lost more land.  In the occupied  land
   the  Palestinians  were  subjected  to  oppression  and
   humiliation.  Because they throw stone at the  Israelis
   they  are shot at and killed, children included.    For
   the  Israelis it is not an eye for an eye; it is a life
   for  being  hit  by  a  stone.  They  believe  that  by
   terrorising  the terrorists they can stop the  carnage.
   The  suicide  bombers consider themselves already  dead
   and  are on the way to heaven.  They are not likely  to
   be  deterred  by  the threat of death.   Killing  their
   leader  is  not  going  to help either.   More  violent
   leaders  will replace the fallen leader and the  terror
   attacks  will go on.  The Holocaust did not defeat  the
   Jews.   A second Holocaust with Arabs for victims  will
   not  defeat  the Arabs either.  Israelis must  come  to
   their  senses and opt for deescalation of terror rather
   than escalating it.
   37.   If  the  Israelis  won't,  then  the  world  must
   forcibly  stop them.  If we are serious about  stopping
   terrorists then we must stop both the Palestinians  and
   the Israelis from mutual massacre.
   38.   In Bosnia-Herzegovina more than a 100,000 Muslims
   were  massacred in full view of television viewers  and
   for  a  long  time nothing was done.  The Muslims  were
   actually  prevented from acquiring  weapons  to  defend
   themselves because this might result in more  killings,
   i.e. the death of their enemies might add to the number
   of  casualties.   If only Muslims were killed  and  the
   Serbs  saved  then  obviously the casualties  would  be
   less.   We have seen that the world can put a  stop  to
   the killings of Muslims, but the world acted very late.
   Yet  the Slovenes and the Croats could be protected and
   they  were able to gain their independence without  too
   much bloodshed.
   39.   Elsewhere  Muslim  countries  are  subjected   to
   attacks and economic sanctions resulting in many deaths
   from deprivations of all kinds.
   40.   Because  of all these there is a  great  deal  of
   bitterness  and anger among Muslims.  The impotence  of
   Muslim countries to do anything to remedy the situation
   adds to this frustration and anger.  While the majority
   of  them  are  resigned to their fate, a  small  number
   cannot help but feel a need to vent their anger in some
   41.   These people may be misguided.  They may be wrong
   in  believing they are fighting a jihad,  a  holy  war.
   They  may  achieve  nothing to  put  an  end  to  their
   grievances.  Indeed they may actually be doing a lot of
   harm to their cause, to their co-religionists, to Islam
   itself.  But the fact remains that they are very  angry
   and  bitter  and  willing to commit  terrible  acts  of
   terror, even if they lose their lives in the process.
   42.   The  world must deal with these misguided  people
   not  just by hunting them down but also by removing the
   causes of their anger and frustration.
   43.  In Malaysia we had to deal with terrorists for  42
   long  years  -  from 1948 to 1990.  We  fought  against
   them, we hunted them and we punished them.  But we also
   looked into the causes of their insurrection.  We found
   that  they  were  mainly  Chinese  who  felt  alienated
   because  they had not been given citizenship status  by
   the  British.  Their insurrection was supported by  the
   majority of ordinary Chinese who sympathized with  them
   and who also felt just as alienated.
   44.   Accordingly the independent Malaysian  Government
   gave  more  than a million citizenship to the  Chinese,
   protected them, provided land for them, enabled them to
   go  about  their business, and gave them  a  meaningful
   participation  in the government of the country.   This
   was  what the Malaysian Government refers to as winning
   the  hearts  and minds of the people.  And the  Chinese
   were   won  over.   They  slowly  ceased  helping   the
   terrorists, stopped the recruitment of new members  and
   they  actually helped the Government apprehend many  of
   45.    What   the   Government  did  may   sound   like
   appeasement.   It  may encourage people  to  resort  to
   terrorism in order to achieve their objectives.  But by
   removing  their  grievances and  the  causes  of  their
   violent  anger,  they had to admit that their  struggle
   had  become  meaningless.  Eventually  they  laid  down
   arms.   Today  Malaysians of Chinese origin  are  peace
   loving and loyal to the country.
   46.  If Malaysia's experience is anything to go by,  in
   the fight against terrorism world wide, the causes, the
   grievances of the terrorists must be attended to.    We
   must win the hearts and minds of the people most likely
   to support or resort to terrorism.
   47.   The  extreme disparity between rich and poor  and
   poverty  must  be  reduced, the rigid  insistence  that
   everyone  must  accept the same  ideology  and  set  of
   values  must be relaxed and in the case of the Muslims,
   the  oppression  of  the  Palestinians  and  the  other
   Muslims and their countries must be brought to an end.
   48.  But Muslims everywhere must condemn terrorism once
   it  is clearly defined.  Terrorising people is not  the
   way of Islam.  Certainly killing innocent people is not
   Islamic.   Bitter and angry though we may  be  we  must
   demonstrate  to  the  world that Muslims  are  rational
   people  when  fighting for our rights  and  we  do  not
   resort  to acts of terror.  We must object strongly  to
   the  linking of Muslims with terror just because a  few
   Muslims have resorted to acts of terror.  We must point
   out that Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and others
   are  equally guilty of terrorism.  Terrorists  must  be
   identified by their acts, and nothing else.  And we  as
   responsible  Muslims  must  contribute  to  the   fight
   against terrorism by helping to define what constitutes
   terrorism and who are the terrorists.  And when that is
   done  we  can  all  join  in  the  fight  against   the
   terrorists, be they Muslims, or Christians, or  Hindus,
   or Jews.
   49.  The September 11 attack on New York and Washington
   is  an  unmitigated disaster for Muslims all  over  the
   world.   Our image, which had not been good,  has  been
   made worse.  It does not help that we are all weak  and
   50.   If the present crises in the Muslim world are  to
   be  overcome  we have to be serious about handling  it.
   You are here I believe because you recognize the danger
   facing  us.   Unless we are able to  turn  the  present
   worldwide anger over the terrorists attack of September
   11   into   a  real  campaign  against  all  terrorists
   irrespective of their religious faiths we are going  to
   find  that  Muslim bashing will be heightened  and  our
   struggle  to  alleviate the sufferings of  hundreds  of
   millions of oppressed Muslims will fail.
   51.   We have a duty here to the Muslim ummah, to Islam
   and   to   Allah  s.w.t    Let  us  put   aside   other
   considerations and strive for consensus  in  our  fight
   against  the blight of blind anger and frustration  and
   prove  that  Islam is indeed a way of  life  that  will
   bring about the well-being and glory to the Muslims and
   to Mankind as whole.
   52.   I pray that you will have a successful conference
   and may Allah s.w.t guide you all.  Amin.

   Sumber : Pejabat Perdana Menteri


